Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim

Optimising agricultural productivity to ensure food security and economic development

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 24/08/2024


Livestock producers face significant challenges during periods of drought, as dwindling water sources and reduced pasture availability can impact animal health and productivity. Implementing effective strategies to manage livestock during drought is essential for ensuring the well-being of the animals and maintaining farm sustainability. Here are some key strategies for managing livestock during periods of drought:

Water management

Ensuring access to an adequate and clean water supply is crucial during drought conditions. Producers should regularly monitor water sources, repair leaks, and consider implementing water conservation practices such as rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems to maximize water use efficiency.

Feed and Nutrition Management

Drought conditions often lead to a shortage of pasture and forage. Livestock producers can manage feed shortages by diversifying feed sources, planting drought-resistant crops, sourcing alternative forage options, and providing supplementary feed to meet the nutritional needs of their animals.

Grazing Management

Implementing strategic grazing practices can help optimize pasture use during drought. Rotational grazing, where animals are moved between different pastures to prevent overgrazing, can help preserve pasture quality and quantity during dry periods.

Animal Health Monitoring

Regular health checks and monitoring are essential during drought to detect and address any health issues promptly. Producers should work closely with veterinarians to ensure that animals receive necessary vaccinations, treatments, and care to maintain their health and well-being.

Herd Management

In cases of severe drought, producers may need to make difficult decisions regarding herd management. Strategic culling of livestock, reducing stocking rates, or implementing early weaning practices can help manage feed shortages.


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Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 22/08/2024

Navigating Drought: Strategic Range Management for Livestock Producers

As drought conditions intensify across agricultural regions, livestock producers face unprecedented challenges in maintaining the health and productivity of their herds. Effective range management strategies are crucial for enduring these difficult times. With no one-size-fits-all solution, producers must carefully evaluate each management practice, considering both the costs and anticipated returns to determine the best approach for their specific circumstances.

*Rotational Grazing: Optimizing Pasture Use*

One of the most effective strategies for managing range during drought is rotational grazing. By allowing different pasture areas to rest after grazing, producers can promote recovery and sustainability of the land. Implementing this strategy across a larger number of available pastures helps optimize animal distribution, reducing overgrazing in any single area.

In addition to rotational grazing, ensuring access to water and providing supplementary feed are essential components of this strategy. Producers can modify feeding areas to further enhance grazing management. For instance, by considering the "aspect" or location of pastures, they can maximize forage production. South- and west-facing areas, which typically mature earlier in the grazing season, should be utilized first. As these areas dry out, livestock can then be rotated to north- and east-facing pastures, which tend to remain productive longer.

*Boosting Forage with Nitrogen Fertilization*

Another key strategy during drought is the application of nitrogen fertilizer, particularly following rainfall. This practice can significantly boost forage production, provided the rainfall continues, and also enhance the protein content of the forage. However, producers must be cautious and time their fertilization efforts carefully, as the effectiveness of this approach is highly dependent on consistent rainfall.

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 22/08/2024


Protecting Our Wheat Crop: A Top Priority

Having attained a record hectarage of over 121 000 ha, the government has shifted its focus to the adoption of sound agronomic practices and quelea birds control to maximise productivity. The country is expecting a bumber havest of more than 600 000 metric tonnes in persuit of the wheat-based food security thrust.

The Permanent Secretary, Professor dr. Obert Jiri, expressed the government's commitment to protect the wheat crop in a quest to realise the expected bumber harvest.

"As we approach the end of the wheat season, our team has been working tirelessly to ensure the protection of our crop from pests and diseases. Our mission is to safeguard our food security, and we are taking all necessary measures to prevent any losses", he stated.

The permanent Secretary further said "Unfortunately, we have reached a critical stage where the wheat is ripe and ready for harvest, but the threat of pests and diseases is still present. Our teams are on the ground, using various methods to control and prevent infestations. We are employing ground forces with sprayers, air force drones, and other technologies to monitor and protect our crop".

Commenting on the the government's state of preparedness to harvest wheat, Professor Jiri assured that "we have a total of 303 combines across the country, both within government institutions and the private sector, ready to be deployed to bring in the harvest. We are confident that with our combined efforts, we will be able to protect our wheat crop and ensure food security for our nation".

As the nation prepares for the rainy season, which is expected to begin in the second week of next month, the ministry is taking extra precautions to prevent any wheat losses. combine harvesters have been lined up to harvest the wheat at the optimal stage of growth, and all is set in place to ensure a smooth and successful harvest.

