City of Bridges Chiropractic

City of Bridges Chiropractic is a Maximized Living Health Center that is changing the way people view and manage their health through the 5 Essentials!


Check out our most recent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review !


Clever 🤓

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5 Minutes to Change Your Perspective on Healthcare

Once upon a time there were two fish.

These two fish fell in love and did what all fish that are in love do – had lots of babies.

In fact these fish had 100 babies!

The owner of the original two fish could not fit all the baby fish in one aquarium so he bought two more. He placed fifty fish in the first aquarium and fifty fish in the second aquarium. He kept the first aquarium for himself and gave the second to a friend.

Well the friend did not take good care of these fish, he fed them poor food, he didn’t filter and clean the water, and the filter was not strong so these fish did not have a good current to swim against. In a short amount of time the fish in this aquarium were very, very sick.

A fish doctor was brought to help with the sick fish.

He recommended a blood sample taken from every fish to look for imbalances, advanced imaging to examine their organs, a biopsy of the diseased organs, surgery to remove “needless” organs, radiation to fight the cancer these fish had developed, and medication to help fight the disease they developed.

The owner of the second aquarium asked the doctor if we do all this will it help – the doctor was unsure. The owner of the second aquarium asked what it would cost – the doctor was not sure of the exact number but suggested that since he did not have insurance on these fish he take a second mortgage out of his home to pay for the testing and treatments.

The owner of the second aquarium called his friend to share with him the news. They met the next day for lunch.

The owner of the original two fish looked into the aquarium and upon his examination of the horrendous environment the fish in the second aquarium were living in, he changed the water, changed the food to what the fish in the first aquarium were eating, as well as putting a better filter on the sick aquarium. Within a week the fish in the second aquarium were healthy.

Could it have been the genetics of the fish in the second aquarium that caused them to be sick?

Well the fish in both aquariums came from the same mother and father – they were all brothers and sisters. It was simply the lifestyle and environment that caused these fish to be sick.

Why is it that this scenario is ridiculous when we talk about fish in a fish tank, but completely normal when we discuss sickness and disease with our friends and family?

Health and sickness are not things that just happen to you – they are 99% of the time a result of your lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle is not as simple as just eating well or having big muscles. A healthy lifestyle must include these in unison: a positive mindset, a healthy nervous system through chiropractic, proper nutrition, proper oxygen and lean muscle, and a life free of toxicity. When we are living each of these – we are living a maximum life – a healthy life.

When we are living none or just one or two we are falling short of a maximum life – and who wants that?

If your fish tank is clean and you have been living a healthy lifestyle, never stop improving!

We would like to invite you to a Community Dinner hosted at Gianna Vias on September 5th. Dinner is on me. We will discuss chiropractic and a healthy lifestyle with you and up to 4 of your friends. Simply see the front desk to get yourself and your loved one scheduled for this unique dinner experience!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Pattison


Fix Your Posture, Change Your Life?

I hear countless times from our new patients how they notice their posture changing as they begin to get adjusted.

Posture is not just about looking taller or feeling more confident; it has surprising consequences that affect our health and quality of life. Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture helps us stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions that place the least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities.

Correct posture helps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly, decreasing the wear and tear on our joints that could result in arthritis and joint pain. Having good posture will reduce the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimizing the likelihood of injury. Good posture is especially important for athletes, as it allows muscles to work more efficiently as well as help prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and even back and muscular pain.

The most common factors that contribute to poor posture include stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles, and high-heeled shoes. In addition, decreased flexibility, a poor work environment, incorrect working posture, and unhealthy sitting and standing habits can also contribute to poor body positioning. Over time, bad posture can cause low back pain, which about 80% of adults experience at some point in their lives.

If you are dealing with a long-standing postural problem, it will typically take longer to address than short-lived ones, as often the joints have adapted to being in a poor position for a long time. Conscious awareness of your own posture and knowing what posture is correct will help you consciously correct yourself. With much practice, the correct posture for standing, sitting, and lying down will gradually replace your old posture.

