Albion Hills Physiotherapy

We have been delivering high quality health care to Bolton and the surrounding area since 1997.

Our facility offers state of the art pain relieving technology in combination with hands on professional care. At Albion Hills Physiotherapy, we provide Integrated Care by offering optional complementary therapies such as Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Myofacial Release, in combination with more traditional therapies and customized exercise programs. Aside from Physiotherapy, our centre also of


Albion Hills is wishing everyone a safe and happy Labour Day Long weekend. Good luck to everyone heading back to school! 🏫 👩🏼‍🏫📚✏️ Image retrieved via Google from Freepik

Photos from Albion Hills Physiotherapy's post 08/16/2024

Neck pain got you down? Keep in mind your posture when doing daily tasks, sit tall while working on the computer as well as looking at your phone📱BUT you can also try this Chin Tuck exercise to reverse the slouched neck and head posture. To complete chin tucks: Sit tall with or without pillow behind head. Draw the back of your head backwards, but keep shoulders and torso still. You should feel the back of your head/neck muscles working. Hold for 3 seconds, then relax. Repeat this 10x, 2 sets. Found from Sensus Health and Wellness via Pinterest, and Back Intelligence via Google


RMT Massage Therapist Needed! Apply Below!

Albion Hills Physiotherapy is wishing Michelle Wakelin the best of luck on her new journey as an RMT and is so thankful for her many years of dedicated service here at Albion Hills Massage. Thank you Michelle! You will be missed😊

Albion Hills Massage is now looking for a new dynamic RMT to join our team and help provide care to our clients.
Drop by our location to hand in your resume, or find our ad on Indeed posted below to apply!
We look forward to hearing from you!😊


Congratulations to all our staff here at Albion Hills Physiotherapy for receiving the award of Gold Winner in the category of Physiotherapy Clinic/ Services, and the award of Platinum Winner in the category of Acupuncture!! Thank you to everyone who voted!!


We’re so happy to have been able to provide a clinical placement for Stephanie Fleming from the University of Toronto’s Physiotherapy program. It was our pleasure to be your mentors. What a bright Physio future you have! Thank you for a great 6 weeks with us and good luck 📖 📚👩‍⚕️

Photos from Albion Hills Physiotherapy's post 05/31/2023

NECK STIFFNESS? Try this stretch!!! Bring the opposite ear to shoulder to stretch out the top of your TRAPEZIUS muscle. IMPORTANT: Do not let your side tilt, keep torso strong and shoulders relaxed. HOLD 20-30 seconds, repeat a few times as needed


Congratulations to both our physiotherapists and our clinic being nominated for this years Caledon Enterprise Readers Choice Awards. Use the link below to cast your vote for your favorite person or business!



· HOW: Stand facing a wall on one foot on a foam. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as you throw the ball. The farther you are away from the wall the harder it will be.

· COMPENSATION: Keep your hips facing forward, don’t rotate your whole body while throwing the ball.


Open book / Thoracic Rotation exercise

· The open book mobilization can help to improve thoracic mobility while opening up the chest and frontal shoulder muscles.

· Like any exercise this should be pain free or shouldn’t increase existing pain levels, during, after and the next day.

· Start by lying on your side, with your knees bent past your hips and hands together straight in front of you. Put a pillow under your head if you have any neck issues.

· Keeping your lower back stable, rotate your top arm up and back as far as you can comfortably go. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest.

· If having an outstretched arm feels too difficult or causes any discomfort in your shoulder, place your top hand behind head to keep your elbow bent.

· Hold the position for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 times and then switch sides.


Why should you plank?

There are so many reasons to get more planking in your life. Firstly, it works your whole body – from your re**us and transverse abdominal muscles to your erector spinae, you'll build strength throughout your whole core. And yes, your core includes your lower back muscles, too.

Secondly, it's a great exercise to keep track of improvements in your fitness. By extending the amount of time you hold a static plank or trying a harder variation, seeing progress is a huge motivator to keep going.

