Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded

an online platform where different health illnesses are treated using herbals...Tinoshandisa miti ne

Photos from Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded's post 01/10/2021

From our previous talk on 'Different perspectives on African Phamarcy/Kusandiswa kwemishonga yechivanhu",we discussed how the so called 'African Magic' has been badly painted ranging from witchcraft, family conflicts to bizarre human sacrifices being performed to gather black money'kuromba.

Let's now break down different types of Practioneers within the arena of using African Herbs without necessarily mentioning neither region or names as some might find it offensive,kindly note that the category is there to paint a picture especially by uncovering origins of modern atrocities which has infringed beauty of how ancestor's used to go about it without modern science which uses scientific methods of detecting different catastrophic forces facing mankind...

First of the selection:
°N'ANGA/WITCHDOCTOR-Decoding from ancient sources of data gathering methods such as oral recitations and scrolls backed by evidence. Witchdoctors mainly got their skills of using herbs from their forefathers whom most claimed to be called by the supreme force(some call the adent force either gods,God or vadzimu) depending your region of origin.These doctors were given charms which would act as a spiritual connector between them and the supreme power to enhance their operations in solving an underlying issue.Some call these charms as 'Gona' which can be lightly translated as 'a powerful tool of guidance'.Some doctors were given spiritual stuffs/tsvimbo dzesimba,these stuffs would act wonders in performing their duties,for instance, some acclaim that,these stuffs would halt time in times of trouble or even to make rains if pointed towards the sky.

Mainly,duties of these doctors were as follows:
-to detect cause and cure different health illnesses on a spiritual exercises of using sea shells or wood sticks/kukanda hakata...The doctor would then interprets the cause and propose a solution either by performing a r..
By Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded
Sekuru Shava Natural Herbal Center



Chokutanga kuna baba:
*mimba haibate kana mbeu yababa yakaneta:izvi zvinoonekwa nekuburitsa mbeu shomanana isingakwane kana panzara/quarter teaspoon/low s***m count
*kozvoti mbeu inobuda semvura mukuchururuka uyezve iri yebrown *kozoti kusakwanisa kusvitsa mai pokupedzisira/weak er****on...

kuna mai:
*Kuinda kunguva kwemazuva asingasviki mana kana kupfurikidza mazuva anoita kana gumi,
*Kunzwa marwadzo akanyanisa pakuenda kunguva zvinosanganisira kudhonzwa paguvhu/jeko kana kutotadza kufamba
*Kuve nechibereko chine tsina izvi zvinoonekwa nekuburitsa ropa rine magodo-godo,ropa rakachenuruka.
*Kozoti kuve nechirwere chebonde zvinoonekwa nekuvaviwa zasi kana kuona mapundu kana mhopo zasi...
*Kozoti kuve nemasari/fibroids kana mazai anemaronda/ovary cyst(izvi zvinoonekwa pascan navana chiremba),,,
*Kozoti chimiro che mutumbi chaiwo(kuve nemabhonzo echirume anoonekwa nekuita flat pama hips ,kozoti kuve mutetesa zvoita ropa mumuviri rive shoma kozoti kuita muviri muhombesa kunodzikisa mikana yekubata mimba zvekare
*Kuve nohurwere hungati diabetes, kusafamba kweropa mumuviri zvakanaka,HIV and AIDS
*Makore arerekera 39 zvichikwira


By Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded

Photos from ZimEye's post 04/09/2021


Photos from Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded's post 03/09/2021

Today we would like to share some of healthy components we derive from eating Mopane worms/Amacimbi/Phane or Madora regularly...

First and foremost, Madora are high in protein,which means that they help our bodies in repairing tornup muscles as well as strengthening them...

Secondly, Amacimbi are reach in fibre,thus,they help our digestive system to process food fluently as well as easing occurance of stomachaches.

Lastly,Phane have some calcium and phosphorus components which helps in strengthening the bones especially to breastfeeding mothers.

:The worms can be enjoyed by anyone above 6 years.

An ordinary way of preparing them is as follows:

1- Soak one cup of the worms in cold water till they are soft enough to be washed.

2-Soak them again in warm water for about 15mins so that they suck in the water.