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 22/08/2024

Drought Management Strategies for Livestock Producers

As the drought continues to affect dairy and livestock producers, making informed management decisions is crucial to ensure the health and well-being of their animals. Optimal health and performance records can aid producers in identifying areas for improvement and making strategic decisions, such as culling animals or reducing herd size.

Categorizing grazing animals based on nutritional requirements can simplify feeding and body condition scoring. Weaning calves and lambs early can help maintain the health of mature females, while pregnancy checks can identify non-pregnant animals for strategic selling or destocking.

Supplementary feeding can provide essential protein and energy, but producers must carefully evaluate the cost and nutritional value of feeds. High-energy feeds like grains and molasses can be effective, but availability and price should be considered.

Sound range management strategies, such as rotational grazing and pasture rotation, can help producers endure the drought. Implementing these strategies can optimize animal distribution, forage production, and pasture utilization.

Additionally, producers should prioritize water availability, explore supplementary water sources, and be aware of toxic invasive species that can exacerbate drought-related issues.

By adopting these strategies, dairy and livestock producers can make informed decisions to preserve optimal genetic traits, reduce losses, and restore their herds after the drought.


Zimbabwe and Saudi Arabia enter new era of agricultural cooperation with view to boost the livestock landscape

The Permanent Secretary, Professor dr. Obert Jiri, met Mr Mayank Jain, Mr Ahmed Sameer Bujubarah, and Mr Sale Mohamed Alamri from the Kingndom of Saudi Arabia in Harare today.

The trio from Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company (SALIC) discussed possible collaboration with the Government of Zimbabwe in the livestock value chain.

The Permanent Secretary underscored the importance of forging a strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia aimed at cooperation in the promising realms of pastures production, beef, sheep, goat, dairy, and poultry production.

The Saudi Arabia delegation acknowledged Zimbabwe for its massive potential for agricultural growth. Moreso, they placed emphasis on Zimbabwe's importance in agricultural investments, specifically its fertile land base.

This strategic roadmap is in resonance with Zimbabwe's 'engagement and re-engagement' drive which quests to catalyse the country towards to the attainment of Vision 2030

Food Security, Everywhere, Everyday


Zimbabwe and Saudi Arabia enter new era of agricultural cooperation with view to boost the livestock landscape.

The Permanent Secretary, Professor dr. Obert Jiri, met Mr Mayank Jain, Mr Ahmed Sameer Bujubarah, and Mr Sale Mohamed Alamri from the Kingndom of Saudi Arabia in Harare today.

The trio from Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company (SALIC) discussed possible collaboration with the Government of Zimbabwe in the livestock value chain.

The Permanent Secretary underscored the importance of forging a strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia aimed at cooperation in the promising realms of pastures production, beef, sheep, goat, dairy, and poultry production.

The Saudi Arabia delegation acknowledged Zimbabwe for its massive potential for agricultural growth. Moreso, they placed emphasis on Zimbabwe's importance in agricultural investments, specifically its fertile land base.

This strategic roadmap is in resonance with Zimbabwe's 'engagement and re-engagement' drive which quests to catalyse the country towards to the attainment of Vision 2030

Food Security, Everywhere, Everyday

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 15/08/2024

Government geared to control Quelea Birds ahead of an anticipated winter wheat bumber harvest

The Ministry has intensified efforts to manage the threat of quelea birds, which pose a significant risk to wheat crops in various regions of the country. The department has deployed advanced technology and bolstered its human resources to combat these pests effectively.

Mr Shingirai Nyamutukwa, the Acting Director of the Migratory Pests Control Department, announced that the Ministry has nine drones specifically designed to monitor and control quelea bird populations. In addition to these drones, the department has also deployed five vehicle-mounted sprayers and 30 motorized backpack sprayers, all of which are dedicated to the ongoing quelea control operations.

To further strengthen the fight against these pests, the Ministry has recruited 21 additional technicians, who are currently deployed across the country to assist in quelea birds control operations. As part of a comprehensive strategy, control command centers have been established in every ward nationwide. These centers serve as hubs for farmers to report quelea birds sightings and infestations, allowing the department to respond swiftly and effectively.

"Farmers are strongly encouraged to join these command centers to ensure timely communication and action," Mr. Nyamutukwa emphasized. He explained that each province now has a dedicated command center, reinforcing the government's commitment to safeguarding the nation's agricultural output.

The control measures are being implemented in close collaboration with the national parks, with equipment being operated solely by department personnel. The government has also made chemicals available to farmers free of charge, further aiding in the control efforts.