The great news is that chiropractic care is great for helping to correct posture. I have seen some amazing postural transformations here in the clinic, and oftentimes the changes come with reduced pain, and better quality of life.

Think of a loved one who would benefit from chiropractic care and enjoy a FREE Dinner with the Docs at Gianna Via’s, September 5th at 6pm. Dr. Alex will be giving a brief talk about how chiropractic care can improve your everyday quality of life. See the front desk to reserve your spot!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Swauger


Destruction or Paradise

What can we learn about the Fermi paradox and the future of healthcare?

The Fermi paradox proposed by Enirco Fermi addresses the troubling question as to why there are seemingly countless planets in the known universe that meet the basic requirements for being able to support life; and why we have not been able to find any that do.

The explanation to this paradox is as follows, we as humans here on earth should be statistically somewhere in the middle of development in comparison to other planets that support life, in other words, about half have not developed as far as we and about half have developments beyond our own.

It would make sense that those who have not developed as far as we have could not have found us or reached out. For those that have developments beyond ours he split into two groups

1.) During their attempts to continually develop and expand they created technology that ultimately was the demise of their civilization (ie nuclear bombs ,artificial intelligence and VIRUSES THAT ARE NOT NATURAL AND CREATED IN LABORATORIES!!)

2.) As they realized the potential follies of their developments they stopped their focus on expansion and began to utilize their efforts in allowing life to flourish in the paradise they were given. That they were designed for. In other words, why search the universe for something better when our paradise is here. Why create new potentially dangerous viruses we have not adapted to through the generations to study epidemiology? Study health, study the earth, study how they fit together and figure out how to thrive in the paradise we were designed to thrive in. The grass is not greener on the other side of the universe who knows maybe it's purple!

Take a moment and think about where we are at in history.

We have a system that is set up on expansion, we have technology we don’t quite understand and we have weapons in the realm of nuclear bombs and microbes created by mankind, not the planet, that could wipe all life off of the planet at any moment.

Scary stuff.

Today we are at a crossroads. A time when we as a planet need to decide if we are going to continue to produce technologies that are going to destroy us or propel us into the future allowing us to thrive in our paradise. While at the same time we are producing bombs and micro-organisms that are more powerful than ever, we are seeing grassroots developments starting elsewhere.

These grassroots efforts when it comes to health care are nutritional protocols that are not being led by “science” but by history and anthropology by studying the diet of our ancestors and mimicking that today.

The same goes with exercise. It's no longer how much you can bench press that is the standard for fitness but how many burpees and in how short a time you can accomplish this movement. Movements that mimicked our ancestor’s movements and how our physiology’s have been created to perform.

We are looking more than ever to the herbs and plants that our ancestors used for health as opposed to the latest “miracle” drug or medical procedure. We are focusing more on building health here within our bodies by understanding how they were created to function and heal.

This is what MaxLiving is all about.

The complete buy-in that we were intelligently created for abundance here in our paradise, Earth. We focus on the essentials of health that will allow our body to thrive through advanced spinal correction, a positive mental mindset, proper nutritional protocols, exercise that maximizes our physiology and removing the toxins from a world that is still mainly focused on expansion.

Begin to influence your circle of influence to thrive in our paradise in ways that have historically been beneficial to humankind. This will not likely be easy as its message does not line up with what the talking heads are saying on TV. You need to decide in which of the two categories listed above they are in. The choice is yours. The future could be yours if you are willing to demand it and fight for it.

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Pattison


…. What he said 🥹👇


Join us for Cell-f defense to discover how some people get sick more often than others!


Chiropractic really clicked for me when I came to the realization that we as human beings are created and designed perfectly.

See, there is something inside each and every living thing that keeps it alive and functioning on a daily basis. It’s in the birds, the bees, and even in the trees.

For instance, right now your heart is beating and your lungs are breathing and you don’t have to think to do that, right?

Of course not. Some people call it the energy or spirit of the body. Well, I believe God put it there, and in science it is called Innate Intelligence. Innate means “inborn.” When your mother’s egg and your father’s s***m came together and they divide, divide, and divide – the first part of you that was formed was your brain and spinal cord. That is where that “inborn”, that Innate Intelligence lives. From your brain and spinal cord, the rest of you developed, and now we have you!

