House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries

House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries

To preach the gospel of salvation, healing, deliverance and baptism to all nations and to make disci


Happy New Year! Myself and the entire family of House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries welcomes you to the 2021. Your year of extraordinary turnaround- 2 Kings 7:1-18


Very good ministry and sound teachings based on biblical principles. Good to see a ministry that just doesn't focus on witchcraft, prophecy or instant material gratification because the Christlike walk is not a microwave journey!

As Christians we must be prepared to carry the cross, look up to Jesus and not worry about the unnecessary cares of this world.

We come alone naked and we will go alone to face our Maker with nothing but our thoughts, words and deeds.🙏🏾


Zadok-Priesthood Intercessory Ministries

One of the most powerful testimonies about a church in the Scriptures is found in 2nd Corinthians 8.
It is about the churches of Macedonia Province. The greatest testimonies of generosity in the time of extreme lack. At verse 2, captured in one of my favorite versions of the Holy Bible -The Message. "Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limits. The trial exposed their true colors : They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts."
So many Christians begrudge God in time of poverty or test. The true colors of many Christians exposed by trials is shameful to mention.
Brethren, let's juxtapose our Christianity with that of the Macedonian churches. What is our true color when trial of faith comes? Are we still generous when we don't have much? Do we still give for the gospel in times lack? Do we share our meagre food with others in need when our stores are not full? Note that the generous heart is not revealed in time of plenty, it is revealed in the time of scarcity. Do not boast of your philanthropy until your supply suffers shortage. Go through that verse again prayerfully and ask yourself these questions. May God bless you. Zadok priesthood


May God continue the elevate you and open doors.


Myself and the entire family of House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries wishes you a Merry Christmas. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men".

Luke 2:14


House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries


Spiritual Responsibility

The word "responsibility is a word commonly use in our daily transactions or conversations, and it means having a duty to deal with something, or having a control over someone. It also mean being accountable or liable for something. We like to assume or take responsibility both in our social circle and professional jobs, because in our social circle it makes us look good and loved by those in our click. In our professional circle, it gives us an edge over our contemporaries in case of possible promotion, and also make our CVs look good, and set us up for the next step in our career. That is why in our professional work, we like to take on as much responsibility as we can. The more we take, the better for us.

But how many people take spiritual responsibility for their own lives and family?

The nations of Israel was birthed by a mighty deliverance (Exodus 13:17-14:31) King David experienced many deliverance during His life time. He called upon the Lord for deliverance and the Lord answered him (Ps 34:4). God is always attentive to His people, and He answers our cries and prayers. Deliverance is a sign of God's love and mercy, and the word deliverance means "Salvation"

One of the greatest revelations any believer would ever have is the revelation of self-deliverance. We can loose ourselves from the grip and control of powers of darkness (Isa 52:2). We can exercise power and authority for our own lives. The keys of the Kingdom has been given to us, so whatever we bind on earth would be bind in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matt. 16:19). A key is authority, it is power, to either allow or refuse entry, it is authority or power of possession of something. The word key is very symbolic. When you a key figure or member of an organisation it means you can make vital decision. So you we have power and authority as kingdom citizens. Jesus also said we should cast out the beam in our eyes (Luke 6:42) The word "Cast" here is the same as casting out demons.

Therefore, take spiritual responsibility for your life and family. Do not expect or depend on someone else for your spiritual well-being. God has given you the same power and authority he gave to your prophet, pastor, man of God or Bishop. You never put in it use. Get deep into the Word, confess it loud and clear over your life, ministry, marriage, family, calling, or business. With aggression pray strong prayers that rout the enemy out. The bible says "As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me. The strangers shall fade away and be afraid of their close places (Ps 18:44-45).

Do not allow self-pity or lukewarmness hold you back. Stir yourself up to prayer with vibrant praise/worship. These are the Divine weapons God has bless us with to overcome the enemy.

God bless you.


She named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband. And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken".

