Physical Therapy Specialists

Integrating the whole body to treat spine, TMJ, pelvic floor and chronic pain conditions


Ever heard of the sacroiliac (SI) joint? It plays a crucial role in your body's stability and movement, especially when it comes to the pelvic region!

What is the SI Joint?
The SI joint connects the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of your spine) to the ilium (the large pelvic bone). It's responsible for transmitting forces between your upper body and lower body during activities like walking, running, or even just standing upright.

What Does It Do?
Think of the SI joint as a shock absorber and stabilizer for your pelvis. It helps distribute weight and forces evenly, preventing excessive strain on the spine and hips. When functioning properly, it allows for smooth, pain-free movement.

Why is it Relevant?
For pelvic floor physical therapists, understanding the SI joint is crucial! Dysfunctions or imbalances in this area can contribute to pelvic pain, instability, and even issues with bladder or bowel control. By addressing SI joint issues, therapists can help restore balance, alleviate pain, and improve overall pelvic health.

So next time you're feeling those aches and pains around your pelvis, remember, the SI joint might just be the key to finding relief! Don't hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance and support. Your pelvic health matters!


Struggling with persistent pelvic discomfort--You're not alone! Let's dive into Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) and how Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can bring relief:

What's CPPS anyway? It's a condition characterized by ongoing pelvic pain lasting more than 6 months, often accompanied by urinary, s*xual, or bowel dysfunction. It can be debilitating, affecting daily life and mental well-being.

How can Pelvic Floor PT help?

1. Targeted Assessment: Pinpointing underlying causes contributing to your pain through specialized evaluation.

2. Tailored Treatment Plan: Customized therapy focusing on pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, addressing tightness, weakness, or spasms.

3. Pain Management Techniques: Utilizing various approaches such as manual therapy, relaxation techniques, and biofeedback to alleviate discomfort.

4. Education & Empowerment: Equipping you with knowledge and strategies to manage symptoms, improve function, and enhance quality of life.

Don't suffer in silence! Seek support from us and take the first step towards reclaiming comfort and confidence!


Are you experiencing bladder leaks but unsure why? Let's break it down!

1️⃣ Stress Incontinence: Ever laughed, sneezed, or lifted something heavy and experienced leakage? That's stress incontinence! It's caused by pressure on the bladder due to physical activities, weakening pelvic floor muscles.

2️⃣ Urge Incontinence: That sudden, gotta-go feeling leading to accidental leakage? That's urge incontinence! It can be triggered by an overactive bladder, poor bladder habits and even constipation.

3️⃣ Functional Incontinence: Sometimes, it's not about bladder issues but rather physical limitations or cognitive impairments hindering timely bathroom access. That's functional incontinence, common in elderly or those with mobility issues.

Now, the good news is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can be a game-changer!

-Strengthen pelvic floor muscles to support bladder control.
-Learn bladder training techniques to manage urges effectively.
-Improve mobility and functional independence for better bathroom access.

Schedule a consultation with us today and reclaim control over your bladder health!


Does your teenage have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)? It's actually pretty common in this age group; here's why:

1️⃣ Hormonal Changes: During adolescence, hormonal fluctuations can affect muscle tension and joint movement, increasing the likelihood of TMJ issues.

2️⃣ Orthodontic Treatment: Many teenagers undergo orthodontic treatment such as braces or retainers, which can sometimes exacerbate jaw misalignment and TMJ symptoms.

3️⃣ Stress and Anxiety: Teenage years can be stressful, with academic pressures, social challenges, and body image concerns. Stress and anxiety can lead to teeth grinding (bruxism) and jaw clenching, contributing to TMJ problems.

4️⃣ Poor Posture: Spending long hours hunched over screens or textbooks can strain neck and jaw muscles, leading to TMJ discomfort.

5️⃣ Chewing Habits: Some teenagers may have unhealthy chewing habits, like chewing gum excessively or biting nails, which can strain the jaw joint.

Awareness is key! If you or your teenage child experiences jaw pain, clicking sounds, or difficulty chewing, don't hesitate to seek us out, we can help. Early intervention can prevent TMJ from worsening and improve overall quality of life.


Understanding Pressure Management: pressure management revolves around how our body manages intra-abdominal pressure, affecting everything from breathing to movement and involves a coordinated system involving our diaphragm, abdominal muscles, deep back muscles and pelvic floor.