Finally, for most plank variations you don't need any equipment which makes it an easy move to scale. Even removing one hand or foot from the floor can make the move much, much harder. Don't believe us? Try it!


Your body on walking:


What is cupping therapy?

Cupping is a treatment that has been around for centuries and is known for being one of the most effective method for releasing toxins within the body’s tissues and organs. Special cups are placed on the skin in the area that is being treated (often over known acupuncture points) and a suction is created within the cup on the skin.

How does it work?

A vacuum seal is created by removing the air in the cups on the skin which causes the tissue that is inside of the cup to be drawn up and swell. This causes the blood flow in the area to increase which helps relieve pain and muscle tension.

What are the risks and the benefits?

· Helps to reduce pain and inflammation
· Rejuvenation of the organs
· Improves blood flow
· It is safe, non-invasive, and inexpensive
· Facilitates the healing process and strengthens the immune system
· Used for relaxation, well being, and deep tissue massage
Risks –there have been no reported severe adverse effects . Less common and severe effects could be:
· Bruising
· Headache
· Increased muscle tension or soreness at site of cup
· Nausea
· Fatigue

Who does it?

Our physiotherapists and acupuncturist at Albion Hills Physiotherapy are certified to use cupping for treatment!

What conditions does it help with?

Local - Headache, bronchitis, back pain, muscle pain, muscle tension, neck pain, knee pain, etc
Systemic -hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, varicose veins, and certain infections. It can also treat certain skin diseases, respiratory, digestive, reproduction, and/or allergy conditions. This treatment is done by a certified Acupuncturist only.

Contact our clinic today to see if cupping may help you! 905-951-7051

Photos from Albion Hills Physiotherapy's post 02/10/2022


Do you have tight shoulders or this sensation that you have tightness in your lats at rest or when you are training or playing a particular sport?

The latissimus dorsi, or lats, are 2 large muscles that stretch across both sides of your back. These important muscles are responsible for keeping you upright, so they often get sore from overuse. A good stretching regimen can prevent this. Start with a simple overhead stretch to loosen yourself up.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart with arms raised palms up above your head holding a stable object. Lower your hips toward the ground until a stretch is felt alongside your torso and into your lower back. You can also bend your knees. Hold for 30 seconds. This will give the muscle enough time to relax and lengthen. This is good if you are experiencing low back pain and stiffness.

As a reminder, if there is any form of pain experienced while performing these stretches, be sure to stop and consult a medical health professional.


Underwater Ultrasound

What it is?
Water immersion ultrasound is a modality that physiotherapists use to treat specific conditions where the ultrasound head is placed underwater and uses the water to transfer the sound waves to a specific area on the body.
How it works?
The area/body part that is being treated is submerged into a bucket or tray of shallow water as is the ultrasound head, which transmits the sound waves. The sound waves move through the water to the body part and cause cellular vibration to increase circulation to that area.
What are the benefits?
Water immersion ultrasound has tons of benefits! Transmitting waves under water allows uneven or small areas like the hands or fingers to be treated. Ultrasound therapy helps reduce pain, stimulates metabolism cells, increases blood circulation, treats acute or chronic inflammation and reduces swelling.
Who will it help?
Anyone with pain or swelling due conditions such as arthritis in hands or feet, phantom limb pain, healed fractures, scar tissue, etc.
Can anyone do it?
Water immersion ultrasound may not be for everyone, however, get in contact with your physician and physiotherapist to see what your options are and if you meet the requirements.


Walking faster reduces heart failure risk: study

Walking has long been regarded as a simple and free activity that can boost our health – but a recent study has shown just how beneficial a brisk, daily walk can be for women.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, looked at more than 25,000 women aged 50 to 79. It has found that walking briskly, instead of at a gentle pace, could reduce the risk of suffering heart failure by a third.


