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Nutritional detox programmes

Photos from NutriMish's post 23/01/2024

My Journey..

As many of you who have followed my Journey know, i gave birth to my 3rd baby on the 21st February 2022..

I worked out until i was 8 and a half months pregnant, mainly weights and body building nothing to hectic.

I gave birth in February, and i couldn't wait to get back in the gym, even though i knew it would be so hard. I had to wait and clear my 6 week postpartum check.. and even then, i was exclusively breastfeeding. Not to mention my appetite while breastfeeding.. everything was hard.

So I waited.. 4 months later i finally joined the gym.. and man was it hard. I couldn't even jump onto a step. Like i said, having a baby in your 20s is a walk in the park, you bounce back quicker and so does your body.., having a baby in your 30s, is a whole other ball game.

The before pictures were taken about 3 months postpartum, while i was modelling for i felt so uncomfortable and heavy, definitely not model material.. but i did it. Shout out to that outfit fits me perfectly right now as it did then.. i weighed about 73kg

My after picture, also in was taken yesterday in the gym.. i weigh 68kg now..
Crazy how 5kg can totally transform your body.

So my secret... first and above all.. Eating Eating Eating.. what you eat is 80% of your battle. 20% is exercise.

My usual routine is fasting, also known as an amazing anti-ageing method.. I'm 35 this year and have never felt better..

My smoothies, I live by them, they are meal replacements and my body comes alive after I have them. I will post more about them.

Meals... i make sure monday to friday, I eat highly nutritious meals.

And lastly, and just as important.. Exercise.
This has become part of my life, its my therapy, I love it. Plus i can't complain how it makes my body look 😏

A huge shoutout to my favourite trainer for making this fitness journey an exciting one and pushing me always. He is the OG body builder trainer.

And a huge shoutout to for getting me to the finish line and wedding ready and still kicking my ass. He's tough on me guys. No nonsense.

More posts coming soon! Happy to be back!


Photos from NutriMish's post 22/01/2024

A Very Happy New Year Nutrifam...

I Have been very very quiet on my page for a whole year and abit... Life has been very busy after I gave birth to my 3rd baby, and I kind of went into a bit of a social media withdrawal. I couldn't get myself to post anything.

And I just got married a month ago to my soulmate who ive been with for 11 years. Such an exciting and beautiful time in anyone's life.. because life is about all these little moments.. I am blessed..

My last posts were about me beginning my fitness and health journey after giving birth, and what a tough journey it is. To any new mother or expecting mother, its a tough road to get back to where you feel comfortable and happy again, the sleepless nights coupled with breastfeeding if you do, and the appetite that develops with it, finding yourself eating non stop and eating badly because you just have no time in between. Its tough. The weight gain that comes with it and the hopelessness once the weight is there, to do anything about it, thats the toughest.

But I'm here to help! I will share my journey with you... my little one turns 2 years old next month, time flies, and I am happy with where i am with my body and nutrition right now and will share pictures, food etc of how i got there. So stay tuned!

I have been open and running though the whole time through my social media silence, and I want to sincerely thank my regular clients who have been with me since the very beginning, 3 years ago, for always coming back! I must be doing something right.

I am back online and ready to encourage and motivate you to make a change and strive to be happier and healthier with your bodies and learn to optimise your health, energy, mood and skin simply through nutrition.

Thank you again for the never ending support and I hope you will join me on this journey.

Misha πŸ’š


Hello NutriFam!

We are finally open again! Ready and excited to help you detox and get your body, mind and confidence at its best!

Sometimes we all need a break doing absolutely nothing but looking after ourselves. It rejuvenates you from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.

Your mental and physical health is the most important thing to look after throughout your lifetime. If either one is compromised, your quality of life is also compromised. You may not notice it while you're in your younger years but as you get older it takes a toll on your body.

I'm here to help you learn how your body works and to help you understand the relationship between nutrition and your mental and physical state of being and how nutrition has such a powerful impact on your health, mind and body.

