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Russian machine gun of the 267th Infantry Dukhovshchinsky-Regiment in position near Lake Naroch, June 1917. The officer with the binoculars is wearing a French Adrian helmet. The gun is an American Colt–Browning M1895. The Russians ordered several thousands of these in 1914.


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Battle of Amiens. Captured German Maxim machine gun and a British soldier resting at the post. Note steps leading to dug-out. Malard Wood, 9 August 1918.

"Malard Wood lies just north of the River Somme and some 3,750 yards south of Morlancourt. Its eastern edge was on the Green Line (the initial objective on 8 August). The 3rd and 2nd/4th Londons were actually to take part in the second phase and were supposed to jump off from the eastern edge of the wood, but were held up by
machine gun fire from the Chipilly Spur area as they exited the wood." (8 August 1918)

(Photo source - © IWM Q 6927)
Brooke, John Warwick (Lieutenant) (Photographer)

(Colour by Doug)

Photos from World War One Centennial Commission's post 18/07/2020

"Then, rising from somewhere near by, comes the gas, yellow or green. Then comes a sudden stinging in your nose. Your eyes water and run. You breathe fire. You suffocate. You burn alive. There are razors and needles in your throat. It is as if you drank boiling hot tea. Your lungs flame. You want to scratch and tear your body. You become half blind, half wild. Your head aches beyond description, you vomit, you drop exhausted, you die quickly.

Men were dying from the gas, their eyes popping, their faces green, and crying: "Water! Water! I'm choking! Air! Air! Air!" It is a frightful thing to hear your friends crying like that. I saw one die right before my eyes, rolling upon the ground as if mad, tearing at his chest. His fingers were crooked after his death, his body full of blue spots and his mouth white. Another poor wretch fell two or three feet from me, dying from the gas. He was sucking water from a dirty handkerchief.

Every other man seemed to fall. As I fought, I marveled that I was spared. And again came to me the belief that my life was charmed; that the bullet had not been melted, the shrapnel not been loaded, the gas not mixed which would cause my death.

An ecstatic confidence buoyed me up. I was brave, because I was so sure of life, while all my comrades seemed groveling in death." - Pvt. Roméo Houle, 4th Co., 14th Battalion, 65th Reg., 3rd inf. Brigade, 1st Canadian Division.

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"Trench fighting is the bloodiest, wildest, most brutal of all ... Of all the war's exciting moments none is so powerful as the meeting of two storm troop leaders between narrow trench walls. There's no mercy there, no going back, the blood speaks from a shrill cry of recognition that tears itself from one's breast like a nightmare. Trenches look like a butcher's bench even though the dead have been removed. There is blood, brains and scraps of flesh everywhere and flies are gathering on them. Whole lines of soldiers are lying in front of the positions, our passages are filled with corpses lying over each other in layers.

And still, the heroic, grand impression given by this endless passage of death uplifts and strengthens us survivors. As strange as it may sound, here you become reacquainted with ideals, the total devotion to an ideal right up to the gruesome death in battle." - Lt. Ernst Junger, 73rd Infantry Regiment Albrecht von Preussen, Hannoverian 19th Division, Somme, France July 3, 1916

Francis Scarr on Twitter 02/07/2020

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has called for the election of Vladimir Putin as Russia’s president for life ahead of a nationwide vote that could allow Putin to stay in power for another 12 years.

Millions of Russians are voting on more than 200 constitutional amendments, one of which clears the term limits of sitting or former presidents. The clause paves the way for Putin, 67, to seek two more six-year presidential terms when he is constitutionally mandated to step down in 2024.

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov:

"We should elect Putin as president for life. Who is there today to replace him?"

— Francis Scarr () June 30, 2020

“I’ve always said that we need to elect Vladimir Putin as a lifetime president,” Kadyrov said in a video published on his social media accounts Tuesday.

“Who can replace him today? There’s no political leader like that on a global scale,” he said during an open-air meeting.

Francis Scarr on Twitter “Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov: "We should elect Putin as president for life. Who is there today to replace him?"”



Napoléon a abdiqué le 22 juin 1815 en faveur de son fils, Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte, Roi de Rome, né le 20 mars 1811, qui est à ce moment là à Vienne aux côtés de sa mère, Marie-Louise d'Autriche.

Fouché prend la présidence d'une commission de gouvernement chargée d'établir la régence du nouvel empereur, et de diriger le pays au nom de Napoléon II, mais les actes rédigés ne font pas référence à Napoléon II, mais "au nom du Peuple français".

