Dunamis Church of All Nations

Dunamis Church of All Nations

The ministry of the Holyspirit


Greetings my wonderful people from all-over the world. It's just a day before the beginning of Easter Conference in Beitbridge. Let's all come in numbers to see the unseen, experience the inexperienced work of God. Amen


Good evening my wonderful family in Christ Jesus.Understand that we who believe often find ourselves suffering from many challenges and sometimes injustices; and all that should make us be closer to God more and more, rather than causing our faith to fail because of troubles. Is it not natural that we think of food when we are hungry, and we think of water when we are thirsty? For a child of God, it is also natural that he or she should think of God when troubles come; because God is the Almighty loving Father who promised to answer our prayerful cries with salvation through His angelic army, why should we start to try and resolve our troubles without God when we call Him our Father. Allow God to be your Father by trusting Him as the only source of solutions for all your troubles, because seeking solutions elsewhere is hypocrisy. Let us be like our own small children, who trust us for all their needs; because we need to have faith like little children, for our Father indeed loves us with no shadow of doubt🙏


All are welcome to experience and see the goodness of the Lord God Almighty 🙏


Dunamis greetings


The year of Dunamis 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Compliments of the New season

Photos from Dunamis Church of All Nations's post 11/09/2023

September the month of Ascension.

Nomore Antonio


Dunamis Power.

Prophetic Generation Experience

Date: 5 August


Time 10am to 4pm

JOEL 2 :28

With Nomore Antonio
The year of Divine Acceleration

Photos from Dunamis Church of All Nations's post 01/07/2023

The original church meets


Testimonies are coming in this house in this month of angelic encounters, many are testifying

Nomore Antonio


I pray for you this early morning that whoever is occupying your seat of breakthroughs, closing your door of favor, scattering your seed of progress, pointing accusing finger at you, fabricating lies against you, plotting your downfall, shooting negative arrows and bullets at you, today the power of God will reverse all their evil plans and send their wishes back to them by the grace of God. I pray that the Almighty God will satisfy you with all the desires of your heart. You will be a reference point of success to others and God will keep a permanent smile on your face in Jesus Mighty name. 🙏🏽Good morning and have a blessed day.Nomore Antonio

Francisca Torongo


🙏My prayer to you🙏

Dear GOD

"Dear God, I am grateful for Your mercies and Your comfort that keep me going in times of great trials and tribulations. I know that Your comfort won't just minister to me but to everyone else I come into contact with, who may be experiencing a situation I have overcome. I thank you, Lord, that in such times I will be able to reach out to them and minister effectively. In JESUS' NAME I pray"

Apostle Nomore Antonio



"Easter Conference Highlights"


7 - 9 April

Venue: Chivhu Branch

Host: Pastor Madziwanzira

⏩⏩The year of Divine Acceleration ⏩⏩



16 April 2023

Genesis 12:1-3
Genesis 17:1-8
Genesis 22:15-18

Lesson 169

Memory verse

Isaiah 45:22

Look into me,and be ye saved,all the ends of the earth: for I am God,and there is none.


Word for the week

Understanding the Prophetic

2 Kings 3:15-20 But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.
And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches.
For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.
And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD: he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.
And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.
And it came to pass in the morning, when the meat offering was offered, that, behold, there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water.

The King of Judah and the King of Israel joined together to go and fight against the Moabites, after three days they ran out of water,more over the were in the semi desert areas, thank God there was a Prophet with them,he gave them a Prophetic instruction " make this valley full of ditches" and the Prophet made it clear that they were not going to see rain neither the signs of rain but the ditches shall be filled with water, this week don't fold your hands,there are promises of God in the bible, you have received a Prophetic word just know that you need to do something to support the Prophetic word,if you received a Prophetic word that you are going to make a lot of money then you need to work extra harder because money will not fall from heaven,may God help us to activate every Prophetic word we ever received!


You are not alone, don't give up!



