Cooked With Love

Cooked With Love

Seasonal meals, served with Free-Range protein and accompanied by fruits & vegetables delivered stra

Our Story

Once I Matriculated I went straight into the working world, I’ve had the pleasure of working in many different industries, Retail, Sales, On-line Marketing and in Corporate. I have been exposed to many diverse industries and have obtained a lot of practical experience. What this has taught me is what my true passion is, being a nurturer and looking after people. I have always expressed this through food by cooking for my family. Deciding to follow my dreams and creating a career for myself in the food industry, where I can share my passion and love with others, has been one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done… Cooked With Love was born.

With the time that I spent in Corporate, lunch time became a stressful event for Executives, always rushing from meeting to meeting. Not having time to prepare healthy nutritious food the evening before – Fast Food and Restaurant deliveries became a convenient replacement. The fact that these lunches are high in saturated fats, preservatives, artificial spices and are just all around bad for their health didn’t get considered, not to mention the price. Another option Executives look into is ordering frozen meals in bulk. This is convenient, but is it the best option? Depending on how long they have been frozen, vegetables can contain most of their nutrients, however this does degrade over time. The thawing process can also affect the nutrients of a frozen meal; if not thawed correctly the meals tend to become waterlogged ultimately affecting the taste and appearance of the meal.

Through Cooked With Love, I wanted to introduce a meal that is not only tasty, fresh and nutritious, but also convenient. There is nothing better than when you are hungry, having a healthy and nutritious meal ready for you. Not only can you enjoy the freshness of it, but you can also enjoy the rest of your break by doing something more productive or relaxing. At Cooked With Love, all of our meals are Seasonal, and prepared with fruits and vegetables that are delivered straight from the Farm. This is to ensure that all of the produce is grown in-season and is not picked before reaching its nutritional peak. Foods sitting in the grocery store can lose up to 50% of their nutritional content. All protein that we serve is Free-Range, which contains less fat and cholesterol as well as more Vitamin A, E and Omega-3 Fatty Acids than other proteins. Our meals are delivered straight to your office every morning in glass containers; this keeps your food safe, enhances the flavor and rids the planet of single-use packaging.

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