Le 26 juin 1815. Fouché prend contact avec les royalistes en vue de préparer l'avenir. Devant l'avancée des troupes britanniques et prussiennes jusqu'à Paris, la commission se sépare le 7 juillet 1815, sans avoir réussi à se mettre d'accord sur une proclamation officielle de Napoléon II.

Le 8 juillet, Louis XVIII rentre à Paris pour y régner à nouveau.

Le règne de Napoléon II aura été de deux semaines. Cela sera suffisant pour que Charles-Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, dit Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, se proclame plus t**d empereur sous le nom de Napoléon III.

• le n° 4 du courrier du Cercle Napoléon, essentiellement consacré à Desaix à Marengo, est sorti.
Pour le recevoir, ainsi que les prochains numéros, envoyez votre adresse mail avec simplement "courrier Cercle Napoléon" à [email protected]

• et merci de vous abonner et d'indiquer que vous aimez ces pages entièrement consacrées aux deux Empereurs.

Vive l'Empereur !



Après Friedland, le 14 juin 1807, les Russes, lourdement défaits, abandonnent Koenigsberg.

Napoléon atteint Tilsit facilement et s’arrête sur la rive gauche du Niémen. Le Tsar, poussé par ses généraux, demande un armistice. L’Empereur, loin de ses bases et craignant une possible intervention militaire de l’Autriche, propose à Alexandre une entrevue pour arriver plus rapidement à conclure la paix.

Au milieu du Niémen, à une distance égale des deux rives, 150 charpentiers français construisent un vaste radeau sur lequel se dresse un magnifique pavillon garni de riches tentures et décoré des drapeaux russes et français.

Le 25 Juin 1807, Napoléon, escorté du grand duc de Berg, du prince de Neufchâtel, du maréchal Bessières, du général Duroc, du grand écuyer Caulaincourt, et Alexandre, accompagné du grand duc Constantin son frère, du général Beningsen, du prince Labanow, de l'aide de camp général comte de Lieven, posent en même temps le pied, à une heure et demie, sur le radeau du Niémen.

Ils se prennent la main et s'embrassent. Je hais les Anglais autant que vous les haïssez, dit tout d'abord Alexandre ; je serai votre second dans tout ce que vous ferez contre eux.
En ce cas la paix est faite, répond Napoléon.

• le n° 4 du courrier du Cercle Napoléon, essentiellement consacré à Desaix à Marengo, est sorti.
Pour le recevoir, ainsi que les prochains numéros, envoyez votre adresse mail avec simplement "courrier Cercle Napoléon" à [email protected]

• et merci de vous abonner et d'indiquer que vous aimez ces pages entièrement consacrées aux deux Empereurs.

Vive l'Empereur !


“They paid a great sacrifice"

“The Last General Absolution of the Munsters at Rue du Bois”, by painter Fortunio Matania.

The eve of battle, May 1915, the 2nd Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers, an Irish Regiment, pauses at a road side shrine in France to receive General Absolution from their military chaplain, Catholic Priest, Father Francis Glesson. The next day, as part of the Battle of Aubers Ridge, many will lose their lives.

This battle saw Imperial German artillery and machine guns against the indomitable Irish spirit. Under intense machine gun fire before they had advanced more than a few yards, the Munsters were able to push through and capture the German trenches, the only unit to do so that day, before being forced to withdraw. British forces suffered over 11,000 casualties in just hours. Of the 800 Fusiliers who went over the top that morning, only 200 attended roll call that evening.

“The Munsters were wild with enthusiasm; they were strong with the invincible strength of faith and high hope, for they had with them the vital conviction of success, the inspiration that scorns danger – which is the lasting heritage of the Irish; theirs still and theirs to remain when great armaments and armies and empires shall be swept away, because it is immovable as the eternal stars.”

Father Gleeson made a point to write to the families of the men who died. He ended each of those letters with: “They paid a great sacrifice"

For more info see:



Napoléon, épuisé, est accueilli par Caulaincourt le 21 juin au palais de l’Élysée. Il lui déclare “J’étouffe ! Qu’on me donne un bain ! J’ai besoin de deux heures de repos… Que dit-on à Paris, Caulaincourt ? Et les Chambres ? Je vais les réunir, je vais leur parler… Je leur peindrai les malheurs de l’armée ; je leur demanderai les moyens de sauver la patrie… Je trouverai des hommes et des fusils, tout peut se réparer…”

A Davout, à qui il demande : “Que croyez-vous que cela va devenir ?” celui-ci répond “Je crois, Sire, que, si 4000 hommes étaient réunis, Votre Majesté serait à leur tête. Si elle n’y est pas, c’est que tout est perdu… À moins que vous ne preniez des mesures énergiques, en commençant par reporter la session des Chambres, ou bien nous serons paralysés.”