Food Security: Everywhere, Everyday!
Vangelis Haritatos Agricultural and Rural Development Authority Obert Jiri Ministry of Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Services Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme - ZAGP Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training Zimbabwe Young Farmers-Fyfcz

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 14/08/2024

Zimbabwe and Japan Collaborates to promote climate smart agriculture in a bid to uplift rural livelihoods

A significant mileage of collaboration between the governments of Zimbabwe and Japan was once again demonstrated today in Harare when the Japanese ambassador to Zimbabwe, His Excellency, Mr Yamanaka Shinichi, handed over 3, 600 metric tonnes of Ammonium Nitrate and 1,940 metric tonnes of Compound D fertilisers, at GMB Aspindale in Harare, which are expected to benefit approximately 100,000 small-scale farmers.

Deputy Minister, Hon. Vangelis Haritatos, was the guest of honour. In his remarks, he acknowledged the improvement of Zimbabwe's ties with Japan.

He stated that, " Agriculture remains one of the key sectors in the quest to achieve Zimbabwe's Vision 2030 as prescribed by His Excellency President E.D Mnangagwa. The overall objective is to create a self-sufficient, food surplus economy which will see Zimbabwe re-emerge as the 'Bread Basket of Southern Africa', if not the bread-basket of the world".

In Zimbabwe, small-scale farmers contribute more than 60% of the country's food. The fertiliser will be provided to small-scale farmers who are part of the government-subsidized Climate Proofed Input Programme (Pfumvudza/Intwasa), which aims to improve rural livelihoods by assuring household food security.

Hon. V. P Haritatos stressed the need to continue adopting resilient agricultural practices in the face of climate change, stating that, " let us continue working together to empower farmers, promote resilience, and ensure that we can meet the food demands of our growing populations.

The fertilizer donation will go a long way in supporting the government's Presidential Input Support Programms ( Pfumvudza/Intwasa) which is supporting 3.5 million farmers in Zimbabwe.


Celebrating Our Heroes on Heroes' Day

On this Heroes' Day, we pay tribute to the extraordinary men and women who have shaped our nation with their courage and selflessness. Whether on the battlefield, in our communities, or in the fields, heroes come in many forms, each contributing to the strength and growth of our country.

To all the heroes, past and present, we thank you for your unwavering dedication and sacrifice. Your legacy inspires us to continue working towards a prosperous and sustainable future for generations to come.

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Happy holidays.
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Happy Heroes Day Zimbabwe!

Today we celebrate and appreciate all your hardwork and sacrifice, not only for a free Zimbabwe, but for the progressive Zimbabwe that we live in today.

Whilst there are thousands of people who we are grateful to for this day, I will always be a little more grateful to my Hero, my late father.

God Bless Zimbabwe

NEW: National Soil Conservation Policy on cards 12/08/2024

Sunday Mail Zimbabwe

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NEW: National Soil Conservation Policy on cards | The Sunday Mail -

NEW: National Soil Conservation Policy on cards The Leading Family Newspaper in Zimbabwe


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Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 10/08/2024

Irrigation development a sure way to ensure non- weather dependent food security: Hon Minister Dr. A.J Masuka

The irrigation push was implemented by the government as a countermeasure to the consequences of climate change. In an effort to provide the country with permanent food security as opposed to sporadic and weather-dependent food security.

Hon. Minister Dr. A.J Masuka paid a visit to Bwanya Irrigation Scheme in Chivi District, Masvingo Province, a major 156-hectare project that will lift over 300 households out of poverty.

This intiative is premised on Vision 2030 which entails the country becoming an upper middle income society by the year 2030. Furthermore, this aligns with SDG1 which calls for the erradication of poverty.

Addressing scores of farmers at Bwanya Irrigation Scheme, Hon. Minister stated that, " Climate-proofing agriculture through increased irrigation development is the only sure way to ensure people's food security whether it rains or not".

He reiterated the need for irrigation facilities to be administered as businesses for the long-term development of rural livelihoods.

In order to accelerate the effort to climate proof the country and increase the national strategic food reserves, the government plans to increase the area under irrigation to 350 000 ha by 2025.

350 000 hectares of arable land are anticipated to be planted in order to generate the 1.8 million tonnes of summer grains that the nation needs annually to maintain its self-sufficiency.

In this vein, government is targeting to rehabilitate 450 irrigation schemes covering 26 000 ha 2025

With more than 10,600 dams that can irrigate 2 million hectares, Zimbabwe possesses a vast potential for irrigation.