We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays! Here are our clinic holidays hours.


Four reasons to strengthen your glutes

The largest, most important group of muscles in your body are your glutes. These muscles are key players for mobility, being vital for movements such as walking and going up steps.

Why do P.T.’s recommend core and glute- strengthening exercises above all other both to young people and seniors? Here are the reasons:

1) Better posture
Strong glute muscles provide your spine with the support it needs and the stabilization your pelvis requires in order to have a healthy posture.

2) Improves your mobility and balance
You need strong glutes for stabilization. Strengthening your gluteus can increase both your mobility and balance.

3) Reduced chance of knee, hip, and back injury
Strong glutes protect vulnerable areas of the body such as your hamstrings, knees, and lower back. It is essential that these areas function in a healthy manner in order to perform simple daily activities well.

4) Prevent back pain
If the glutes aren’t doing their job, the rest of the body — including the spine — has to pick up the slack and can become overworked and injured. A common cause of back pain is because the psoas muscle acts as the body’s core stabilizer rather than the glutes. When the psoas is overactive, compression occurs in the lower back, resulting in one of the more common causes of back pain.

Clarice Cummins, P.T.


Exercise safely in the cold

The thought of stepping outside into brisk winter air might deter even the most dedicated of outdoor fitness seekers. But cold-weather workouts can be safe if you know how to protect yourself.

The Mayo Clinic has tips for exercising in the cold:

• Dress in layers that you can take off as you start to sweat.
• Wear a thin pair of glove liners made of a wicking material under a pair of heavier gloves or mittens lined with wool or fleece.
• Wear a hat to protect your head or headband to protect your ears. If it’s very cold outside, use a scarf or ski mask to cover your face.
• Buy shoes with good traction so you don’t slip and fall.
• Wear reflective clothing, especially if you’re exercising outdoors in the dark.
• Take breaks often to hydrate.
• Know that “stop-and-go activities,” such as mixing walking with running, can make you more vulnerable to the cold if you repeatedly work up a sweat and then get cold again.
• Get out of the cold if you think you’re experiencing frostbite, which occurs most commonly on exposed cheeks, noses and ears. Return home and slowly warm (but don’t rub) the affected area.


Finding balance

A healthy life requires balance — and not just in a metaphorical sense. Being able to maintain physical balance is crucial to performing everyday activities from going up and down the stairs to reaching for an item on a shelf at the supermarket.

As you get older, the physical systems inside your body that help you maintain your balance aren’t as responsive as they were when you were younger. Maintaining balance is actually a complex task for your body, requiring coordinated action from not only your muscles, but also your eyes, ears, tendons, bones, and brain.

Practicing these exercises can improve your balance and help to prevent a fall that causes injuries.

Single leg stance

Stand behind a steady, solid chair (not one with wheels), and hold on to the back of it. Lift up your right foot and balance on your left foot. Hold that position for as long as you can, then switch feet.

The goal should be to stand on one foot without holding onto the chair and hold that pose for up to a minute.

Tandem walk

Put your right foot in front of your left foot so that the heel of your right foot touches the top of the toes of your left foot. Move your left foot in front of your right, putting your weight on your heel. Then, shift your weight to your toes. Repeat the step with your left foot. Walk this way for 20 - 40 steps.

Clock Reach

You’ll need a chair for this exercise. Imagine that you are standing in the center of a clock. The number 12 is directly in front of you and the number 6 is directly behind you. Hold the chair with your left hand.

Lift your right leg and extend your right arm so it’s pointing to the number 12. Next, point your arm towards the number three, and finally, point it behind you at the number 6. Bring your arm back to the number three, and then to the number 12. Look straight ahead the whole time. Repeat 5 per side.