Happy to be back at work and excited to change more lives through nutrition


Photos from NutriMish's post 01/09/2022

14 day detox results!

It's been a while since I posted some results, my client is a regular at the gym and was just not able to lose that extra fat no matter what he did.
Like they say, diet is 80% and exercise 20% to get to where you want to be.

He needed a Kickstart and that exactly what my detox helps with. Gives ypu a boost and gets you on your way. He will continue on his own by adopting my routine and meal plan into his daily life.

Replacing 2 meals with 2 of our very nutritous smoothies, and then having 1 balanced high protein meal, along with regular exercise is a recipe for success.

If you need to get that Kickstart for summer and some guidance then this is the best way to do it.

Summer bodies loading...


Nutrimish will be closing for 6 weeks!

Hi all, unfortunately I will have to close for 6 weeks as I am an online business and won't be able to stay open while I'm away.

I'm sorry to all my Regulars, I know this is the worst news! But I will be back, fresh and with new ideas and products.

If you want to get in a detox before I leave this is your last chance! 3 weeks until I close.

Thank you again for all your support so far everyone.




When asked me to do the shoot on the left, I had just given birth 2 months before, and I was feeling fat, uncomfortable and just absolutely hated the pictures πŸ™ˆ

One thing about myself, when I feel uncomfortable, I become very unhappy. It's constantly on my mind, when I move, when I sit, when I look at myself. Me being me, I obviously want results in like 2 weeks. But of course it's always a journey and you have to give yourself a whole year to see change, whether you've had a baby or not. I'm always so hard on myself and had to check myself a few times and remember to be kind to myself, you just had a baby.

Exclusively breastfeeding was another hurdle. I had to balance getting myself back to being fit while also thinking about my baby and making sure my milk supply was good enough for her.

So of course I couldn't go all out on my nutrition plan to lose weight, i modified it to suit my breastfeeding, but I also had to choose the long hard road of pure weightlifting and HIIT. Blood sweat and tears for sure. I'm getting there.

I stopped looking at the scale too. It just wasn't moving and still isn't and it was doing me harm and not allowing me to see my progress. I am currently 10kg heavier than I was before I got pregnant. Heaviest in my life and it's not budging. But, like I tell all my clients, take pictures of yourself because that's the only way to see your hard work for yourself. I just put these 2 pictures together, 3 months apart and I am so happy with my progress. I finally see it.

Don't be so hard on yourselves and allow yourself time and grace on your journey.

I am taking in my final clients in before I close for about 6 weeks. I close on the 17th of September and will reopen on the 1st of November.

Will hopefully help some of you get those summer bodies on their way!


Photos from NutriMish's post 27/05/2022

Hi NutriFam..

I gave birth 3 months ago to a healthy baby girl.. They have a saying in Bemba after you give birth "Mwapusukeni" which means "you survived". Ladies, we literally almost feel like we are close to death as we give birth. The experience is unexplainable.

I've had all 3 of my babies naturally, no painkillers involved, although you beg and would do anything for them, and right before you don't think you will survive, it's time to push and your mind focuses on that, and you don't feel the pain anymore. Whew! We are truly superwomen.

I must say giving birth this time at 32 has probably been the hardest birth. Your body just feels older, and not so tolerant to aches and pain as it is when you are in your 20's. It truly gets harder to give birth the older you get. And my body after birth has responded differently and much slower compared to my other pregnancies. My back hasn't done too well either and it's been a struggle trying to get it strong again. Constantly aches.

I was 63kg at my fittest in my life, before I got pregnant. Just before birth I weighed 80kg. And right after birth I dropped down to 73kg. Right now I'm sitting at 69kg, and it's been a struggle to see the numbers dropping even though I'm back at the gym and eating abit better than I was, although with breastfeeding I can't afford to go completely healthy because I don't want to affect my milk supply. So its a delicate balance, but I'm telling myself to be patient with myself and feel good overall that atleast I've started the gym 4 times a week and I'm following my nutrimish routine.

