Pastor Gerald Hugo

Pastor Gerald Hugo

Encouragement at your finger tips. Daily Devotions and Motivations.


The Blessing is for you and your family.
Isaiah 65:23 NKJV
They shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the LORD, And their offspring with them.

God wants to save you and your entire family. God's covenantal relationship with His people is not limited to an individual or a single generation. The above verse signifies a multigenerational blessing, promising that not only will you be blessed but so too will be your children and their children. As individuals and as a people of faith, we are encouraged to live in a way that invites God's blessings, not just for ourselves, but for our generations to follow.

My generations are blessed.
We have favour with God.

Prophetic Instructions.
Do not let the devil discourage you with family members who are not yet born again and delivered. Keep praying for the salvation of your family and declare "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."
As you serve God faithfully expect to see the blessing even on your children and on their children.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Align your purpose with God’s will.
1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Labor is an integral part of human existence. From the sweat of our brow, we strive through various careers hoping that our efforts will yield success. This verse comforts us with a divine promise that our labour in the Lord will not be in vain. This is a reminder for us to align our purposes with God's will and to seek His blessing. He will bless our righteous endeavors, ensuring that our work has lasting significance. With the blessing of God you can be certain of uncommon success.

I walk in the plan of God.
My life is a testimony of His goodness.

Prophetic Instructions.
Be careful to enter places and spaces that does not carry God’s approval for your life.
Don’t let the enemy lure you into what glitters like gold, but tastes like soil.
Invite God into your plans and ask for His wisdom and guidance.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


The Spirit of Love
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Grace Tabernacle Church
Mamelodi, Pretoria
Sundays 10h00
Wednesdays 18h30
Our Rev Pastor Gerald Hugo will be teaching us about The Spirit of love. Stay tuned and listen in.


Continue to do good.
1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Have you ever done good to others, and you realised they were not good to you when it was in their power to do so? Well, you cannot depend on the arm of flesh, you will always be disappointed. You can depend on God even when it seems like all you sacrificed for Him has not yet yielded a harvest. You can be sure that He will reward your labour and all your sacrifices. You need to be steadfast and immovable.

I will continue to do good.
God is on my side.

Prophetic Instructions.
Remain steadfast and immovable in your work and sacrifice for the kingdom of God.
Serve God with gladness because your labour in the Lord is not in vain.
Keep doing good to others even when your goodness is overlooked; God sees it and He will reward you handsomely.
Wait patiently for your harvest of all the seeds you have ever sown in the kingdom of God.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Nothing you do for God is ever in vain. Serving God is a life that is filled with rewards of favour, protection, abundance and so much more. We owe God our lives, because He purchased us as His priced possession, and yet He does not treat us as slaves, but as sons. He gave us an inheritance and rewards for every sacrifice we make for Him or His work. Your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

My labor is not in vain.
I serve God with my life.

Prophetic Instructions.
Keep serving the Lord and believe that your labor is not in vain.
Remain faithful and focused even when it seems like your harvest take taking longer than expected.
Instead of complaining and doubting the faithfulness of God, thank Him for every blessing that is coming your way.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


The troubled child.
Isaiah 65:23 NKJV
They shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the LORD, And their offspring with them.

Are you bringing your parents joy or sorrow? The birth of a child is meant to be a joyous occasion, not one shadowed by the anticipation of hardship and sleepless nights. It is one thing to sit up with a sick baby, but it is a totally different experience to sit up in distress over a grown child who is causing trouble. Isaiah assures us of a future where children are born into a world of God's blessings rather than a cycle of distress. Dear parent there is hope for your child and with God all things are possible.

As for me and my house;
We will serve the Lord.

Prophetic Instructions.
Are you bringing your parents joy or sorrow?
Think about it for a minute.
Conduct your life in such a way that your parents will be proud of you and not sorrowful.
I want to join my faith with yours today as we pray for our children and especially for the salvation of a troubled child.
I believe God with you for the salvation and deliverance of your child.
We will declare as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Grace Tabernacle Church
Mamelodi, Pretoria
Sundays 10h00
Wednesdays 18h30
Listen in as Apostle Royal Seoseng teaches us from the Word of God.


Better things are coming your way.
Hebrews 6:9 NKJV
But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner.

God’s got a rich inheritance for you when you became His child. Salvation is not only the saving of your soul from sin and Satan to Christ and heaven. You became a child of God and an heir of His estate. You have entered into an inheritance of righteousness, wisdom, favour, health and wealth. You have no reason to be poor, sick and defeated anymore. All you need to do is to claim your inheritance by faith.

God wants what’s best for me.
I receive my inheritance.

