Evolve Family Law

Evolve Family Law

We are dedicated to helping those going through a relationship breakdown. No matter what the issues,

See our price guide at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/our-prices/

Can I Force my Partner to Leave the Family Home? | Evolve Family Law 30/08/2024

Can I Force my Partner to Leave the Family Home?
If you are separating from your partner the thought of living with them in the family home whilst you get divorced and sort out a financial settlement can be distressing.

In our latest article our family law solicitors look at your options if you want your partner to leave the family home. Read more at:

Can I Force my Partner to Leave the Family Home? | Evolve Family Law Our family law solicitors look at your options if you want your partner to leave the family home.

How Much Does Getting Probate Cost? | Evolve Family Law 26/08/2024

How Much Does Getting Probate Cost?
At Evolve Family Law our private client solicitors, Chris Strogen and Judith Chesters, are getting inquiries about the cost of instructing a solicitor to obtain probate and to administer and distribute the estate of a loved one.

Some of the inquiries we receive are from executors who have instructed other law firms to obtain probate for a fixed fee and who are disappointed to discover that the fixed fee does not cover all the work required.

In our latest article, our probate solicitors have put together some information on probate and how solicitors charge for probate services to help executors make an informed choice about whether they need a probate solicitor, and if so, the service they require. Read more at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/how-much-does-getting-probate-cost/

For expert probate advice call us on 0345 222 8222 or complete the online form on our website.

How Much Does Getting Probate Cost? | Evolve Family Law Our probate solicitors have put together some information on probate and how solicitors charge for probate services to help executors make an informed choice about whether they need a probate solicitor, and if so, the service they require.


Applying for an Injunction

Do you need protection from domestic abuse or coercive and controlling behaviour? Are you worried about your estranged husband or wife transferring money to their parents or siblings to try and hide money from your divorce solicitor? Read more about injunctions in our latest article: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/applying-for-an-injunction/

If you need help with applying for an injunction order our family law solicitors can assist and guide you through the injunction application process.

For expert advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers on 0345 222 8222 or visit our website and fill out the contact form


Legal Rights of Separating Unmarried Parents

If you are coming out of an unmarried relationship and you have dependent children it is important to understand your legal rights and potential claims against your ex-partner. Do not assume that you or your former partner has no rights because you did not get married and you did not enter a civil partnership.

The law distinguishes between former cohabiting couples with dependent children and those without children or those who have adult children. In our latest website blog, our family law solicitors focus on the rights and claims of ex-cohabitees with dependent children.

For help with parental rights please give our professional & friendly team a call today!


Wills for Unmarried Partners

If you are in an unmarried relationship or cohabiting with a partner you do need to sort some paperwork out. Whilst you and your partner may both be content to not have a marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate there are some practical things that you should do to protect your partner and family.

In our latest article, our Will solicitors look at why it is vital to get a Will sorted out for yourself if you are entering a new cohabiting relationship or if you and your unmarried partner have settled down together without the convention of marriage or civil partnership.

Read the article on our website at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/wills-for-unmarried-partners/

For expert Will advice call us on 0345 222 8222 or complete our online form.


Second Marriage Divorce

If your second marriage is in trouble you may already know a bit about divorce and financial settlements because of your experience from the first time around.

This time you may find that some things are different. Firstly, divorce law has changed. Secondly, your first husband or wife may have been very reasonable and this enabled you to reach a financial agreement. The situation may not be as straightforward with your second marriage divorce.

In our latest website blog, our divorce solicitors look at what you need to be aware of when ending a second marriage. Read more here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/second-marriage-divorce/

For expert advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers on 0345 222 8222.


Do Both Sides Need a Solicitor in Divorce?

When you are separating and trying to divorce amicably it is tempting to think that it is the divorce lawyers who will be the problem in reaching an amicable separation. You may assume that divorce solicitors will pit both of you against one another, racking up the solicitor costs, and leaving both of you worse off.

There is a way to share one divorce solicitor. At Evolve Family Law we provide a One Lawyer Divorce Service. However, the service is not the best or right option for every divorcing couple.

In our latest website article, our family lawyers explain how both sides can share one divorce solicitor and whether our One Lawyer Divorce Service may be a suitable option for you.