3-Add 2 cups of water and boil the worms till the water has dried.

4-Then add a teaspoon of cooking oil,onions, tomatoes and fry(depending on the way you want them served)




Hurwere hunoratidza kusashanda kwemuviri kwakanaka,ingave mitezvo inorwadza(mudumbu,mawoko,makumbo,musoro,maziso,chifuva,mabayo,kunyuka maronda) kana kuona zvisina kujairika(kunyuka mapundu zvingaite zvisasa,kubuda misodzi mumaziso,mafunze anonhuwa,kuzvimba tsinga dzomuviri,kubuda hurwa nekunhengo,kunzwa nyota paduku-paduku kana kuzarirwa).

Hurwere huri muzikwata zviviri zvinoti:

a)-Acute illnesses/Hurwere hunoitika kwenguva pfupi-pfupi sekurwadziwa mudumbu mushure mokudya chikafu chinehutachiona/chakashisha kana kubuda hurwa pagumbo mushure mokuchekwa paganda kana kubaiwa nemunzwa...
b)-Chronic illnesses/hurwere hunotora nguva refu kubva mumwedzi inoraudzidzira kusvika kana hupenyu hose.Iyi mhando inksanganisira kusafamba kweropa mumuviri zvakanaka zvichikonzerwa nekukanganisika kwemoyo/heart disease, gosoro/asthma inoratidza kukanganisika kwemapapu,herpes/kunyuka maronda achienda nokudzoka pangave panhengo kana paganda romuviri,zvirwere zvepabonde/S*xually Transmitted Diseases...

Mukuwananda kwehurwere nemapoka azvo,kune nzira dzakasiyana-siyana mukubatsira kupedza chirwere panwe nederedza hunye kuti hutano huchengetedzeke dzinosanganisira zvinotevere:

1)-Kudya kunovaka muviri.

Miviri yedu inokwanisa kurwisa zvirwere zvakasiyana-siyana mushure mokunge yawana kudya kwakaringana.Kungave kudya sadza remhunga,zviyo kana mafunde/high fibre grains,kudya micharo nezviwanikwa zvemubindu/fruits and vegetables,kudya huchi nguva nenguva.

Mukudya zvinohutano,zvinokurudzirwa kuderedza kudya kunotapira/refined sugars angave makeke,kuderedza zvinemafuta anominina/fatty fried foods sema fat-cook sezvo kudya kune mafuta kunovhara tsinga mukufamba kwenguva zvokknzera hurwere hohupenyu hose/CHRONIC ILLNESSES.

2)-Zvinokurudzirwa kugwinyisa muviri kungave kumhanya mangwanani kana kuita chero zvipi zvingaite muviri udikitire panwe nekuswatuka/doing exercises. Izvi zvinosimbisa nhengo dzomuviri ungave moyo panwe netsinga zvobatsira kudziv...






1. Coconut and groundnut are

sexual drive enhancers.

2. Carrot and cucumbers are s***m


3. Swimming enhances your


4. Dancing reduces stress, S*x is

also good but do not abuse it.

5. Exercise is a life extending


6. Frequent talking with enthusiasm

is an anti-aging.

7. Ma********on can cause eye

defect, weakness of p***s and

reduces your libido from 50yrs

8. Congested bucal cavity is

potentially hazardous, brush your

teeth morning and night.

9.Beans is an anti-cancer, you can

remove the skin if it gives you

trouble after eating.

10.Eating smoked fish is suicidal

because it is double monoxide

and could elicit cancerous cells.

11.Beef is very dangerous to those

above 40yrs.

12.Milk is not really ideal for those

who experience noisy and

stomach upset after drinking it.

Such indicates milk fermentation

in the system.

13.Soft drinks and juices shouldn't be

abused. You can prepare your

own juice with fruits. Dont

accumulate synthetic sugar in

your body.

14.Make watermelon your

companion as it cleanses your

liver and kidney, and also

enhances their functions.

15.Eat apples, carrot, onion and other

vegetables everyday.

16.Cease your breathe for at least

one minute when people cough or

sneeze, especially in an enclosure

or in a public transit.