1 Sam. 4:21-22

At the end of His preaching in Matthew 23, Jesus, out of Divine pity and yearning love lamented over Israel as it rejected many opportunities of salvation. Because of pride and unbelief, Israel rejected her proffered gift of heaven. So her house was left for her desolate (Matthew 23:37-38)

So the glory of Israel, her defence, the one whose presence made glory of the latter temple greater than the former departed from the temple (Matthew 24:1) and from then on it was "Ichabod"

Child of God, is Jesus still in your temple, or has He departed? Man of God/Woman of God is Jesus still in your Church/Ministry, or has He departed? Brother/ sister, that church were you are is Jesus still present there, or has he departed? Big is not always better. Do not be deceived by the size of the temple, or by the crowd as the disciple of Jesus were "And His disciples came to Him for to shew him the buildings of the temple". Remember that many prophet shall arise, and shall deceive many (Matt. 24:11)

God is not in every storm, and every rushing mighty wind is not a Pentecost (according to the preacher) Jesus and Bar Jesus both did miracles, but Both are not from God. Moses performed signs and wonders before Pharaoh, so did Pharaoh's magicians (Exod. 7:11)

Brethren, the instruction is to take heed that no man deceive you. But how can you avoid being deceived if your are not reading your bible, if your not prayerful and have no communion with God?

May the Lord open your eyes so that you will be able to discern the sheep from wolves, in Jesus name.


House of Praise Gospel and Revival Ministries welcomes you the year 2016. Your year of Unparalleled Favour and Divine Acceleration.

As you make these Scriptures your friend throughout this year, there will be an explosion of unexplainable favours over your life in Jesus name.

Psalm 102:13; Exodus 3:7-8 and 2 Chronicle 29:36

This year, if you did not do any other thing, make sure you find Jesus at whatever cost.

Happy New Year!



This evening I decided to surf the internet like other do, and I began with looking the pictures of some of my old friends, acquintances and ex-colleague. Some of the pictures I saw were not encouraging, making it extremely difficult for me to differentiate between those of my friends who still in the world and those who are born again.

That made me to wonder which Church they are planted in, and who is the Pastor or the shepherd of that Church.

What am I saying here? I am saying that the Church and those who minister then are repeating the sins of Aaron, when the should clealy discern evil and state it clearly, even if it puts them in an unpleasant position, because their motives may be misunderstood. The church must not suffer wrong upon a brother, sister or any other soul with whom it is connected with. This lack of boldness to stand uo firmly for the truth was the sin of Aaron.

"And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said to him, up, make us gods, gods which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrrings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me"

In this epic passage, we are made to understand that Aaron failed to discern the evil in the hearts of the Israelites and clearly state it. Had Aaron spoken the truth plainly, the golden calf would never have been made.
The Church today seems to be in the position of the Israelite then, and the shepherds, the preachers and ministers are failing to plainly speak the truth. You have a brother and sister in your church whom their closeness is gone above what you consider normal, and you have kept quiet. You know of a sister who is fornicating in the Church, you have kept quiet. You see women in your Church, coming to Church dressed as if they are going to a night club, and you have kept quiet. You are watching all sorts of ungodliness, adultary and idolatory go on the church, but you have turned a blind eye, because you do not want to offend anyone. Remember you have a duty to uphold the truth (the Gospel).
The same spirit that led Aaron to shun to declare the truth plainly, for fear of offending, also led him to act a falsehold in pointing to the golden calf as the God who led the Israelites out of Egypt. One unfaithfulness leads to another.

The murmuring and unbelief in the camp of Israel caused Aaron to make a golden calf and present it as God. He proclaimed it to be God, causing a great deal of enthusiansm in the camp of Israel.

God commanded Moses to teach the children of Israel the statutes and judgments, that thy might do them when they cross over to possess the promise land. He also told them to take good heed unto themselves. Deuteronomy 4:14-18

Our job as ministers is to plainly state the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be to the hearer. We should lead the sheep of Yeshua to the cross, not away from the cross. Therefore, teach them holiness, and if they want to go with their tithes, let them go. God will make a way for you, after all they are not the ones who called you in the first place.

Stay blessed



One of my favourite TV stories is Peter Pan, the man who refused to grow up. For those of you who are familiar with the story of Peter Pan. He was an old man who refused to grow in stature and in behaviour, inspite of all the feeding and parental training he received.

The Hebrew Church in Paul's days were like Peter Pan. They had teachings upon teachings, instructions upon instruction, and participated in so many Church activities, but refused to grow.

It is only fair to say that most people in our Churches today are like the Hebrew Church of Paul's day, thus have become Peter Pan in the sense that they have refused to grow, with all the preaching, bible studies and other teachings they have been received. They have remained the way they were the day day they walked through the doors their Church and gave their life to Christ.