Food Security: Everywhere, Everyday

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Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 08/08/2024

SOIL CONSERVATION FOR FOODSECURITY: Permanent Secretary speaks at the Zero Draft of the National Soil Conservation Policy Workshop ongoing now in Harare!

Following several consultations by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim Department of Agricultural Engineering, Mechanisation and Farm Infrastructure Development, to unveil the National Soil Conservation Policy Draft to stakeholders in different provinces, today we witness the convening of one of its kind; the National Soil Conservation Policy Workshop, combining officials from diverse institutions and backgrounds to constructively engage and share notes on the pertinent subject of soil conservation as the Zero Draft of the National Soil Conservation Policy is being reviewed.

The Permanent Secretary, Prof. Obert Jiri in his remarks made a call for members to employ serious considerations on the new priorities of the Soil Charter, where the Ministry must take stock of past experiences and learning from the failures and mistakes that have resulted in a still persistent global problem of soil degradation, soil erosion, siltation and unsustainable use of available soil resources.

"Soils are fundamental to life on Earth but human pressures on soil resources are reaching critical limits. Further loss of productive soils will amplify food-price volatility and send millions of people into poverty. This loss is avoidable. Careful soil management not only secures sustainable agriculture, it also provides a valuable lever for climate regulation and a pathway for safeguarding ecosystem services." said Prof. Jiri.

The United Nations through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) adopted the Global Soil charter in 1981. The Soil Charter was recently reviewed in the year 2015 because there was an urgent need to update the vision and guiding principles as spelled out some 30 years ago by FAO Member Countries in the World Soil Charter (FAO, 1981).

The 13 principles listed in the charter though still valid need to be updated and revised in light of new scientific knowledge gained over the past 30 years, especially with respect to new issues that emerged or were exacerbated during the last decades, such as soil pollution and its consequences for the environment, climate change adaptation and mitigation and urban sprawl impacts on soil availability and functions.

"Going forward, we are laying a firm foundation through implementing the Agriculture, Food Systems and Rural Transformation Strategy (AFSRTS). Vision 2030 of a prosperous and empowered upper middle income beckons and is achievable. Soil Conservation contribute to the attainment of this vision through enhanced soil health and productivity,” thus soil conservation for food security everywhere, everyday”. The philosophy “Nyika inovakwa veneve vayo, igotongwa nevene vayo, igonamatigwa nevene vayo” is clearly demonstrable in the agricultural sector, with the land reform programme forming the basis for sustainable agri-economic development. Authoritatively and irreversibly contributing to building Zimbabwe, “brick by brick and stone upon stone”, the agricultural sector is showing that equitable development, leaving no one and no place behind, is indeed possible."

The Agriculture, Food Systems and Rural Transformation Strategy (AFSRTS) seeks to achieve a US$13.75 billion agriculture economy by 2025. This strategy is a composite plan of action drawn from the Agricultural recovery plan, Horticulture Recovery & Growth Plan and Livestock growth plans. These strategies enhance the attainment of vision 2030 which is anchored on National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).

The major resources required to achieve these objectives of all the blueprints are in the soil, hence the need to develop policy guidelines for its conservation. More than 90% of global food production depends on soil. Soils are however, under pressure around the globe, soil erosion is now a global issue that is affecting agricultural production and productivity causing food insecurity and ecosystem instability.

"Therefore, the need for the sustainable utilization and management of this important resource is required. The national soil policy is crucial for coordinating efforts, setting standards, and guiding investments in soil conservation and management. It will help us prioritize soil health, promote sustainable agriculture practices, and support ecosystem services. " he said.

The policy will promote sustainable soil management practice, enhance soil fertility and health, prevent soil erosion and degradation as evidenced by siltation of water sources such as dams, rivers, etcetera, support climate change mitigation and adaptation, foster a multi-disciplinary, holistic approach, collaboration and coordination among stakeholders since soil is the backbone of all forms of land use (infrastructure development, mining, agriculture, tourism e.t.c).

In conclusion, Prof. Jiri urged the technocrats to engage in meaningful discussions, share expertise, and build consensus on the review of the first draft of the National Soil Conservation Policy to develop a policy that benefits "our nation, our farmers, and our environment."

everywhere everyday

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Zimbabwe and World Bank Group collaborate to enhance agricultural partnerships

The Executive Director of the Africa Group Constituency under the World Bank Group, Dr. Floribert Ngaruko and his delegation, met the Permanent Secretary, Professor dr. Obert Jiri, and other senior ministry officials in Harare.

