Evli Fund Management Company Ltd

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic fund management boutique servicing institutional investors.

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic active manager servicing institutional investors and today the best fund house in the Nordics, according to both Lipper and Morningstar.

10 reasons why the equity bull market has further to go 30/07/2024

Some are already predicting the end of the bull market in stocks and the bursting of the artificial intelligence bubble. However, many factors support the continuation of the bull market for longer than expected. Read more from our blog:

10 reasons why the equity bull market has further to go Many factors support the continuation of the bull market for longer than expected.

A gold mine can literally be a gold mine - why now is the time to… 16/07/2024

Did you know that gold often moves independently of stocks and bonds, which can provide protection against market volatility? Or that gold's ability to retain its purchasing power is much better than that of paper money? Read more from our blog:

A gold mine can literally be a gold mine - why now is the time to… There’s been a strong demand for gold as an investment lately, with the nominal price of gold hitting new highs this year.

Evli's Half Year Financial Report 1–6/2024 15/07/2024

In the second quarter of 2024, Evli’s net revenue and operating profit increased, driven by a one-time profit impact from the Bregal Milestone partnership arrangement, positive market development and performance-related fees earned through successful portfolio management. Read more:

Evli's Half Year Financial Report 1–6/2024 Evli’s net revenue and operating profit increased, driven by a partnership arrangement, positive market development and successful portfolio management.


Evli’s Responsible Investment Annual Review 2023 has been published! Responsibility is at the core of Evli's strategy and is based on transparency and openness.

Read the review and find out how Evli implemented responsible investing in 2023: https://hubs.li/Q02FmbM-0


In Norse mythology Thor, the god of Thunder and son of Odin, famously rode the sky wielding his mighty hammer, cracking lightning, and rolling thunder. Thus ensuring the success of the North. And lo and behold, after a pause of a year or two, on the horizon in the Nordics – flashes occur and rumbling can be heard. We are betting it is the world class Nordic equity returns making a comeback. The time has come for investors to join in and reap the benefits. Read : https://hubs.li/Q02CbbJ_0

The global economy is on a stronger footing 07/06/2024

The global economy is transitioning from US exceptionalism to global conformity, which means global growth is on a stronger footing. The European economy has finally woken up. Beijing’s social contract will keep China’s growth from slowing down despite its property overhang. Solid growth on a broader base means that equities will continue to rise, whilst core inflation and hence interest rates will fall only gradually.

Read Evli’s Chief Investment Strategist's Valtteri Ahti, Ph.D. thoughts in our blog:

The global economy is on a stronger footing The global economy is transitioning from US exceptionalism to global conformity, which means global growth is on a stronger footing.

Early Swedish rate cut strengthens investment case: “Time to be bold.” 31/05/2024

Did you know that an early central bank rate cut, coupled with positive GDP forecasts and healthy public finances, should further ease investor concerns over the prospects of the Swedish economy in general – and the property market in particular?

Read more from our blog:

Early Swedish rate cut strengthens investment case: “Time to be bold.” An early central bank rate cut, positive GDP forecasts and healthy public finances should ease investor concerns over the prospects of the Swedish economy.

Evli’s biodiversity roadmap guides us to consider biodiversity in investment activities 22/05/2024

The World Economic Forum estimates that more than half of the world’s gross domestic product is moderately or highly dependent on nature and the services it provides. Consequently, biodiversity loss poses financial risks to both businesses and investors. However, it is also important for investors to recognize the impacts of corporate actions on nature. Today, May 22nd, is the International Day for Biological Diversity, which aims to raise increase awareness of biodiversity issues. 🌱

Last year, Evli published its biodiversity roadmap for wealth management. The purpose of the roadmap is to gain a better understanding of the impact of investments on biodiversity, to promote Evli’s biodiversity research and to develop biodiversity-related reporting. Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02y4_0k0

Evli’s biodiversity roadmap guides us to consider biodiversity in investment activities Evli has published its biodiversity roadmap that aims to develop the nature-related analysis, metrics and reporting of investments.