It is the duty of innate intelligence to constantly work to keep us alive and healthy, adapting to our internal and external environment. It is the self-sustaining, self-regulating, self-healing power that is within all of us. When you get a cut on your arm, it heals. When you walk up a flight of stairs, your heart beats faster. When you eat a nutritious meal, your digestive system breaks it down and absorbs the nutrients which are used for energy, growth, and healing. All these things we do every day, without a second thought. What if we were to pay closer attention to innate? What if we chose to work with this great power we have inside ourselves? That is exactly what chiropractic aims to do.

Because the first system to develop in utero was your nervous system, that is how we know the nervous system is where innate intelligence is housed today. Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord and all the nerves that branch off from there. The number one cause of nervous system interference is misalignments in the spine, or subluxations. It is the goal of the chiropractic adjustment to remove interference in your nervous system – allowing innate intelligence to fully express itself.

When I learned these facts about how the body is designed and how it works, it became clear to me that in order to live a healthy life, we must prioritize the health of our nervous system. So don’t wait! Come get checked and you’ll leave here not only feeling better, but healing better as well. To learn more about how the body is designed to heal and fight disease, make sure you tune in this week to our Cell-f Defense workshop. It will be going live on the City of Bridges Chiropractic page at 8pm TOMORROW!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Swauger


🍽️ That’s right… that means that if you aren’t fueling your body with healthy foods, your immune system may be weak and more susceptible to getting sick. At our Cell-f Defense Workshop, you can learn what foods to incorporate into your diet to build up your immune system.

❗It’s never too late to become the healthiest version of yourself! Don’t miss your opportunity to start a new beginning tomorrow evening Facebook live at 8PM!


🤢 Don’t wait until you feel sick to start taking care of your body! Symptoms are your body’s way of saying that something is wrong, which means it’s time to do something about it. Rather than turning to harsh medications or antibiotics that may create even worse side effects down the road, we have a varitety of natural remedies that will get you feeling back to your best self in no time!

🎒 Learn what we pack in our immune system go-bag at our Cell-f Defense Workshop on July 9th at 8PM on Facebook Live.


It’s Time for America’s Next Great Revolution.

We love underdogs. Perhaps because way back in 1776 we were the ultimate underdog, standing up to the world's super power, and while the world laughed - we fought – we won.

Today after centuries of political Independence we as a nation are facing a far greater super power, a super power that enslaves the masses with hopelessness, with sickness, with poison.

Turn on the TV at night, open a magazine, surf the internet and what do you see but advertorials suggesting sickness – ask your doctor if … have this test if … You, your immune system is worthless. Natural immunity means nothing, artificial immunity is paramount.

And it’s working!

We as a country spend more time, effort and money meddling with early detection and long term management of disease, than we do in prevention of them through lifestyle. Not only are we not preventing many preventable diseases through lifestyle, our lifestyle in many instances is the direct cause!

Not many (medical minds included) would have the audacity to suggest that our current system is efficient in maximizing our society’s health. Why do we do it? Because we have been taught to – not because it makes sense but because it makes cents (trillions of times over).

What about these following stats scream liberty and freedom?

- Despite the most healthcare spending, Americans are in worse health, die earlier and suffer from more diseases than other wealthy nations. (National Academies Press)

- 24 million children are on ADD/ADHD medications. (The Wall Street Journal)

- 9.6 million children are on antidepressants. (The Wall Street Journal)

- Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years (CDC)

- It has been reported that 70% of Americans take a pharmaceutical drug (CBS News)

If Paul Revere were to make his famous ride today his cry would be “The white coats are coming, the white coats are coming”.

Americans would be awakened from their slumber and begin to arm themselves by slipping on their tennis shoes and start their exercises routine, grab a smoothie, run out the door to get their power turned on by a chiropractic adjustment and be ready to defend themselves.

It is time for America’s next great revolution.

