Zambia Stroke and Rehabilitation Hospital

Zambia Stroke and Rehabilitation Hospital

A Zambian idea to improve health outcomes of patients with stroke and other Orthopedic and Neurologic

Photos from Disability Rights Watch - DRW's post 19/12/2018

Disability is a part of our human diversity. To some, it is more obvious while to others it's subtle

How can we address violence against women and girls with disability? 30/11/2018

How can we address violence against women and girls with disability? At the Global Disability Summit in July, governments, NGOs, multilateral institutions, and more vowed to help address the issue of violence facing people with disability. These case studies suggest how.


Physiotherapists are not masseuses or massage 'waala'!
Spread the message to overcome ignorance of the society.


Where are we situated as Zambia Stoke and Rehabilitation Hospital


Self-medication, unsafe Exercises and pain management: Consult the Physiotherapist

Painkiller pills can lead to "dependency syndrome" for your chronic pain management. If you have pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness (a backache, Arthritis, Stroke, weakness in lower or upper limbs) get professional help. Herbs and self-medication will not help you...

A physiotherapist will help you manage your symptoms better.Go to the nearest Hospital and Visit a physiotherapy department they will help you! I must emphasize the specialist at exercises are the Physical therapist, anyone else might know the movements or repetition but they could put your health at risk. The government has deployed nearly a physiotherapist in each and every district hospital across the country. make use of their services.

Don't just go the gym without proper health evaluation, exercises done wrongly could bring more harm than good. Your exercises aims must be matched with your body condition and a qualified person must work out a treatment plan that meets and suites your need.

persons with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, light bones, to mention but a few will need a close-up program.

Movement is life. Live an active lifestyle.

from ZSRH_2018
(picture source from


Happy women's day to all women both home(Zambia) and are the pillars of humanity.."Love women don't hate them" stand up for women rights!!


The measure of a man is in the size of his HEART


Early identification of signs and symptoms and prompt seeking of health services can make a difference between life and death to a stroke patient 26/08/2017

Have ever wondered why your shoes wear out differently? or why one shoe gets spoiled faster than the other one?

Photos from Zambia Stroke and Rehabilitation Hospital's post 26/08/2017

Check your old shoe and inbox me and us we offer you free consultation. You could be among the people that develop Osteen arthritis of the knees associated with unequal weight distribution in your lower limbs.


Biomechanical Factors associated with OA (ostea arthritis of the knees).
Shoe wearing out the pattern-The manner in which your shoe wears out could be an indicator of different forces at play when walking, so kindly call us we offer you advice on what you need to do. check out the following shoes;


Join this page; As we will be showing some videos on how we can use Assistive devices and adaptive technologies for the benefit of your lovely family members with stroke and/or survivors of Stroke. Then we will focus on some conditions that would predispose you to some type or form of arthritis.

Photos from Zambia Stroke and Rehabilitation Hospital's post 28/07/2017

There is a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from none communicable diseases also refered to as life style conditions. Be active and play an active role in your health starting today.

Photos from Zambia Stroke and Rehabilitation Hospital's post 21/06/2017

There challenges when stroke is not managed in the correct manner especially when the clinicians doesn't seek Medical attention from the qualified Rehabilitation specialist who use the multidisciplinary team in the management of the condition. one such physical condition seen among patients with strokes is spasticity


Mini Stroke & TIAs

Mini Stroke Assessment Service

Ask us about our Mini Stroke Assessment Service to identify the cause of the stroke and administer the appropriate treatment and after care to reduce the risk of a further stroke.

What is a Mini Stroke?

Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA), often referred to as mini-strokes, cause the same problems as strokes but usually last less than 24 hours. They are usually caused by a blood clot temporarily blocking a blood vessel in the brain, cutting off the blood supply to part of the brain. If the blood supply is interrupted for a short time only, the brain cells may recover function. It is still vital to seek urgent medical advice if you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms.

How Do I Know If It Is A Mini Stroke (TIA) Or A Stroke?

Three checks can help you recognise whether someone has had either a stroke or a mini-stroke (TIA).

1. Can the person smile? Has their mouth or an eye drooped?

2. Can the person raise both arms?

3. Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?

If you see any of these signs, call us on +260972301894 immediately. If these signs disappear after a few minutes or a few hours, then it may have been a mini-stroke. Urgent medical attention is still required and the person affected should be seen urgently by a Medical Officer.

Am I Likely To Suffer A Stroke Following A Mini Stroke?

The risk of developing a stroke following a mini stroke can be as high as 30% within the first month, with the greatest risk being within the first 72 hours. Although a mini stroke itself may not cause any permanent damage, it can be an indicator of an underlying problem that needs to be assessed and treated.

In patients who have suffered a mini-stroke, the risk of a full-blown stroke is high and an urgent assessment needs to be carried out by a neurologist to try and prevent this from happening and to prevent a further mini stroke.

How Is A Mini Stroke Diagnosed?

Investigations to diagnose a mini stroke will include a brain scan and cardiac (heart) assessment, as well as blood tests.

How Is It Treated?

As part of our range of services, the Stroke Care Team offers a Rapid-Access Mini Stroke Assessment Service which makes use of our full range of diagnostic facilities and the combined expertise of the multidisciplinary team to help identify the cause of the mini stroke. The team also provides exemplary treatment to reduce the risk of further mini stroke, stroke or other complications.

Individual programmes are developed for each patient based on their needs, after discussion with family, friends and their GP. The Stroke Unit has support from leading Neurologists, Cardiologists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Dieticians, Occupational Therapists, Ophthalmologists and Clinical Neuro-Psychologists, to ensure optimum rehabilitation for the patient and a reduced risk of a further stroke.


Do you have a family member who is suffering from a neurological condition such as stroke or a child with cerebral palsy? At Zambia stroke and rehabilitation hospital we have a team of dedicated rehabilitation specialist and medical team who are devoted to comprehensive health care provision and would provide physiotherapy, occupational health and Doctor's review. As a hospital with special emphasis on provision of holistic care that we extend to family members and provide nutrition support to help the patient recover. For further information kingly call the executive director on 0972301894