Exercises to Prevent Falls

1. Single–leg stance exercise – improves your balance on each leg, which will in turn help with overall balance
• Hold on to the back of a chair with both hands
• Slowly lift one leg off the ground and maintain your balance while standing on one leg for 5 seconds
• Return to the starting position and repeat 5 times; try to increase the time spent standing on one leg
• Perform with the opposite leg

2. Heel–to–toe walk – helps you better maintain your balance while moving and encountering obstacles
• Position the heel of one foot just in front of the toes of your other foot (your heel and toes should touch or almost (touch)
• Choose a spot ahead of you and focus on it to keep you steady as you walk
• Take a step by putting your heel just in front of the toe of your other foot
• Continue for 20 steps total, then turn around and return
• Repeat five times

3. Sit–to–stand exercise (basic) – strengthens your leg, core, and back muscles, increases overall mobility and improves balance
• Scoot or walk your hips up to the edge of the chair
• Bring your toes back underneath knees (Optional: use your arms to push off the chair or your knees)
• Lean forward a little to bring your nose over your toes and push up with your legs to a standing position
• To sit, bend a little at the knees to push your hips toward the chair and lower your body to a seated position
• Pause before doing the next repetition
• Aim for 10 repetitions

4. Heel raise – strengthens the calf and thigh muscles to improve balance
• Stand with the back of a chair in front of you
• Keep your feet 6–8 inches apart, flat on the floor, and parallel to each other
• Bend your knees slightly so that they are not locked out
• Elevate your heels to rise on to the balls of your feet; while in motion, use the back of the chair for balance
• Reverse the motion to the starting position
• Try to complete at least 2 sets with 10–15 repetitions

Making these exercises a regular part of your routine will build your strength and improve your flexibility, balance, and proprioception. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in overall functionality and will help prevent falls. If these exercises aren’t quite enough to help your balance and stability, give one of our expert physical therapists a call today.


Functional core exercises for seniors

Since your core is the center of your body and involved in pretty much all movements your body engages in, these exercises are critical for maintaining your mobility as you age.

This exercise helps strengthen your core, improve your posture, and ease pain in your lower back.

Dead Bug
1. Lie on your back, extending your hands above you toward the ceiling.

2. Lift your feet in the air and bend your knees 90 degrees.

3. Relax your ribcage and lift your pelvis so that your back is flat on the floor.

4. As you exhale, straighten your knee, flex your quads, and drop your hips until your left leg falls to 3" away from the floor.

5. As your leg drops, your right arm should extend over your head. Make sure your core stays engaged and hold for one count.

6. Inhale, keep your core engaged, and return your arm and leg to their starting position.

7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 with your alternate arm and leg. Do 10-20 reps.

Tummy Twists
1. Start by sitting upright in a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Hold a ball with your hands close to your stomach and elbows slightly bent.

3. Hold a ball with your hands close to your stomach and elbows slightly bent.

4. Return to the center and then repeat to the right.

5. As your leg drops, your right arm should extend over your head. Make sure your core stays engaged and hold for one count.

6. Do this until you finish 10 twists per side.



Physiotherapy is an ideal option to manage pain during pregnancy

Medical experts urge caution over use of acetaminophen-based painkillers during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant should be cautious about taking acetaminophen as it may alter fetal development, according to a coalition of international public health experts.

Pregnant women typically use pain relievers with acetaminophen to treat headaches, muscle pain and back pain, although in some cases these pain relievers are used to treat high fever and severe pain which, if left untreated, could potentially affect the developing fetus or the mother.

In June, the Federal Ministry announced that it had completed a safety review confirming that the use of drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and celecoxib, to from around 20 weeks pregnant or later, can cause rare but serious kidney problems in an unborn baby.

Women with pain and other musculoskeletal issues induced by pregnancy may consult their physiotherapist to identify the exact underlying cause and to receive an effective treatment plan. Physiotherapy can be a better option to combat such issues during pregnancy rather than medications.

