Pinnacle Achievers Academy

Pinnacle Achievers Academy

"Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds."


Why is it so difficult for educated guys to succeed in life? The answer is that we are trained to see challenges in every opportunity that exist in our small worlds, fear grip our nerves and we hesitate to take the chance. It's not bad to do due diligence, feasibility study, research or cost benefit analysis. But it is more important to Learn by doing....experience is the best teacher after all.


Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are priceless commodities.


Train with the best


Kudzidza kwakutapira zvino. PA Academy yauya kupfavisa dzidzo kuvana, hapana anofoira. Enroll with us for 2024 institutional year. Enrollment in progress for Form 1-6.


Face to face and online School. Learn from the best....Enrol with us today.
We are offering tuition in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Statistics, Biology, Further Mathematics, Accounts, Economics, Business Studies, Geography, Shona, Heritage, English, FRS, English Literature and professional courses.


It's Time you consider to register with us for your form 1 to form 6 Online and Face to Face classes


The game of numbers

You are more weak when you fight battles alone. Esprit de corps(team work) is the way to go. It is much more better to share our struggles in a good team. Problem shared is half solved


Education is simply when you pay attention to the things that matters the most during lessons and ignore all the other nonsense. It's not way to feed yourself chuff and expect to excel at school.


“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”– Mark Twain


Education is a lifelong journey. The learning never stops. There are always new things to discover, new ways to improve ourselves, and new challenges to face


ZveRudo ndezveChipo


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Education is just as good as allowing to know when and were to sign. African education is not good enough to equip us to learn to fail so that we can be able to succeed in life.
Many institutions teaches us on how to be successful and forget to give us ways to handle our failures. That is the reason why many Successful CEO fail to run their own ventures. They are good at managing Others' vision and not theirs😂


Common Sense is not always common sense.


The World is changing very fast. Most professions are quickly becoming irrelevant and outdated. It is critical for each individual to incessantly improve or upgrade his or her profession.


Education is not a ticket for an individual to be successful in Life. It is just a foundation that helps you think differently and make calculative decisions. One's success should come from his or her Talent


Education using right system equip Children to change the world


What makes you successful in life is just to learn about the fundamentals of life and business. Too much reasoning may lead you to astray. Life is most simplicity things it's just that we tend to complicate things by learning complex things to solve simple life Equations and Graphs


Education is just as good as allowing to know when and were to sign. African education is not good enough to equip us to learn to fail so that we can be able to succeed in life.
Many institutions teaches us on how to be successful and forget to give us ways to handle our failures. That is the reason why many Successful CEO fail to run their own ventures. They are good at managing someone's vision and not theirs😂


Principle of Accounting
Accounting is the analysis & interpretation of book keeping records. It includes not only the maintenance of accounting records but also the preparation of financial & economic information which involves the measurement of transactions & other events relating to entry.

There are various terminology used in Accounting being: -

1) Assets: An asset may be defined as anything of use in the future operations of the enterprise & belonging to the enterprise. E.g., land, building, machinery, cash etc.

2) Equity: In broader sense, the term equity refers to total claims against the enterprise. It is further divided into two categories. i. Owner Claim - Capital ii. Outsider’s Claim – Liability

Capital: The excess of assets over liabilities of the enterprise. It is the difference between the total assets & the total liabilities of the enterprise.

Liability: Amount owed by the enterprise to the outsiders i.e. to all others except the owner. e.g.: trade creditor, bank overdraft, loan etc.

3) Revenue: It is a monetary value of the products or services sold to the customers during the period. It results from sales, services & sources like interest, dividend & commission.

4) Expense/Cost: Expenditure incurred by the enterprise to earn revenue is termed as expense or cost. The difference between expense & asset is that the benefit of the former is consumed by the business in the present whereas in the latter case benefit will be available for future activities of the business. e.g., Raw material, consumables & salaries etc.

5) Drawings: Money or value of goods belonging to business used by the proprietor for his personal use.

6) Owner: The person who invests his money or money’s worth & bears the risk of the business.

7) Sundry Debtors: A person from whom amounts are due for goods sold or services rendered or in respect of a contractual obligation. It is also known as debtor, trade debtor, accounts receivable.

8) Sundry Creditors: It is an amount owed by the enterprise on account of goods purchased or services rendered or in respect of contractual obligations. e.g., trade creditor, accounts payable.


Ferocious innovation. Technology expert and serial entrepreneur John Straw believes that the future of retail belongs to those who will boldly invest in cutting-edge tech: AI, augmented reality, and quantum computing, with a focus on how it will affect the value of business to the consumer.



