Zim Today

Zim Today

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His Excellency Cde Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, this month launched a Piggery
Scheme under the Presidential Livestock Inputs Support Program that will see
beneficiaries borrowing (two sows and a boar on a free loan), a reliable source confirmed.
Beneficiaries are expected to pass down the pigs to the next approved person as provided
by the loan arrangement
This piggery scheme is similar to livestock schemes that have been heralded by the second
republic government since its inception, including distribution of cattle, goats, sheep, poultry
and fisheries.
The public is generally known for openly castigating the Government for not providing
sustainable and empowering initiatives; however the same people are not extremely
participative in such programs.
This program is expected to empower numerous people from the nation’s demographic
configurations that include women, youth and the aged, however more needs to be done by
Government in making sure expected beneficiaries are aware of such programs and how
they can access them
This program is also expected to enhance income generation and circulation in the country,
create employment and boost food production.


All persons who escaped from Covid-19 Quarantine centre’s had been confirmed and tested
to be negative of the virus
This dispels public fears and uncertainties that escapees had the potential of unknowingly
spreading the virus to other persons in the public.
A man, who escaped from a Quarantine centre in Bindura Chipadze, had been confirmed to
negative of the virus, however he could not bear waiting until the prescribed quarantine and
isolation period was over.
This scenario is the same with 16 persons who escaped from a Quarantine center in Gweru.
Most of the isolated persons claimed to be breadwinners of their families thus they could not
wait until the prescribed 21 day isolation period was over, thus opting to escape. A health
expert who refused to provide his identity, confirmed that quarantined persons who tested
negative found no valid reason to be kept within Quarantine centers until full health
investigations had been made
The Home Affairs and Cultural heritage Ministry promised to further tighten the security and
protective measures on all quarantine centers in Zimbabwe, thus maximally safeguarding
public health safety


WHO Director Dr Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus issued a statement giving guidelines on the
most appropriate face masks that could be used by member states during Covid-19 National
He said that the guidance was based on evolving scientific evidence whilst providing updated
advice on who should wear a mask, when it should be worn and what it should be made of,
after making extensive consultations with experienced experts and civil society groups.
According to the latest WHO guidelines on facial masks, at least fabric masks should be
made of three layers of different materials enunciated below:
1. An inner layer being an absorbent material like cotton
2. Middle layer of non woven materials such as polypropylene (Filter)
3. Outer layer that is non absorbent (polyester/polyester blend)
Dr Ghebreyesus warned member states that fabric masks on their own were not adequate
protective measures against a Covid-19 infection.
He advised affected states worldwide to prioritize physical distancing, extreme hand
hygiene, and isolation of infected persons and adequate protection of Health and Security
personnel handling infected persons.
He warned that people could potentially infect themselves with Covid-19, if they used
contaminated hands to adjust a mask or repeatedly take it off and put it on without cleaning
Zimbabwe, as other affected nations, has enforced Lockdown regulations that have seen the
whole nation wearing different fabric masks in order to protect themselves from potential
Covid-19 infections. People found by enforcement agents not appropriately wearing fabric
masks are being apprehended to pay a mandatory fine not exceeding 500 ZW$.

