
Verkstedet offers pain-free treatments for pain, better performance and increased quality of life. We treat the whole human beeing, not just the muscles.

Verkstedet can be seen as an educational clinique, helping our clients to educate them self. By us, and by giving resources to find important information so clients can become more independant from therapy.

MJC 17/05/2017

Grattis på dagen alla vänner😀🌈


Richard Branson (@richardbranson) posted a photo on Twitter 02/06/2016

Retweeted Richard Branson ():

More people may be enslaved now than ever before in human history

Richard Branson (@richardbranson) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Richard Branson

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 02/06/2016

Montreal next! Ready for Cpt Awesome?

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

5:2 author Michael Mosley: 'I'm proof low-fat diets don't work' 01/06/2016

5:2 author Michael Mosley: 'I'm proof low-fat diets don't work'

5:2 author Michael Mosley: 'I'm proof low-fat diets don't work' Once upon a time it all seemed incredibly clear. When I went to medical school in the early 1980s I was shown clogged up arteries, fresh from an autopsy, and assured that this was the result of eating too much fat, particularly saturated fat, the sort found in red meat, milk, cheese and butter. Eati...

Dr. Michael Mosley: "Jag är ett bevis på att fettsnål kost inte fungerar" - Kostdoktorn 01/06/2016

Dr. Michael Mosley: "Jag är ett bevis på att fettsnål kost inte fungerar" - Kostdoktorn

Dr. Michael Mosley: "Jag är ett bevis på att fettsnål kost inte fungerar" - Kostdoktorn Ät mer fett, sa en hälsoorganisation i Storbritannien tidigare i veckan. Det gav stora rubriker och attacker från konventionella experter som klamrar sig fast vid gamla idéer. Men de får starkt stöd från dr Michael Mosley. Han säger att han är ett bevis på att fettsnål kost inte fungerar. The Telegr...

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 31/05/2016

Eric Goodmans new book! Get it and start moving the right way!

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 30/05/2016

Träning 16.30 och 18.15 idag.

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

What is Z Health? 29/05/2016

Träna Z health med mig. PT timmar finns lediga. Vad är Z health?
Se detta:

What is Z Health? Find out the answer to what is Z Health and how to strengthen your nervous system, with Dr. Eric Cobb.

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 25/05/2016

Left a sunny New York, with more skills in Z health and Neuroplasticity.
What an awesome system I have now!

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 21/05/2016

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 20/05/2016

Neuroplasticity training in New York. This takes the archmethod to a whole new level. Physiology of hope 😀

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 20/05/2016

The body always adapts to exactly what it practices .

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 18/05/2016

SoHo New York city ! Having fun and getting more training in neuroplasticity. It is truly amazing what we can do!

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet on Twitter 14/05/2016

Neuroplastic training with CptAwesome and Antrogirl😀

verkstedet on Twitter “Neuroplastic training with CptAwesome and Antrogirl😀”

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 14/05/2016

Monday 18.15 Foundation Training, Z health and vision gym. Meet at the clinic and we walk to the park!

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 12/05/2016

New percussor ! Just awesome !
The archmethod and foundation training. Good stuff !
chief sapien trainer CptAwesome

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

Nicole Beurkens (@drbeurkens) posted a photo on Twitter 11/05/2016

Retweeted Nicole Beurkens ():

Don't have a bad attitude!

Nicole Beurkens (@drbeurkens) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Nicole Beurkens

Popular Brands Sued for Using Non-Organic Ingredients 11/05/2016

Retweeted Dr. Joseph Mercola ():

Moms Beware: Your baby's organic formula may contain substances that are not permitted in products.

Popular Brands Sued for Using Non-Organic Ingredients Commercial infant formulas have many drawbacks and potentially hazardous ingredients. Who can you trust when it comes to feeding your baby right?

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter 11/05/2016

SUPERSESSIONS ! 2500 nok . 90 min. Bring your best friend and leave the Matrix( you split the cost )

verkstedet (@theverkstedet) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from verkstedet

Bodywork by Michael 01/05/2016

Bodywork by Michael — Pimp My Body
2500 nok for the special 90 min REWIRE session

Bodywork by Michael Been there and done that? I don't think so.

The Idiot's Guide to LCHF 27/04/2016

The Idiot's Guide to LCHF

The Idiot's Guide to LCHF Here’s something we’re very proud of. The first part in our new video course How to Reverse Diabetes Type 2, with Dr. Jason Fung.

Welcome to Pimp My Body 27/04/2016

The Fat Burning Kitchen
Great read !
SNEM is what you need after this . See

Welcome to Pimp My Body

Insulin - Hva du faktisk trenger å vite 26/04/2016

Kosthold er en av grunnpilarene i Verkstedet-metoden.

