Limitless Capital Management

Limitless Capital Management, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned, Registered Investment Adviser

is a private, 100% employee-owned, Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), MEMBER OF FINRA / SIPC. We manage the assets of high net-worth individuals and institutional investors.


The three keys to success mentioned—changing your mindset, surrounding yourself with quality people, and improving your communication skills—are indeed important factors that can contribute to personal and professional success. Here's an elaboration on each key:

* Mindset: Your mindset refers to the way you perceive and approach challenges, setbacks, and opportunities. Developing a growth mindset, as coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, can be transformative. Embrace the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning, rather than being fixed traits. Adopting a growth mindset helps you see failures as learning experiences, persist in the face of obstacles, and embrace continuous improvement.

* Quality Relationships: The people you surround yourself with greatly impact your success. Seek out and cultivate relationships with individuals who inspire, support, and challenge you. Surrounding yourself with quality people means being in the company of those who have a positive influence, share similar values, and motivate you to grow. They can provide guidance, offer diverse perspectives, and serve as accountability partners on your journey to success.

* Communication Skills: Effective communication is a vital skill that can enhance your personal and professional interactions. It involves expressing your ideas clearly, listening actively, and building rapport with others. Strong communication skills enable you to articulate your thoughts and goals effectively, collaborate with others, resolve conflicts, and build meaningful connections. Continuous improvement in communication helps you convey your message with impact, understand others better, and navigate various social and professional settings.

While these three keys are important, it's worth noting that success is a multifaceted concept and can vary from person to person. Other factors, such as hard work, perseverance, adaptability, self-discipline, and goal setting, can also significantly contribute to achieving success in different areas of life. It's important to find a balance and identify the factors that are most relevant to your own journey.


For the untrained eye looking for the perfect investment is time-consuming.


The concept of "buying access" in marketing refers to the practice of investing financial resources or resources of value to gain entry or influence into certain networks, opportunities, or relationships that may not be readily accessible to others. It involves leveraging financial power or influence to establish connections, secure privileges, or receive preferential treatment.

In the context of marketing, buying access can take various forms:

Sponsorships and partnerships: Companies may sponsor events, organizations, or individuals to gain access to their target audience or establish a positive association with a particular cause, community, or influential figure.

Influencer marketing: Brands collaborate with influential individuals on social media platforms who have a large following and can provide access to their audience. This may involve compensating influencers to promote products or services and tap into their network of followers.

Exclusive memberships or subscriptions: Companies may offer exclusive access to certain products, services, or experiences through memberships or subscriptions. Customers who pay a premium fee gain access to a range of benefits not available to regular customers, fostering a sense of exclusivity and perceived added value.

VIP programs: Businesses may create loyalty programs that offer special perks, rewards, or privileges to customers who consistently engage with their brand or make significant purchases. These programs incentivize customers to maintain a long-term relationship with the company and provide access to exclusive benefits.

While buying access can be a legitimate marketing strategy, it can also raise ethical considerations. It may create inequality, favoritism, or exclusion if certain opportunities or resources are only available to those who can afford them. Companies must balance their marketing efforts by ensuring fairness, transparency, and equal opportunities for all consumers.


We have work to do.


An excellent investment appears when opportunity meets preparation, and preparation is not hindered by procrastination!


The Principle of investing is as old as the earth itself. It is nothing that we should fear but respect the many complexities of this fundamental process.


Castles in the sky!


