

Completehealing4me uses TRE(Tension/Trauma Release Exercises), Counselling and Energy healing to restore balance to the mind, body and aura.

When clients come and see me for various issues in their life, I ask them what kind of trauma they have experienced in their life. The usual response is " I haven't experienced any Trauma" You see, as South Africans, we have been so numbed by what is going on around us, that we don't consider many events as Trauma. Apart from the big traumatic events such as a death of a family member, r**e, hi-ja


How often have you hear the saying " You always take it out on those you love the most".
When we have unhealed trauma, we are easily triggered by other people, because they remind us of our previous experiences. These experiences make us defensive, reactive and vunerable and so we lash out at the people closest to us, very often when they were not responsible for our hurts. Healing from trauma is essential if you want a balanced happy life with your loved ones.


I just love running this course. The groups are small and by the end of the 12 weeks we feel like a family. Many of these groups continue to meet; friendships form and the BIG plus is that you have a much better understanding of who you are, what you want from life and how you are going to get there. I'm running two starting in April 2023. I only have one place left in the evening and three spots for the morning sessions, so if you keen, give me a WhatsApp asap. Looking forward to meeting you. xx

Completehealing4me Completehealing4me uses TRE(Tension/Trauma Release Exercises), Counselling and Energy healing to res


If you display a few a of the behaviours in the attached image, then there is a very high possibility that you have unhealed trauma. Unhealed trauma eventually leads to serious illness so start your healing journey today. Get help from a trained therapist who can assist you in resolving trauma and correcting any behaviour that is not self-serving.


A child is very quiet when they are usually talkative and full of life; your teenage daughter suddenly keeps away from her stepfather and retreats to her room as much as she can.....
These are signs from your child that perhaps trauma has occurred. Become vigilant. Observe what is happening around you. Often children will not speak up because they are fearful that you will not believe them, or they may even be threatened not to speak to anyone.


What a lovely day we had at THE RAINBOW ROOM, a small private school for autistic and special needs children. The staff participated in a workshop that discussed how to discipline without creating trauma in children. We had a lot of fun, and here are the teachers with their certificates of completion.


Completehealing4me Completehealing4me uses TRE(Tension/Trauma Release Exercises), Counselling and Energy healing to res


Why do so many people suffer from low self-esteem?
We have experiences as children that are traumatic... and seen through the eyes of a child, we perceive that it must have happened because we did something wrong. This is why we turn our anger inward. We attack ourselves and live with the constant notion that we are not good enough...
Healing happens when it is brought to our awareness that we were not to blame. We start looking back at our past experiences through the eyes of an adult and remove the negative thought patterns that we developed as a result of the hurt. We find modalities that allow us to release the trauma from our bodies so that we can start seeing ourselves as the incredible people that we are!


When we are uncomfortable with being touched, it usually signifies some kind of trauma, usually from when we were children. I am not talking about being touched in inappropriate places. I am talking about being hugged; a gentle touch of the arm. This is a way of communicating affection and love, and is an important aspect of being human.
However, if we were abused as a child or adult, our instinct will make us pull away as a form of defense, or make us uncomfortable. This behaviour reflects that some healing is required. Ask yourself some questions and do some reflecting of past situations so that you can discover why you feel uncomfortable. Once you have found the root cause of this behaviour, you can then start the healing process,


When something or someone triggers you, it's because there is something within you that needs healing. Instead of avoiding triggers, embrace them. Look at them to see what the underlying emotion is that is triggering you. It might be fear, jealousy or lack of self-worth. Once you know that, you can start healing yourself. The healing is complete when you no longer get triggered!


Last Artist's Way Course for the year. 3 spaces left. This is an incredible course to gain insight into your life and see what no longer serves you and discover your life's purpose.


Understand what happens to the soul before death, as well as what to expect after you have passed on. I discuss what happens to those that have committed su***de, how our loved ones who have passed connect with us and there is a guided meditation wherein you can connect to a passed - on loved one.
Knowing what happens after death can give you a different perspective on how you live your life in the now.


Most of our belief systems are formed when we are children. If we have a nurturing childhood, we form belief systems that support a positive future. However, if we have an abusive childhood that is traumatic, we form belief systems that create fearful and insecure adults. We are beings of energy, and thus if we are fearful and lack self-belief, we draw to us others that are also insecure and come from abusive pasts. The only way to stop this cycle, is to start doing inner work, and discover why you are attracting toxic people into your life. Everything that happens in our life is there to teach us a lesson. If you work out what the lesson is, the cycle is broken.


3 spaces left for my afternoon course starting in September. Only 4 weeks , once a week so completely do-able. Are you leading the kind of life you really want? If not, why?
Join the course to discover the truth and make the changes so that it can happen.
Men only course on Saturday mornings starting 3 September.


How often have we heard that expression!!! But it really is true. When we experience trauma it affects us by changing our belief systems. We don't trust ourselves or others, or feel that we aren't good enough to have the things or people that we really want in our lives. So we start self-sabotaging ourselves by driving those people that we really care about away from us.
The opposite happens when we love ourselves and we think that we are worthy of love and beautiful things in our lives. Because we have an inner happiness, it spills over into all parts of our lives, including our relationships - and happiness and love is contagious e.g. When someone smiles at you, we tend to smile back at them. That is a very simple example but it demonstrates what I mean.
If you have difficult situations or relationships in your life, the way to move forward is to do some inner work. Stop living in the past and blaming others for your unhappiness. Healing begins with you.