With files from Christine Birak, Marcy Cuttler, Lauren Pelley


The common mistakes people make when holding a plank

• Your hips are too high
If you’re raising your hips in the plank, you’re making the position easier by putting less strain on the core muscles. The same goes for dropping your hips too low to the ground. When you’re in the plank position, think about sucking your belly button in towards your spine, and engaging your gluts to keep your body in a straight line.

• You’re curving your spine
To avoid putting too much pressure on your spine in the plank, keep your eyes focused on the ground to relax your neck. If you look forwards or upwards during a plank, your spine will no longer be in a neutral position.

• Your arms aren’t in the right position
Remember, your shoulders should be stacked over your elbows. If your elbows are tucked too close to your body or are too far in front of your shoulders, you won’t be able to fully engage your core correctly.

By fitness editor Jane McGuire


A simple way to improve your form using foam!

Foam rollers are an effective method of reducing tension and increasing muscle length for either a pre-workout warm-up or post-exercise active recovery.

What Are the Benefits of Foam Rolling?
- Pumps up the blood flow
- Gives you better flexibility
- Reduce muscle stiffness
- Increase neuromuscular efficiency
- Increase range of motion and flexibility
- Promote faster injury recovery and rehabilitation

In general, follow these tips to get started:
Start with light pressure and build up as you get used to foam rolling.
Slowly roll tender areas for 10 seconds to start, then work up to 30 to 60 seconds at a time.
Drink plenty of water after foam rolling to help with recovery.

Video by Adele Jackson-Gibeon


5 Tips for Getting Back Into a Workout Routine

Living through a global pandemic for the past year and a half has taken a toll on our collective mental health.

Here are 5 tips for getting back in your exercise routine

Talk to your doctor
If you suffer from any chronic health conditions, talk to your specialist and be sure to get approval before starting back up with exercise.

Find something you enjoy doing
If you hate running, don’t run. If you enjoy working out with others or a little friendly competition, add group exercise classes to your new routine.

Stay motivated
Figure out ways to motivate yourself as you get your routine going again, whether it’s finding a friend to keep you accountable, joining an online community, or hiring a personal trainer.

Don’t be hard on yourself
Getting back in shape takes commitment and time. It is okay if your new workout plan doesn’t go perfectly. Don’t get discouraged or be too hard on yourself during this process.

Set realistic goals
Start slow and set realistic goals for yourself. It is important to start at an appropriate level given your current physical shape.


A huge thank you from everyone at Albion Hills Physiotherapy to the Caledon Enterprise readers who chose us as their favorite "Platinum Winner" Albion Hills Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic in Caledon 2021. We are honored to win this award again.

Congratulations to our partner clinic - Albion Hills Massage as the best massage clinic in Caledon.

Our physiotherapist Stephanie Gilmour was also chosen as best PT and Michelle Wakelin as best RMT. Thank you to our great team!


How to safely exercise outdoors when it’s hot out

Exercising in hot weather stresses your body, especially if the humidity is high. If you do not take proper precautions, it can actually be dangerous, and potentially lethal.

So if you are planning to head outside when the temperature is climbing, keep these tips in mind.

Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you experience pain.

Watch the time of day

No matter what climate you are in, schedule your workouts for early morning or evening, when heat and ozone levels are lower.

Dress properly

Wear loose, lightweight and light-colored clothing to help keep the heat at bay. Add a light, broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Do not forget the sunscreen.

Acclimate to the heat

Acclimate by shortening your workouts and lowering their intensity for a week or two once it’s consistently hot outside.

Stay hydrated

Being well hydrated is key to preventing heat illness, whether you are exercising outside or sitting around indoors.

Get creative

Take a cool or cold shower before working out to help your body stay cooler for a longer period of time.

Pace yourself

Even if you have acclimated to the heat, are hydrated, and have the proper clothing and gear, you still need to pace yourself. Do your interval training at a slightly slower pace than normal, shorten your workouts and take regular breaks in the shade.