Photos from Evli Fund Management Company Ltd's post 21/05/2024

What is the market outlook for alternative investments? Evli's most recent seminar concluded that despite the market situation, the outlook for all asset classes is currently fairly positive. In a nutshell:

✍ Rising interest rates and increased uncertainty have reduced M&A activity, but the growth and profitability of private equity companies remain on a strong growth trajectory. Higher inflation has translated into good returns in both infrastructure and forest investments. Private debt, on the other hand, has benefited from the higher interest rates and well performing companies, thus the returns have not been burdened by credit events.

✍ M&A activity is gradually returning to a more normal level in both smaller and larger acquisitions, but the price of money is likely to remain higher for longer than was hoped for a year ago.

Many thanks to all participants and speakers!

Photos from Evli Fund Management Company Ltd's post 15/05/2024

Can investing save the world? This was the theme discussed at the Finnish Nature Association's (Luontoliitto) event led by a multidisciplinary team of experts. Among other things, these perspectives were discussed:

✅ The different aspects of sustainability are strongly interlinked. Good governance can also promote social and nature-related sustainability themes, and environmentally responsible investing should take into account both climate change and biodiversity loss.

✅ Investment capital can play a huge role in promoting sustainability. However, it requires mass power and concrete action.

✅ Experts in different fields have much to offer each other and all actors should sit around the same table more often.

Elina Niiranen and Emma Kontsas from Evli's Responsible Investment team were among the speakers at the event. Thank you Luontoliitto and the other panellists!


Lipper has awarded Evli as the best fund house in the Nordics - for the second consecutive year! ✨ In addition, Evli was awarded as the best fixed income manager in France and best mixed-asset manager in the Nordics. Evli's funds also achieved top spots, both at European and Nordic level.

"Evli’s success is measured by the success of its clients. As an active fund manager, we strive to deliver long-term value for our clients and to develop our funds for the long term in a rapidly changing world", says Kim Pessala, CEO of Evli Fund Management Company. Read more: Read more: https://www.evli.com/en/news/the-best-fund-house-in-the-nordics-for-the-second-year-in-a-row

The LSEG Lipper Fund Awards, granted annually, highlight funds and fund companies that have excelled in delivering consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The LSEG Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is an objective, quantitative, risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. The fund with the highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the LSEG Lipper Fund Award. For more information, see https://hubs.li/Q02vRp0x0. Although LSEG Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data used to calculate the awards, their accuracy is not guaranteed.


In January-March 2024, Evli’s business developed favorably. Evli entered into a strategic partnership with Bregal Milestone to accelerate international growth of the incentive business. The Group’s net revenue and operating profit increased, driven by the partnership arrangement, positive market development, and performance-related fees. Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02tBdkY0


Did you know that a large proportion of plastic waste ends up in our waterways? Without action, by 2040, the UN estimates that there will be 50 kilos of plastic in our waterways for every metre of shoreline. This means releasing more than 170 of the world's largest cruise ships' worth of plastic into our waters every year.

Tackling this problem requires international cooperation and will, which is currently being built at the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Ottawa. Evli recognises the negative impacts of plastics on climate, people and biodiversity, and for this reason is one of the financial signatories to show support for the Ottawa negotiations towards an international plastics agreement.

Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02tzjdD0

The Sector That Played with Fire 19/04/2024

In 2023, there was little to cheer about in the Nordic economic numbers. But in the year’s second half, the first green shoots of recovery started to show, and by year end, the turnaround was a fact. As we move deeper into 2024, the momentum is accelerating. Read the :

The Sector That Played with Fire Having rebounded from Covid19 much the same as risk markets globally the Nordics suffered a setback when aggressive central bank rate hikes coincided with higher inflation, Chinese economic slowdown and War in Europe. 


Happy UN’s International Day of Forests! Did you know that forests cover more than 30% of the world and provide a home to more than 80% of all terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects?

Evli is an endorser to the PRI Spring stewardship initiative in which investors use their influence to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss by 2030. The initiative focuses initially on forest loss and land degradation, which are one of the key drivers of both nature loss and the climate crisis. Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02qfk3n0

Evli is again one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces 20/03/2024

Evli is again among the most inspiring workplaces in Finland! Evli achieved excellent results in the annual PeoplePower® employee survey of hundreds of Finnish organisations and was ranked 8th in the category of medium-sized organisations.

