Dr. Merna Matilsky - Boca Center for Healthy Living

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement, Weight Loss, Wellness Programs for Healthy Living


Now available at the Boca Center for Healthy Living. Contact us to learn more about the power of natural compounds and their benefits for longevity!

Harnessing the power of , , , , , and , provides the essential nutrients your brain needs to thrive throughout your golden years.


Excited to announce our newest partnership!

Did you know...


Therefore, optimizing bone health should be a top priority for all women and men alike. That is why we are partnering with Osteostrong.

What is Osteostrong?

OsteoStrong is a 4-device circuit that takes only minutes once per week to complete. Under the direction of a skilled technician, users engage in a safe controlled movement on each device that results in a stimulus to the central nervous system triggering osteogenesis or new bone growth.

To learn more or to book your first session, check out the link below.

OSTEOSTRONG SCIENCE OsteoStrong is the world's leading all natural solution for increasing bone density, Visit your local OsteoStrong once a week for 15 minutes!


To know where we are going we must know where we have been...

100 years of hormones! The study of direct hormone–enzyme interactions became easier in the 1930s and 1940s with the availability of purified enzymes. In addition to purely scientific advances, the study of hormones has led to enormous benefits to human health, social and economic progress.

At the Boca Center for Healthy Living, we are in constant flux to expand our knowledge on the topic to provide optimal patient care and outcomes.

Call us today at 561-994-2007 to book YOUR first bio-identical hormone optimization therapy consult and re-gain your health!


It was a great weekend 2024 - Las Vegas!!! Coming back with fresh and innovative peer-reviewed research on all things functional/integrative medicine for my patients!

🥑 Nutrition
🧻 Gut Health
🙋‍♀️ Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization
🏋🏼‍♀️ Exercise
🧘🏻 Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
💊 Supplements

Thanks again for another slam dunk conference!

Hormonal Imbalance In Women 04/16/2024

⚠️Sound familiar???⚠️

Unexplained Weight Gain
Excess Belly Fat
Night Sweats
Hot Flashes
Mood Swings
Low Sexual Desire
Low Energy
Memory Problems
Lack of Focus
Premenstrual Symptoms
Vaginal Dryness

Millions of women struggle with hormone imbalance. At Dr. Merna Matilsky - Boca Center for Healthy Living we aim to change that with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Ready to take charge of your health? Call us at 561-994-2007 to set up your new patient consultation today!

Hormonal Imbalance In Women Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women Millions of women struggle with hormone imbalance. For many women, this condition is not limited to middle age because women experience so many hormonal fluctuations across their lifetime. From monthly menstruation to pregnancy and perimenopause to menopause, a...

What Middle-Aged People Can Do Now to Help Prevent Dementia Later 04/11/2024

Intervening earlier to improve brain health might help you stay sharper as you age!

What Middle-Aged People Can Do Now to Help Prevent Dementia Later Intervening earlier to improve brain health might help you stay sharper as you age.


Another great weekend of learning the latest functional and integrative medicine research at the 2023 Institute for Functional Medicine conference in Orlando, FL! Returning with cutting-edge information to the clinic and my patients is a pleasure! I am always looking to increase my knowledge on the subject for improved patient outcomes.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Call us at 561-994-2007 to set up your new patient consultation today!

Weight Loss Really Is Harder for Women in Midlife 05/04/2023

Women! Not losing weight after 40? There is a reason!

MUST READ by the Wall Street Journal.

Jump start your metabolism with us, Dr. Merna Matilsky - Boca Center for Healthy Living, and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Call us at 561-994-2007 to set up your new patient consultation today!

Weight Loss Really Is Harder for Women in Midlife Many women in their 40s and 50s notice their weight starts to creep up. There’s a reason.

HRT & Cognitive Health 04/20/2023

Bio-identical Hormones and Cognitive Health - The Connection!

HRT & Cognitive Health Recent research suggests that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may have a positive impact on brain volume and reduce the rate of cognitive decline in women carrying the APOE4 genotype, the most common genetic determinant of the risk of cognitive decline. The risk of cognitive decline is higher in w...

Contributor: In the Misdiagnosis of Menopause, What Needs to Change? 12/20/2022

Consumer alert!!!

Menopause symptoms are not being recognized, leading to misdiagnosis and improper treatment.

At the Dr. Merna Matilsky - Boca Center for Healthy Living we aim to change that with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Ready to take charge of your health? Call us at 561-994-2007 to set up your new patient consultation today!

Contributor: In the Misdiagnosis of Menopause, What Needs to Change? Menopause symptoms are not being recognized, leading to misdiagnosis and improper treatment.

Michelle Obama and Menopause Symptoms: How She Dealt With Weight Gain 12/16/2022

2022 was a great year for bio-identical hormones!

Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke last week about her experiences with menopause particularly, hot flashes and weight gain. Obama said that bioidentical hormones helped her deal with her symptoms and more!

