The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa

It’s the ultimate guide for successful retirement written in simple and understandable language. It raises the warning signals to look for 10 years before.

Back in the day And other tips for a more fulfilling retirement - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 23/07/2024

Retirement offers a unique opportunity to craft a balanced lifestyle that integrates your passions, health, and social connections. In our previous articles, "Thriving in Retirement: The Next Chapter" and "Retirement Reinvented: Evolving Your Identity," we discussed the importance of emotional and social preparation for retirement, emphasising that thriving in this new chapter requires more than just financial planning. It is so much more! In particular, we delved into the critical aspect of redefining your identity and purpose.

Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

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Back in the day And other tips for a more fulfilling retirement - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Retirement offers a unique opportunity to craft a balanced lifestyle that integrates your passions, health, and social connections. In our previous articles, "Thriving in Retirement: The Next Chapter" and "Retirement Reinvented: Evolving Your Identity," we discussed the importance of emotional and s...

Column 17 Be careful about how you invest in your two-pots - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 22/07/2024

Retirement funds are not likely to see conservative investments in the two-pot system
Retirement funds over the years have generally taken the position that they invest for the long term. They do not take account of anyone leaving the funds before retirement date.
So, a retirement fund member must take a chance when cashing in retirement savings that there is not a bear market; and they will be losing out on better returns when there is a bull market.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Column 17 Be careful about how you invest in your two-pots - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Retirement funds are not likely to see conservative investments in the two-pot system. Retirement funds over the years have generally taken the position that they invest for the long term. They do not take account of anyone leaving the funds before retirement date.

Retirement reinvented_ Evolving your identity - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 02/07/2024

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the horizon of your formal working life? As retirement approaches, do you find yourself questioning what your days will look like and what will give you a sense of purpose? How will you redefine or evolve your identity once the roles and routines that have long defined you fall away?

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Retirement reinvented_ Evolving your identity - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the horizon of your formal working life? As retirement approaches, do you find yourself questioning what your days will look like and what will give you a sense of purpose? How will you redefine or evolve your identity once the roles and routines that have lon...


Retirement is often seen as the golden years of life – a time to relax, travel, and enjoy the fruits of decades of hard work. However, the word "retirement" can carry negative connotations, often viewed as an end rather than a new, enriching beginning. This perception may be one reason why many people avoid thinking about it when planning for retirement. Others might simply assume life will continue as is.
Eriaan Oelofse

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 16: Shocking differences a year makes for pensioners - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 18/06/2024

The difference a year can make with an investment-linked living annuity (living annuity) – it depends on whether you invest in a bear or bull market. One year when you retire you will have money forever, but retire in another year, using the same investments and the same level of pension, you may soon be left with nothing.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 16: Shocking differences a year makes for pensioners - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Pensioners are seriously affected by investment market conditions. Retire today as opposed to two years ago could give you a very different pension.

Col 15: Breaking the financial cartel - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 21/05/2024

South Africa has a very advanced financial system, but consumers are still exploited. Far too often the financial service product providers have, and, in some sectors, still give every impression of being a cartel.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 15: Breaking the financial cartel - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa South Africa has a very advanced financial system, but consumers are still exploited. Far too often the financial service product providers have, and, in some sectors, still give every impression of being a cartel.

Col 14: Beware from where you get investment advice for retirement - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 21/03/2024

One major reason why retirement planning goes wrong.
It is amazing how many people try to give other people free advice – and some on bad advice they have received themselves.
And it is made even worse when this advice is given to people planning for their retirement or in retirement.
At two recent conferences, at which I was a speaker, it was amazing how some audience members tried to pass on ‘investment’ information that would simply be bad advice for most people.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 14: Beware from where you get investment advice for retirement - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Beware from where you get investment advice for retirement. It is amazing how many people try to give other people free advice – and some on bad advice they have received themselves. And it is made even worse when this advice is given to people planning for their retirement or in retirement.


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Col 13: Name and check your beneficiaries - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 13/03/2024

Recently there was report about a Discovery Life Assurance policyholder discovering that an unknown person was listed as a beneficiary of his policy. The problem was caused by a snarl-up at Discovery, which has now apparently been corrected.
The identity number of the claimant was not used and another name with the same birthdate, surname and initials was used instead. Now Discovery is insisting that both the names and identity numbers must be used – as it always should have been.
Discovery says it also uses extensive checking procedures to ensure proper payouts to beneficiaries.
But this does not mean that fraudulent payments to beneficiaries do not take place – often involving older people.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 13: Name and check your beneficiaries - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa Name and check who will be paid out by a life assurance company


Retirement is not one-size-fits-all. Our book offers tailored advice and insights to help you create a retirement plan that suits your unique goals and aspirations.

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Confidence is the key to a fulfilling retirement. Our book empowers you to make informed decisions for a secure and prosperous future.

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Col 12: A better complaints system - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa 05/03/2024

Big improvements to unfair complaints about financial services
People, offended by unfair treatment by financial services providers, will now be able to complain, for free, to two new complaints ombuds from March 1.
New legislation, including the long-awaited Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill, and new rules for the National Financial Ombuds (NFO) scheme still need to be put in place to get the planned two ombud schemes operating properly.

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Ascor Independent Wealth Managers.

Col 12: A better complaints system - The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa A better way to complain about financial services. New legislation, including the long-awaited Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill, and new rules for the National Financial Ombuds (NFO) scheme still need to be put in place to get the planned two ombud schemes operating properly.


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You must be very aware of the problems associated with the two-pot retirement system due to be introduced from September 1 this year. The system could see investment market sinking and inflation going up.
But the biggest danger is that you may never have sufficient retirement capital on which to retire financially secure, particularly if you use the two-pot system to its maximum extent.
It should not be seen as a bank savings account – it is not.

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Most of us rely on investments to support our lifestyles and well-being, but we frequently become lost and confused. One reason for this is that the financial services industry has created confusion by selling a wide range of investment products indiscriminately.
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The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa


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The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa

Most people are rich for a single day in their lives: the day they retire and receive their retirement savings.

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement by well-known journalist Bruce Cameron and respected financial planner Wouter Fourie CFP is the ultimate guide to help you achieve a secure and successful retirement.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the vital issues that impact on retirement, such as taxation, investments, healthcare, estate planning and where to live when retired. It also identifies warning signs to look out for in order to avoid financial troubles.

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