Inequality can have a significant economic impact on the United States in various ways. It is essential to understand that the economic costs of racism are not just financial but also encompass broader social and human costs. Here are some ways in which racism can affect the U.S. economy:
* Labor Market Inefficiencies: Racism can lead to discriminatory hiring practices and wage disparities, limiting job opportunities and upward mobility for certain racial and ethnic groups.
* Wage Disparities: Racial wage gaps persist in the United States, with people of color often earning less than their white counterparts for the same work. These wage disparities not only perpetuate economic inequality but also reduce the overall purchasing power of affected communities, potentially dampening consumer spending and economic growth.
* Education Disparities: Unequal access to quality education due to racial segregation and underfunding of schools can lead to a skills gap among different racial groups.
* Wealth Inequality: Systemic racism and historical discriminatory policies have contributed to significant wealth disparities between racial groups. Limited access to homeownership, capital, and business opportunities can hinder wealth accumulation and perpetuate economic inequality.
* Health Disparities: Racism can contribute to disparities in healthcare access and outcomes among different racial groups. Poor health outcomes lead to reduced workforce productivity and increased healthcare costs for society.
* Entrepreneurship and Business Development: Racial discrimination can limit access to capital and business networks, hindering entrepreneurship and business development in minority communities.
* Social Cohesion and Trust: Racism undermines social cohesion and trust within a society. Social divisions and tensions can hinder collaboration and cooperation, which are essential for a thriving economy.
* Criminal Justice System Costs: Racial disparities in the criminal justice system can lead to higher incarceration rates for certain racial groups. The costs of incarcerating individuals can strain public budgets and reduce labor force participation.


The concept of personal fulfillment can vary depending on an individual's beliefs, values, and goals. However, there are several commonly recognized elements that are often associated with personal fulfillment. Here are five commonly recognized elements:

1. Purpose and Meaning: Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life is often considered a fundamental element of personal fulfillment. This can involve having a clear understanding of one's values, passions, and goals, and aligning one's actions and choices with these beliefs.

2. Authenticity and Self-Awareness: Being true to oneself and having a deep understanding of one's own thoughts, emotions, and motivations is essential for personal fulfillment. This includes practicing self-awareness, self-acceptance, and being authentic in expressing oneself and living in alignment with one's true nature.

3. Positive Relationships: Building and maintaining meaningful and supportive relationships with others is a key element of personal fulfillment. These can include relationships with family, friends, romantic partners, and other social connections that provide love, support, and a sense of belonging.

4. Growth and Learning: Pursuing personal growth, self-improvement, and continuous learning can contribute to personal fulfillment. This can involve acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, and challenging oneself to grow and evolve as an individual.

5. Well-Being, Gratitude, and Balance: Taking care of one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial for personal fulfillment. This can involve practicing self-care, managing stress, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and engaging in activities that promote physical and mental health. Always have a sense of gratitude for your many blessings.

It's essential to identify and pursue what resonates with you personally, and to regularly evaluate and adjust your own definition of personal fulfillment as you grow and evolve throughout life.


Investing is more about temperament than intelligence, discipline than creativity, and character rather than risk-taking. The soberer the individual, the more reliable the outcome.


Limitless Capital Management is a boutique investment advisory firm. Our advisory business provides high-quality, independent advice and ex*****on capabilities in financial restructuring, capital structure advisory, retirement and 401(k), IRA and pension matters, and strategic advisory. Our client relationships are built on trust and discretion. We have an exceptional depth of expertise across industry sectors. Our broad experience provides clients unique perspectives and unparalleled access to constituencies utilized to achieve superior results.

Our clients rely on our sound perspective and advice. As a firm built on advice, we value the wisdom that comes from creativity and experience. Our history is one of entrepreneurial vigor. We know that multiple perspectives, openly debated, encourage the best solutions for our clients. We have the conviction to take bold positions on our client’s behalf. Our success is founded on the results we achieve for our clients. We are precise in our analysis and exhaustive in our research, and unmatched in our ability to provide and implement solutions. To find out more, contact us or visit our website. The link is in the bio. Have A Limitless Day!