Impact on Pelvic Floor: The way we manage pressure can significantly influence the pelvic floor. We need to have a balance in the pressure system to support pelvic floor function (think bowel, bladder and s*xual health). Proper pressure management can alleviate issues like incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic pain.

Connecting the Dots: Imagine your body as a well-choreographed dance – each move impacts the other. Efficient pressure management ensures harmony between the diaphragm, core, back and pelvic floor. It's like having a symphony in your abdomen!

Practical Tips:
*Diaphragmatic Breathing: Practice breathing into your belly, back and ribs at the SAME time—think expansion!

*Posture Matters: Maintain good posture to support your abdominal and pelvic organs.

*Functional Movements: Incorporate movements that promote proper pressure distribution.

We can help teach you about all of the above! Remember, understanding pressure management isn't just about physical health; it's a holistic approach to living our best lives. If you are looking to improve your life, give us a call!


This position is incredibly beneficial! Here are some reasons you should consider spending a few minutes in a deep squat every day:

1. It relaxes your pelvic floor: your pelvic floor muscles run from your p***c bone to your tailbone and sit bones to perineum. When we get into the depth of this squat, our sit bones widen allowing these muscles to get a lovely stretch.

2. It can help your bowel movements: there is no coincidence many cultures across the globe get into this position to go to the bathroom. One specific pelvic floor muscle, called your pubore**alis, wraps around your re**um. Anytime we get our hips flexed and knees ABOVE our hips, our pubore**alis unlocks which helps lengthen the re**um and adds ease to passing stool.

3. It improves low back pain: so often, low back pain is exacerbated (or even caused) by restricted hip joints and hip musculature. This posture lubricates your whole pelvic girdle.

4. We're hardwired for it: getting into a squat like this is actually a developmental milestone (it happens around 11 months). In an ideal world, we should be able to maintain the ability to get into this shape from infancy to old age. If you can't quite comfortably get into a deep squat, that's okay! Try placing a foam roller, yoga blocks or even a stack of pillows under your seat to help bring the ground closer to you and/or lean up against a wall while you settle into the posture for more support.

Happy squatting!


What is the Round Ligament?
The Round Ligament is a band of tissue that supports the uterus and stretches as your baby grows. It runs from your uterus, crosses the pelvis, and enters the l***a majora. It's like your body's built-in bungee cord, adapting to the incredible changes during pregnancy!

Why does it cause pain?
As your uterus expands, the Round Ligament stretches and pulls, which can cause sharp or dull pain on the sides of your belly or groin. Totally normal, but can be a real bummer!

How can Pelvic Floor PT help?
Enter Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy! Our expert therapists focus on strengthening and supporting the muscles and ligaments in your pelvic region. We've got tricks to ease round ligament pain, making your pregnancy journey a bit smoother!

Benefits of Pelvic Floor PT:
Pain Relief
Strategic Strength Building
Preventive Measures

Bottom Line: Embrace the changes, mama! Pelvic Floor PT is here to empower you through the incredible journey of pregnancy. Tag a mom-to-be who needs to know this!

Photos from Physical Therapy Specialists's post 01/11/2024

Happy birthday, Erin! We celebrated a few days late with a Mexican fiesta! Ole!🪅🎂❤️🎉🎈


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our PTS family to you and yours!


Pelvic Wand vs. Dilators—which one is the best fit for you?

Pelvic Wand Magic: These wands are designed for gentle massage, releasing tension, and promoting relaxation in the pelvic muscles. They can be used to stretch the opening of the vaginal canal, massage the perineal body and access deeper pelvic floor muscles. We often recommend this tool for individuals dealing with endometriosis, painful bladder syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, hypertonic (extra tight) pelvic floor muscles and pain with s*x during deeper thrusting.

Dilators Unveiled: Dilators help in stretching and desensitizing your vaginal opening, vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscles over time. Dilators are best to treat difficulty with any form of pe*******on such as from pelvic exams, tampons, or s*x (especially initial insertion). Dilators are ideal for those with vaginismus, scar tissue, or hypertonic pelvic floor muscles.