Genesis 18:1-10 And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,
And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:
Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:
And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.
And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.
And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it.
And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.
And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.
And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Abraham was a promised a child when he was 75yrs ,in other words he received a Prophetic word when he was 75 and today he is 99 yrs,i pray that God will open your eyes and your understanding so that you learn something about defending your prophecyies

Remember i once said jurisdictions matter, though he received a Prophetic word,he needed someone to be in the realm that he was for the Prophetic word to manifest,the same as you need another person like you not a spirit for your prophecyies to come to pass

You received the Prophetic word from the realms of the spirit now you need someone from the physical realm for your prophecyies to manifest, that is exactly what happened to Abraham but for that to happen you need favour with man, you need to please the one who is going to help you so that your prophecyies will come to pass

God appeared to Abraham many times but this was different , Chapter 18 begins with another appearance of the LORD to Abraham while he was sitting in a tent, the reminder that he was a wandering nomad in a land that his descendants would eventually call their own and build houses

It says he was startled by the appearance of three men. It says that he rose and bowed before them. This could be taken as a form of hospitality which was the expectation in the Middle East. Abraham’s actions were similar to the saying “My house is your house”. But when the appearance of the three men is linked to an appearance of the LORD, more is suggested.

Abraham made haste to greet and show hospitality to the guests. For since the New Testament warns us to show hospitality to strangers because some entertained angels unawares hints that Abraham did not know at first who they were. Just like the Lord Jesus hid his identity from the Emmaus disciples, the LORD held his identity from Abraham.

Abraham insisted that these three men get out of the heat, drink some water, and that he would straightway go and get them food. The Middle East can get unbearably hot at midday which could be life-threatening. If they would rest and refresh themselves, they could go on their way when it was a little cooler.

There are some people you are taking for granted yet they carries your solutions, your Prophetic manifestation, treat them well,may God open your eyes so that you can see them,by the way the angels wanted to pass delibately but Abraham persuaded them though he knew not that they were angels

The hospitality offered was extravagant. Sarah was ordered to quickly prepare three loaves of bread for the guests and his servants were ordered to prepare the fatted calf reserved for the appearance of a special dignitary. He had it brought to the three men who were under the shade of a tree for them to eat, which they did.

In verse nine, Abraham should have become aware of the real identity of the visitors. They asked Abraham where Sarah was. Only the LORD and Abraham knew of the new name. So by hearing the name of Sarah, the LORD was revealed to Abraham. The chief of the three, the Angel of the LORD, spoke to Abraham and said that He would fulfill the promise that Abraham and Sarah would have a Son the next spring

As i said before the Prophetic word about Abraham having a son was delivered from the realms of the spirit before, but now the angels came into the physical realm to deliver the same message but now since they are in the physical realm,they said by this time next year your wife shall be holding a baby in her hands

The LORD knew that Sarah was listening and was perfectly aware of her own situation. She was an old woman. Her reaction was almost identical to the reaction of Abraham to the announcement. She laughed within herself and thought how impossible the situation. Abraham was too old to father a child and Sarah far too old to conceive one.

The reason why your prophecyies are not coming to pass is that you disregard people, you don't appreciate and respects the anointing, you think that your answer is with God,yet it is no longer there but in the realms of man, identify that man,do whatever you can to make that man happy, just like what Abraham did for the angels and at one point they said" how can we hide such information from Abraham" they did that after they were well fed

Do you know some of you the very day you fasted and prayed God answered you, instead of staying on top of mountains instead of working you should identify someone from the realms of man who carries your answer,one word from that someone it is done!

The LORD asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh?” He again said that this thing would happen the next spring. Sarah denied laughing, but the LORD who knows the heart told her different. So both Abraham and Sarah laughed at the news that they would be parents of a child. The gentle rebuke of Sarah by the LORD also was one of Abraham as well.

I stand here as the Oracle of God that your situation of many years is going to church, but this time next year you will be celebrating,i speak from the realms of man that it is done!

The man you are praying for is not in heaven,the house you are praying for is not in heaven, that job, marriage, happiness, breakthrough, money,degree is inside someone who is in the realms of man

Let me tell you this,to people who were sick i said be healed and they were healed instantly,i said to an evil spirit that go and the evil spirit went away,do you think it will be difficult for me to say receive money, marriage etc but i should be moved in my spirit and then operate in the realms of man for you to get what you want, but what is going to move me from your side?