Only two spaces left on the Monday morning group and 5 on the Saturday morning course starting in September. Please WhatsApp me for further details.


Four two-hour sessions once a week that allow you to reflect and discover what is holding you back from creating the life you have always wanted. This is a workshop that can change your life..


Heal your Life Day at Eagle's View Yoga Studio was such a huge success. Chrisna and I would like to thank everyone who came and supported us, as well as everyone who helped with all the preparations of the venue and food. It was such fun and wonderful to just connect with like-minded people. # # #


When we think or say a word or sentence, it is absorbed by the Universe and comes back to us as an experience. Because thoughts happen so quickly, they can be difficult to change, but words come out slower, as are thus easier to edit.
Start listening to what you say. If you notice that you are being negative, stop yourself mid-sentence, and change your words to something positive. If you keep on doing this, you will eventually stop being negative altogether. It takes time, so one day at a time.

Home Body and Mind - Body and Mind Wellness Directory 01/07/2022

Reminder about the wonderful event being hoisted at Eagles View Yoga Studio on the 16th July. 8 different sessions showcasing various modalities from yoga, to brain therapy, dancing and a lot more. Loads of fun. This is for everyone, including the unfit. Participate in as many sessions as you would like to. Coffee, crafts and an organic market so bring some spending money. Places are limited so please bring some spending money...

Home Body and Mind - Body and Mind Wellness Directory Body and Mind Marketing of Health and Wellbeing. We strive to promote the A-Z of all complementary and alternative therapies.


Media over the past few decades determined what beauty is for us. They have done this through the images portrayed in magazines and on television, leading us to believe that if we are not very thin and wrinkle-free, we are less than. Products constantly flash across our screens advertising skin and beauty products, reminding us that we are not perfect.
The time has come to redress this concept of beauty. I have seen men and woman whose outer appearance is the epitome of perfection. However, their arrogance, self-absorption and lack of sparkle leaves me questioning if that is the concept I would use to describe as 'beauty'. In contrast, the most beautiful woman I ever saw was an old lady. Her face was completely covered with wrinkles, but she had a beautiful twinkle in her eye, and when she smiled, her entire face lit up. I have never forgotten her, and in my humble opinion, this is beauty.
What do you think?


Sometimes people come into your life, and straight away you know that they are meant to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, support you through a difficult time or teach you through example.
It could be anybody, but from the first moment you lock eyes you know that they will affect you in a profound way.
Sometimes the experience is difficult, but on reflection, you realise that it has made you into who you are. Everything happens for a reason.
Illness, injury, love, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to and comfortable, but dull and pointless.
The people who you meet who affect your life, and the successes and downfalls you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. Those lessons are probably the hardest and most probably the most important.


When we say we are OK but we aren't, we are suppressing our emotions and this can lead to disease. To begin the healing process, we need to acknowledge our feelings for what they are. We need to delve and explore our innermost thoughts to find the root of the issue and why we are not OK. Once we have done this, we can start the healing process. Its not about being a victim, and going on and on about all the bad things in our life. Rather, it is admitting that we feel a certain way and then discovering the reason for this, and doing something to address it.

CompleteHealing 4 Me offers the following therapies:

TRE ( Tension and Trauma Release Exercises):

Everyone has some degree of stress and anxiety in their life, but not everyone suffers from these in the same way. Some people thrive in highly stressful situations while others have ‘melt-downs’ in situations that are not nearly so stressful. The reason for this is the way that we respond to stress.

In the same way that we have an inbuilt response to clench and tighten our muscles in an attempt to protect ourselves, we also have an inbuilt mechanism to release tension and anxiety. This mechanism is neurogenic tremors that the body activates to release the tension held within the body. ( All mammals have this ability). The psoas muscles are responsible for putting us into our contracted posture. They connect to all five lumbar vertebrae of the spine and connect the back with the legs and spine. When these muscles are chronically tight, they can cause many dysfunctions within the body if left unresolved. When the tremors have been activated, they relax the deep tension in our muscles, realigning the fascia and bringing the body back into alignment. The tremors resolve issues deep within the body that cannot be resolved through massage alone.

Stress and trauma cannot always be dealt with through the use of ‘talk therapy’. Emotional disorders result from dysfunctions in the emotional brain. When our emotions are too strong, the predominance of the emotional over the cognitive brain takes over our mental functioning .The main task is to ‘reprogramme’ the emotional brain so that it adapts to what is happening in the present rather than reacting to what happened in the past. Through my experience, I have found that using TRE induces the body’s natural healing mechanisms for self-healing, restoring the body back to a state of harmony and balance. It provides clarity of thought and brain and heart coherence, allowing for the introduction of talk therapy.

Videos (show all)

Connect with Nature on the beautiful Transkei Coast. A few places left on this retreat. Contact me on 083 4578802 for fu...
Are you tired of comparing yourself to all the people in beauty magazines? We are always so critical of ourselves, never...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00