17.Washing of hands regularly is a

major way of preventing some


18 garlic is antibiotics and antiviral plant

19 Garlic clears the throat

Photos from Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded's post 18/08/2021


These are sudden or involuntary contraction of muscles which may result in intense pain on thighs,calf or foot.The condition may last seconds to few minutes less 5mins normally/Kudzokedzana kwetsinga dzomuviri kunokonzera marwadza pazvidya,chitsinho kana tsoka mushure mokunge tsinga dzakakika.

Scientific studies has revealed that cramps are common to elderly(50 years and above) as well as pregnant mothers.Scientific causes may be due to some of the following:
*intense excerises which strain muscles
*poor blood circulation around the body
*Sitting or standing for a long period without stretching especially on hard surfaces.
*Malnutrition also contribute to cramp occurance especially:excessive intake of alcohol,dehydration which leaves the body with little fluids for flexibility,low levels of potassium, low levels of carbohydrates...
*Cramps might be a sign of an underlying health issue such as diabetes, heart and liver issues ...



*Stretch out the part you're feeling the cramp pain to ease blood flow.
*Change sitting or standing positions frequently and try to step onto a soft surface which carpet or wear comfortable footwear.
*Massage the area with hot or cold patch pad.
*Add fruits to your diet especially those reach in potassium and magnesium which includes bananas,yoghurt, broccoli.
*Always drink water when necessary to balance the body fluid.

+Always consult a health practioner if cramps persist as it might be a sign for a severe illness.

By Shava


Toothache/Kurwadziwa ne(ma)Zino.

Toothache is pain experienced in/around the tooth which may be triggered by some of the following/Kunzwa marwadzo pazino zvinova zvinokonzereswa nezvinotevera.

*infected gums/kuve nehutachiona hunokuvadza nyama yemukanwa.
*tooth decay/kuve nezino rakawora chero zvazvo risati radonha.
*tooth fracture or damaged filling/kuve nezino rakameduka kana kutsemuka uyezve kuve nemhango umo munoinda chinwe chikafu chatsengwa,pedzezvo mumhango mozoita hutachiwona hunokonzeresa marwadzo.
*repetitive chewing/kungotsenga tsenga mukanwa kunyanya zviwitsi zvinotapira.

HOME REMEDIES/Zvingabatsira kuderedza marwadzo.

*Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water then rinse/Isai 1/2 teaspoon yemunyu mukomichi yemvura yadziya,mosuka nayo mukanwa.
*Dab small amount of aloe juice onto the infected area/kudongedzera muto wegavakava pazino rarwadza..
*Drink herbal tea to detoxify the body especially in mouth...
** practice good hygiene by cleaning teeth with recommended paste as well as Wood ash/Itai hutsanana mukukwesha mazino.


***We do have different herbal remedies to get rid of toothaches especially 'complete removals and fillings'::Tine makwenzi anobatsira kubvisa zino kana kunyaradza marwadzo kune vane mazino ane mhango..

Contact Shava on whatsapp or 263782686136


Good day:

We offer treatment to some of the following health issues using Natural Herbal Remedies:

-Bedroom stuff(Increasing the Spe*m count/kuwedzera huturu muna Baba,enhancing prowess/dambarefu,Strengthening backbone/kusimbisa musana kune vanochimbidza vakotoka.
-Cleansing and strengthening prostate, bladder/kusuka nhengo panwe nekusimbisa mashandiro.

-Abnormal PPs/Kuderedza marwadzo ekunguva.
-Ovarian cysts/Kurapa mazai akazvimba kana kuputika
-Fertility issues/kune vanetseka kubata pamuviri.

-Herpes/Maronda anonetsa kupora.
-STDs/Zvirwere zvisina kujairika angave maronda kana hurwa hunochururuka.
-Eye cataracts/Tsanga muziso kana hurwa muziso hunochururuka.
-Ulcers/Maronda muhura
-Toothache/Mazino anorwadza
-Headache/Musoro unobanda
-Earache/Nzeve dzinorwadza kana kubuda hurwa
-Nose bleeding/Kungobuda ropa mumhuno zvisina tsarukano...

-Cancer at Early Stage/Gomara richangotanga
-Gum bleeding/Mazino anobuda ropa.