En effet la nouvelle de la défaite de Waterloo est arrivée à Paris, le 20 juin 1815. A la Chambre des représentants, Fouché, ministre de la police à la loyauté douteuse, sonde quelques membres sur les mesures à prendre en cas de défaite. Lafayette estime qu'il faudrait alors que la Chambre demande l'abdication de l'Empereur et, en cas de refus, qu'elle prononce sa déchéance.

Napoléon, encouragé par Lucien et par Carnot, évoque l'hypothèse d'une dictature temporaire, seule à pouvoir, selon lui, retourner la situation. Réticent à employer une fois de plus la force, il espère cependant que la Chambre lui concède les pleins pouvoirs, lui évitant ainsi d'avoir à s'en saisir.

Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely, son ministre, évoque le premier une abdication au profit du Roi de Rome, ce qui pourrait empêcher les Représentants de voter la déchéance.

La Chambre, informée par Fouché des menaces de coup d'état, se réunit le 21 juin à midi. Lafayette la fait proclamer “en permanence” et inviolable. Elle exige de voir les ministres comparaître devant elle, dénonce les menaces de coup d'état et mobilise quatre cents gardes nationaux pour la protéger. Elle formule publiquement l'alternative : l'abdication ou la déchéance.

A la Chambre des pairs, seul La Bédoyère tente d’empêcher la déchéance : “Si on ne reconnaît pas son fils pour lequel il abdique, il n’a pas abdiqué”.

A 9 heures du soir, un comité central, réunissant des Représentants, des pairs et des membres du Conseil d'état, entre en séance. A 11 heures, ce comité autorise les Chambres à traiter, sans référer à l’Empereur, avec les puissances alliées.

La Chambre des représentants reprend le mot d'ordre de l'abdication, mais le président parvient à négocier un délai d'une heure avant qu'une résolution, portée par Lafayette, demandant la déchéance, ne soit mise au vote.

Pendant ce temps, Lucien pousse Napoléon à dissoudre la Chambre pour reprendre le pouvoir. Mais d'autres conseillers parviennent à convaincre l'Empereur d’abdiquer en faveur de son fils, alors âgé de cinq ans.

Lucien prend enfin, sous la dictée de Napoléon, copie de son abdication :

Déclaration au peuple français.
Français ! en commençant la guerre pour soutenir l'indépendance nationale, je comptais sur la réunion de tous les efforts, de toutes les volontés, et le concours de toutes les autorités nationales. J'étais fondé à en espérer le succès, et j'avais bravé toutes les déclarations des puissances contre moi.
Les circonstances paraissent changées. Je m'offre en sacrifice à la haine des ennemis de la France. Puissent-ils être sincères dans leurs déclarations, et n'en avoir jamais voulu qu'à ma personne ! Ma vie politique est terminée, et je proclame mon fils sous le titre de Napoléon II, Empereur des Français.
Les ministres actuels formeront provisoirement le conseil de gouvernement. L'intérêt que je porte à mon fils m'engage à inviter les chambres à organiser sans délai la régence par une loi.
Unissez-vous tous pour le salut public et pour rester une nation indépendante.
Au palais de l'Élysée, le 22 juin 1815.

• le n° 4 du courrier du Cercle Napoléon, essentiellement consacré à Desaix à Marengo, est sorti.
Pour le recevoir, ainsi que les prochains numéros, envoyez votre adresse mail avec simplement "courrier Cercle Napoléon" à [email protected]

• et merci de vous abonner et d'indiquer que vous aimez ces pages entièrement consacrées aux deux Empereurs.

Vive l'Empereur !


DAK German soldier pays tribute to a fallen British airman, North Africa.

Martin Maryland.

On June 14 1941, two 1 Squadron SAAF Hurricanes flown by lieutenants were shot down with the pilots being killed.

However a 24 Squadron SAAF Maryland II (number 1609) was also shot down on that date by Oblt L Franzisket of I/JG27. The pilot Lt EC Newborn SAAF parachuted from the plane and became a POW. The rest of SAAF crew, 2nd Lt CC Gordon, Air Sgts P W De B Bothma and R E O Giles were killed in action.

If the date is accurate on the cross, and given the wreckage, this might be the grave of 2nd Lt CC Gordon, mistaken as a full Lieutenant by the Germans.