For family law help call our team of specialist divorce lawyers on 0345 222 8222

Read the article on our website here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/do-both-sides-need-a-solicitor-in-divorce-2/


LGBTQIA+ Separation and Divorce

The decision to separate and start divorce proceedings or end a civil partnership is a difficult one for any couple. If you are an LGBTQIA+ couple there are particular challenges when separating or getting divorced. Read our latest blog looking at LGBTQIA+ Separation and Divorce here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/lgbtqia-separation-and-divorce/

For expert advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers on 0345 222 8222.


How to File for Divorce in the UK

When you are going through a separation or divorce you need to know what you are likely to end up with as your divorce financial settlement. Without that information, or at least a broad idea of what you might reasonably expect to get, you may find the whole process of separating and getting divorced that much more traumatic.

In our latest website blog, our family law solicitors answer your questions on whether you will get half in a divorce financial settlement and explain why some people may end up with more or less than half.

Read the blog at: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/how-to-file-for-divorce-in-the-uk/


Should I Sign a Separation Agreement?

As North West divorce and family finance solicitors, we are often asked the question ‘’should I sign a separation agreement?’’ The stock answer is ‘’that it all depends’’. However, our answer hinges on your plans and the specifics of your separation agreement.

Our latest website article looks at the subject of Separation Agreements, read more at: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/should-i-sign-a-separation-agreement-2/

For expert family law advice call our team on 0345 222 8222 or complete our online enquiry form.


How to Deal With Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is one of those topics that parents feel embarrassed to talk about. If you are being prevented from seeing your child after a or you may be worried that family, friends and colleagues will judge you assuming you must be the one at fault if you cannot get to see your child.

At Evolve Family Law our solicitors are experts in child arrangement order applications involving allegations of alienating behaviour. If you are being stopped from seeing your child our family law solicitors can help you sort out post-separation parenting arrangements for your child or enforce a child arrangement order if your ex-partner still will not let you see your child.

Read more about parental alienation in our latest website article: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/how-to-deal-with-parental-alienation/


Divorce and Selling the Family Home

As Manchester divorce and family finance solicitors advising separated couples we get a lot of calls from husbands or wives concerned about divorce and selling the family home.

In our latest article, our family law solicitors look at the issues and your best options when it comes to divorce and selling the family home.

You can read the article via the link in the comments below


What is Planning Together for Children?

Planning Together for Children is the name of a course run by the organisation CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support) for separated or divorced parents. Planning Together for Children has replaced the Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP).

In our latest website article, our children law solicitors look at the Planning Together for Children course and explain your options if you are a separated parent struggling to reach an agreement with your ex-partner on post-separation parenting arrangements for your children.

Read the article: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/planning-together-for-children/

For expert family law advice call our team on 0345 222 8222 or contact us online.


A Family Lawyers Guide on How to Get The Most Out of Family Mediation.

In our latest web article, our family law solicitors offer tips on how to get the best out of family mediation to help you resolve your family law issue.

Read the article here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/a-family-lawyers-guide-on-how-to-get-the-most-out-of-family-mediation/


Do You Need a Will if You Are Married?

In our latest web article, we explain why you need a Will if you are married and how our Will solicitors at Evolve Family Law can write your Will or advice on whether an existing Will needs changing.

Read the article here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/do-you-need-a-will-if-you-are-married/

For expert Will and estate planning advice call our team on 0345 222 8 222.


What Does Intestacy Mean?

Intestacy or dying intestate means a person has passed away without a valid Will. The person’s estate is therefore distributed under the intestacy rules.

In our latest article, Will and probate solicitor, Chris Strogen, looks at what intestacy might mean for you or your family. Read the article at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/what-does-intestacy-mean/

If you need help with making a Will or with probate and estate administration call our team on 0345 222 8 222


What is Inheritance Tax?

Nowadays inheritance tax is a bit of a political hot potato with some politicians calling for the ‘death tax’ to be scrapped. Many people are not sure about how inheritance tax works and if inheritance tax would affect their family. Some people stress about the tax and others take the attitude that as it is a death tax it isn’t something that is a big priority.

