Econergy Civils

Econergy Civils

Solar Energy design and installation
Biodigester design and construction
Civil Engineering


Kasisi 6m3 Biodigester


Kasisi Girls 15m3 & 6m3 Biodigesters are completed...thanks to Rural Electrification Authority for the project. Now waiting for biogas retention time so that we can handover the facility to the client..
Austin K Akv


Progress on Kasisi Girls Biogas Project
15m3 Biodigester 99%
6m3 Biodigester ..curvature being shaped
Cattle kraal ..base being prepared for READY MIX CONCRETE TO BE delivered on Monday
Thanks to our team of supervisors Josamu Chizawu Josamu Chizawu Enos Muswala

Team Austin K Akv


Assesment of a potential 100m3 Bioseptic biodigester for 53 housing units in feira Luangwa District was carried out successfully. The Decentralised sanitation system will have the following components;

1. Construction of a 100 m3 Biodigester as a primary wastewater stabilizer.

2. Construction of 45m3 Anaerobic Baffle Reactors (ABR)

3 52 m3 Anaerobic Filters.

4. Construction of Horizontal Planted Gravel Filter.

5. Plumbing works for the inter-connection of few selected houses

6. Installation of biogas supply and utilisation facilities.

7. Installation of treated wastewater reuse and disposal system

The system will eliminate the chances of ground water contamination.
Austin K Akv

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 28/11/2023

Kasisi girls secondary school site handover to econergy civils limited by REA on 23rd November,2023.lets go green with renewable energy.

Zambia : Rural Electrification Authority Initiates Bio-Digester Project in Boarding Schools Nationwide 24/11/2023

Thanks to Rural Electrification Authority for an opportunity given to Econergy Civils and Biogas Technology In Zambia. to be part of the pioneers in the construction of these biodigesters in boarding schools.

Econergy civils ltd will be at the following schools
1. kasisi girls ( Lusaka Province)
2.Njase Girls ( Southern Province)
3. St Pauls (Central province)

Austin K Akv

Zambia : Rural Electrification Authority Initiates Bio-Digester Project in Boarding Schools Nationwide Lusaka - Zambia: The Rural Electrification Authority (REA) has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative by commencing the construction of bio-digesters in 20

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 22/11/2023

Are you in need of a reliable and experienced partner to help with your Renewable Energy and Civil Engineering solutions? Look no further than Econergy Civils.
At Econergy civils, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability. Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry and provides top-notch services to our clients. We understand the importance of timely and efficient project delivery, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that their needs are met throughout the entire project lifecycle.
Our comprehensive range of services includes:
• Renewable Energy (Solar Installations, solar pumping, solar backup systems and biodigesters installations and construction)
• Civil engineering infrastructure design and construction
• Water reticulation network design and construction
We are committed to delivering exceptional value to our clients through our comprehensive range of services. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, and we provide them with the highest level of service and support.

Don’t settle for anything less, choose Econergy civils Ltd for all your Renewable Energy solution and civil/water engineering solutions. Contact us today on +260 973 670 886 or +260 966 912 124 to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.
Austin K Akv


More work... less sleeping for the team


Just on point honorable

When you see people struggling to make ends meet in life never make a mistake of thinking that they are not hardworking. Most people may be hardworking but what they may be lacking are opportunities to make them thrive.

Some people who are successful today, their success may not be attributed solely to hardworking but to the golden opportunities that they may have had in life.

In some cases if a leveled playing field was given to both; those who may be successful today and those who may be struggling today, you may be surprised that those who are struggling today may achieve better progress than those who are successful today.

If you are successful today, just thank God for his blessings and don’t think those that may not be as well off as you are not serious in life, because some of them may not have been exposed to opportunities like the ones you may have had.

If you are facing any form of challenges today, when opportunities come your way ensure you utilize them well because you may never know when the next opportunity might come your way.

Wishing you all a successful week!

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 16/11/2023

Econergy Civils Econergy Civils has signed a contract with Rural Electrification Authority to construct 6No. biodigesters for 3 schools in zambia...
1. Njase girls in choma
2. Kasisi girls in Lusaka
3. St Paul's secondary school in Kabwe.