Ultimately, to truly find the BEST fit for you, we recommend seeing a pelvic health physical therapist who can assess your body and listen to your goals to choose the right tool for you. Pelvic health physical therapists can also teach you exactly how to use these tools and coach you through challenges you may face while using them!


Dealing with tailbone pain? Here are some tips to find relief!

1️⃣ Sit Smart: Invest in a cushion designed for tailbone relief. It works wonders, especially if you spend long hours sitting!
2️⃣ Warmth Therapy: A hot water bottle or warm compress can be your best friend. Apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes to soothe discomfort.
3️⃣ Gentle Stretches: Incorporate simple stretches into your routine. Try knee-to-chest stretches, figure 4 and/or child's pose to relieve tension in the lower back and the back of your hips.
4️⃣ Posture Check: Maintain good posture, whether sitting or standing. It takes the pressure off your tailbone and promotes overall spine health.
5️⃣ Move Regularly: Don't be a couch potato! Regular movement helps prevent stiffness and improves blood flow to the affected area.
6️⃣ Pelvic Floor PT: Seriously, don't underestimate the power of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy! A skilled therapist can guide you through exercises to strengthen and relax specific troublesome muscles while addressing the root of your pain.

Remember, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Share your favorite tailbone relief tips below, and let's support each other!


Ever experience post-intercourse pain? It's more common than you might think, and one possible culprit is poor venous return.

Venous return issues can affect the blood flow in our pelvic region, leading to discomfort after intimate moments. But fear not, there's help!

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy may be the key to unlocking relief and improving your overall well-being. We can provide specialized therapy that focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the pelvic area. By addressing these concerns, we can help enhance blood circulation, reduce discomfort and get to the root cause as to WHY you have pain after intimacy.

Does this sound like you? Let us know and we can help!


Wishing you and yours a day of gratitude and peace!


We know the holiday season can bring some added tension, so let's make this Thanksgiving stress-free! Here are some tips:

1️. Mindful Breathing: Take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, and exhale for 6. Repeat. This calms activate your “rest and digest” track of your nervous system, promoting relaxation.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Water is key! Staying hydrated helps maintain optimal bodily functions, including those related to stress and digestion.

3. Move Your Body: Gentle exercises or a short stroll can do wonders. Movement aids in appropriate movement of your internal organs and releases endorphins, your body's natural stress relievers.

4. Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Quality rest helps your body recover and keeps stress hormones in check.

Remember, it's okay to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Wishing you all a Thanksgiving filled with joy, gratitude, and pelvic health!


Ever experienced what feels like a recurring UTI, but the tests keep coming back negative? O do you deal with chronic UTIs that you are self-diagnosing and treating but they just keep coming back? You might actually be having a case of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause symptoms resembling those of a UTI, while Interstitial Cystitis can trigger persistent bladder discomfort and pelvic floor physical therapy can help with both of these!

Through a specialized assessment and treatment plan, we can address the root cause, balance your pelvic floor muscles, correct bladder behavior and more to alleviate the discomfort associated with these conditions. Let's work together to improve your quality of life and regain control over your urinary health!
If you've been struggling with what seems like never-ending UTIs and are curious about how your pelvic floor may be contributing, don't hesitate to reach out--you don't have to navigate this journey alone!


As Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists, we're here to remind you that bladder health is an essential part of your overall well-being. Take a moment to prioritize your bladder health this month and beyond.

Did you know that issues like incontinence, pelvic pain, and frequent urination can often be managed or even treated through targeted pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle adjustments?

Let's break the silence and stigma surrounding bladder health. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Together, we can work towards better bladder health and improved quality of life.

Photos from Physical Therapy Specialists's post 10/31/2023

Happy Halloween! From our adorable Chewbacca! Be safe and warm! 👻💀🎃


The International Children's Continence Society (ICCS) provides guidelines for various pediatric urological conditions, including bedwetting (also known as enuresis). While specific recommendations may vary depending on the child's age and individual circumstances, the general guidelines for seeking medical help for bedwetting typically include:

Age of the child: If a child is 6 years old or older and still experiencing bedwetting, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation.

Emotional impact: If the child is bothered by his or her bedwetting and it is causing emotional distress, embarrassment, or other psychological issues even if the child is under 6 years old.

Frequency: If your child went from a period of sleeping through the night without leaking to bedwetting again.