Based on the results, Evli has been successful in the efficiency of decision-making, developing workplace wellbeing and enhancing internal flow of information. The PeoplePower® index for overall work satisfaction was 80.0 at Evli, which clearly exceeds Finnish expert standard (72,3). Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02q6QLW0

A big thank you to all our employees! 💙

Evli is again one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces Evli has been selected as one of the most inspiring workplaces in Finland in 2023 in a survey of employees conducted by Eezy Flow.

Photos from Evli Fund Management Company Ltd's post 13/03/2024

Double win! Evli is the best fund house in both its home market Finland and the largest Nordic fund market Sweden according to Morningstar. This is the second time the awards are given to Evli, in Finland Evli is the best fund company for the second year in a row and in Sweden Evli was awarded as the best fund company also in 2020. Read more: https://hubs.li/Q02pg-BL0


There is room for a wide range of personalities in the investment industry, even though it’s often associated with an image of toughness and masculinity. Evli's credit analyst Noora Lakkonen, private banker Laura Ahlfors and portfolio manager Heidi Tilli remind that it is important to be your authentic self also in the workplace.

"It's enriching to work with people from various backgrounds. Different ways of thinking bring a fresh approach and benefit everyone," Noora points out.

Evli is working in partnership with the Women's Career Society to make the investment industry more attractive to women and to attract female students to different positions in the investment industry.

Happy International Women's Day!

Evli and Bregal Milestone have signed a strategic partnership to accelerate the international growth of the incentive business 06/03/2024

We are excited to announce that Evli and Bregal Milestone have entered into a strategic partnership to accelerate the international growth of Evli Alexander Incentives Oy, Evli’s subsidiary focusing on share plan design and administration.

With the support of growth capital and a new strategic partner, we are looking to revolutionise the way the industry operates and are set to conquer Europe under the new name Allshares. The new partnership brings amazing opportunities for international growth and service development. As one of the leading companies in the Nordic region specialising in incentive schemes, Allshares is now increasingly competent to stand out with a comprehensive range of services and advanced technical solutions – for current clients as well as new ones!

Read more:

Evli and Bregal Milestone have signed a strategic partnership to accelerate the international growth of the incentive business Evli and Bregal Milestone have signed a strategic partnership to accelerate the international growth of Evli Alexander Incentives Oy, Evli’s subsidiary focusing on share plan design and administration. At the same time, the company will be rebranded to Allshares.


Anti-ESG is on the rise in the United States. What’s behind the phenomenon, and should investors be concerned about the sustainability of their American fund investments? Evli’s Investment Manager Emma Honkanen takes a closer look in our blog: https://hubs.li/Q02mPGfj0


Evli makes strategic hires for growth in Sweden ✨

Evli has hired Louise Carlqvist Byrne and Richard Kiw. Louise is responsible for incentive programme design and Richard is responsible for asset management at Evli Sweden.

"We are very pleased to welcome Louise and Richard to our team in Stockholm. Their skills and experience are very important in driving our growth in the Swedish market. In Finland, Evli has a leading market position in asset management and incentive programmes. In Sweden, we now want to clearly grow these operations that we have built over many years," says Mikael Thunved, CEO of Evli Sweden.

Welcome to Evli, Louise and Richard!


Inflation, fast-rising interest rates, continued geopolitical unrest, and generative AI characterized 2023. Evli performed strongly in this challenging environment and is now well-equipped for our next growth phase.

✔ Evli's revenue and operating profit developed strongly. The net revenue for 2023 was EUR 108.7 million and the operating profit was EUR 40.2 million, largely driven by increased fund fees.

✔ The mutual fund capital, including alternative investment products, grew to approximately EUR 12.6 billion during the year and clients’ assets under management rose to EUR 18.0 billion.

✔ In 2023, we updated our strategy and identified measures to help us grow substantially to become one of the leading wealth management firms in the Nordics.

✔ We have explored AI’s possibilities in investment activities as well as taken new tools into use to make our everyday work more efficient. Yet, the human element, be it in making investment decisions or client interaction, will be more important than ever in a turbulent world.