Austin K Akv

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 10/11/2023
Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 08/11/2023

DEWATS (Decentralised Water Treatment Systems) is a system that can treat, reuse or dispose of wastewater at the same place were it is generated or at a very close location.
These are systems designed to be affordable, low maintenance, use local materials and meet environmental laws and regulations (ZEMA).
DEWATS in zambia are promoted by BORDA, a non profit organisation based in Germany and its partners in Developing countries like Zambia. Econergy Civils Econergy Civils a limited company that has been promoting renewable energy solutions have been engaged to construct 1No. DEWATS at ADASTRA PRIMARY & SECONDARY to solve the waste water problems faced by the school. The system will use physical and biological processes such as sedimentation, floatation, aerobic and anaerobic digestion to remove pollutants from the school waste water.
The pictures below highlights Day q of the site handover to econergy team and set out has been completed.
Austin K Akv Architect Vwaali Nicholas Vwali

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 22/10/2023

Econergy Civils Econergy Civils was awarded a contract to construct the following;
1. 80m3 biodigester to be fed by cowdung
2. Cattle shed to house 200-250 cows (local community)
3. Construct a Balloon house to house scrubbers, 50m3 biogas balloons etc
4. Supply and install 50m3 biogas balloons, biogas scrubbers etc
This project is in District of Eastern Province. The site handover was done on 17th October 2023 by NACRO Programmes Manager and the team. Biogas Technology In Zambia. Is handling other related lots to serve the very community of Nkhudye village.
Our teams are already in high gear to make sure that the project is completed within the scheduled time flame and avoid the rain season.

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 14/10/2023

20m3 steel tank almost complete ChildFund Zambia Austin K Akv Mwachilenga Dean

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 18/09/2023

Chikuni Girls Secondary School is a school in southern province run by Religious Sisters of Charity Zambia-Malawi Vocation. The sisters are striving towards the idea of “leaving no one behind”. The school has more than 400 students coming from villages surrounding the school. Other girls walk as far as 10 to 20 kilometres daily on poor dusty roads to access education at Chikuni and sadly these long distances increase the risk of r**e, teenage pregnancies, and early marriages.

Religious Sisters of Charity Zambia-Malawi Vocation through the support of MISEAN CARA and the community has engaged Econergy Civils Ltd to Construct a 42m3 biodigester at the school to supplement the needs of School feeding Programmes.

The multi-year project aims to:
• Promote good sanitation, good hygiene, and reduce infections
• Provide well-prepared meals in a clean environment
• Reduce carbon emissions from burning firewood in the kitchen
• Reducing tree cutting and mitigating the chances of droughts
• Improve social distancing, sanitation, and creating a conducive environment for meals, assembly, and examinations
• Reduce the dropouts of girls from school
• Empower girls as responsible citizens through obtaining an education
• Increase literacy rates among girls in Chikuni
• Reduce the rate of r**e along the lonely bushy part of the journey and also prevent fatigue among the girls later in the school day
With this continued help they are receiving from Misean Cara and other partners, we hope that “no one will be left behind.”

The biodigester installed will provide the school with Multiple benefits as they strive to “leave no one behind.”

1. Economic benefits
- Saving of expenditure on fuel sources (Electricity, charcoal & firewood)
- Increased income due to use of saved time to other income generating activities
- Enhanced soil productivity because of use of bioslurry rich in NPK values
- Reduced use of chemical fertilizers
- And many more
2. Health Benefits
- Reduction in smoke borne diseases.
- Improved sanitation due to proper management of animal dung (Pigs & Cowdung)
- And many more
3. Environmental Benefits
- Preservation of forest
- Reduction in greenhouse gases
- Prevention of land fertility degradation due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers
4. Social Benefits
- Workload reduction
- Save time to help in better education of children.
- Extra time for social activities

Austin K Akv


Remember, a doctor's mistake affects only one person, but an Engineer's mistake impacts the lives of many.



1. Manage your money:

Many people are able to make money, but not everyone learns how to manage it properly.

Financial intelligence starts with learning the difference between assets and liabilities.
ensure that you have more money coming in than going out, which is what will make you richer.

2. Pay Yourself First:

Most people earn and spend their salary paying bills.

A rich person always pays himself.

Invest in
- Courses
- Books
- Experiences

3. Saving and investing are different:

Saving is considered a must and a good habit.

You need to invest your money instead where it grows at a higher rate than inflation.

Saving weaken the purchasing power while investment will increase the value of your money.

4. Learn taxes:

If you are rich and lack financial literacy, you will end up paying a lot of taxes.

The rich have their investments often in learning, so they have to pay fewer taxes.

You need to have financial IQ in different areas like accounting, investing, market forces, and the law.

5. Do not rely on a single source of income:

Most people rely on a single source of income.

You can never become rich and financially secure if you are one of those.

You should have 2 to 3 streams from where you earn money.

You will be in better position even if you face some financial crisis if you have multiple income streams.

6. you become smarter by taking risk:

Unless you take a risk, you cannot grow, grow as in grow really big.

You should take a risk because some opportunities in life have the potential to change the course of your life.

7. Everyone needs to be a financially literate:

Intelligence solves problems and produces money.

Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.

The sad part about the education system around the world is that it teaches to work for money.

The system never teaches how to make, manage, and keep the money.