So to all the lovely soon to be mama's and breastfeeding mama's, what I can say is, I know its hard, especially after you give birth. I know the raging hormones, the loss of self, loss of your freedom, feeling of solitude, the sadness looking into the mirror and seeing your body a different version to what it was. But there's also your beautiful baby that makes up for it and the proudness that you made this little being. So be patient and be kind to yourself and make sure to put yourself first sometimes especially after birth. ❀❀❀❀


38 weeks pregnant now and feeling great! Amazing how a good diet and some exercise greatly changes your pregnancy experience.

I ordered some herbal tea that contains red Raspberry leaf, and is known to help with labor and recovery and even menstruation. It's known to ease cramps and balance out your hormones with PMS. A great herbal remedy.

Appropriately named the final push! I will be sharing how it worked for me. My due date is 22/02/22. I started taking the tea last night so lets see how it goes.

I also plan to exclusively breastfeed for as long as possible and will be sharing a few herbs I've ordered to help with milk supply.


With January in full swing, we probably all indulged a little too much during the holidays, and maybe haven't been able to stop!

Here are some signs to figure out if your colon is full of crap (literally) and is making you feel sick.

A detox is definitely in order!

It takes approximately 5 to 6 days on our programme to detox your body and start feeling the benefits of a clean system including helping your Period cycle, pms, skin, bloating, constipation, fatigue, and your mind.


Hi Nutrifam

We are open and ready to help you reach your "new year, new me" goals!

Whether that means losing weight, building muscle, learning to eat healthier, improving your skin, improving your blood pressure, diabetes, bloating or acidity, or just an overall detox from all the holiday indulgence. That's what we are here for!

Looking forward to another year with all of you and your wonderful support these past 2 years.

Thank you so much to my regular clients for sticking with me, some of you since the very beginning. We have seen some incredible transformations and some life changing habits formed!

Apologies for the silence!I am now 8 months pregnant and almost there! But we have been busy cooking up delicious healthy wholesome meals and the best smoothies in town.

Join the NutriMish family soon! Looking forward to having you all on board.


Photos from NutriMish's post 11/11/2021

One of the key things our programme does is burns excess fat, tones and trims your body. Even if the scale doesn't move much, your inches and fat levels are decreasing.

Our beautiful client here has been weight training and is looking more and more trim and toned with all the hard work she's been putting in. Getting that beautiful hourglass shape.

Again, so proud and honored to be such an inspiration and motivator to anyone and everyone that joins me.

Thank you all again for your belief and support

Photos from NutriMish's post 11/11/2021

Good Morning!

We have been quiet for way too long and we apologise!

Behind the scenes we have been working hard with clients and consultants to further improve our services.

This Gentleman is all the way in the UK and has been training with the amazing coupled with following our eating routine strictly and in just 3 months has seen this extraordinary results.

The dedication has been unreal in both following the healthy eating regime and training hard. doesn't mess around either.

So so proud of him and these amazing results. I will be posting more results soon! Got a few months worth to show you all 😊


Wedding Bells

We had a Gentleman join us 2 months ago, and he lost an amazing 8kg, just in time for his wedding!

Oops! The suit didn't fit anymore, but nothing quick alterations can't handle.

Very proud of him and we wish him all the love and happiness to come for his Wedding day.

Changing lives through Nutrition

Photos from NutriMish's post 30/09/2021

Hello Nutrifam!

I have been so quiet for so long! Here's the reason why! I am currently 5 months pregnant, 5kg heavier, with my 3rd and probably last baby!

I had the worst all day morning sickness In the first trimester, and did not feel like myself at all.

But here I am in my 2nd trimester and full of energy and back in the gym weight training again. Able to eat my fruit and vegetables again which I couldn't in the first. Feeling like myself again!

Follow my fitness journey being pregnant and I hope I continue to inspire and motivate you all to be the best you can be in any period of your life.