Most people believe their problems would be solved if they could just have more money. Now this defies logic and the principles of life. Others believe that if they try many things then they would find success. Provision is attracted to vision, expertise, and added value. Take a look at all the people around you. If you look closely enough, you will see the people who aspire to be more and are actually doing something about it. Now, if you can peer just a bit closer at this group, you will see what lies beneath the surface. Most notably, you will see two underlying categories in which these people fall. You will see the people who have their hands in everything, trying to make something work. Opposite that group, you will see another group of people who are focusing on one thing — their gift. They are constantly working on that one thing God has given them. You must decide to be faithful over a few things. Rather than focusing on more, I am going to use what I have to God's glory. I am determined to value everything that God has given me stewardship of in a way that the master will say well done thy good and faithful servant. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Don’t buy things you don’t need, or try to be apart of every event or a good idea. Keep it simple, If you are faithful over a few things, God has promised to make you ruler over much. Have A Limitless Day!


Today the word sacrifice refers to giving up something in the short term to gain something better in the long term, substituting something of lower value to receive something of a higher value. Sacrifice sounds like investing. In life, to grow we sacrifice and in finance, we invest.


The Limitless Approach is not the man who goes off to discover himself; he is a man who looks inside and invests in himself to create himself. He knows his investment is only as good as he is himself.


Some days when looking at the stock market, you can hardly believe what you see. Just Relax! Remember, this is investing and not Day trading. All is not lost at the end of the day. Stay disciplined, and remember the reasons you bought the company’s stock from the outset. If the fundamentals haven’t changed, then patience is in order.


😊😊❤️🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Get your copy of my latest book, Intrinsic Value. You will not be disappointed. The link is ⬆️ 🆙 in the bio, and it’s also available on Amazon.


The stock market is never as good as it may seem or as bad as it appears. In reality, investment success is a direct function of temperament or, more specifically, one's ability to avoid fatal investment flaws. Most investment flaws are a result of emotion-based decisions which result from impetuous personalities. Never Panic, and Stay Sober. What goes up must come down, and when things appear dark, there are brighter days ahead.


All Limitless investing is value investing. Acquiring more than you are paying for. Add time, patience, and soberness, and the business and stock you value will undoubtedly appreciate.


A strong mindset and core values are often characteristic of successful individuals. Here are a few tips that will help you on your journey to success.

1. Winners know that the battle is won before it is fought: This statement emphasizes the importance of mental preparation and visualization in achieving success. By envisioning and believing in their victory before engaging in a challenge or competition, individuals can cultivate confidence and motivation.

2. They have imagined their victory before the battle started: Visualization is a powerful tool used by many successful individuals. By mentally rehearsing their desired outcomes, winners can enhance their focus, increase their belief in their abilities, and better prepare themselves for the challenges they may face.

3. They have core values that they live by, principles that they will never relinquish: Core values and principles serve as a compass for decision-making and guide individuals' behavior and actions. Winners often have a clear set of values they uphold, which help them make ethical choices, stay focused on their goals, and maintain consistency in their actions.

4. They are non-negotiable: The phrase "non-negotiable" suggests that winners are unwavering in their commitment to their core values and principles. They do not compromise their beliefs or integrity, even in challenging situations. This unwavering dedication helps winners maintain their authenticity and stay true to themselves.

It's important to note that while these statements highlight qualities often associated with success, everyone's path to victory and personal growth is unique. Different individuals may have varying approaches and definitions of success. However, cultivating a positive mindset, envisioning success, and adhering to strong values can certainly contribute to achieving one's goals.


Working hard is important, but working smart and finding efficient solutions is equally crucial, especially when faced with challenges like inflation. Inflation can indeed have a negative impact on the finances of individuals and families. To combat its effects, it's essential to focus on productivity and seek intelligent solutions.

Working smarter involves maximizing output while minimizing effort, time, and resources. It means finding innovative and efficient ways to achieve goals and solve problems. By adopting smarter approaches, individuals and businesses can optimize their processes, improve efficiency, and achieve better results.