You should learn how to create wealth and ma

Photos from Chinsali Municipal Council's post 11/08/2023

Thanks Chinsali Municipal Council for the two projects at Bwinambo and Chilunda. Long forward to more projects

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 11/08/2023

We thank Lundazi Town Council for the opportunity to WORK on this Kanele crossing point. School going children and general public really suffer to access essential commodities in town due to flooding in rain season. This will definitely ease movememts for all.
Thanks team Econergy Civils Econergy Civils Austin K Akv Kennedy Mulinda Nicholas Vwali Austin K Akv

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 15/06/2023

Biogas Appliances Feasibility study...Biogas smart meter successfully installed in Nalolo District of Western province. The smart biogas will be able to give real time data remotely over the time period selected. The following are some of the statistical data it will be transmitting every second 24/7 for 1month.
1. Max Pressure kpa
2.Max flow m3/hrs
3.Total gas consumption per given period m3
4. Average gas consumption m3/day.
Thanks to Gasbes Energy for the the smart meter and People in Need Zambia for the opportunity given to help assess the 20 users of biodigesters in 3 Districts of Western province. Thank you team Kennedy Mulinda Nicholas Vwali Smith Siyumbwa Monde Katungu Mukelabai Austin K Akv Phillip Chikasa Jonathan Lungu Isaacs B Chingeleshi for the support so far

Photos from Kalalwe Mukosa's post 12/06/2023

Econergy Civils civils was engaged by Chinsali Municipal Council to finish up this project. And finally the job was done by team Josamu Chizawu . Thank you honorable Kalalwe Mukosa .

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 12/06/2023

Biogas Appliances Feasibility in 3Districts of Western Province (Mongu, Nalolo & Kalabo) supported by People in Need Zambia . Thanks to the following people Austin K Akv & Kennedy Mulinda .9/20 sites visited today litoya Nalolo District 12.06.2023

Photos from Chinsali Municipal Council's post 31/05/2023

Thank your Chinsali Municipal Council for giving Econergy Civils a chance to prove that the team is competent to do the works. Josamu Chizawu and team. Great works. We hope Chinsali Municipal Council will trust us for more CDF projects. Josamu Chizawu

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 29/05/2023

21m3 biodigester for a poultry farmer at 14miles coming up. Lets make use of the waste materials we generate from our farms to more productive way. Thanks Nicholas Vwali and team for the good work so far.

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 17/05/2023

Thanks to our team for the good works Primary in muchinga Province. Our children will be learning in a clean environment.

Photos from Gasbes Energy's post 07/05/2023

This was a great Training...Let the technology reach every corner of our country to reduce deforestation

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 16/11/2022

Each m3 of biogas contains the equivalent of 6 kWh of heat energy.

The same volume of biogas converted to electrical power yields 2 kWh; the rest of the energy is dispersed as heat that can be reclaimed and applied to other uses. The 2kWh generated by a cubic meter of biogas can light a 100W bulb for 20 hours, or run a 2000W hair dryer for one hour.
In zambia we have 2 biogas powered generators.
1. Chisamba by a commercial farmer 64kwh
2. Petauke by Nacro 25kwh

If we can manage our bio waste sustainably...we can contribute significantly to reduce power deficit in the country.

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 22/10/2022

Biodigester septic tanks could be the key to more sustainable wastewater management for future generations. Thanks to aerobic and anaerobic technologies, wastewater management and treatment becomes cheaper, faster, and more environmentally friendly.
If ALL onsite sanitation are improved by integrating bioseptic...our ground water will be safe for all.

Mobile uploads 15/10/2022

Sustainable solutions

Photos from Econergy Civils 's post 12/10/2022

According to recent data from the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the deforestation rate in Zambia is currently around 250-300 thousand hectares a year. We have to play a big role in a small way to help Government.

Alternative sources of energy in form of Biodigesters in schools can help fight deforestation
Thanks to Ministry of Energy for sponsoring 4 Biodigesters at four schools in Zambia
1. Eastern Girls
2. Chizongwe Secondary
3. Mukwela Skills
4. Kalomo Secondary

Econergy Civils 11/10/2022

Econergy Civils is a Ltd company experienced in the following
1. Solar Designs and installation
2. Biodigester Designs, installation & construction
3. Civil Engineering Designs and construction

Econergy Civils Solar Energy design and installation
Biodigester design and construction
Civil Engineering

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Videos (show all)

Kasisi 6m3 Biodigester
Kasisi Girls 15m3 & 6m3 Biodigesters are completed...thanks to Rural Electrification Authority for the project. Now wait...
kasisi Girls biogas project
Progress on Kasisi Girls Biogas Project15m3 Biodigester 99%6m3 Biodigester ..curvature being shapedCattle kraal ..base b...
Assesment of a potential 100m3 Bioseptic biodigester for 53 housing units in feira Luangwa District was carried out succ...





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