No wonder Apostle Paul had this to say to the Hebrew Church.

"11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. 12For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil".

Here the Apostle exposes the dulness of the Hebrews to learn and grow, and we are seeing the same partern in our Churches today. How can you be a grown Christian when you are still fighting for position in the Church? If you are still fighting for seat in the Church, you are still a baby in the Temple. If you are still fight for recognition in the Church, you are still a baby in the temple. At the of the service, many Christians do fight their Church brother or Church sister in the Church premises, if that is you, then you are still a baby in the temple. If you are a worker in the Church, holding all the positions in the Church, without making room for others to serve, you are a bible in the temple. If you are a Christian and still going to prostitutes, you need to grow. If you are a Christian and can't forgive, you need to grow. If you are a Christian still watching po*******hy, you need to grow. If you are a Christian and still smoke ma*****na, you need to grow.

In Chapter 6:1-4, the Apostle urged the Hebrew Church to go from the infancy of John the Baptist ministry and from the childhood or pentecostal miracles and speaking of tongues, perfection (Manhood) and to real conversion.
Babies do not like solid foods, babies do not like bitter medicine and children do like strong meat.

The Apostle was in fact telling the Hebrews that it does not matter how much spiritual blessings they have, or the amount of gifts God has given them, or how close they are to the bishop, they most grow. Galatians 4:1

People are more interested in the materials than the pure Word of God. People are more excited about prosperity preachers than those who teach the Word of Life. All you hear is when will I get my breakthrough.

The reason why the enemy subdues you is because you have refused to grow.

Jesus said, "For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them". Matthew 13:15

Many Christians are in deliverance ground every week because they are refused to grow.

Ask God to give you the grace to grow today in Jesus name.


Your Christian Race

"Wherefore, if I meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

During my time the secondary school, we had a sports day called inter house sport. Whereby athletes were grouped in houses, and they compete against each other. I personally I wasn't good at sports, but I know that those who participated in those sports, had one thing in mind, that is to win. I also know that those games had rules that govern them, and athletes have to abide by them.

The Christian race is a delicate race, and we have to be extremely careful about the way and manner we run it.
So how are you running your race? Are you running to win and receive your prize at the end, or you are running just to participate?

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the price? So run that you may obtain...... 1 Corinthians 9:24:27

The Christian race is a you cannot run the way you like: every thing must be done in accordance with then demands of the Master (The rules of the race) You cannot pick and chose how you run. You have to run according to the Master's rule.
The bible tells us not to stand as a stumbling block on the way of other people, especially the weak. Still we have those in the Church who want to use the position to oppress the weak in their church. We have to who want to talk down and look down on other members. We have those who would not accept anything less than the front seat row. What about the brother, that sister in your church who wants to grow in Christ, get on the service ladder in the church, but has been deny the opportunity? How about that brother or sister who you do not like in your church, so every time you see him/her you give them that dirty, as if to say what are you doing here? Have you thought about the way to speak to those in your Church (your communication skills) How about your mode of dressing? Have you thought whether that you V-neck dress, when you wear it all your b***s are hanging out, how about that short skirts that exposes all you have underneath, how it make others in the Church feel? What of you brother, those tight jeans that shows your manhood, how it makes others feel? How about that sister you always gossip about. The gossip you started last Sunday before service, only to be interrupted by the sermon, that you continued after service, to mid-week, only to be interrupted by weekend cooking, and resumed Sunday morning on your way to Church.

A genuine child of God will examine his or her attitude in these areas I mentioned above, and will be careful where they are found, and the kind of company they keep.
Many Christians are stumbling blocks to others in the fold of Christ, especially those who have come to Christ newly.

"But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts". Malachi 2:8

I have once said that you have to let your conversation be in conformity with the gospel. Phil 1:27

Therefore, remember that as a believer, you are the epistle people read (2 Corinthians 3:2)
Therefore, cultivate the habit of being a representative of heaven everywhere you are.
1 Corinthians 9:2


"And they made their lives bitter with hard bo***ge, in motar, in brick and in all manner of service in the field: all their services, wherein they make them serve was with rigor" Exodu 1:14

From the above verse we understand the kind of bo***ge and harsh treatment the Israelites were subjected to (just a glimpse of it).