Check out the article at Healthline.com!

Ready to take charge of your health and wellness? Call us at 561-994-2007 to schedule your new patient consultation with us today!

Michelle Obama and Menopause Symptoms: How She Dealt With Weight Gain Former First Lady Michelle Obama opened up about her experiences with menopause and hormone replacement therapy. Obama hopes that her stories can spread awareness about menopause and the symptoms it’s associated with to encourage more women to get the care they need.

Brains with higher levels of vitamin D have better function, study says 12/08/2022

Are you getting enough vitamin D??? A functional perspective on vitamin D and brain health!

Brains with higher levels of vitamin D have better function, study says Brains with higher levels of vitamin D have better function, study says - Scientists seek to understand what causes dementia

Mood Swings in Your Mid-40s? Perimenopause Might Be the Reason Why 10/19/2022

When your body’s ability to produce hormones is disrupted—such as a natural decline with age—you may notice a difference in how you feel. For patients with a hormone imbalance, hormone therapy may help relieve challenging symptoms. When balance is restored, and hormone levels are optimized, the entire body can function at its full potential.

The Wall Street Journal recently did a deep dive into the subject. Check out the article below for more details.

Interested in optimizing your health with hormone therapy? Call our office at 561-994-2007 today!

Mood Swings in Your Mid-40s? Perimenopause Might Be the Reason Why Some doctors say hormone treatments can help women feeling anxious or depressed during this transition time.

"Dirty Dozen" list warns of fruits, vegetables with high pesticide levels 04/11/2022

"Dirty Dozen" list warns of fruits, vegetables with high pesticide levels Nectarines, apples, grapes, cherries, peaches, bell peppers and hot peppers also made the list.

Why So Many Women in Middle Age Are on Antidepressants 04/07/2022

New research was published in The Wall Street Journal that supports our recommendation for the use of Biote Hormone Replacement Therapy even before menopause!

Call our office today at 561-994-2007 to learn more and set up your initial consultation for better health.

Why So Many Women in Middle Age Are on Antidepressants Scientists are gaining a better understanding of women’s midlife depression.

Opinion | Covid and the ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ 02/03/2022

Food for thought? Covid and the Hygiene Hypothesis.

WSJ and interesting conversations on health.

Stay well and stay healthy!

Opinion | Covid and the ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ Measures like masking and social distancing may be doing long-term damage to our immune systems.


Antiaging diets: Separating fact from fiction...

Here at the Boca Center for Healthy Living, we are committed to augmenting our knowledge and yours in order to help our patients live longer, healthier, and happier.

Recently published in the Journal, Science researchers have unveiled the importance of diet and longevity. Check it out here and let us know what you think!


Fasting, not calorie count, boosts lifespan in mice: study 10/18/2021

Fasting, not calorie count, boosts lifespan in mice: study Eating less often does more to improve the health and lifespan of rodents than simply eating less, a study said Monday. Study author Dudley Lamming of the University of Wisconsin told AFP that scientists have known for about a century that restricting calories extends the lifespan of rodents.

What We Think We Know About Metabolism May Be Wrong 08/16/2021

Food for thought.

What We Think We Know About Metabolism May Be Wrong A new study challenges assumptions about energy expenditure by people, including the idea that metabolism slows at middle age.

Testosterone therapy may reduce CV events, mortality in men with very low hormone levels 08/05/2021

Yet one more reason to invest in your health with Biote Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Call our office today at 561-994-2007 to learn more and set up your consultation for better health.

Testosterone therapy may reduce CV events, mortality in men with very low hormone levels Long-term testosterone therapy significantly reduced MI and stroke events in men with abnormally low testosterone levels, according to new data presented at the European Association of Urology Congress.“Testosterone can be seriously harmful if taken by men with normal levels, or who function p...

Mediterranean Diet May Improve Cognition Later in Life 07/22/2021

Mediterranean Diet May Improve Cognition Later in Life Memory and thinking tend to decline when adults enter their late 70s, but the underlying factors for this diminished cognition have been poorly understood. Recent research from the University of Edinburgh has exposed that this cognitive decline can be mitigated by eating a Mediterranean diet, partic...

The Fine Print of Dietary Supplements 06/29/2021

Did you know???

Dietary supplement companies are NOT required by federal law to be proven safe before they are released for public consumption.

Here is where this topic gets interesting. By law dietary supplements can only include approved ingredients but the levels of these compounds could be much more or much less than indicated on the label.

How do you know which brands to trust???

NSF International and USP (both non-for-profit organizations) both review dietary supplements and help establish standards for healthcare products.

NSF and USP help consumers verify the quality of dietary supplements by auditing a companies manufacturing facilities to ensure they comply with industry standards. Additionally, they test the contents of products to verify it matches what is listed on the label. If a product passes strict inspection it will receive an NSF or USP verified seal.

