Beyond Coaching International

Beyond Coaching International

This is a *personal development and empowerment platform.*


*Day 08 of 2024*

*Discovering Yourself.*

"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” says Steve Maraboli.

If we all would understood the plans that God had for us, we would not waste our time listening to what the World is always saying. Discovering your own purpose is not as easy as people think it is, but if one stays close to the creator, he / she would surely discover it.

It is very important to discover your purpose as it helps you prioritize your life. It also allow you to walk away from certain people or activities that don't serve your purpose. It's a main driver to stay motivated when things get tough.

*When you know your purpose you know your direction in life.*

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Beyond Coaching International
Coach Wadza 0777234615

Join Our Channel for more updates


*Day 07 of 2024*

*Impact of Environments*
Most people have remained at the same level year in year out. Mainly its because of the environments they spend most of their time in. Environments have a way of contributing in our day to day lives. If you spend your time with focused people, who talk about success you end up being successful in life because everyday what you are hearing is success.

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. This week Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success or are they holding you back?

Beyond Coaching International
Coach Wadza 0777234615


*Day 06 of 2024*

*Make Changes*
Today I want to talk to people who are happy about being in 2024 yet in their life nothing is changing. Some are even complaining and crying January disease. Did you realise that in the same January some are buying properties, some are transferring their children to better schools, some are paying fees for Orphans etc. You dont start planning your January when you enter into January, you are supposed to plan way before.

Those you see making it in January, if you are to ask them they will tell you when they started preparing for January, it was long back.

There are certain habits that you must be willing to change if you want your life to be different. You still have time to make it in January change where you need to change. If there are friends, habits please do change them.

Some of you, you dont have a vision board, your friends doesn't have also so how are you going to make it in 2024 if you are both walking in darkness? You play with people that are like you, no inspiration from them at all.

If you want your life to change from a lower dimension to a higher dimension, be ready to make changes. *We are the change that we seek.*

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Beyond Coaching International
Coach Wadza 0777234615


*Day 05 of 2024*

*Fight for what is yours*
Genesis 32:24 -26

Jacob understood that the man he was fighting was not Ordinary, and he understood that the Man must bless him. So he wrestled with him and he was injured but he didnt stop. What made Jacob not to stop fighting was his goal *A blessing*, he wasn't only fighting but he was fighting with something in mind.

You should know that life is never going to give you what you deserve but only what you fight for. In 2024 be aggressive in pursuit of your goaĺs and never settle for less. You dont achieve your goals by writing them, that's why we have people who wrote their goals in the past years but still they failed to achieve them. You fight sometimes by stopping bad habits, avoid procrastination, eliminating distractions etc.

No matter the forces you come across. You are not designed to fail but conquer every battle that you fight.
Do not be content with little.

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Beyond Coaching International
CoachWadza 0777234615


Compliments of the New Season.

It's a new season and a new opportunity that God gave us. The Capacity to make this year New is in you. Believe in yourself, Take your goals seriously.

I just want to let you know that you are not Ordinary and you are not small. When God is looking at you He sees a big person, He sees nations in you, He sees Greatness.

What you failed to do in the past years sit down with yourself and analysis the causes, start from there and make Corrections.

Declaring that this year is my year its good but it's not enough. Do you know attitudes, people, places, habits etc that you need to let go for 2024 to be your Year?
Do you know your mission here on Earth?
Do you have a dream?
Did you set your Yearly goals?
Did you set your monthly goals?
How are you going to achieve them?

Are you ready for 2024🤔?

Happy New Year Everyone.

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Coach Wadza
*Beyond Coaching International*


*The Financial Series*

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Financial Series is still on. We are going to have another session tonight on the *Financial Literacy*

Invite your friends and family members, let's learn together.

Join us tonight *8pm CAT*

Venue: Beyond Coaching International.

Guest: *Master Coach Gladys.*


*The Financial Series*

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Financial Series is still on. We are going to have another session tonight on the *Future of Money*

Invite your friends and family members, let's learn together.

Join us tonight *8pm CAT*

Venue: Beyond Coaching International.

Guest: *Coach Matokwe.*


*Beyond Coaching International bring to you the Financial Series!*

We are excited to be hosting such an event. We would like you all to attend and please invite others. Save the dates in your calendar.


Keep on forwarding our link and inviting others.

Due to some issues beyond our control, we will be starting at 10:30.

Use this 1hr to prepare your questions.

Join us


Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

This Saturday we are going to have a presentation on Company Compliances, our guest will take us through the journey of Company Registration, Compliances etc.

Prepare yourselves, prepare your questions, and be ready.

Date : Saturday 1 April 2023

Time :9am CAT

Guest: Mr. Chidziva

Venue: Beyond Coaching International Whatsapp Platform

Please Join us


Africa is our home, we are because we are the Africans, the Spirit of Ubuntu is what unites us...Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be part of this great house.

Today is a great day for us all as we shall be hosting Coach Judah Adeyemi, this is a must attend session, Coach Judah is from Nigeria, today he has given us the opportunity to cross over to the other side, we shall be learning about life purpose. When God created a man, He wanted him to fully explore his purpose, but due to factors of life, sometimes we are caught in between rocks hence we drift away from the core purpose of life, Coach Judah shall be unpacking it all tonight...Life Purpose Life Purpose...tell a friend to tell a friend, this is not a session to miss..Join you at 20:00hrs have a great day.