I don't know what or who is representing your taskmaster in your own life, administering afflictions and causing you to labour without rest and without profit. But all I know is that you are coming out of that wilderness into your promise land.
God's people were afflicted for many years (verse 11). They went through hell in the hands of Egyptian taskmasters. But God arose on their behalf. The same God will arise on your behalf in Jesus name.

Their enemies were totally destroyed while they got their deliverance. So shall your enemies be destroyed and you shall be delivered. The Bible says "Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? Isa. 49:24
I stand on the authority in the Word of God and I said YES you are delivered in Jesus name.

No matter what you are going through right now, it can never swallow you, but you will definitely overcome it and give your testimony in Jesus.
They overcome him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony......" Rev 12:11.
The blood of Jesus have bought your victory and you must testify. I saif you must testify in Jesus name.

To God be the glory!



"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ". Philippians 3:8

I am this epic letter to the Philippians Apostle Paul makes it clear that the most excellent knowledge is to know Christ. Because in Christ all fullness dwells (Colossians 1:19)
Jesus says "This is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent". John 17:3. Now Paul tells us to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Child of God, are you striving to have the excellent knowledge of Christ? as you go to bed tonight ponder this question in your heart. Your fame, political status, financial or economic status, your academic qualifications or social status will count for nothing, if do not know Christ your Saviour.

Apostle Paul tells us that the things which were gain to him, those he counted loss for Christ (verse 7). Let us pause for a minute; what things were gain to Paul? From his profile and his Jewish background we can ascertain his supposed gains were: He was circumcised on the eighth day, he was an Israelite, from the tribe of Benjamin, he was a Hebrew of the Hebrews (son of the soil), a Pharisee, a prosecutor of Christ, and was a self-righteous man. Now though, he has surrendered all these things, and his desired gains were; to win Christ, to be found in Him, to find true righteousness, the excellent knowledge of Him, the Power of His resurrection, the fellowship in His sufferings and the out-resurrection from the dead.
Having studied Isaiah, Job and Daniel he believed in resurrection as a Jew, nevertheless, he coveted a different kind of resurrection. For him to live or die, Christ had the first place in his heart. Does Christ have the first place in your heart? would you forsake the worldly wisdom to gain the excellent knowledge of Christ? would you choose prison instead of issuing marriage licence to gay couples?
The Apostle discovered that the righteousness he was worth much, was now worthless in every way. His righteousness was now unrighteousness (verse 9-10) Hence he declared that the deep longing of his soul was to know Christ, and the fellowship of His suffering, and being made comfortable unto His death. The righteousness which is from God is offered to the sinner in Christ and secured by faith in Christ as opposed to works, that is Paul's position. He would for himself know the power of the Saviour's grace, and he trusted in the Saviour's power to save even him who has persecuted the Church of Christ. By Paul's estimation nothing on this earth, be it what, could equal the value of the gift of the knowledge of Christ.

Child of God, would you today give up your worldly knowledge, and seek to gain the excellent knowledge of Christ? so that you may be able to know the power of His grace.

I pray that you will enthrone Christ in your heart today in Jesus name. Amen!


"Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ......." Philippians 1:27

A person's conversation is not just his way of speaking to other people, rather it comprises the whole of his life, behaviour and professionalism. Thus Paul urges us let our actions, as citizens of the Kingdom, be such as it becomes the gospel of Jesus Christ.

so what kind of conversation is that that Paul is taking about. Let us start by saying that the gospel is simple, and uncomplicated. So the Christian life should be simple, and uncomplicated. The Christian should be simple in habits and lifestyle, should make choices which does not compromise his christianity. There should be simplicity in our manner, speech, behaviour, dressing and beauty. You are to the gospel in it's simplest form.

The gospel is pre-eminently true. Therefore, the Christ should always speak the truth, and should always be bold and confident whether men like it or not, as the gospel is fearless, not compromise the truth, the same time he should be fearful and trembles at the Word of God. The gospel is gentle, so the believer should be gentle, bearing in mind that our Lord was led like a lamb to slaughter (Isa. 53:7)

So let us try to win others by gentleness of our words and actions, bearing in mind that the gospel is very gentle. Let us walk worthy of the vocation which we are called (Eph. 4:1). We should not forget that the gospel of Jesus is holy, so let us stop linggering and run from ungodliness and worldly lust. She should shun everything that hinders us from perfect conformity to Christ. Our life cannot be as it becometh the gospel, if we continue to look back like Lot's wife (Gen. 19:26)


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“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: these are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation” – Revelation 3:14

The word Amen simply confirms what was said before; and in Jesus e have the greatest confirmer, He never fails. For ever Jesus is saying “Amen” to His promises. O poor sin-sick soul, be comforted, Jesus is saying “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” if you come Jesus will say Amen to your life. Jesus is saying “take you my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is light” Matt. 11:28, if you come, Jesus will say “Amen” to your soul.