Sources Gunby/Temple Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses in the Middle East and Mediterranean Volume 1 Shores et al A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-45 Volume 1 North Africa June 1940-January 1942


A cheering crowd of grateful Dutch citizens wave at a Lancaster bomber which just dropped its 'food load' during 'Operation Manna' near Delft, Netherlands, 29 April, 1945

The Dutch famine of 1944–45, known in the Netherlands as the Hongerwinter (Hunger winter), was a famine that took place in the German-occupied Netherlands, especially in the densely populated western provinces north of the great rivers, during the winter of 1944–45, near the end of World War II.

A German blockade cut off food and fuel shipments from farm towns. Some 4.5 million were affected and survived thanks to soup kitchens. An estimated 22,000 deaths occurred due to the famine.

Operation Manna and Operation Chowhound were humanitarian food drops, carried out to relieve a famine in German-occupied Netherlands, undertaken by Allied bomber crews during the final days of World War II in Europe.

Manna was carried out by British RAF units, as well as squadrons from the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and Polish air forces, between 29 April and 7 May 1945.

Chowhound (1–8 May) was an operation by the U.S. Army Air Forces, which dropped, together with Operation Manna, a total of over 11,000 tons, of food into the still-unliberated western part of the Netherlands, with the acquiescence of the occupying German forces, to help feed Dutch civilians in danger of starvation.

After it was realised that Manna and Chowhound would be insufficient, a ground-based relief operation named Operation Faust was launched. On 2 May, 200 Allied trucks began delivering food to the city of Rhenen, behind German lines.

The British operation started first. It was named after the food which was miraculously provided to the Israelites in the Book of Exodus. The planning of the operation was initially done by the Royal Air Force.

The first of the two RAF Avro Lancasters chosen for the test flight, the morning of 29 April 1945, was nicknamed Bad Penny, as in the expression: "a bad penny always turns up". This bomber, with a crew of seven, took off in bad weather despite the fact that the Germans had not yet agreed to a ceasefire. (Seyss-Inquart would do so the next day.) Bad Penny had to fly low, down to 50 feet (15 m), over German guns, but succeeded in dropping her cargo and returning to her airfield.

Many Thanks spelt-out on the ground in tulips after Operation Manna
Operation Manna then began in earnest. British aircraft from Groups 1, 3, and 8 took part, flying 145 sorties by Mosquitoes and 3,156 sorties by Lancaster bombers, flying between them a total of 3,301 sorties.

These bombers were used to dropping bombs from 6,000 metres (20,000 ft), but this time they had to do their job from a height of 150 metres (490 ft), some even flying as low as 120 metres (390 ft), as the cargo did not have parachutes. The drop zones, marked by Mosquitoes from 105 and 109 Squadrons using Oboe, were: Katwijk (Valkenburg airfield), The Hague (Duindigt horse race course and Ypenburg airfield), Rotterdam (Waalhaven airfield and Kralingse Plas) and Gouda. Bomber Command delivered a total of 6,680 tons of food.

Three aircraft were lost: two in a collision and one due to engine fire. Bullet holes were discovered in several aircraft upon their return, presumably the result of being fired upon by individual German soldiers.



Italian Arditi ,"The Daring Ones", trench raiders with their famous trench daggers.

The Arditi were a early type of special forces shock troopers employed by the Italian empire between 1917 and 1920. They are described as the most feared shock troops of the entire First World War.

The entire Arditi Corp was only 18,000 men. O la vittoria, o tutti accoppati ("Either victory, or everyone dies") was their motto.

Their loadout typically consisted of grenades, daggers, and Carcano carbines, but depending on specific missions they used anything from flamethrowers to crew served machine guns.

The Arditi took their pride in the fact that their job was so dangerous, typically an Arditi company would suffer 30-40% casualties every single attack.


Napoleon and Grouchy at WaterlooDear Mr. History,

I am very fascinated with the Battle of Waterloo and all of Napoleon’s battles.

I wonder why Napoleon attacked frontally in the Battle of Waterloo instead of manouvering around the right flank of Wellington’s army. Was it because he wanted to save time by crushing Wellington before the Prussians arrived? Wasn’t Napoleon aware of Wellington’s reverse hill deployment (as his generals would have so advised)?

And why did Grouchy not march to the sound of the guns? At this stage I would assume that he has completely lost track of the Prussian Blucher.

Hope you can provide some insight into these mysteries.

Francis Leong

? ? ?