By wire service

Readers' Choice 06/24/2021

Thank you Caledon for once again nominating Albion Hills Physiotherapy and Acupuncture, as well as our sister clinic Albion Hills Massage for the Readers Choice award. It means a lot to us!
We’re glad to meet your healthcare needs.

Individually, Michelle Wakelin, Stephanie Gilmour and Irene Cemas have also been nominated in the professional category. Thank you!!

During these difficult times, small businesses appreciate your support so if you’re interested, voting is still open until June 30. Stay well!

Readers' Choice Please log in or register with an email address and password first. You can vote for more than one business or person in the same category, but only once per business per category, under your registered email address. First choose any category or search for a business Then vote for all your favourit...


How to avoid pain or injury while gardening

The warmer days are a busy time for gardeners! You can bring back the splendor to your sleepy garden while remaining injury-free.

There’s lots to do, and digging, raking, pruning, lifting, moving and planting can all lead to back, neck, shoulder, wrist and knee pain. Using proper body mechanics and pacing yourself can make all the difference.

Plan your day

Do your gardening when you feel at your best, or when your muscles have warmed up a bit. Perhaps try gardening in the mid-morning when the sun’s not too hot and your muscles have warmed up. Or later in the afternoon when you’ve had more time to move around, and the sun is lower in the sky.

Do a warm-up

Before gardening, do a warm up! Muscles are less prone to injury when they are warm. Do some light stretching of the wrists, pectorals, upper back, lower back, quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. Or go for a short 10-minute walk.

Pace yourself

Take breaks— 15 minutes for every hour — and stretch. Rest and hydrate.

Change it up

Switch tasks every 30 minutes, like going from raking to weeding. Avoid sustained positions, especially when bending, kneeling or crouching. If you have knee or back problems, use a low stool when you are weeding, instead of squatting close to the ground or kneeling. If your knees will allow it, use a pad to cushion the knees to avoid soreness later.

Always think about body mechanics
Whether you’re lifting, weeding or planting, remember these helpful tips:
• Use your abdominal muscles (we call this ‘bracing’) to help protect your back when lifting, carrying or digging, or when using a wheelbarrow.
• Keep your back upright and bend your hips and knees when lifting objects from the ground
• Bend from your hips, not from your waist
• When lifting tools or bags of soil, or plants, use your legs and keep the weight close to your body

Photos from Albion Hills Physiotherapy's post 04/30/2021

Painful knees? What about acupuncture?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of chronic knee pain. It causes pain, inflammation and stiffness, making it hard to flex and extend your knee. Research shows acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain and physical dysfunction associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.

No two patients treated alike. Some patients find relief with needles alone. Others need a more involved technique, such as electro-acupuncture. When knee arthritis is mild or moderate, a limited number of sessions produce very good results. When arthritis is more advanced, or “bone-on-bone,” ongoing acupuncture is needed.

Acupuncture is a good option to keep in mind to decrease pain, inflammation and stiffness, and increase range of motion, in your knee. And that can improve your overall quality of life, meaning you can better participate in all of your day-to-day activities, whether that’s at work, the park or the gym!

See the full article here:

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Videos (show all)

SINGLE LEG BALANCE – BALL TOSS·         HOW: Stand facing a wall on one foot on a foam. While balancing on that leg with...
Open book / Thoracic Rotation exercise·        The open book mobilization can help to improve thoracic mobility while op...
Four reasons to strengthen your glutesThe largest, most important group of muscles in your body are your glutes. These m...
A simple way to improve your form using foam!Foam rollers are an effective method of reducing tension and increasing mus...
Coronavirus Health & Safety Guide
Last week of Physio Month! Don’t forget to enter our giveaway by completing our quiz!Click here:
The clinic will be open again Monday at 8am!
Pretty Easter colour resistance bands!
“There is no limit to what, we as women, can accomplish” - Michelle Obama Happy international women’s day to all the str...



18 King Street E C1
Bolton, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Friday 8am - 4pm

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