-Herbal tea blend which helps blood circulation as well as strengthening the body to combat against illnesses/Masamba emubatanidzwa anobatsira kufamba kweropa mumuviri panwe chete nekusimbisa masoja mukurwisa tuhutachiona.
-Body cleansing thus an overall recipe to clear out blocked veins as well as to strengthen body muscles hence enhancing a better well-being./Guchu(musanganisirwa wemakwenzi uyo unobatsira kusuka muviri wose zvichibatanidzira netsinga dzomuviri kuti munhu ave nohutano hwakavandudzika

NB: The list is endless as diseases spread in different waves depending on how well our bodies combat them.

Contact Herbalist Shava S.S.N.H.C for consultation to book an appointment TODAY.

Located in Harare,however, deliveries can be made to those beyond. +263782686136(Shava)

"Harmony is a way to Humanity"

Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded




That is not good advice.

When we were little, we were taught by our parents and teachers not to cry or complain if we had bruises or pain, but to “be strong and tough it out”. There are many people in Africa who carry this advice into adulthood, but actually this is NOT good advice!

If you feel pain in your body of any kind, you must have it looked at by a qualified health practitioner or physician, because pain is the body’s way of warning you that something serious may be happening.

Research shows [for instance] that the number of African women who get some cancers like Cervical Cancer or even Breast Cancer is statistically the same as other races, but more African women end up dying. The reason is that our women leave it too late before having it checked or attended to.

I remember an incident with my father-in-law: We were discussing the Bible early one morning whilst he was visiting us. I noticed that he kept hiccupping and I asked him how long it had been, to which he said several days.

With him protesting, we took him to see the doctor. They admitted him for checks. He had stage 4, Prostate Cancer, common in elderly black men. It was almost too late to treat, because it turned out that it had been there for a long time. By God’s Grace we were able to get him treated and he lived another 5 years.

If someone is feeling pain or discomfort, never allow them to say, “It’s nothing; it will go away in a few days.” That is just simply dangerous. Encourage them or even arrange for them to see a doctor or nurse at a health clinic.

Your elderly parents and relatives are your responsibility. You must act like a modern educated person and attend to them without relying on old wives’ tales for treatment. Getting them regularly checked every year is total wisdom. Don’t let them be afraid of annual check ups. And that goes for you, too.

If you are a young woman, it is smart, very smart, to always have regular screening for Cervical and Breast Cancer. You are never too young to avoid serious illness. If you feel pains of any kind, or something unusual, get it checked out. I know some of you will rightly say that health costs are high and medical facilities are often far away and ill equipped. This can and must change. Are you the one to help lead the way in your community?

Today [12 August] is International Youth Day. Most of you on the platform fall into that age group but this goes for everyone. Listen to me: All the dreams you have as entrepreneurs depend on you making wise and informed choices every day, including about your health and nutrition [what you eat and drink every day]. It is also your responsibility to help older generations on this, as they may not have access to all the credible, factual information you do.

You can lose loved ones easily if you pretend things are okay, when they are not!

Get it checked. Be smart.

Image caption/credit: I have no idea why this eagle is doing a flip, but if you are an eagle entrepreneur in our current storms, you need to be right side up, strong and as healthy as possible!


Amenorrhea is when one fail to go on her mensuration. The condition is dreadful to many women since mensuration is one of the ways one's body is cleansed,furthermore, mensuration cycles determine one's ability to conceive.

Therefore, some of the factors which cause cycles to cease are as follows:

*When one reaches menopause,thus,when one reaches 40years.Naturally the body cease to produce oestrogens hormones which helps mensuration hence amenorrhea.

*Taking certain medications especially for stabilizing blood pressure,birth control pills,chemotherapy drugs,psychiatric drugs as antidepressants.These disturbs the hormonal balances thereby stopping the cycles.

*Life style habits such as being underweight(Body Mass Index less than 18.5) may disrupt cycles thus having too little fat within the blood stream or being obese/overweight (BMI over 30),Weight loss maybe due to high stress levels.

NB''BMI=Weight/kg divide by Height/m

*Having an underlying issue such such as Ovarian cyst,fibroids,warts or an STD which affects the uterus.