Dear Mr. Leong,

Napoleon’s plan from first contact with the Allied armies in Belgium was a grander variation on what he’d done during his early Italian campaigns: take advantage of the central position to divide and conquer. On June 16, 1815, his corps had fought separate battles against British General Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington at Quartre Bras and Prussian Feldmarschall Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher at Ligny. Although the Prussians were defeated at Ligny, they fell back in good order and Napoleon badly underestimated how far back they were or how quickly they would regroup and return. Still, to continue pursuing his strategy his original plan for Wellington was to try to seize Mont Saint Jean and Hougoumont farm, the latter of which would sever Wellington’s communications to the sea, and therefore, he expected, would compel Wellington to send in his reserves to recapture it. As those reserves were drawn in, Napoleon would use the reserve artillery of the I, II and VI Corps to decimate those troops and then send his I Corps around Wellington’s left to roll up his forces, pushing them further away from the Prussians. Meanwhile, Marshal Emmanuel de Grouchy had orders to pursue the Prussians to Wavre while staying close enough to join the main force as soon as possible.

Among other


Vienna and Treaty of Versailles

The treaties of Vienna from 1814-1815 and the Versailles in 1919 both had the primary goal of maintaining the balance of power within Europe. Metternich strived to keep conservatism the dominant political stance and succeeded during his time as foreign minister. Wilson’s plan did not turn out the same and he failed to rein Germany in with his League of Nations. The Congress of Vienna focused on the containment of France and re-establishing doctrines that were uprooted by Napoleon’s reign. The Treaty of Versailles was a very shaky agreement that ended up leading to the Second World War and failure around the world. While both treaties had their successes, they also failed in some areas and led to unhealed wounds.

The balance of power was a policy most European nations agreed to abide by and throughout history all effort is made to keep the scale from tipping. Metternich, the foreign minister of Austria was a dedicated conservative leader who sought to turn or keep all European nations that way. He wanted to contain the aggressor, France and had the goal of lasting peace, which Metternich was able to maintain while he ruled. President Wilson tried the same tactic and looked to contain Germany, the aggressor with the same goal of lasting peace. He failed in doing so and eventually Germany became a tyrannical dictatorship, threatening the status of every European country. Both Metternich and Wilson strived to keep peace and harmony amongst their nations and keep the balance of power at a steady, even level.

The Congress of Vienna between 1814 and 1815, although known as the “dancing congress” due to all the heavy partying, looked for the goal of settling Europe back down and attaining peace after the chaotic French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. It was the first attempt at a multinational peace process, but does not truly accomplish anything until Napoleon’s Hundred Days. Legitimacy was enacted to return original rulers to the thrones


Lessons from the french revolution Like present-day populists, the Père Duchêne had a simple political programme. The elites who ruled France before 1789 had enriched themselves at the expense of the people. They needed to be forced to share their power and wealth. When the revolution did not immediately improve the lives of the masses, the Père Duchêne blamed the movement’s more moderate leaders, accusing them of exploiting it for their own benefit. The journalists who wrote under the name of the Père Duchêne used colourful language laced with obscenities; they insisted that their vulgarity showed that they were ‘telling it like it is’. Their tone was vindictive and vengeful; they wanted to see their targets humiliated and, in many cases, sent to the guillotine. The most successful Père Duchêne journalist, Jacques-René Hébert, built a political career through his success in using the media. At the height of the Reign of Terror, he pushed through the creation of a ‘revolutionary army’ controlled by his friends to intimidate enemies of the revolution, and seemed on the verge of taking over the government.

Maximilien Robespierre and his more middle-class colleagues on the Committee of Public Safety feared that Hébert’s populist movement might drive them from power. They decided that they had no choice but to confront Hébert and his followers, even if it meant alienating the ‘base’ of ordinary Paris residents, the famous sans-culottes. Using the same smear tactics that the Père Duchêne had perfected, they accused Hébert of dubious intrigues with foreigners and other questionable activities. Like many bullies, Hébert quickly collapsed when he found himself up against serious opponents determined to fight back; the crowd that cheered his dispatch to the guillotine in March 1794 was larger than for many of the executions that he had incited. But he and the other Père Duchênes, as well


What is the name of the warm and dry wind that blows periodically to the leeward side of the Rockies


Which of the following is not a cell

Drainage basin
Nitrogen cycle
Soil system


Which of the following is not a wind

Sea Breeze
Equatorial low
Santa Ana


10 things about A Level Geography

1.The exam is not oral but written and so equip yo hands and mind with the best writting skills

2 There is no compromise whatever on time.practice to finish the exam in time

3 Despite regarded tough for study and teaching Settlement, and Climatology are the most important topics of the syllabus

Its wiser to do all the topics rather than being selective for their is always a close
interdependence on all of them

Try to attain perfection in point construction for if u fail perfection youl get excellence

A geography should be a great traveller and so read wider and get to know a lot of places

Love your books and let their meaning flow naturally in yo brains.

Dont study to pass.Study to know

Statistics and mapwork are compulsory and so needs special attention

Quiters never win and winners never quit

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