Prophetic Instructions.
Believe that God wants what’s best for you.
See healing, favour, righteousness, health and wealth as your inheritance in Christ and not something you need to beg God for.
Lay hold of your inheritance in Christ by faith.
Thank God for your inheritance and lay claim of it.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


You are a son and not a slave.
Galatians 4:7 NIV
So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

Serving God does not make us slaves who serve a masters needs. It makes us sons who receive an inheritance that far outweighs the sacrifices of a servant. The more you walk with God the more you realise that your life depends on serving Him. God serves us with healing, deliverance, favour, blessings, protection and provision more than we serve Him with our sacrifices and faithfulness.

I am a son and not a slave.
God wants to do me good.

Prophetic Instructions.
Believe that God has an inheritance for you.
Refuse to live like a slave while you are a son.
Receive anything you need from God by grace through faith.
Do not beg God as if He is an unreasonable taskmaster.
Enter the presence of God with boldness and ask for what you need.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


God will give you joy in sorrow and provision in lack.
Psalm 103:2 NKJV
Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:

Is serving God your lifestyle or your duty? There comes a point where serving God becomes your lifestyle and not a duty. Christianity has become our lifestyle, because it is our healing in sickness, our light in darkness, our peace in chaos, our joy in sorrow, our provision in lack and our life in death. Those who look from the outside in, thinks we are wasting our lives for religion, instead we are living a much better life by faith.

God is my provision in lack.
My Healing in sickness.

Prophetic Instructions.
See christianity as your lifestyle and not an act of dutiful-worship.
Be aware that you benefit more from serving God than God benefits from you.
Be fully convinced that God is your healing in sickness, our light in darkness, our peace in chaos, our joy in sorrow, our provision in lack and our life in death.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Church Builders Conference South Africa Day 2 Evening Service
Please note we do own the rights to the music that is played during this live broadcast.


Church Builders Conference Day 2 Morning Service


CBC South Africa 2024 Day 1: Part 2


Light in the darkest hour.
Matthew 14:13-14 NKJV
When Jesus heard it, He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. But when the multitudes heard it, they followed Him on foot from the cities. [14] And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.

Jesus went away to a quiet place to mourn the death of His cousin, John the baptist. Multitudes followed Him and He healed them. His zeal for the people of God did not allow Him to rest or be self-centred. In His darkest hour He shone the brightest light on those in deeper darkness. He will move heaven and earth to meet your needs. He is never too busy to attend to you. He's just a prayer away.

Jesus is ready to meet my needs.
He is just a prayer away.

Prophetic Instructions.
Do not reason the love and ability of Jesus out on the basis of human thinking.
He is always ready to respond to your needs and prayers.
Rest in the faithfulness of God and be confident that He will positively respond to all your requests.
See your healing, peace and provision as gifts He has already freely given you.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


You are loved by God.
Lamentations 3:22 AMPC
It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.

Many people have this idea that God wanted to destroy the world and Jesus said, please don’t do it father let me rather die in their place. No. The scriptures says “God so loved the world” that He sent Jesus. So Jesus was God’s idea. God wanted to save the world and He sacrificed His son instead. He loves us. It is because of His loving kindness that we are not consumed.

I am loved by God.
God loves me unconditionally.

Prophetic Instructions.
Never doubt the love God has for you.
Be fully convinced that God loves you and He wants what’s best for you.
Don’t let the devil make you feel like all the trouble you are facing is the judgement of God.
Cast all your cares on Jesus because He wants you to live a life of peace and joy.
Be aware that, the trouble you are facing is not God’s judgement, but the devil’s attack.
Thank God for His loving-kindness and tender mercies toward you.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Your Labor is not in vain
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Grace Tabernacle Church
Mamelodi, Pretoria
Sundays 10h00
Wednesdays 18h30
Listen into the word as our Rev Pastor Gerald Hugo teaches us that our Labor is not in vain.


CBC Conference South Africa.
A Conference that builds the church and the individual.
We are receiving 250 international guests and countless South Africans across the country.
Come early to get a good seat in the Main Auditorium.
Don’t miss your divine appointment.


Nobody can slander your name before God.
Romans 8:33 NKJV
Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.

Paul says "who can bring any charge against the elect." Nobody can go behind your back to the throne of grace and bring a charge against your name. Nobody can say they will go and tell God all the truth about you and expose you for who you really are. Not even the devil can expose you to God. He knows your past, present and your future and yet He still chose you. Nobody can slander your name before God.

God is for me.
I am loved by God.

Prophetic Instructions.
Don’t let the devil make you feel like God is an angry judge who is waiting for you to fall so He can punish you.
See God as a kind and loving Heavenly Father.
Believe that God is for you and not against you.
Take some time and enter into the presence of God with boldness and ask for what you need.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Your healing is guaranteed.
Psalm 91:10 NKJV
No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

Healing is not something you should wonder about; it’s something you should believe about. The benefits for those who enter into the secret-place continues in this verse. No plague shall come near your dwelling place. God wants you well more than you can ever desire to be well. He has only good plans and thoughts towards you.