In this month you need to defend your prophecyies, don't just sit back and do nothing, work with your hands, give,seed,forgive, support the vision, otherwise you will wait and wait and in the end you will say you received false prophecyies yet you failed to defend them

If you received a Prophetic word about a job it doesn't mean you should stop applying rather you should apply or look for the job more,if you received a Prophetic word about having a lot of money then work hard,stop waisting your time on top of the mountain,money will not fall from heaven, please you give money to receive money there is no short cut or prayer point

My daughter i gave you a prophecy about marriage then bath and dress well, smile a bit don't be serious like a gorilla,be kind, work very hard,change your behavior,be faithful, respect yourself!

Look our father Abraham did something to defend the Prophetic word though unaware,the angels enjoyed the meal in the realms of man and they released a Prophetic word from the realms of man and it happened the following year as per their Prophetic word,thank God you have someone in the realms of man,who is highly anointed but disregarded, please do something i promise you will see,as Abraham made the angels happy to the extent that they were compelled to reveal the secrets of heaven do the same in the realms of man

Defend your prophecyies,declare and decree everything that is good upon your life, stop complaining, stop whining,stop feeling pity on yourself,step up, fight and defend your prophecyies,it shall come to pass,my name is Nomore Antonio love you so much shalom Shalom



First i would love to thank you especially those who are praying for me day and night those who are supporting me even financially to do the work of God,all you all who are supporting me by saying Amen, you are the reason why iam still having the reason to continue doing the work of God

We are still in the year of Qadosh, for those who were there at our cross over night in CB Gwanda i said this year was not going to be a good year, i spoke about the separation in political parties, families and ministries,i went on to say that even in Dunamis some Pastors will go on to have their own ministries and yes it is not a secret that about three former full time Dunamis Pastors went on to have their own ministries and we wish them all the best

It is in these storms that we will start to ask God some questions, when we are in the midst of the storms Jesus tend to be silent but i want you to know that even when He is silent He is still speaking .When i grew up i used to hear God very clearly i could hear the voice speaking to me from the air, but the time i was in the midst of the storm i fasted for 18 days and nights in a place where temperatures were above 40 but i could not hear the voice of God,i went on to challenge God that if you don't answer me i will drink poison and you are the one to be blamed

God never stopped me from buying a very dangerous poison,i went on top of the mountain alone 😭 what iam about to share i never shared the details with anyone but tonight i will for a reason

When i was on top of the mountain i prayed and reminded God of my childhood, how i lived for Him,infact i narrated the whole history to Him and why i was drinking the poison and that He was to be blamed because He failed to answered me

God never spoke to me like before, He remained silent,i drank the whole bottle of poison and i waited to see how i was going to die but i could not die,i wanted to see how it is to die but alas the poison was too weak for me and i had to go down the mountain disappointed

In the midst of the storm Jesus is still speaking!
When my sons the Pastors left us i was not surprised because i cried a lot last year before it happened when God gave me the theme of the year,i knew some were worried that the church is coming down,iam here to tell you that though He was silent when it happened he was still speaking,true sons and daughters are being manifested now because they left, those who were not rooted in the word,they followed them blindly because they were never part of us and those who remained are the really big deal, that is Qadosh for you!

Those who remained are shining now and very soon everyone is going to see their lights shining,so in the midst of the storm Jesus is still speaking!

The time i drank poison it was like Jesus was silent but the fact that i could not die mean He was still speaking,He showed me that poison will not kill me as He said in His word and anyone under the influence of my voice will never die of poison

It happened some years later while i was pastoring in Chivhu,iam sure many are not aware that some groups of witches in Chivhu put poison in my food, that was serious because it was Spiritual as well,i remember my wife feeding me,many people are not aware of this,i went to a private doctor i was given a very expensive tablets ,in trying to use them i vomited the tablets,i then remembered that i once drank poison and could not die and i said even this won't kill me

By the way the poison took my appetite away,the time i knew it was Spiritual as a spirit man i did what i did,i vomited everything and the appetite was restored the following day i told mama that i was going back to Chivhu,she knows iam very stubborn

You may be in that storm, you may not see Jesus,i know He is silent but hear me He is still speaking, don't panic,go with the flow and you will get what He is saying to you inside that storm

There are many times when He will be with you but not speaking. Some storms are there for a purpose, remember it took the killing of all male babies in Egypt for Moses to find himself inside the palace hey!