# to solve the issues mostly depend on firstly, identifying possible factor.

We do have herbals which helps mensuration issues such as experiencing heavy pain,overflow,extended flow days as well as helping on infertility...


Happy holiday to you all.

Treasure up your health by reinforcing some of these habits for better wellbeing:

*Routine morning exercises such as jogging,push-ups,squats to increase body strength for better metabolism process.Kumhanya mangwani nekuita zvingaita muviri udikitire kusimbisa mashandiro awo.
*cutting the intake of fatty foods as fried chips and deep fries as this catagory of foods negatively affects blood circulation around the body,which may trigger diabetes or heart issues./dzikisai kudya zvakanyanya mafuta sezvo zvichikuvadza mashandiro emoyo nekufamba kweropa mumuviri.
*quit smoking if possible,reduce alcohol consumption and intake of hard to strong drugs as codeine...
*add some greens to your diet such as peas,carrots,muboora,green munyemba leaves as well as drinking herbal teas made from(ginger,garlic,resurrection bush)to detoxify the whole body.
*divert to high fibre grains as wheat and rapoko.

!Always try to mantain hygienic practices in this deadly viral era of Corona!

Health tips shared to enhance life.

Share to your loved ones.


Good day:

We offer treatment to some of the following health issues using Natural Herbal Remedies:

-Bedroom stuff(Increasing the Spe*m count/kuwedzera huturu muna Baba,enhancing prowess/dambarefu,Strengthening backbone/kusimbisa musana kune vanochimbidza vakotoka.
-Cleansing and strengthening prostate, bladder/kusuka nhengo panwe nekusimbisa mashandiro.

-Abnormal PPs/Kuderedza marwadzo ekunguva pamwe nevarikuinda zvisina magumo
-Ovarian crusts/Kurapa mazai akazvimba kana kuputika
-Fertility issues/kune vanetseka kubata pamuviri.
-Cancer at Early Stage/Gomara richangotanga

-Herpes/Maronda anonetsa kupora.
-STDs/Zvirwere zvisina kujairika angave maronda kana hurwa hunochururuka.
-Eye cataracts/Tsanga muziso kana hurwa muziso hunochururuka.
-Ulcers/Maronda muhura
-Toothache/Mazino anorwadza
-Headache/Musoro unobanda
-Earache/Nzeve dzinorwadza kana kubuda hurwa
-Nose bleeding/Kungobuda ropa mumhuno zvisina tsarukano...


-Herbal tea blend which helps blood circulation as well as strengthening the body to combat against illnesses/Masamba emubatanidzwa anobatsira kufamba kweropa mumuviri panwe chete nekusimbisa masoja mukurwisa tuhutachiona.
-Body cleansing thus an overall recipe to clear out blocked veins as well as to strengthen body muscles hence enhancing a better well-being./Guchu(musanganisirwa wemakwenzi uyo unobatsira kusuka muviri wose zvichibatanidzira netsinga dzomuviri kuti munhu ave nohutano hwakavandudzika

NB: The list is endless as diseases spread in different waves depending on how well our bodies combat them.

Contact Herbalist Shava S.S.N.H.C for consultation to book an appointment TODAY.

Located in Harare,however, deliveries can be made to those beyond.

"Harmony is a way to Humanity"

Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded

Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded Send a message to learn more.

Photos from Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded's post 02/08/2021


ED is a condition were by men find it difficult to experience a full erect p*nus to prolong s*x prio or after penetration.The condition is also called weak er****on or flaccid.Scientific studies have shown that an average time to last er****on is 10 to more minutes per session thus full er****on happens when there's effective communication between the brain and p*nis er****on chambers.Idambudziko rinosanganikwa naro nevanhh rume mukutadza kuti nhengo imire nesimba panguva yokusangana naMai.

A weak errection tend to be detrimental when partners fail to reach satisfaction during an in*******se which may led to relationship breakups,partner cheating,'above all' it takes away the pride of being men.Nhengo yakaneta pabasa rinove dambudziko rinogona kuputsa wirirano yevanodanana,kusagadzikana kwepfungwa mukushaya 'huBaba' panwe nekukonzera gumbo-panze.