Read more in Evli’s Annual Report: https://hubs.li/Q02lkXPV0


Evli is nominated for best fund house in both Finland and Sweden! The winners in Finland will be announced on March 6 and in Sweden on March 7.🤞

Morningstar Finland: https://hubs.li/Q02lk24z0
Morningstar Sweden: https://hubs.li/Q02lk3bC0


Together with Helen and Siemens, Evli’s renewable energy fund is implementing a significant electricity storage project in Nurmijärvi. The investment will support society's green transition, balance electricity price fluctuations and secure the reliability of the electricity system. https://hubs.li/Q02kRscz0


"I understood that the workplace is actually a learning environment, where the foundational knowledge from my studies could be expanded upon. Artificial intelligence, for instance, wasn't a major topic during my academic studies, yet I find it imperative to understand and utilize it in my current role." says Noora Launonen, Junior Product Specialist at Evli.

Noora’s story illustrates how an open attitude and an eagerness to absorb new knowledge can make a significant impact right from the outset of one's professional path. Read Noora's full career story on our blog, link in the comments!

Evli has completed the acquisition of a majority stake in investment services company Zenito Oy 01/02/2024

Evli has acquired a majority stake in Zenito Oy, a Finnish investment service company whose specialized and active investment strategies have produced top results in their comparison groups.

"The acquisition is a logical next step in Evli's strategic goal to become a leading Nordic wealth manager. The acquisition combines the expertise and resources of both companies, enabling a broader range of investment products for our clients," comments Maunu Lehtimäki, CEO of Evli.

Read more:

Evli has completed the acquisition of a majority stake in investment services company Zenito Oy Evli has completed the acquisition of a majority stake in the investment services company Zenito Oy on January 31, 2024.

Evli Talking Points: Value investors escape endless detention 31/01/2024

A school detention as eventful as that in the iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club. That is what value investors have had to endure for the past 15 years. But as John Bender & co found out, the soul searching eventually does come to an end offering some very interesting opportunities. Equity markets have now reached that point. Read the :

Evli Talking Points: Value investors escape endless detention The decade-and-a-half long growth equity dominance has come to an end. Valuation can no longer be ignored.

Evli wins best emerging market fund of the year award in Sweden 31/01/2024

Evli GEM is the best emerging market fund in Sweden✨

The motivation for the award states that "the fund combines the value strategy with growth - and performs strongly even when emerging markets face headwinds".

Privata Affärer's Fund of the Year award is Sweden's largest independent fund award. Read more:

Evli wins best emerging market fund of the year award in Sweden Evli GEM has been named the best emerging market fund of the year by Swedish Privata Affärer.

Can AI forecast market trends and outsmart portfolio managers? 26/01/2024

Does AI affect the work of portfolio managers? What does ChatGPT think about the interplay between portfolio management and AI? Find out in our blog:

Can AI forecast market trends and outsmart portfolio managers? Where is artificial intelligence (AI) already having a practical impact? I asked ChatGPT how it sees AI affecting the work of portfolio managers.


Evli had a good year in 2023. Net revenue and operating profit increased, driven by the acquisition of EAB Group, positive market development, and successful new sales. Also, demand for traditional investment funds increased, and Evli attracted the second most fund subscriptions in Finland. https://hubs.li/Q02hGLgc0

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Our Story

For the institutional investor from a Nordic active boutique manager, Evli - Your Nordic Bond specialist.

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic fund management boutique established in in 1989 focusing on institutional investors. Our funds are actively managed with an ESG overlay, a long time-perspective and focus on free cash flow. Our senior portfolio managers have an average of 10 years at Evli and 20 years’ industry experience.

Our investment process is systematic and characterised by both quantitative methods and qualitative assessments. Rigorous discipline ensures repeatability of the investment process. Our strategies cover both Nordic and Global equities, Corporate bonds and Emerging markets.

Evli’s operations are based on a Stewardship philosophy, which means that the client’s best interest always come first. Our funds have the highest degree of usage among institutional investors in our home market Finland.




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Evli ja EAB ovat yhdistyneet. Seuraa jatkossa: https://www.facebook.com/evli.oyj

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