*This is a personal development and an empowerment platform.*


*Date:* Friday 10 February 2023
*Venue:* Beyond Coaching International Whatspp platform
*Time:* 20:00PM CAT (7pm Nigeria Time)

*Topic:* *Why haven't you started?*

*Guest:* Coach Chidi (From Nigeria)

*Host:* Coach Wadza

```Invite as many people as you can 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻.```


I am Ready

*Kindly Share The Group Link For More People To Join The Group*


*🚨🚨🚨 Important Announcement 🚨🚨*

As we grow, we begin to notice somethings and sometimes you get to know your purpose. Realising what we were doing and the sessions and activities we are going to have in 2023 going Forward, i decided to change Our name from *Giving Hope To The Hopeless* to *Beyond Coaching International*

This conference is our last event as Giving hope to the Hopeless. Would like to appreciate you all *My mom*, My Mentor @⁨Master Coach Tendai⁩, Our Leader @⁨Master Coach Duri⁩ , all Coaches in the house (Giving Hope to the Hopeless whatsapp), our Guests from 2021 and all group members, you made this journey possible.

Thank you!!!


We are already in 2023, *Do you have a vision, Do you know the importance of having a Vision?*

Better people be prepared, Invite those you love.

Topic: *Vision board : Vision Mapping*
Guest : *Master Coach Tendai Mungate.*

Time🕰️: *2000 CAT*
Venue🛣️: *Giving Hope To The Hopeless Whatsapp platform.*
Host: *Coach Wadza*

Join us using the link below


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

This year is a different year, and we want it to be different in your life also hence starting with the *Vision Mapping and Attainment Conference*

Tonight we are going to start with the topic *Vision board : Vision Mapping* with Guest Master Coach Tendai Mungate.

Time🕰️: 2000 CAT
Venue🛣️: Giving Hope To The Hopeless Whatsapp platform.
Host:Coach Wawie

Join us using the link below


*Have you ever known a person who didn’t have a clue concerning what (s)he wanted in life, yet was highly successful? I haven’t either. We all need something worthwhile to aim for, A dream provides us with that. It acts as a compass, telling us the direction we should travel. And until we’ve identified that right direction, we’ll never know for sure that our movement is actually progress. If you move in any direction other than towards your dream, you’ll miss out on the opportunities necessary to be successful.*

Good evening ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight we are going to have our session on *The Power of Dreams* with *Dr. K. Vere,* at *8pm sharp*.

Invite as many people as possible, Friends, Relatives, Enemies etc😉.

I am ready hope you are ready too🔥.

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Good Morning Everyone

10 fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

The Lord is with you always, He is watching over you. Don't fear anything, and dont loose hope, dont give up.

Have a great day

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Coach Wadzanai Gwanzura is inviting you to a Life Changing session on the platform Giving Hope To The Hopeless.

Topic : *Time*
Date : 22 Jun 22

Our Guest is already in the Platform.
Join join join and learn

Why should we wisely use time? The below are some of the points 1 Track your time for at least a week.
2 Identify and eliminate bad habits.
3 Organize your workspace to eliminate time-sinks.
4 Make a list of goals you want to achieve.
5 Use a calendar and schedule to plan.
6 Categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨It's here *The Life changing Presentation* Brought to you by *Giving Hope To The Hopeless*

Date *Wednesday 22 June 2022*

Time *20:00 CAT*

Venue *Giving Hope To The Hopeless Whatsapp Group*

Admission *FREE*

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Be sure to join as we get equipped by one of The Best Coaches.

*You can not afford to miss this one*


Life can be difficult sometimes, you can not run away from the Ups and downs. All you need to do is to have strategies on how to overcome the storm.
You need strategies to rise after the floods.
Giving up is not a solution, death is not a solution. A real man faces all challenges like an eagle and fly high.

Ladies and gentlemen, Giving Hope To The Hopeless is inviting you to join the Interview which we are going to have tonight *Wednesday 15 September 2021* at *20:00 - 21:00* on our WhatsApp platform Giving Hope To The Hopeless with host coach Wadza.

Be Prepared Be Ready


Good evening ladies and Gentlemen.
Today we are having our last session on *stress and Depression management* with *Coach I. Fombe.*
From our last presenters i am sure you noticed that there is much to stress than what we used to think.

Please feel free to join us:


Good afternoon Better people.

*"Remember that stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life.”*
– Andrew Bernstein

Today we have our 3rd session on Stress and Depression Management Series. Dont let your friends and relatives miss this.

Stress is inevitable, anyone can be stressed no matter his or her post, nomatter how rich the person is, nomatter how well or good the person looks, he or she might be stressed.

Join us on our platform *Giving Hope To The Hopeless* with *Host Coach Wadza*.

Date *Wednesday 23 June 2021*
Time🕰️ *20:00 -21:00*

Photos from Beyond Coaching International's post 14/06/2021

What a powerful eye opening session we had today with . It was a life changing session.
👏🏾👏🏾 im grateful Coach.


Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

The series we have all been waiting for is finally here💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾.*

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, tell a friend to tell a friend, you don't know what they are going through.

*People are going through different situations and that's the reason why we have so many cases of people committing su***de, suffering from stroke, BP etc etc.*

*Giving Hope To The Hopeless is giving you a series this month of June, where you will learn on what is stress & depression, what causes stress & depression and how do you manage?*

It's here to night on the 14th of June on our whatsapp platform with Coach Chipo

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Stop Focusing on How Stressed you are and Remember how Blessed you are.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen im here with good news🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.

This June we are going to have a *Stress and Depression Management Series*, every Wednesday from the 9th of June till the 30th.

Makesure you invite your Friends and Family. You don't know what they are going through.


Life has its ups and downs, but what's important is, "Are you able to rise after those downs?"