By the way Zimbabwe is the leading importer of used Japanese cars. Yes we beat all the stable countries in the world. A Honda Fit is around $4000. A gold detector is $500. A rural stand is around $500. All those can bring more Honda Fits but we choose to start the other way round. U need around $200 for a hectare of onions that will give u $4500 in 4 months. And onions doesn't need someone to be a specialist to grow them.
A Chinese will travel more than 9000 miles and still be able to strike deals with a sabhuku. Consider the language barrier and all the hassles. Iwe number yasabhuku vako hauna. Number ya councillor hauna. Number ya Mp hauna. Then u want to cry kuti handina ma connections. A phonecall to your uncle or mbuya in the village can secure land for u. Yesterday someone posted a story of a white lady that got free land in Matopos. Iwe with your fluent shona and nekugona kudeketera mitupo kwako u can't secure land
People are moving. Check the weddings and roora days posted on Facebook every weekend. Those are not all politically connected people. If u can raise $10000 for roora, you can raise the same amount for investment. These days Roora day has photographer's, cakes, digitally printed banners, matching outfits. That's all money but then someone says Zimbabweans are poor. Are these roora days being funded through bank loans? Or you need to be politically connected. The weddings can go to as much as $50000. Just for a single day and nothing left for your grandchildren. Prince Harry wedded in his grandfather's shoes and suit. Isusu varombo we need designer clothes.
Ask any lady kuti mukomana akakuti I can't marry you because of the economy, will she remain in the relationship. Or if she is told hang on until we get a new president?

Let's renew our minds. Foreigners might get cheap loans but they don't come with land. We have the resources already. We don't need loans. Vana Sabhuku are selling land because we neglected it. All the safari lodges owned and run by foreigners use local materials, Thatch and poles. Do we need bank loans to harvest our grass and gum poles? The land is being sold for a song because we don't see value in it. A Chinese will pay $1000 for 1 hectare and within a year he would have made $1 million. That's why they don't worry about title deeds all they want is land. Iwe neni we are still looking for land ine ma title deeds to build a house where you collect $100 monthly rental. When God created man, he didn't create a bag of money besides him. He put everything inside him at creation. We have all the capital within us. When God made u to be born in Chivhu, he knew Chivhu had all the resources to sustain you. Zvekumbeya nenyika izvo dzave pfungwa dzedu



```There are habits you can develop that will make you poor forever. If you want to remain poor and desperate forever, try the following habits.```


Poor people sleep early and wake up late. Statistics from a popular researcher in USA showed that nearly 90% of the poor people sleep between 7pm and 9pm and wake up between 6am and 9am while rich people sleep earliest 9pm and wake up latest 6am.
In life, the more time you dedicate into your work, the higher the chances of getting optimum results.
Poor people don’t see the value of putting more time into their work, they simply work under instructions.


The worst mistake you can make is to start swimming into alcohol. You will eventually become an addict, thus affecting your output.
If you want to be rich, you must have specific time you take alcohol and the limit set.


Your friends will determine how far you’ll get in life because your thoughts and your friends thoughts are almost similar. If you have lazy friends, friends with little ambitions, the only thing you can achieve in life is breathing.


If you’re born by poor parents, the best thing to do to your life is not to marry when you have nothing or if you get married don’t have many children. It’s ironical that rich people have few children while poor people have several children.
When you give birth, that child will always look up to you for all the basic needs a human being needs. If you have 3 to 20 children, you will need several granaries of food to satisfy them. Nearly all your resources will be directed towards upkeep.


Education should have limits. On this earth, no employer will pay you money enough to satisfy you even if you possess 30 degrees. Rich people have few academic papers because they know the value of being innovative as opposed to possessing many degrees. If you look around, you will hardly find a billionaire professor, why?!!


Most people always like to take safe routes, which is why they are poor. Great opportunities are hidden where risks are high. When you avoid taking risks, it means you have decided to settle for less.


When you focus too much on other people’s affairs, you forget about your purpose in life.To succeed, you have to take time to plan, execute and see results. But if your work is to monitor what others are doing, you will achieve little.


Tell me how many employees are listed in top 1,000 wealthiest people on earth. There is no BBC employer who will pay you more than they pay themselves.


Don't live with regrets of missed opportunities.
Winners never stay in past but they are resolute and futuristic. They have positive way of seeing things. Always focused!! Always planning!! Always investing!! Always searching for opportunities.

Just Believe and you Achieve it


Time is perhaps our most precious commodity, and once it passes, it is lost forever. Even so, we tend to waste it at a profligate rate. Make wise use of the time we have left because it is inexorably running out.



Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 20:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 16:30
17:00 - 20:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 20:30
Thursday 07:30 - 16:30
17:00 - 20:30
Friday 07:30 - 16:30
17:00 - 20:30
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00