Cheap International Flights
Fly from Johannesburg to Harare (vice versa) for R1500 one way and R2800 with return. inbox for rates for overseas flights and other African Countries.
call: +27780116243 WhatsApp: +27632470595 and +27764250596
Done for this week.
Why are you still waiting?
If you don't start now you'll never start.
travel fast, travel cheap. book your ticket weeks before your travel date
Long weekend is coming. Visit your friends and families across the borders at very low costs.
Book early and stand a chance of winning 2 tickets to and from OR Tambo and Harare.
As the number of booking is increasing everyday, we encourage you to book your flights weeks before your dates. You do not want to end up flying for more than R1500 one way and R2800 with return with other airlines.
Do not forget to spread the good news to your friends, family and relatives.
Never experience border pains again
We are now accepting ecocash if you are in Zimbabwe..
NO TO 18 hours from Harare to Johannesburg
NO TO 3 hours at the border.
NO TO Roadblocks
Why Bus if you can fly for almost the same amount.
flights from Zim to johanesburg and vise versa for only R1500 one way and 2800 with return. inbox for further details and bookings
Save time and stress of travelling by bus across the borders and FLY for almost similar price..
This graduation season and the end of easter, spend less on all international flights. Don't hesitate to give us a call with guaranteed cheap flights.