Flere hormonbalanser justeres via matinntak, og det er gode grunner til å ligge lavt på karbohydrater. Insulin er et potent hormon vi ikke ønsker å trigge unødig.

Insulin - Hva du faktisk trenger å vite Insulin har ikke bare en rolle for å senke blodsukkeret. Les her hva den også gjør, og hvordan samspillet med andre hormoner spiller inn for en bedre helse.

The sugar conspiracy | Ian Leslie 21/04/2016

The sugar conspiracy | Ian Leslie

The sugar conspiracy | Ian Leslie The long read: In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?

The Benefits of Standing Desks for Students 21/04/2016

The Benefits of Standing Desks for Students

The Benefits of Standing Desks for Students New research shows that using standing desks leads to more engaged students, better grades and provides more health benefits.

Low-Carb Alcohol - the Best and the Worst 20/04/2016

Low-Carb Alcohol - the Best and the Worst

Low-Carb Alcohol - the Best and the Worst Can you reverse diabetes by ignoring the guidelines? That’s what Dr. Sarah Hallberg says, and she should know because she has lots of experience helping her patients do that: Continue Reading →

Pronation as Your Favorite Nation – Dr. Dooley Noted 19/04/2016

"Your body is smart – not a stupid, pain-generating machine. It generates pain in response to perceived threat and tolerance level."

And your foot needs to pronate!!

Pronation as Your Favorite Nation – Dr. Dooley Noted

Blodsukker 101 - Søtt men farlig - diasensa blog 18/04/2016

Høyt blodsukker er ikke noe du har bruk for.
Det har en rekke uheldige konsekvenser for helsen din, og i verste fall ende opp med diagnoser. Her er noen grunner til å redusere det på den naturlige måten1

Blodsukker 101 - Søtt men farlig - diasensa blog Et svært høyt blodsukker som oppstår i løpet av timer eller dager, kan forårsake en akutt livstruende tilstand. Et moderat forhøyet blodsukker over lengre tid øker risikoen for komplikasjoner på lang sikt. Denne artikkelen er en fortsettelse av mitt innlegg «3 gamle myter om diabetes» …

DUTCH Test – Advanced Hormone Testing 15/04/2016

Sliten, slapp og overvektig til tross for at du gjør alt riktig?
Noen ganger har vi hormoner i ubalanse, som kan kreve mer spesifikke tiltak på livsstil, eller trenge helsefaglig bistand.

Gjennom FDN kan vi nå tilby den avanserte hormontesten DUTCH fra Precision Analytical, som avdekker reelle ubalanser i kortisol og kjønnshormoner.

For mer info kontakt: [email protected]
Pris fra kr. 1500 - 2300,- pluss konsultasjon.

Komplett test inkluderer:
Kortisol/ kortison

DUTCH Test – Advanced Hormone Testing

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ANSA - Association of Norwegian Students Abroad ANSA - Association of Norwegian Students Abroad
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Oslo, 0184

ANSA er samskipnaden for norske studenter i utlandet. Vi er her for deg før, under og etter utenlandsstudier.

U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation
Arbinsgate 2
Oslo, 0253

Contact us if you have any questions regarding studies in the US or the Fulbright Grant: [email protected]

Operasjon Dagsverk Operasjon Dagsverk
Kolstadgata 1
Oslo, 0652

Følg Operasjon Dagsverk på Twitter: @avmedforungdom og instagram: operasjondagsverk

Elev- og lærlingombudet i Oslo Elev- og lærlingombudet i Oslo
Rådhusplassen 1
Oslo, 0037

Ombud for elever og lærlinger i Oslo kommune.

Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo - UiO Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo - UiO
Sem Sælands Vei 1
Oslo, 0371

Velkommen til Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo sin offisielle facebookside – Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway.

Deichman Bjørnholt Deichman Bjørnholt
Slimeveien 17
Oslo, 1275

Bjørnholt bibliotek er åpent for alle, og vi er samlokalisert med Bjørnholt vgs. Vi tilbyr bøker for alle aldre, aviser, tidsskrifter, PC-er, et stort utvalg filmer, spill, studiep...

Akademiet Oslo Akademiet Oslo
Pilestredet 56
Oslo, 0167

For deg som vil litt mer! Akademiet VGS Oslo holder til i moderne lokaler svært sentralt på Bislett.

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Bogen musikkskole Bogen musikkskole
Postadresse: Møllefaret 26 C
Oslo, 0750

Bogen musikkskole har musikkgrupper for barn og foreldre med Musikk i livets begynnelse, piano- og gitarundervisning, damekor, jentekor og kurs for barnehagepersonale. Skolen ble s...

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Holgerslystveien 18
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Bestum skoles offisielle Facebook-side.

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Kirkegata 24
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Østensjøveien 36
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