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Igaz történet alapján... :-D
Rockzenét az oktatásba! :-D
Van ilyen is.... :-D
Herb nyilatkozata a kilépése okáról.
TIM ALEXANDER releases full statement on why he decided to QUIT PRIMUS:
"I know there are a lot of questions about why I quit Primus and feel it's important to share my story — for myself as well as our fans. Stepping away from Primus has been one of the most challenging decisions of my life, but ultimately, it came down to love — for myself, my family, and the life I want to create moving forward. I chose a path of love.
"With regard to what I said to the band about 'losing my passion for playing,' I did say that. But I also said: ‘All of these tours left me feeling empty. My body hurts constantly.’ This context is important. I also told them they deserve someone who wants to be there. And I meant it. As far as 'abruptly' goes, I suppose there's never the perfect time to leave something you've been a part of for so long. Bands have their own inner workings and are a relationship. Sometimes it doesn't feel balanced, and sometimes it doesn't work out.
"Over the past months, I've been in a place of deep healing and intensive mental health rehabilitation, learning to confront struggles I've carried for years. In this period of solitude, I've started to see with new clarity what no longer serves me, the people and situations that do not support my well-being, and the parts of my life I need to let go of to find peace and stability.
"When I first joined Primus, I was 24 years old. I'm almost 60 now and not just a drummer, but also a husband and a dad. Being a drummer for almost four decades has taken its toll on my body. As I said previously, my body hurts. My hands hurt. My back hurts. Ten years ago, I had open heart surgery and am still dealing with the aftermath.
"For so many years of my life, I slept, breathed and lived the music, giving it everything I had — and often at the expense of both my physical and mental health. Drumming is a strenuous profession — and coupled with touring and performing it can be exhausting on every level. But I love drumming and always will. Just as I will always hold so much love and appreciation for our fans, the music we made, the places we went and everything I learned along the way.
"When we were coming up as young musicians, it was a different world than it is today. There wasn't a focus on how this life affected us — it just wasn't talked about — and I think we lost a lot of amazing musicians over the years because of that. I no longer feel the need to hide the fact that for the last year I wasn't happy and was in a dark place emotionally. I desperately missed my family while on tour and felt very lonely.
"My decision to leave the band was rooted in a deep need to prioritize my mental and physical health. I want to give my family the presence and energy they deserve and take care of myself in a way that allows me to thrive.
"I view this next chapter as a positive fresh beginning that can hopefully inspire others to speak and live their own truths, even when it's hard. I wish the band continued success; and to the fans who have stood by me, I want to thank you for your compassion and words of kindness. Your support has been a source of strength for me, and while I'm closing this chapter, I'm excited to explore a new path forward — one grounded in love, respect, and health."
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