Pony Proxy

Pony Proxy

Reliable, capable and trustworthy substitute teaching when you need it most FAQs

Q: What interest does Pony Proxy have in my clients? I have my own instructors.

I don't want someone using this as a way to mooch clients from me. A: Only enough interest in the client to give them a quality lesson, keeping safety and learning a priority - on behalf of their current yard. Pony Proxy has no yard and therefore nowhere to take your clients. The stable yard Pony Proxy teaches for IS the client - not the individual students being taught and as such has absolutely


Lessons from a Pony Proxy substitute instructor

R50 per lesson or 30% of the lesson fee charged to the student - whichever amount is the greater

Please note that a minimum of R250 will be charged for if there is insufficient lessons to come to this amount.

Please note these prices are for the west to central areas of Johannesburg. Any other areas may be subject to travelling costs

Pony Proxy reserves the right to amend this disclaimer at any time without prior notification. Pony Proxy reserves the right to refuse service/decline/deny any work offered from any company or individual without explanation or cause. Any equestrian sport is a potentially dangerous. Though reasonable precaution will be taken to keep lessons as safe as possible, the use of Pony Proxy and its services are done so at your own risk. Pony Proxy hereby indemnifies itself as well as its owners and employees of any injury or damage that may arise to persons, animals or properties while conducting its services.