In the context of inflation, working smarter can involve strategies such as:
1. Budgeting and financial planning: Creating a detailed budget, tracking expenses, and making informed financial decisions can help mitigate the effects of inflation.
2. Diversifying income sources: Relying solely on one income stream can make individuals more vulnerable to inflation. Exploring additional sources of income or investment opportunities can help mitigate financial risks.
3. Continuous learning and skill development: Staying updated with industry trends, acquiring new skills, and embracing lifelong learning can enhance professional capabilities and make individuals more adaptable to changing economic conditions.
4. Embracing technology and automation: Leveraging technology tools and automation can streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.
5. Collaboration and networking: Collaborating with others in the industry, networking, and sharing knowledge can lead to valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

By combining hard work with smart strategies, individuals and businesses can increase their chances of overcoming challenges like inflation and finding more effective and sustainable solutions.


Money is a currency therefore it must flow. Our economy is primarily made up of goods and services and supply and demand. If you end lack then there would be no need for an economy. But, the poor we will have with us always. Therefore, on earth, an economy will always be necessary. Let's break down the key elements of my above statement.

1. Money as a Currency: Money serves as a medium of exchange in modern economies, facilitating transactions for goods and services. It represents value and allows for the efficient allocation of resources.

2. Flow of Money: The circulation of money is indeed essential for a healthy economy. When money flows, it enables businesses to invest, creates job opportunities, and stimulates economic growth. Money circulating within the economy is crucial for sustaining its functioning.

3. Economy Based on Goods and Services: The economy is primarily composed of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Supply and demand dynamics drive economic activity, influencing prices and determining the allocation of resources.

4. Poverty and the Permanence of the Poor: Despite efforts to address poverty, it persists in societies. Poverty can stem from various factors, including systemic issues, socio-economic disparities, and unequal distribution of resources.
While societies strive to reduce poverty, eliminating it entirely may be an ongoing challenge.

5. The Necessity of an Economy: Given the needs and desires of individuals and societies, an economy remains a fundamental aspect of human civilization. Even if poverty exists, an economy is necessary to address the demands and aspirations of people, allocate resources, and foster growth and development.

It's important to note that there are ongoing discussions and debates about how economies can be structured to address poverty, reduce inequality, and promote sustainable development. Various economic theories, policies, and social programs aim to address these challenges and create more inclusive and equitable societies.


The authority of Christ refers to the power and sovereignty that Jesus Christ possesses over all creation, including both the spiritual and physical realms. As a central figure in Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the Son of God, part of the Holy Trinity, and the Savior of humanity.
The authority of Christ is emphasized throughout the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Gospels, where Jesus displays His divine authority through His teachings, miracles, and actions. Here are a few aspects of Christ's authority:

1. Authority over sin and forgiveness: Jesus proclaimed the forgiveness of sins and demonstrated His authority to forgive through His interactions with individuals, such as the healing of the paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8). He also emphasized the importance of repentance and the need for salvation.

2. Authority over nature: Jesus demonstrated His power over nature by calming storms (Mark 4:35-41) and turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). These miracles revealed His divine authority displayed His control over the elements.

3. Authority over demons and spiritual forces: Jesus frequently confronted and cast out demons, displaying His authority over the spiritual realm (Mark 1:23-28). His exorcisms affirmed His power over evil and demonstrated His superiority over demonic forces.

4. Authority over life and death: Jesus raised the dead, such as Lazarus (John 11:1-44), showcasing His authority over life and death. His own resurrection from the dead further established His power over death and validated His claims of divinity.

5. Authority in teaching: Jesus taught with authority, and His teachings were often described as having greater weight and insight than those of the religious leaders of His time (Matthew 7:28-29). He presented Himself as the ultimate source of truth and wisdom.


A gentleman strikes a balance between being assertive and driven (savage) while also being kind, considerate, and serving others (servant). Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, knowing one's identity, and having a strong connection with the God one serves. Let's delve into these aspects further:

1. Balance between Savage and Servant: This perspective suggests that a gentleman encompasses both assertive qualities associated with being "savage" (which could refer to being ambitious, determined, or assertive) and the virtues of a servant (as described earlier, being kind, considerate, and serving others). It implies the ability to navigate between these aspects, understanding when to be assertive and driven, and when to exhibit humility, compassion, and service towards others.

