Inspired Org

Inspired Org

Inspired is a small but highly innovative company that has helped scores of organisations to derive more value from Information Technology.

We work closely with clients to enhance the contribution of strategic change and I.T. via:
• Quality Consultation
• Training & Mentoring
• Effective Methods and Techniques
• Innovative Software Tools
• Bespoke Research

We use an holistic approach which integrates the many dimensions and we don't forget the critical importance of people to success.


Roots… the foundation, the support system, the beginning. Over the past year I’ve been writing, recording, and producing new music, and it’s finally almost time to share it with you!

In 2022 I went on my first ever solo writing retreat, to an AirBnB in the Suffolk countryside (with so so many birds!). Apart from a quick hello to the owners, I had no face to face conversations for 3 days and instead sat at the piano and let out every feeling, emotion, and thought that I was holding.

Some of them were nonsense, some I’m not ready to let go of yet, and some said everything that I’d wanted to say for a long time.

Roots is one of those songs. I feel extremely fortunate to have had an upbringing filled with love and everything that I could possibly need. This song is a reflection of that, and a thank you to the people who laid the foundations and made it possible for me to do what I do. To my mum, dad, and my big brother, thanks for laying down the Roots :)

Roots is yours at midnight!