A revolution that puts liberty and freedom back into Americans lives. A revolution that brings an end to the madness that has been created by belief in a faulty medical system. For this revolution to succeed it must be grassroots –it must start with healthy families right here in Pittsburgh.

Join us for Cell-f Defense where you will assemble your immune system emergency kit, understand why some people get sick more often than others and understand the undeniable benefits of natural immunity over medications and vaccines.
This event will take place on Facebook live at 8pm on July 9th on the City of Bridges Chiropractic page. Be sure to like us now for event notifications!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex


🤒 Ever wonder why some people get sick and others don’t? It may have to do with how you’re taking care of your body. Find out our strategies for how you can strengthen your immune system at our upcoming health workshop event, Cell-f Defense!

Join us on Facebook live July 9th at 8pm!


Getting Connected in Health

It is so important to surround yourself with people that encourage you and support you in becoming the best version of yourself. I can think of so many instances in my life when the people around me have made all the difference. Throughout my years of playing sports, I still remember the coaches and teammates that pushed me to the next level. My friends and family members are also always there for me to keep me grounded and help me stay connected to my purpose.

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. I think this definition of health is spot on. In order to be healthy we must nurture each different aspect of health – and what better way to do that than by surrounding yourself with people who want the same thing! I encourage you to get plugged in to your community, spend time with family, and take time to care for yourself.

I am proud to be apart of the team here at City of Bridges; we are on a mission to change the lives and health of the people of Pittsburgh. It all starts with the realization that you were created and designed for health. We are all meant to thrive, not just merely survive. One of the reasons why I love what I do every day is because I get to watch people get well, without the use of drugs or surgery. We always love the opportunity to share the truth of health with more of our community.

Next month Dr. Alex and I are hosting an online workshop! This will be a great opportunity to connect with us and the community as it will be going up on our page. The workshop will be all about Cell-f Defense as we will be discussing ways to build a strong immune system and keep from getting sick. Check out the flyers going up around the office for more information!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Swauger


Why do I adjust kids, infants and newborns?

I often hear this question not necessarily from the parents of the children getting adjusted but by a neighbor, grandparent, or other concerned individual.

I can understand the concern – society has us believe that we should go to the chiropractor for neck and low back pain, how could a child have any of these symptoms and if they did how could they possibly tell us about it?

Society unfortunately does not understand the true purpose of chiropractic which is to remove interference in the body’s natural ability to function and heal.

I want to bring light to an amazing study published in the prestigious medical journal the Journal of Manual Medicine titled “Upper Cervical Subluxation Clearly Found In Newborns (With or Without Symptoms)”. In the study 600 children all less than 2 years of age were evaluated for subluxation (misalignment of vertebra negatively influencing the nervous system). The report pointed out the pathological importance of asymmetrical posture in small children and the fact that it is often played down by the medical community – that is if it is even recognized – as the majority of medical doctors are not trained on how to evaluate children for these postural and segmental subluxations.

I need you to understand the importance of this finding – most doctors are not trained to determine subluxation, a crucial finding that negatively influences your child’s health!

The study notes that subluxations risk factors are attributed but not limited to intrauterine misalignment, application of extraction aids in delivery (forceps, vacuum) prolonged labor and/or multiple fetuses – in other words the birth process itself can cause subluxation resulting in asymmetrical posture which has been clinically shown to be of pathological importance!

Kids need chiropractic care!

Some of the main symptoms associated with subluxation in kids were: torticollis, unilateral face asymmetry, C-scoliosis, motor asymmetries, unilateral re****ed maturation of hip joints, slowed motor development, sleeping disorders, neck sensitivity, face swelling, fever of unknown origin, loss of appetite, feet deformities, pathological reflex, range of motion diminished by 30% or more, and a parent reporting that a baby does not eat or drink well.

Wow – kids need chiropractic!

As a result of this exhausting list some conclusions of the study were as follows.

Children should be re-examined before they start school around age 6 as the upper cervical spine is a weak spot in most children. Subluxation is associated with restlessness and attention issues (ADD/ADHD) in school aged children.