2. Self-Identity and Self-Awareness: According to this perspective, a gentleman possesses a clear sense of self-identity. Knowing who he is refers to having a strong understandinof his values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and personal boundaries. Self-awareness allows a gentleman to navigate the world with confidence and integrity, staying true to himself while engaging with others.

3. Connection with God: The description emphasizes that a gentleman recognizes and serves a higher power, God. This suggests that faith and spirituality play a significant role in his life. Having a connection with God can provide guidance, moral principles, and a sense of purpose. It may involve aligning one's actions with religious teachings, seeking spiritual growth, and striving to live according to the values and virtues promoted by one's faith.


Starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur can bring numerous benefits and opportunities. Here are some key advantages:

1. Independence and Control: As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to be your own boss and make decisions independently. You have control over the direction of your business, allowing you to pursue your passion and align it with your personal and professional goals.

2. Financial Potential: Starting a successful business can offer significant financial rewards. As an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to create a profitable venture, increase your income, and build long-term wealth.

3. Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurship provides a platform to express your creativity and bring innovative ideas to life. You can develop new products, services, or solutions to address existing gaps or fulfill unmet needs in the market.

4. Personal Growth and Learning: Starting and running a business requires continuous learning and personal growth. You'll face various challenges, make decisions, and develop new skills along the way.

5. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Being an entrepreneur allows you to have greater flexibility in managing your time and work-life balance.

6. Impact and Contribution: Entrepreneurs have the potential to make a positive impact on society. By introducing innovative solutions, creating jobs, and driving economic growth, you can contribute to the well-being of your community and society as a whole. Entrepreneurship can be a means to bring about positive change and leave a lasting legacy.

7. Networking and Relationships: Starting a business offers opportunities to build valuable connections and relationships.

8. Autonomy and Decision-Making: As an entrepreneur, you have the autonomy to shape the vision, mission, and values of your business.

9. Job Creation: As your business grows, you have the ability to create job opportunities for others.

10. Legacy and Long-Term Impact: Building a successful business can create a lasting legacy. Your entrepreneurial journey can inspire others and leave a positive impact on future generations.


The statements "You have to want it" and "You have to want to be better" emphasize the importance of personal motivation and desire for self-improvement. These statements highlight that achieving personal growth and success requires an individual to possess an internal drive and determination to pursue their goals.

Having a strong desire and motivation to improve oneself can serve as a powerful catalyst for growth and development. It fuels the willingness to put in the necessary effort, persevere through challenges, and strive for continuous improvement. When someone genuinely wants to better themselves, they are more likely to be proactive, take initiative, and actively seek opportunities for growth and learning.

The phrase "You must have pride in yourself" points to the significance of self-esteem and self-worth in the pursuit of personal growth. Having pride in oneself means recognizing and valuing one's own abilities, accomplishments, and potential. It involves cultivating a positive self-image and believing in one's own worth and capabilities.

When individuals have pride in themselves, they are more likely to take ownership of their actions, set high standards for themselves, and strive for excellence. It can provide the motivation to push beyond limitations, embrace challenges, and take risks in pursuit of personal and professional goals.
However, it is essential to strike a balance between healthy pride and arrogance. Healthy pride stems from self-respect, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment, while arrogance involves an inflated sense of superiority over others. It is important to maintain humility, respect for others, and the willingness to learn from others' perspectives and experiences.


The phrase "Don't be the best, be the only. Master something!" emphasizes the importance of specialization and expertise in a particular field. Here's a breakdown of what this statement implies:

1. Differentiation: Instead of striving to be the best among many competitors in a general field, the idea is to carve out a niche where you can stand out as the only expert. By focusing on a specific area, you differentiate yourself from others and create a unique value proposition.