I will be posting all the wonderful weightloss and health stories I have been going through with people over the past few months and all the tips and exercises I have learnt along the way being pregnant and trying to stay healthy and active πŸ™‚


Seamoss results in about 2 weeks. It's really really helped with her inflammation as you can see. Almost a miracle cream.

Can you spot the seamoss glow on the 2nd picture. The plumpness and hydration in her skin.

She is super happy with the results. Do get in touch if you have acne or just want to tighten up your face, make it glow again and have some moisture put back in. Really is quite amazing


Another amazing transformation in just 3 weeks. Still going strong with this lovely lady.

So proud of her dedication and discipline


Eid Mubarak to all my lovely Clients and followers. Wishing you all the blessings of Good Health, Peace and Prosperity.



Good Morning and Happy Friday!

Some early morning motivation.

wanted to lose his belly and also manage his BP which was quite high. He did my 30 day detox plan and went to the gym and the result speaks for itself. Great work in progress πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ


The wonders of Seamoss gel and a good clean diet. Free from Dairy, Sugar and Gluten.

Anything that causes inflammation in your body will show up on your face and in other forms such as disease.

Take good care of yourselves and your body forgives you and responds kindly.




Sexual drive and fertility.


Seamoss benefits


Seamoss. For all pregnant mothers and breastfeeding mothers. Also for stretchmarks, and any other skin issues that come with being pregnant.

Order your gel with 48hours notice.

K200 for 500ml






Brand new collection dropping soon.

Fun day shooting with the team!

Make sure you follow and grab your sets before they sell out! They move fast!

Limited stock available.


Seamoss Gel. Taking in orders now. Please not it takes 48 hours to make. So prior notice is needed. Thank you!


Okay so this is me.

My beautiful acne scars, and the progress I've made.

I have only been using the seamoss gel for about 2 weeks now. So I will update on progress of my own skin.

I have always been so conscious of my scars. Always felt like it's the only thing people see when they first meet me.

Ever since I started my skincare routine this has changed. People tell me they wished they had skin like mine, that it glows. Who would have thought!

I actually don't wear make up at all! Everyday it's just me and my skin against the world. I use an SPF of course. A good natural face wash, no chemicals inside at all. And the seamoss is my new favourite mask.

I would also highly recommend microneedling to anyone who is trying to fix their scars. And for your skins health in general. It's Amazing!

I am all about natural ingredients on both my skin and inside my body. The more I research and realise how the food industry is out there for pure profit, and not for our health, it's made me care more about what I put into my body! And on it. You should too.

I promise to share as much wealth in knowledge as I can. And I promise for it to always be thoroughly researched and even tried and tested before I recommned it. This is my promise to you!

Photos from NutriMish's post 01/05/2021

Okay. This is another client and story close to my heart.

came to me with BP issues. She has had high BP for 6 years. She is on medication and has been in and out of hospital for it for 6 years.

She committed 100% to my programme and followed it to the T.

On the 9th of March we checked her BP and it was very high. 149/89

7 days later after her detox and cleanse her BP was completely normal at 114/74!

How incredible that in 1 week of just treating your body right, your BP can dramatically change.

I am so proud of her and by the way she was also having the seamoss in her smoothies. It has minerals in it that help regulate your BP, thyroid, insulin and so many other things.

So so proud of Tills and her journey to a healthier woman. πŸ’—


So guys this is . He joined me in December for my programme. I also told him to start taking the seamoss for energy, definition and toning. His skin has completely cleared too from years of constant breakouts.

We figured out it was dairy, but the seamoss has done wonders for him too.

I am super proud of this guy. He is my muse and he will start putting the seamoss gel on his face on Monday to correct his acne scarring. I will follow his progress and post pictures for you all.

I am so so so so excited about seamoss guys you have no idea!

Well done . Show him some love! Look at that definition guys! This is a guy that has never stepped into the gym until last year!

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