To find out all about inheritance tax read our latest article at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/what-is-inheritance-tax-2/

For expert Will and estate planning advice call us on 0345 222 8222

Can a Separated Spouse Inherit? | Evolve Family Law 15/12/2023

Can a Separated Spouse Inherit?

The quick answer is yes - or maybe. That’s why if you are thinking about a separation or divorce you need to talk to a Will and estate planning solicitor as well as to a family lawyer.

In our latest website article, our Will solicitors explain why you need a Will or a new Will if you are going through a family separation.

Our specialist lawyers can help you with all your private client needs, including writing a Will for you or checking if your existing Will needs amending, because of your new family circumstances. Call us on 0345 222 8222.

Read the article at:

Can a Separated Spouse Inherit? | Evolve Family Law ‘Can a separated spouse inherit?’ The answer is maybe. If you are thinking about a separation, talk to a will and estate planning solicitor, a family lawyer

Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the UK | Evolve Family Law 11/12/2023

Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the UK

If you got married in an Islamic wedding ceremony in the UK or overseas, are you treated as legally married in England? Can you get divorced in the UK?

In our latest article, the divorce solicitors at Evolve Family Law answer your questions on Islamic marriage and divorce in the UK. Read the article https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/islamic-marriage-and-divorce-in-the-uk/

For expert family law advice call our team on 0345 222 8222

Islamic Marriage and Divorce in the UK | Evolve Family Law If you got married in an Islamic wedding ceremony in the UK or overseas, are you treated as legally married in England? Find out in our guide.


Family Law Solicitors and the Resolution Annual Awareness Week

At Evolve Family Law our family law specialists are members of Resolution, an organization of family justice professionals in the UK.
This week is Resolution’s Awareness Week.

In recent years, the Resolution dialogue surrounding divorce has shifted from a conventional narrative of separation to a more nuanced exploration of relationships and their legal underpinnings.
Once known as Good Divorce Week, an initiative spearheaded by Resolution, the annual event traditionally aimed to promote amicable separations. However, this year the Resolution Awareness Week marks a significant pivot, redirecting attention toward cohabitation and its intersection with UK family law.

Evolve Family Law solicitor Ellie Stokes writes about Resolution Awareness Week for our latest website article: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/family-law-solicitors-the-resolution-annual-awareness-week/


Our View on the Autumn Statement and for Life and .

On 22 November 2023 the , Jeremy Hunt, unveiled plans that could eventually give pension holders one pension pot for life.

and independent advisors are all questioning how easy it will be to bring in the scheme for UK workers. However, the family at Evolve Family Law are delighted by the news because if the proposals are implemented it will make it easier and cheaper for divorcing couples to share pensions as part of their financial settlement.

Our latest website article goes deeper into the implications of the chancellor's announcement, read more here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/the-autumn-budget-statement-and-pensions-for-life-and-divorce/


Research and Report Shows Women Lose Out When They Divorce ‘On The Cheap’

As specialist North West family law solicitors we were interested to read the report from the Fair Shares Project.

The Fair Shares project was funded by the Nuffield Foundation. It aims to provide information and data on divorcing couples so lawyers and legislative reformers understand how the current family law system is operating.

In our latest article divorce solicitor, Robin Charrot, looks at the key research findings and outlines the options to reach a fair divorce financial settlement.

Read the full article on our website at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/research-shows-women-lose-out-when-they-divorce-on-the-cheap/


Are We Married? And why it matters if you are or not.

Often this question crops up when a couple is or contemplating proceedings.

If the ‘marriage’ took place in the UK the husband and wife may think that their ceremony of means that they are legally wed. However, if the ceremony didn’t take place at a licensed venue or if the couple didn’t subsequently participate in a civil ceremony of marriage they may not be legally married in the UK.

The scenario isn’t that uncommon as often the focus is on the religious marriage ceremony, which has the real meaning for the couple and their family and friends. That can leave those, for example, who have enjoyed a Muslim religious ceremony of marriage, or those who married in a Wiccan ceremony, not legally married.

Read more on the question of legal marriage via the link in the comments below ⬇ ⬇


What is a Cohabitation Dispute and how do I resolve one?

Family law disputes come in all shapes and sizes. It may be a dispute between a divorcing couple trying to reach a financial settlement or grandparents seeking a child arrangement order so they can get to see their grandchild or a parent terrified that their ex-partner intends to leave the UK with their son or daughter.