2. Mastery: The statement emphasizes the importance of mastery. It suggests that by dedicating yourself to deeply understanding and excelling in a specific domain, you can establish yourself as the go-to authority in that area. Mastery requires continuous learning, practice, and refinement of skills and knowledge.

3. Unique Contribution: When you become the only expert in a particular field, you have the opportunity to make a distinct and valuable contribution. By offering unique insights, solutions, or expertise, you can become indispensable to those seeking assistance or guidance in your specialized area.

4. Value and Demand: When you become the only master in a specific field, you position yourself as a sought-after resource. Your specialized skills and knowledge become highly valued, leading to increased demand for your services or expertise. This can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and recognition.

5. Personal Fulfillment: Mastery in a chosen field can bring a deep sense of personal fulfillment. By immersing yourself in a subject you are passionate about and continuously honing your skills, you derive satisfaction from the progress, growth, and impact you achieve.

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The Boutique Investment Advisory:

Our story

Limitless Capital Management, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned, Registered Investment Advisory (RIA), MEMBER OF FINRA / SIPC. We manage the assets of high net-worth individuals and institutional investors.

Hello, my name is Marcus Turner I am CEO and CIO of Limitless Capital Management Inc. We are a “Boutique Investment Advisory.” I started this company because of my lifelong passion for investing, and the great sense of satisfaction and enjoyment I feel helping people achieve peace of mind with their financial situation through financial planning, investment management, and education.

Within the American system of Capitalism, are core principles of free markets and competition. At the heart of competition, is a sense of fair play and equal opportunity. Currently here in the US and many places around the world, this is not the case. As you know billions of people around the globe need on-ramps because they are facing incalculable odds. Many start life without the proper resources necessary to live, much less to compete in a global economy. This truth, allows the establishment to entrench their positions by creating and overseeing systems that benefit the few versus the many. When so many are locked out, we hold the future of humanity hostage and put a stranglehold on our children possibilities. The future of humanity depends on our ability to provide access and develop systems that will benefit all citizens of the global community.

We believe that God endowed each of us with inalienable rights and these rights include the ability to pursue happiness. No one group or geographic location has the trademark on good ideas, concepts, or intelligent designs. We must cultivate an environment where the best ideas flourish no matter where the idea originated, recognizing that capital is a tool that can be used to unharness the creative ability of the masses. We must invest in our forgotten ones and prove that over time social consciousness will be more productive and profitable than the current systems that benefit the few. We must work diligently in creating a meritocracy where character, beliefs, and ideas are the deciding factor. Not those same superficial measuring sticks that brought us to this point, where the entitled continue to fortify their destructive positions while perpetuating the narrative of the haves and the have-nots. The status quo is unacceptable; we must harness the power of capital, investment, innovation, technology, creativity and love to deliver us from this conundrum.

Videos (show all)

The three keys to success mentioned—changing your mindset, surrounding yourself with quality people, and improving your ...
For the untrained eye looking for the perfect investment is time-consuming. #time #haystack
The concept of "buying access" in marketing refers to the practice of investing financial resources or resources of valu...
We have work to do. #generationalwealth
An excellent investment appears when opportunity meets preparation, and preparation is not hindered by procrastination! ...
The Principle of investing is as old as the earth itself. It is nothing that we should fear but respect the many complex...
Castles in the sky! #dreams
Inequality can have a significant economic impact on the United States in various ways. It is essential to understand th...
The concept of personal fulfillment can vary depending on an individual's beliefs, values, and goals. However, there are...
Investing is more about temperament than intelligence, discipline than creativity, and character rather than risk-taking...
Most people believe their problems would be solved if they could just have more money. Now this defies logic and the pri...
Limitless Capital Management is a boutique investment advisory firm. Our advisory business provides high-quality, indepe...



3060 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, GA

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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