It was the severe drought that caused the entire family of Joseph to find refugee in Egypt therefore fulfilling the prophecy that Joseph was going to rule over them

It was not sweet when Joseph was being sold away to Egypt,it was neither enjoyable when he was falsely accused and sent down into the dungeon,it was like as if God was silent but inside the dungeon a way was created for him to be the ruler of Egypt

That was only the introduction let me go deeper into our
sermon are you ready

Matthew 8:23-27 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.
And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.
And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.
And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

First, Jesus entered into the ship first, ummmmm i know when you are in problems, you will feel like the whole world is against you, and no one is with you, i just want to tell you that before you get into that problem Jesus was already there, to make sure that you are not destroyed

I know this, at one point i drank poison, a very extremely dangerous poison but could not die because before i drank the poison, Jesus was already in the poison to neutralise it, Hallelujah 🙌

And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea insomuch that the ship was covered with waves but he was asleep ummmmm yes the fact that you feel like forsaken is because Jesus is silent for a reason, to see your reaction ,yes inside that storm Jesus is still speaking

When you are in the storm don't focus on the storm look for the silent voice of Jesus,yes inside the storm of your life Jesus is still speaking

Oh my God! Some in the midst of the storm went to consult Sangomas, some they drank beer to forget their sorrows so they say, some they slept with someone's husband, some they even committed su***de, hey! In every storm of your life there is Jesus! and He is still speaking!

When you were in the midst of your storm, whose name did you called upon?

And his disciples came to him and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us we perish
What you are going through is not there to destroy you but to mould you to be a powerful somebody tomorrow, because in the midst of the storm Jesus is still speaking!

There were situations that i thought i will never came out, even my own enemies they celebrated prematurely only to receive the shock of their lives when i came out through the power of Jesus,yes in that storm you will come out

Who told you that you are useless, who told you that you are not a marriage material, who told you that you are not going to make it, iam send this evening that in whatever you are going through there is Jesus somebody! You are not alone

In this year of Qadosh under the anointing of the Dunamis, you will come out! Yes in the storm that you are,in that problem that is giving you sleepless nights,yes you will come out!
Yes my dear ,people may forsake you, friends may turn their backs on you, i know when you are in problems friends are few, don't worry, sometimes for God to raise you up, He will remove some people around you, so that no one takes the glory but Him alone

Some when they were in the midst of the storm, they end up stealing, selling their bodies, lying, cheating, just know in every storm of your life there is Jesus!
My point is, in that storm you are not alone somebody, Jesus has your back!

Some people they seemed to care about you because you have something they want, once you have nothing you will see them running away from you but Jesus will never leave you

But Jesus is a true friend, He will never leave you alone, He will always be there for you, just know that in every situation you you are in, Jesus is there with you!that storm is not there to destroy you,there is a message for you in that storm because in the midst of a storm Jesus is still speaking!

Don't listen to what doubters are saying, don't listen to jealous people, don't listen to what the devil is saying, just know that in every storm of your life there is Jesus! Infact celebrate, worship Him for Who He is

[You are unstoppable! Satan with his mother inlaw will never stop you, witches will never stop you, jealous,betrayers will never stop you, the environment will never stop you because you are heavenly backed

Take heart, stand still, don't be moved, don't be afraid, don't be shakened because in every storm of your life there is Jesus
You are unique, you are special, chosen generation, royal priesthood, peculiar nation, wonderfully and fearfully made, God bless you all so much, i love you shalom shalom

Videos (show all)

DUNAMIS CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS"Easter Conference Highlights"🍷🍞 HE IS RISEN🍞🍷7 - 9 AprilVenue: Chivhu BranchHost: Pastor M...



Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00