Increasingly, family law disputes involve cohabiting couples. The couple may be heterosexual or LGBTQI+ and they may or may not have children with disagreements bubbling away over what parenting arrangements are in the child’s best interests.

As a specialist firm of Northwest family law solicitors, we can advise you on how best to resolve a cohabitation dispute and help you understand your legal rights and options.

Read all about cohabitation disputes in our latest web article here: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/what-is-a-cohabitation-dispute/


International Family Law and Prenuptial Agreements

When it comes to family law, it is true as there is an increasing number of UK families with connections to more than one country. That has led to a rise in the number of requests for help from families with international family law concerns or requiring advice on an international prenuptial agreements.

Take a look at our latest article answering your questions on international prenups via the link in the comments below ⏬


There is still a bit of wariness about raising the topic of a prenup with a fiancée or signing a prenuptial agreement.

In our latest website article, our Manchester & Holmes Chapel family solicitors look at whether a prenup is a good idea.​

For help with a prenup call our experts now on 0345 222 8222

Read our article on prenups at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/is-a-prenup-a-good-idea/


Alienating Behaviour & its Impact on Child Contact After Separation or Divorce

Parental alienation is a concept that has gained familiarity through divorce solicitors and child experts writing about the effect of parental alienation on the children of separated parents and on the parent who has been alienated.

A recent family court case has suggested the use of the words ‘alienating behaviour‘ rather than labelling one parent as guilty of parental alienation. In our latest blog, our children law expert Louise Halford looks at the case and looks at how to approach child arrangement order applications involving allegations of alienating behaviour.

As a specialist firm of Northwest family law solicitors, our lawyers can advise you on sorting out residence and contact arrangements after a separation or divorce and represent you in a child arrangement order application.

Contact us today on 0345 222 8222

Read the article at: https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/alienating-behaviour-its-impact-on-child-contact-after-separation-or-divorce/


How Do I Make a Will in the UK?

In our latest article, we look at how to make a , something that we should all do to protect our loved ones. You can read the article on our website at https://www.evolvefamilylaw.co.uk/blog/how-do-i-make-a-will-in-the-uk/

It is easy to keep putting off making a Will because you have too much to do or you aren’t sure what to put in your Will but a Will is something that we should all have, whatever our age, state of health, or personal or circumstances.

If you die without making a Will then you or they die ‘intestate’. The law says where your money or estate goes to. The list of beneficiaries is set out in a statute and cannot be changed to suit your family circumstances or to do what you would have wanted if you had made a Will during your lifetime.

For expert advice on making a Will call our team of specialist Will on 0345 222 8222 or complete our online enquiry form.


Divorcing a Husband or Wife with a Mental Illness

If your husband or wife has mental health issues it is natural to be concerned about whether you can get divorced and the impact of the divorce proceedings on your spouse.

In our latest blog, our Cheshire & Manchester divorce solicitors examine the difficult topic of starting divorce proceedings where your husband or wife suffers from a mental health illness.

Read the blog via the link in the comments below 🔽🔽🔽

For expert family law advice call our team on 0345 222 8222 or complete our online enquiry form on our website.

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Our Ethos

Louise Halford and Robin Charrot set up Evolve Family Law in 2015. They both have many years of city centre family legal experience in large commercial firms and wanted to offer an alternative: family solicitors in Manchester who listen and guide, who are not hide bound by big firm procedures, who are approachable and accessible and who are specialist enough to know the law and their stuff but aren’t divorce divas.

Why choose Evolve as your family solicitors in Manchester?

Evolve is small enough to care and keep it personal, with clients and their families as the focus of all that we do. Louise, Robin and the team help clients make informed choices so that they can successfully move forward with their lives after a separation, divorce or after resolving parenting arrangements and financial settlements. Evolve breaks down the complex and confusing minefield of family law to the key bits clients need to know to secure the best possible outcome in their family circumstances.

Clients come from a wide range of backgrounds and countries and include clients thinking about prenup or cohabitation agreements, or clients thinking about putting plans in place to cope with their death or disability. We are trusted advisors and not just divorce lawyers.

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Local family business aiming to wow clients. Wills & Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney & sound independant financial advice