Come to Him, poor, broken and bruised hear, and He will say “Amen” to your soul. O wretched Christian, be comforted, for none of the Word that goeth out of the mouth of your Savior will return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).
Be assured that as He promised, so He will do. Because all is promises God has made are “Yes in Christ, and through Him the “Amen” has been already spoken to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Jesus was once our forgiveness and sanctification, he is still and will continue to be for ages to come, therefore, He is “Amen” as our High Priest still.


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Spirit Husbands Many of you can't find a man or meet a decent guy because you have extremely unholy sinful practices in your life that God is not pleased with. And those practices are limiting His ability to help you find a suitable mate.


International Ministers Fellowship.... Open Gates 2015.
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The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11

Beloved, let us walk in the knowledge and understanding that the Holy Spirit is resident in us as believers. Therefore, we have divine immunity against all forms of infirmity, sickness and untimely death.



The Chapter of the first book of Psalm begins with "you" and ends with "destruction" (Ps 1:1-6) God's covenant with Israel made it clear that He would bless their obedience and judge their disobedience (Deut 28). The man prescribed in this Psalm had joy because of meeting the stated conditions. Therefore, Gods blessings and joy comes with certain conditions which we have to meet.

A wise person is identified by the company he keeps. Likewise, the person who keeps bad company will become a victim of their own folly. Who do you associate with? Who are your friends? Can you be called wise by the counsel you keep?
Israel was a unique and separate people; they were among other nations, but were not to be contaminated by them (Exd. 19:5-6) We are in the world, but not of this world (John 17:11-17) We must be aware of friendship with the world that leads to being corrupted by the world.
In verse 2 of Ps 1, we see the positive side of delighting and meditating on the Word which goes hand-in-hand, the fruit or reward is we become like a tree planted the rivers of water, alive, beautiful, fruitful, useful and enduring and we have our root deeper in Christ.
So are you walking in the counsel of the godly or in the counsel of the ungodly?
Where there is no counsel, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety (Prov. 11:14) A wise man is also identified by the choice of counsellors. One lesson here is that the strength or quality of your decisions is a function of the level of knowledge and experience of your counsellors.

May The Lord God Almighty help you choose the right counsellors, in Jesus name.



The finest description of the virtuous and beautiful wife is found in Prov 31:10-31. It portrays a beautiful tribute to the godly wife and mother, and tells every Christian woman what she can become, or every Christian man what their wife can become. These qualities may seem high for anyone to attain, but they are not unattainable.
So what are these secrets?
A virtuous and capable wife is a woman of character. A virtuous and capable wife is trustworthy. A virtuous and capable wife is a woman who is not afraid to work. A virtuous and capable wife is generous. A virtuous and capable wife makes it easy for her husband to do his work. A virtuous and capable wife is confident as she faces the future. A virtuous and capable wife is a capable teacher of wisdom. A virtuous and capable wife is an attentive overseer of the household. A virtuous and capable wife is a woman worthy of praise. The life of a virtuous and honourable woman is a testimony to others.
We can summarise these qualities by saying that the secret of the virtuous and capable wife is that she fears The Lord. Having charm and beauty is wonderful, and the possession of them is not a sin. But the woman who walks with The Lord and seek to please him has a beauty that never fades (1 Pet 3:1-6)
The passage tells every Christian man the kind of woman he should be looking and praying for. It is also a stark reminder that the prospective husband should better walk with The Lord and keep growing in his spiritual life, so that he will be worthy of such a wife if and when The Lord brings her to him.
The man who has a wife who daily reads the Word, meditates, prays and seeks obey God's will has a treasure that is indeed beyond the price of rubies.

I am praying for someone here today, The Lord, God Almighty will wipe away your tears and direct you to your rightful partner who will be your Boaz or Ruth in Jesus name.

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