The following FACTORS may contribute to ED/Zvinwe zvingakonzera kusamira zvakakwana kwenhengo ndezvinotevera:

*Advancing in age-normally,our body muscles weaken as we grow older especially beyong 50 years causing ED./kukwegura pamakore ekurarama kunoita tsinga dzemuviri dzishaye simba rokufambisa ropa zvakanaka.
*lack of physical exercises cause the body to be fragile hence ED/kuve nemuviri wakawota kana wakaneta-neta
*Smoking affect the respiratory system thus mainly lungs and liver hence in nevagively affecting proper blood circulation/kusvuta fodya
**having underlying health issues as diabetes, heart problems
*physical injuries
*Emotional imbalance, be it stress,anxiety or relationship conflicts.../kuve nohumwe hurwere hungati chirwere chemoyo,mapapu anorwadza,kusagadzikana kwepfungwa
*Being obese as well as having high level of cholesterol in the body/kuve nomuviri mukobvu
*sleep disorder/kusawana nguva yakakwana yokurara
*exhaustion from an activity which require lot of labour such as brick moulding./kuneta muviri mushur...CONTINUED ON FIRST COMMENT...


"May we stay positive about the future,no matter how blare the scene of life might be portraying"

Happy new month.

Always stay healthier by adding some herbs in your life.





*Topic:Constipation/Irritable Bowel Movement/Kuita marwadzo mukuzvibatsira.

Constipation is a condition when one find it too difficult in passing out stool.

The condition occurs when there is less frequent movement of bowels due to some of the factors:

* inadequate fibre intake in our diet thus fibre improves body metabolism process such as food digestion hence more less fibre intake cause the stool to harden due to undigested food molasses
* Body dehydration-Water helps the body to break down food much faster however, when the body is dehydrated,it makes dry and hard stool which causes constipation.
*change of environment
*Advancement in age-As one gets older,generally the metabolism slow down resulting in lower blood circulation as well as weak body muscle contraction leading to constipation.
*Consequative intake of medicine such as Pain killers(oxydone,codeine),iron supplements,calcium channel blockers,anticonvulsants(Dilantin,Tegretol).
*Physical inactive cause the body system to poorly function.
*Colorectal health issues such hernia,cancerous tumor,abnormal narrowing of the colon may restrict smooth movement of bowel hence constipation.

One must seek a medical attention if the following starts to occur:
*Having difficult when passing out gas
*Blood on stools
*Constant abdominal/lower back pain
*severe discomfort
*Unexpected when loss.

NB: if left unattended,constipation further causes Re**al bleeding, development of piles,anul fissures,fecal impaction (stagnation of stool within the re**um which may be life threatening)


*Keep you body hydrated by taking a lot of fluids
*Regularly undertake some exercises be it jogging or squats to boost the body metabolism as well as strengthen muscles.
*Increase the intake of high fibre foods such as beans,wheat cereal,vegetables.
*Take natural herbs often such as lemon juice, alovera juice,castor oil etc


By Shava Natural Herbals Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded



Is generally defined as a temporal(normally less than 4 days)sudden increase of the body temperature above normal 37 degrees ( C).Researches have shown that,fever, signals how the body immunity would be fighting against certain infections as well as physical discomforts.

Modern science has revealed that fever is triggered when the hypothalamus (area within the brain which is responsible for maintaining body rightful temperature) is disturbed/shift from its main function. The imbalance within brain area results in sudden increase in temperature above its normal which is considered 37 C(although the body temperatures do vary during the day from 36.1C in the mild-cold weather condition in morning and 37.9C in the evening after hot weather conditions or Surface temperature).

Change in body temperature maybe due to heat exposure/ exhaustion,sunburn,inflammation as stomach upsets after eating stale food,uncontrolled growth/tumor on the body,antibiotic medication side effects,immunization injection reaction,viral/bacterium infection or fever can show up without any point of origin(unknown origin fever).

*Furthermore, fever symptoms may develop to children of 6 months to 5 years in form of convulsions/seizures(involuntary contraction of body muscles) thus lack of consciousness and uncontrolled movement of limbs on both sides of the body(mupfacha-pfacha kwemakumbo nemaoko).