The Africa Group Constituency at the World Bank represents the interests of several African countries in the decision-making processes of the World Bank Group.

The meeting sought to foster strategic cooperations in a wide range of agricultural projects.

The world bank group expressed willingness to work with Zimbabwe in its quest to build resilience against the effects of climate change to ensure food and nutrition security.

The meeting in an exhibit of the fruits beared by the government's 'engagement' and 're-engagement' drive. Furthermore, the Agriculture Food Systems and Rural Transformation Strategy champions Public Private Partnerships by placing them at the core of the national development agenda as envisaged by the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).

Food Security: Everywhere, Everyday

Vangelis Haritatos Obert Jiri fans


Zimbabwe and Dubai Forge Historic Partnership in Coffee and Tea Production

In a groundbreaking move, the governments of Zimbabwe and Dubai have initiated strategic partnership aimed at enhancing the processing and production of coffee and tea. This alliance marks a significant step forward in the agricultural and economic collaboration between the two nations.

A high level delegation from Dubai met the Permanent Secretary, Professor dr. Obert Jiri and other senior ministry officials in Harare today. The two governments discussed possible avenues of cooperation in the production and processing of coffee and tea.

The partnership seeks to leverage Zimbabwe's fertile land and favorable climate for growing high-quality coffee and tea, while Dubai will contribute its advanced technology and expertise in value addition and marketing. The collaboration is expected to boost the economies of both countries, create jobs, and increase the global presence of Zimbabwean coffee and tea.

Through this partnership, Dubai will provide technical support, training programs for farmers, and introduce innovative farming practices to enhance productivity.

Value addition in coffee and tea production is another critical area of focus. Currently, much of Zimbabee's coffee and tea is exported as raw material, which significantly reduces its market value. The partnership aims to establish processing plants in Zimbabwe, enabling the country to export finished products. Thus, this initiative will not only increase revenue but also create a more sustainable agricultural sector.

The partnership is expected to have far-reaching economic and social impacts. It will create employment opportunities in both countries, from farming and processing to marketing and distribution. Additionally, the initiative will empower local farmers by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to improve their livelihoods.

*Food Security: Everywhere, Everyday*

Obert Jiri Vangelis Haritatos fans

Photos from Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Zim's post 06/08/2024

Afreximbank and Arise IIP visit Minister Masuka: As Zimbabwe pushes forward Agriculture Transformation Agenda

Honorable Minister Dr. A.J. Masuka, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, yesterday in Harare met with Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), and Gagan Gupta, founder of Arise IIP, to explore project synergies and investment strategies in the agriculture sector.

The Minister had a productive meeting with the President of Afreximbank where the bank's willingness to assist Zimbabwe in its agricultural transformation was indicated.

Dr. Masuka emphasized the country's agriculture food system and rural transformation strategy, anchored by agriculture, as a key component of achieving the Vision 2030 declared by President E.D. Mnangagwa.

"70% of Zimbabweans are involved in agriculture, which is the backbone of our economy. It is agriculture that should transform the lives of rural people so that they become economic participants and not economic spectators," said Honorable Minister Masuka.

The focal point of the discussions was to make available 50,000 hectares of land for irrigation development, aimed at export-led growth, with commodities being exported to Egypt. Zimbabwe has adopted a wheat-based food security strategy, focusing on increasing wheat production. The Minister highlighted the need to investigate wheat prices, fertilizers, and the bilateral aspects of trade. "Wheat should have an indicative price, and we must work with the Agriculture and Rural Authority to see if we can reduce costs by doing cost per unit or better procurement," said Dr. Masuka. He noted that 30%-40% of the cost of wheat production is attributed to fertilizers.

Cotton, a drought-resistant smallholder crop, was also discussed. As part of the rural transformation strategy, the government is providing cotton inputs to rural farmers. Mr. Gagan Gupta suggested investigating the integrated cotton textile value chain.

Livestock was another critical area reflected upon, with 95% of the 5.7 million cattle in Zimbabwe being in the smallholder sector. Minister Masuka stressed that livestock should become a business.

Other discussion points included silo expansion to increase storage space, conservation agriculture, and the village business unit. Food self-sufficiency and security in Zimbabwe depend on harnessing water from the 10,600 dams capable of irrigating 2.2 million hectares.

Minister Masuka looks forward to an expanded and beneficial relationship with the banks. Deputy Minister, Hon. V.P. Haritatos in support of the Minister’s remarks applauded the banks for their continuous support for and collaboration with farmers, emphasizing the positive impact such strategic relationships has on Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector.

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