Alfonso Renard

Alfonso Renard

Leaders get better in service by serving οΏ½


2026, Socialist Party or The Upnd?

A sign that a political party should not be entrusted with power to govern lies in its structural composition. You can never have a political party president manning all party affairs with the daughter [who is not even close to being a vice president] to the exclusion of all others. Much more, a party president who feels he has everything to teach others because he has money is not deserving of a vote.

A party president who is intolerant to opposing views and does not believe in dialogue is not to be voted for as head of government. What then is our alternative in 2026 - is it to vote for high cost of living or the devil in the suit of a feigned Socialist? Well, we cannot taint so precious our party - he equally found it as we did [he was never a part of its formation] so we will not dance to his tune when he calls the shot.

It is better to vote for the high cost of living than send the party to its early grave. After all, after 2026 he will not be the party president. We will work to see to it that in 2026 he fails and that the capitalist elite leaders carry on. At our first shot as the Socialist Party in government with a Socialist leader, we endeavor to bring about massive transformation in all the sectors of the country.

Is it possible for real change to come about with Dr. Fred M'membe in the vanguard? Yes it is! In fact, he has the capacity but then he has no heart for the people. He is too proud, pompous and arrogant. Actually, him working together with his daughter to the exclusion of all others is what made us [the Socialist Party] get zeroes in the 2021 Presidential and General elections.

A person who makes decisions to the exclusion of those he hijacked the party leadership from, makes stupid decisions. Zeroes are there to show how stupid the decisions have been.


I am a Socialist - I believe in people than I do in money and technology. Socialism is sacred. It is about Ubuntu. It is about and never about the market price and technology. You don't need to be active in the Socialist Party to further the Socialist ideology and agenda - be a portrait of Socialism wherever you are.


To this day, I still hold true my opinion that we are been betrayed by our very own - in the suit of politicians.


Never beg for a seat on the table, when you can build your own table. It is the high table, Ladies and Gentlemen that we are talking about.

Keep moving, keep pushing, you have what it take to reach your dreams


God Would Have Been Sued!

In my journey of training to become a lawyer, I noted that; had God been visible to the law, lawyers would have been bringing action against Him. A part of law if not a bulk of it, faults God. And so you wonder why lawyers have daring confidence πŸ€” πŸ™„ 😏 🀣.

It is only logical to hold the preceding as true on the premise of the two fundamental principles of law, in the brackets of;

(1) Equality before the law - the principle of law which holds that no one person is above the law.

(2) Separation of powers - the principle of law which holds that no one person is entitled to have a presence in more than an organ of government.

And the reason for bringing action against God would have been "Constitutionalism." It appears to me that the reason behind God not been sued to date, is His invisible nature.

The law recognizes the invisible world. But then, had God been visible to the law mmmmm - He could have long been sued.πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚

And so you wonder why lawyers have daring confidence πŸ˜‚ 🀣. Jesus been God in the flesh was subjected to the judicial system of that time! Thus, anything clothed in human skin, with a human heart pumping human blood is subject to the law.

Note: politicians wouldn't allow Jesus [God] to be above the law. The same holds true today! They wouldn't allow Him to be above the law if clothed in human skin. Closer to home, a believer been God in the earth is not above the law.

I must by perforce conclude that the natural world/man has no regard for God whatsoever. Hence, he is carnal for been carnally minded.



β€œOne of the Penalties for Refusing to Participate in Politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"

"The Wise Who Refused to Rule Should Prepare To Suffer The Rules Of Idiots"

People Who Elect Corrupt Politicians, Impostors, Thieves and Traitors are not Victims.. . But Accomplices"

A vote is a kind of prayer about the kind of world you want to live in.

Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender.

If you don't vote, you lose the right to complain.

Bad governments are elected by "good" citizens who don't vote

Vote like your rights depend on it as your vote is your voice

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all

The ballot is stronger than the bullet.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


Democracy is meaningless were a government as no real power. You can cast words all you want, but for none πŸ’―


Democracy must be practiced according to a country's history, culture and circumstances - it comes in different forms, shapes and sizes. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ.


"Opportunism" is the word, not "Networking"

Creating relationships so that you benefit [directly or indirectly] from them in some minor or major way, is not networking. Rather, when you create relationships with a view of benefiting from them, you become an opportunist.

This is so because opportunism/networking does not value people on the basis that they are human. Rather, it pretends to value them on the basis that they have something to give which is of their interest.

An African society is founded on deep love and compassion for humanity and the environment, not on using people. The African society more than any other society understands that: people were never created to be used but to be loved.

Today and beyond, say no to bondings that injure the moral fiber of Africans πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ.


We, as a people, now know that the concept of "democracy" is fallacious [false] without money. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


We, as a people, now know that the West have led the world through science and technology. The seemingly cost of independence from them is rejecting their science and technology that comes with disrespect πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ.


We, as a people, now know that our relationship with the government; is that of the exploiter and the exploited. Governments don't protect rather, they exploit. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


Free market economic systems have made it possible for politicians to become junior gods. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


We, as a people, stand firm to; speak louder and where necessary, fight stronger to resist human degradation πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ.


We, as a people, have learned better than most; that the longing for freedom and human dignity is universal. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


Development that enhances human dignity is enshrouded in the idea of abolishing the financial market systems. Ladies and gentlemen, this idea must be put to test. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


We, as a people, have a responsibility to one another. That shared responsibility is "one of leaving our children a planet which is more just and humane." πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


We as a people, must share in the interest that dissuades the prolonging of human suffering πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸŒ


Zambia is not a Democratic Republic because of the freedom of speech among other freedoms and its electoral system. Rather, it is a Democratic Republic because of the "free market economic system" it subscribes to πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²


Economic growth is a reward in kind, given to award governments for mistreating their citizens and subjects thereof 🌍


The slogan "be the change you would love to see" under the system of democracy, is fraudulent at its core. It denies us from reaching out to the masses who have the power to vote in presidents! 🌍


For all the mess you've been in, blame the government of your land not God. We have been betrayed by our fellow man🌍


Advocacy for gender equality and homosexuality are in the same class. You cannot talk highly of gender equality and at the same time talk down on homosexuality - the two are a pack. Gender equality and homosexuality offends our culture πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡². Africans are Africans not because of color but culture 🌍


God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. As such, homosexuality offends scripture and to a large extent offends our culture.


Your government and politicians are your real enemies of progress and not the devil. They create policies to suit them unlike serving the people βš–.


With Honourable Minister of Justice who is also Lusaka Central Member of Parliament πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²


We get involved because our society and generations to come depend on us.

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