The majority of newborns suffer from micro-trauma of the brain stem and periventricular areas during the birth process. Finally, the risk of treatment is minimal with the most severe reported as 2 of the 600 children vomiting after the adjustment but had no negative effect outcome in either case – in other words it is extremely safe!

I would never recommend something for your family that I have not done for mine! My son Knox (10 years old), daughter Remi (8 years old), daughter Millie (7 years old) and daughter Lottie (7 months old) were adjusted moments after birth and are checked for subluxation on a regular and consistent basis and adjusted when subluxation is located.

They have developed wonderfully and are healthy little ones full of energy and life!

Chiropractic care at such a young age is going to give them such an advantage with their health and well-being as they develop and as a parent what more would you want for your children? Have your kids been checked for subluxation? There is no better time than now! Summer break is the perfect time to get your child's spine checked!!!

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Pattison


Getting Grounded

Inflammation is your body’s response to an illness, injury or toxin. Inflammation is a normal and important process that allows your body to heal.

Fever, for example, is how you know your body’s inflammatory system is working correctly when you’re ill. But inflammation can harm you if it occurs in healthy tissues or goes on for too long.

Chronic inflammation is associated with many diseases, so it is important we do things to help our body maintain balance. One easy way to dramatically reduce levels of inflammation is to simply walk outside without shoes on. What I’m referring to is “grounding” or “earthing”, and this practice may sound a little woo-woo, but there is new and compelling scientific research being done about its various health benefits.

The earth is abundant in negatively charged free electrons that when connected to the body can help neutralize free radicals, providing antioxidant and immune boosting properties.

Though the research is still emerging, studies suggest that grounding and earthing may offer powerful positive benefits that comes with almost no risk or side effects. The Journal of Environmental and Public Health published a summary of the health implications of grounding which include:

- improves sleep and normalizes the day–night cortisol rhythm
- reduces chronic pain
- reduces stress
- shifts the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation
- increases heart rate variability
- speeds wound healing
- reduces blood viscosity

You can practice grounding both indoors and outside, when awake, and even when sleeping.

Earthing is extremely easy to practice since it simply requires tapping back into the original connection that humans have to the earth by making direct physical contact i.e. “going barefoot”. Taking off your shoes and socks to stand on earth, rock, or grass is the most common way people ground. Placing your hands on the earth, or laying your whole body down are also effective; yes, even hugging a tree would effectively “earth” you.

Most people these days are not grounding enough, due to our shoes having rubber soles that disconnect us from the electrical charge of the earth. One way to ensure you are spending enough time grounding is to get a grounding mat that you can use indoors and even sleep on. Many indoor grounding products plug into the grounding socket in your electrical outlets – so they are very convenient to use. Perhaps using a grounding mat while at your standing desk would be an effective way to improve your in-office health routine.

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Swauger


Be sure to check out Dr. Alex’s most recent podcast with Thoughtful Discussions wherever you get your podcasts !


Check out our most recent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review 👇!


The Overuse of Antibiotics

First off, let me start by saying antibiotics are incredibly important. They’re powerful, life-saving medications, and it’s thanks to antibiotics that serious, potentially fatal, infections can be cured. Antibiotics were first discovered by accident back in 1928, when scientist Alexander Fleming noticed that a mold growing on one of his bacterial cultures was preventing the growth of the bacteria. This led to the development of penicillin which is still used to this day.

But there’s been a growing issue: the overuse of antibiotics. According to the CDC, 1 in 3 antibiotic prescriptions are not necessary. The overuse of antibiotics can cause a plethora of needless and harmful side effects, and it can promote antibiotic resistance. In the U.S., more than 2.8 million antimicrobial-resistant infections occur each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.

Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. But they don't treat infections caused by viruses. For example, an antibiotic may be the correct treatment for strep throat, which is caused by bacteria. But it's not the right treatment for most sore throats, which are caused by viruses. Other common viral infections that aren’t helped by antibiotics include cold or runny nose, Flu (influenza), bronchitis, most coughs, some ear infections, some sinus infections, stomach flu, and COVID-19.