Therefore, the following treatments/exercises can be done to ease fever:

*EMERGENCY ATTENTION of convulsions to Children under the age of 5 years would be to "Lay your child on his or her side or stomach on the floor or ground after removing any obstructive object.
-Loosen tight clothing then monitor progressively for 2 minutes if there's any improvement or CALL to Medical Practitioner.

Chances of fever can also be reduced by practicing personal hygiene such as encouraging children to wash hands with clean water preferably treated or use of hand sanitizers regularly,reduce or avoid...CONTINUED ON FIRST COMMENT


Good day:

We offer treatment to some of the following health issues using Natural Herbal Remedies:

-Bedroom stuff(Increasing the Spe*m count/kuwedzera huturu muna Baba,enhancing prowess/dambarefu,Strengthening backbone/kusimbisa musana kune vanochimbidza vakotoka.
-Cleansing and strengthening prostate, bladder/kusuka nhengo panwe nekusimbisa mashandiro.

-Abnormal PPs/Kuderedza marwadzo ekunguva pamwe nevarikuinda zvisina magumo
-Ovarian crusts/Kurapa mazai akazvimba kana kuputika
-Fertility issues/kune vanetseka kubata pamuviri.
-Cancer at Early Stage/Gomara richangotanga

-Herpes/Maronda anonetsa kupora.
-STDs/Zvirwere zvisina kujairika angave maronda kana hurwa hunochururuka.
-Eye cataracts/Tsanga muziso kana hurwa muziso hunochururuka.
-Ulcers/Maronda muhura
-Toothache/Mazino anorwadza
-Headache/Musoro unobanda
-Earache/Nzeve dzinorwadza kana kubuda hurwa
-Nose bleeding/Kungobuda ropa mumhuno zvisina tsarukano...


-Herbal tea blend which helps blood circulation as well as strengthening the body to combat against illnesses/Masamba emubatanidzwa anobatsira kufamba kweropa mumuviri panwe chete nekusimbisa masoja mukurwisa tuhutachiona.
-Body cleansing thus an overall recipe to clear out blocked veins as well as to strengthen body muscles hence enhancing a better well-being./Guchu(musanganisirwa wemakwenzi uyo unobatsira kusuka muviri wose zvichibatanidzira netsinga dzomuviri kuti munhu ave nohutano hwakavandudzika

NB: The list is endless as diseases spread in different waves depending on how well our bodies combat them.

Contact Herbalist Shava S.S.N.H.C for consultation to book an appointment TODAY.

Located in Harare,however, deliveries can be made to those beyond.

"Harmony is a way to Humanity"

Photos from Shava Natural Herbals Reloaded's post 17/07/2021


An oxford dictionary defines herbs as" a medicine made from plants and used to prevent or treat disease or promote health" thus natural herbs are endowed with some medicinal properties which helps in treating or even curing diseases prone to mankind.

Despite their healing properties, the use of Umuthi has never been completely accepted among many of African communities and the world at large. The use of herbs has been associated with some devilish forces which implants harm as opposed to their golden properties.


In its complex manner, the world holds on a "2-dimensional View" thus the Physical focal and the Unseen focal. The physical focal compromise of anything we can see with blare eyes,touch whilst the Unseen focal goes beyond mankind ability to interprets which some may call 'Spiritual or Obscurant'.

:Back to Africa-precolonial era, African communities used natural herbs to treat various health issues such as stomach aches,skin related infection as well as making concoctions to boost their immune system for the unseen variants hence marking the use of herbs as a source of power against fears of extinction. The era was mainly characterized by Oral teachings from elders to the younger generations within some tribunal gatherings 'Dare' thus, the use of herbs and familiarity was localized within small communities and these undocumented teachings would differentiate inhabitants of one clan to another through customary hinges.

With time, the teachings from elders started to fade since the use of herbs raised a suspicion since other communities used it to defend themselves by harmful ways such as food poisoning,casting spells to stir up division,ETC. Those who had knowledge of herbs were considered essential to the communities, in such a way that some specialized as Herbalists'ana Godobori' ,Witch doctors'Sangoma or N'anga'.

It is clear enough to conclude that" specialism and expert

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