Make sure to check for these labels to buy with confidence!

The Fine Print of Dietary Supplements The products’ ingredients and labels don’t always match, and federal law doesn’t require the supplements to be proven safe before they are marketed.

The Hidden Hunger: Micronutrient Deficiencies | The Institute for Functional Medicine 06/23/2021


The Hidden Hunger: Micronutrient Deficiencies | The Institute for Functional Medicine Micronutrient deficiency is common in the US and may lead to detrimental effects on health and to chronic disease states.

Why the plant milk in your coffee may not be as healthy as you think 06/17/2021

Why the plant milk in your coffee may not be as healthy as you think What you need to know about soy, almond, oat and other plant-based substitutes for cow’s milk

Healthy Lifestyle Tied to Reduced Dementia Despite Family History 05/24/2021

Healthy Lifestyle Tied to Reduced Dementia Despite Family History Adopting a variety of health behaviors was associated with a lower risk of developing dementia, even among those with a higher dementia risk due to family history, a new study shows.

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Microbiome Happy 05/06/2021

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Microbiome Happy Recent research on the impact of avocados on microbes in the gastrointestinal tract of people with overweight and obesity has shown positive results. Previous research on avocados, which are high in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fat, has suggested that they help people to feel full and also supp...

ProLon The Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD®) | ProLon® Fast 05/04/2021

Good morning friends!

We are excited to announce we have fully re-stocked ProLon FMD 5 Day Mimicking Fasting Prolon Kits.

Getting back on track, losing that quarantine weight, and resetting your body has never been easier! In fact, this is the ONLY mimicking fasting program kit I personally use multiple times throughout the year.

What is Prolon?

ProLon FMD is a 5-day dietary program that nourishes your body while promoting regenerative and rejuvenating changes, including supporting healthy levels of a wide range of physiological markers that contribute to aging, such as cholesterol, inflammation, and fasting glucose.

The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet® mitigates the burden and danger of water-only fasting, fasting, by providing a tasty and convenient, safe dietary program that does not require ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting.

What are the benefits of Prolon?

🥦5 days of food is included (you do not have to purchase any other food or supplements)
🍎Regenerate & rejuvenate your body via Mimicking Fasting
🍋Fast and healthy weight loss in just 5 days!
🍌Tastes great
🥭Plant-Based Nutrition
💲The entire 5-day program retails for just $225!

To grab your ProLon FMD 5 Day Mimicking Fasting Prolon Kit call us today at 561-994-2007.

To check out more details including what food is included in ProLon FMD 5 Day Mimicking Fasting Prolon Kits check out the link below.


ProLon The Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD®) | ProLon® Fast What is The Fasting Mimicking Diet? Join the health trend of fasting with food™. The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet is the first and only meal program that has gone through clinical trials at the University of Southern California and been patented for its healthy-aging effects!

High Fiber Diet Influences Inflammation 04/30/2021

The case for fiber 🥦

High Fiber Diet Influences Inflammation A recent study on the differences between a Western diet versus a fiber-rich, traditional Tanzanian diet shows the latter may lead to the production of fewer inflammatory proteins by the immune system. Previous studies have shown a new wave of urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa, which is having impo...


What's for dinner tonight?

Your next meal may have more healing power than you think!

A recent study demonstrated how a Ketogenic diet has the potential to SHRINK tumor cells.

Need to learn more about a Ketogenic or other therapeutic diets?

Call us today at 561-994-2007 to book your new patient consult and achieve optimal health!

Chris Kresser Vit D presentation - 2021 IHH-UCSF Symposium on Nutrition and Functional Medicine.mov 03/31/2021

Do you know about the CRITICAL role Vitamin D plays in disease prevention and care?

Check out this full interview with Chris Kresser to learn about the amazing benefits of this fat-soluble compound!

Chris Kresser Vit D presentation - 2021 IHH-UCSF Symposium on Nutrition and Functional Medicine.mov This is "Chris Kresser Vit D presentation - 2021 IHH-UCSF Symposium on Nutrition and Functional Medicine.mov" by Chris Kresser on Vimeo, the home for high…

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Do I need bio-identical hormone replacement therapy?

Age Healthier and Live Happier

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

  • Lack of Energy and Fatigue during the day

  • Difficulty Sleeping at Night
  • Videos (show all)

    Dr. Matilsky and The Boca Center for Healthy Living on supporting the immune system during Covid-19 - FULL VIDEO


    2900 N Military Trl, Ste 245
    Boca Raton, FL

    Opening Hours

    Monday 9am - 1pm
    2pm - 4pm
    Tuesday 9am - 1pm
    2pm - 4pm
    Wednesday 9am - 1pm
    2pm - 4pm
    Thursday 9am - 1pm
    2pm - 4pm
    Friday 9am - 5pm

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