Most antibiotics work by killing bacteria or preventing it from growing. Unfortunately, most antibiotics can't distinguish between good and bad bacteria. That means they can wreak havoc on your gut’s healthy bacteria. In fact, many people suffer lasting changes to their gut flora as a result of taking antibiotics. The word antibiotic literally means “against life”, and some research indicates that it takes a whole year for your gut microbiome to get back to normal after a course of antibiotics.

This doesn’t mean antibiotics are ‘bad’ – far from it. However, it does mean it’s worth sparing a thought for how they can impact your gut, and overall, health in the long run. For more information on how to restore and repair your gut after a course of antibiotics, as well as some helpful strategies and lifestyle tips on how to nurture your gut, you can find our Guts and Glory workshop that we recorded on the City of Bridges Chiropractic page.

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Swauger


Check out our most recent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google review 👇


Physical States Magnify Emotional States

One of the least appreciated aspects of living a chiropractic lifestyle is the impact a properly aligned spine has on your emotional state.

We are all well aware of this at one level or another. Think about a time when you were in pain, exhausted and run down. A problem arose and rather than experiencing frustration you skipped that emotion and went straight to anger.

Or on the other end of the spectrum when you were really feeling on your game and someone said or did something kind, rather than just experiencing happiness you went straight to pure joy!

Anger is an emotional state that I used to suffer from. During my college years on more than one occasion I flew off the handle. This was during a particularly stressful time of my life. I was away from home for the first time, I was enrolled in a difficult field of study, and my mother was battling cancer. I was staying out way too late, not exercising, had a diet that barely provided the nutrients to sustain life and I was sleeping on a futon with unrelenting back pain to boot. I was either “ok” or on the verge of a fist fight because my physical state was a wreck.

I can think of no other physical state that negatively magnifies one’s emotional state more so than pain.

Have you been guilty of being in a poor mood because of a headache or low back pain? Think of the consequences of this. A young mother dealing with headaches or migraines on how she interacts with a misbehaving toddler. Or how the construction worker treats his spouse after a long day of hard work on a bad back. How about the manager and her treatments of her employees while dealing with neck pain? Or the teacher’s interaction with a struggling youth all the while dealing with shoulder pain.

Our lives become easier when we are experiencing less pain and harder when we are hurting. Worse yet our physical hurting may be causing those closest to us emotional hurt.

We all want to live a stress less life, we all want to experience a joy filled life. The first step in this process is beginning to improve your physical state. Once we have a handle on this then the process of handling our emotional state becomes possible.
Here are some steps to help handle your physical state thus improving your emotional state.

1. Keep up with your recommended frequency of visits. If you miss an appointment be sure to get it made up that week, or if need be double up the following week.

2. Do your prescribed at home exercises to rehabilitate your spine and subluxations.

3. Stretch daily to decrease muscle spasm and mitigate further injury.

4. Exercise 3-5 times per week. Almost nothing has such an immediate impact on your physical and emotional state than exercise!

5. Get 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

If you know anyone who is in a difficult spot either physically or emotionally invite them to MaxLiving. Many in our community are emotionally hurting right now. Many who are working from home are physically hurting from poor ergonomic work spaces. Now is the time to improve the physical and emotional states of our community with MaxLiving.

Max Blessings,
Dr. Alex Pattison

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Videos (show all)

Cell-f Defense
Special Christmas 🎄 message from Dr. Alex !
Big news 🗞 from COBC!
Inflammation Unveiled
Gut Honest Truth Part II
Gut Honest Truth Part I
Exciting news 🗞 about our next worship “The Gut Honest Truth”!
#breathe #breathwork #chiropractic #chiropractor
#organmeats #micronutrients #hearthealth
Fish Talk - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Where in the 🌎 are the Dr. Alex’s?



119 Towne Square Way
Brentwood, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 10am
3pm - 6:15pm
Tuesday 11am - 1:15pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 10am
3pm - 6:15pm
Thursday 3pm - 5:45pm
Friday 7:30am - 10am
Saturday 9am - 9:45am

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