God wants me well.
I receive my healing.

Prophetic Instructions.
Do not wonder if God wants you well.
Believe that He wants you well.
Enter into His presence with boldness and receive what you need by faith.
Don’t let fear and condemnation hold you back.
Stir up your faith to lay hold of what is yours in Christ.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


The Love of God
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Grace Tabernacle Church
Mamelodi, Pretoria
Sundays 10h00
Wednesdays 18h30
Listen in as our Pastor Gerald Hugo teaches us about the Love of God


God is for everyone.
Isaiah 3:10 NKJV
"Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

God is for everyone, but everything about Him is not for everyone. There are things God has preserved for those who come close into the secret-place. His rain fall on the righteous and the unrighteous, but there are certain things He has preserved only for the righteous. Just as you will share kindness and love with everyone, but you will not share your deepest secrets with everyone; so there are certain things God has stored in the secret-place for the righteous. When you enter there, all things become yours.

God is for me.
I receive what I believe for.

Prophetic Instructions.
Enter into the secret-place and receive directly from the hand of God.
Stand in the righteousness of Christ by grace through faith.
Don’t let the enemy rob you from what God has for you.
Be bold and believe God for the impossible.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Enter into the secret-place by prayer.
Psalm 91:1 NKJV
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

When you cut yourself off from all the distractions around you and make time to pray and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, you have entered into the secret place. The secret place is a place of prayer and fellowship with God. Everyone of us needs to make time with God on a personal level. God is a personal God and He wants to have a relationship with you.

My strength and provision is in the secret-place.
I will make time to pray.

Prophetic Instructions.
Make time to enter into the secret-place by prayer.
Do not let the chase after wealth and riches cause you to neglect your relationship with God.
See prayer as the cornerstone of your success.
Take some time in prayer right now and cast all your cares unto Jesus.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


Protection from the evil plots of men.
Psalm 31:20 NKJV
You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence From the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion From the strife of tongues.

Have you ever had someone who just hated you for nothing or saw you as an enemy for no good reason? Well, you cannot help how people respond to you but you can decide how you will respond to their hatred or jealousy. When you walk in fellowship with God, He will protect you from the evil plots of men. Your protection is in the secret-place.

God is my protector.
I dwell in the secret-place.

Prophetic Instructions.
Instead of letting people’s opinions or ill treatment make you feel worthless and depressed, enter into the secret-place for God’s protection.
Do not be so much preoccupied with wh is your enemies.
Be preoccupied with God who is on your side with the heavenly hosts of angels.
Take some time in prayer and declare the hand of God over your business, family and workplace.
Ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything in your character that you need to change, to make you a better person to get along with.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


The Nature of the Word
Rev Pastor Gerald Hugo
Grace Tabernacle Church
Mamelodi, Pretoria
Sundays 10h00
Wednesdays 18h30
Listen to this sermon as our Pastor Gerald Hugoteaches us about the nature of the Word.


Secrets are shared in the secret-place.
Psalm 91:1 NKJV
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The secret-place is not called the secret place for nothing. There are secrets that God shares with you in the secret-place. Those secrets is not about other peoples dirty laundry. It is secret keys to your success and victory in this life. Without entering the secret-place you will work hard and see no results. You may have success with sorrow. God is waiting for you in the secret-place to share secrets with you that will propel you to a glorious life.

I dwell in the secret-place.
I am going from glory to glory.

Prophetic Instructions.
Never be too busy to pray and wait upon the Lord.
Make time to enter the secret-place of prayer and see how your life will increase.
Get your nose out of other people's business and stick it into God's business, so He can put His hand in your business.
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


God’s got you covered.
Psalm 91:4 NKJV
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Being in the secret place means you are under God's covering. The secret place is like a heavenly insurance. You are protected in times of disaster. Unlike insurance that only covers you in times of disaster. God covers you in the secret place to avoid disaster. He is protecting you wherever you go.

God covers me.
I am safe in the secret place.

Prophetic Instructions.
Find your way into the secret plays so you can be under God’s covering.
Meet with God in the secret place every morning to start your day.
Be confident that with God you are completely sheltered from ultimate disaster
Download the “Grace Tabernacle Church” App onto your phone to have all these devotions and sermons freely available.
Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.
Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.
Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.
Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.

Videos (show all)

The Spirit of Love
Wednesday Miracle Service with Apostle Royal Seoseng
Church Builders Conference South Africa Day 2 Evening Service
Church Builders Conference Day 2 Morning Service
CBC South Africa 2024 Day 1
Your Labor is not in vain
The Love of God
The Nature of the Word
Benefits of the Secret-place
Wednesday Miracle Service
Don't lose your fire
The mystery of Christ in you.