Homeopathy For All

Homeopathy For All

Homeopathic Consultancy


Allergies. Recurring Colds and Flu.


Anxiety. Depression. Sadness.

Homeopathy can help with the treatment of these conditions.

Safe and effective without side effects.

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A simple example to describe the treatment of a patient by a Homeopath is as follows.
Most of us would have had the experience of being stung by a bee. Those that were fortunate enough to escape this unpleasant encounter would have seen someone being stung or heard the tale of this traumatic episode.
An intense, stinging and piercing pain is felt almost immediately after a sting. On the site of the sting the skin turns red with swelling and bumps. The site of the wound can become hot and itchy. The pain can also spread and move wider from the seat of the sting. Delirium, imbalance and fainting spells are a few symptoms of a bee sting. Even anger.
Panic sets in. “ Oh! My God! I am going to die.”
A hysterical state of mind takes over. Anxiety. Recurring thoughts of what will become of me. Am I going to live?……will I get to the doctor in time?….is the hospital equipped with the correct antidote?
“ Oh my God ……I will have stay in hospital….who will take care of my children….my job” “Why did I go pass that tree……why did I pick that flower.” Sadness, grief and remorse sets in. “I love my children so much….I will miss them”. Crying, sobbing and grief can set in.
The above can be symptoms that are experienced as a result of a sting, bite or even any form of accidents.
When a classically trained homeopath is confronted with a patient that displays most of the above symptoms especially with swelling, redness, burning, stinging pains during episodes of infection, allergies or of inflammatory causes, the remedy Apis will be most likely their remedy choice. Even more so, if the patient is a workaholic, tasked orientated and with a personality picture of busyness, vitality and strength. Think of a worker bee….busy….busy…..busy. Works hard to be productive and highly protective of the hive and the colony.
The remedy Apis is the poison from the sting of a bee.
The job of the Homeopath is to match the patient to a remedy that can cover most of the symptoms of an organism that is ailing and out of balance. Taking to account of their Mental, Emotional and the Physical realms, are given equal consideration.
This is the science of Homeopathy.

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This post is to give a simple introduction to the science of Homeopathy. I acknowledge all those that are familiar with Homeopathy and a further acknowledgement to all those that use homeopathic remedies.
We credit the science of Homeopathy to Dr Samuel Hannemann who practised medicine in the days when bloodletting, leeches, purging and the ingestion for harmful potions. These treatments were harsh and damaging to the body. For the most part, the patient was left to deal with the injuries of the treatment for many more days to come. These treatments mainly concentrated on the ailments of the physical body. Mental health and the emotional state of the patient was not given much consideration by physicians. There is much evidence of banishment, imprisonment and restraints as a form of therapy for the mentally challenged. While, for the emotional suffering person, ridicule, flogging, forced labour and meal restrictions was the norm. Sometimes even the local mayor or clergymen would enforce these treatments. Hannemann walked away from this form for practicing medicine to that which he discovered and developed, the fundamental laws of Homeopathy. He concentrated on the cure of diseases while mindful of the health of the whole body.

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