The Test Kitchen
I am just a mom who enjoys cooking. I have tried many recipes over the years and have adjusted them
You can’t say both! 😆. Dinner gets my vote. 🦃🦃🦃
I feel like this is an impossible choice!
It’s almost time to thaw your Thanksgiving Turkey!
Best pasta replacement I have found to date! Taste is whatever you season it with, like pasta…..texture slightly firm which may have been remedied by cooking it longer although the package said 2-3 minutes. 20 calories and 2g net carbs in the whole bag! So happy I found this! Comes in Fettuccine style too. 💥🔥👍
Between 3 and 4 for me.
Why should you always try to avoid prepackaged cheeses and instead, shred your own?
This is my son. He wrote and recorded this song. Take a listen, share, like and follow so he eats something besides burritos! 😆😊. Thanks!
Has anybody ever tried this? On my list!
I think if I could be any female superhero character, I would be the wasp. You?
Really good idea!
Great Camping Hack👇
I saw this going around on Facebook and had to share with you guys.
13 eggs in a water bottle!
All ready for scrambled eggs and takes up very little space 😉
source: Unknown
Happy Birthday America! What’s everyone cooking today?
I have not posted a recipe in a while now, but THIS! I have to! I have always liked tofu, but never really found a great recipe for it. I prefer it cold, and it has to be the extra firm texture. Anyway….this is fantastic and so easy! Enjoy! (Recipe in comments). Also…Share a tofu recipe if you got a good one. 😊
I hope this chart is correct because I have a hard time getting steak temps correct! 😩. Anybody have any good tips or tricks up their sleeves? I would love to hear them!
Good to know! 👍
Tonight at 8! Tune in for some odd news and laughs!
Let’s hear it! What is everyone making for the playoff games?!