Additional symptoms: If the child has other urinary symptoms such as urgency, frequency, pain, or difficulty urinating, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the specific recommendations may vary based on the child's medical history and individual circumstances. Medical professionals, including us as pediatric pelvic floor physical therapists, can provide tailored advice and appropriate interventions for managing bedwetting based on your child's specific needs!


Are nightly bathroom runs interrupting your sleep? It might be time to show your pelvic floor and bladder some love!

-Stay hydrated, smartly: Are you the type of person who forgets to drink water throughout the day then "catches up" after work? Give a conscious effort to spacing your water throughout the day so you can be done with your liquid intake by 2 hours before bedtime!

-Watch your caffeine intake: Limiting coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks, especially in the evening, can work wonders for your bladder's peace at night.

-Empty your bladder completely: Ensure you fully empty your bladder each time you use the bathroom during the day to ensure residual urine isn't consistently being left over to trigger another urge to p*e too soon.

If you try these tips and you keep getting woken up at night to p*e, come visit us and we can tell you exactly what to do for your pelvic floor to improve your bladder health and quality of sleep!


Breathing is the ultimate self-care practice and there is magic in prolonged exhales!

Taking a moment to focus on your breath can bring a sense of calm and balance to your life. When we intentionally extend our exhales, we unlock a treasure trove of benefits for our mind, body, and soul:

Stress Relief: Prolonged exhales activate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping us unwind, reduce stress, and find our inner peace.

Improved Lung Capacity: Longer exhales encourage a deeper intake of oxygen and help your lungs expand, promoting better overall respiratory health.

Mindfulness & Presence: The act of paying attention to your breath promotes mindfulness, grounding you in the present moment.

Enhanced Focus: It's incredible how something as simple as exhaling slowly can sharpen your concentration and productivity.

Enhanced Sleep: Slow, deliberate exhales are like a lullaby for your nervous system, promoting a more restful night's sleep.

Emotional Regulation: When you control your breath, you control your emotions. Longer exhales can help you find emotional balance and clarity.

So, take a few minutes today to try and exhale twice as long as your inhale--think inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. It's a small act that can lead to big, positive changes in your life. Breathe deeply, friends, and let the benefits of prolonged exhales uplift your day.


Building strong core muscles in our kids is key to nurturing a healthy foundation for their future well-being!

Let's talk about why core strength in children is crucial for the health of their pelvic floors!

*The pelvic floor muscles are a vital part of the body that support our bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs. Strengthening the core helps maintain pelvic floor integrity, reducing the risk of issues like f***l and/or urinary incontinence.

*A strong core contributes to better posture and balance, which is fundamental for preventing falls and injuries in active kids. We also needs good posture and balance to use the toilet well to fully empty our bowels and bladder!

*A healthy core encourages optimal digestion and alleviates issues like constipation, often seen in children.

*Whether your child loves sports or just enjoys playing around, a strong core enhances their athletic abilities and overall physical fitness.

*Developing a strong core fosters self-confidence and body awareness. It helps kids feel capable and in control of their bodies and unafraid to PLAY BIG!

So, how can we promote core strength in our little ones?

Encourage Physical Activity: Engage in activities like swimming, yoga, and dance, which naturally strengthen the core muscles.

Nutrition Matters: A balanced diet supports muscle development and overall health. Be mindful of providing nutritious meals.

Playful Exercises: Incorporate fun exercises into their routine, like planks, crab walks, or even building forts that require core engagement!

Lead by Example: Show your kids the importance of an active lifestyle and strong core by being a positive role model.

Need extra support? Reach out to us and one of our skilled pediatric pelvic floor PTs can help!


Pregnancy and childbirth are incredible experiences, but they can also bring unique challenges to our bodies. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PFPT) can be a wonderful adjunct to your journey into motherhood! Here's why you should consider it an essential part of your healthcare both while pregnant and after having birth:

1. Preparation is Key: PFPT can teach you positions, breathing strategies and manual techniques to make you as prepared for labor as possible.

2. Your Comfort Matters: Between changes in blood volume, hormone levels and connective tissue behavior, your body is going through A LOT while growing a baby. PFPT can help keeps you as pain free and comfortable as possible!

3. Postpartum Healing: After childbirth, your pelvic floor deserves some TLC. PFPT accelerates your recovery, addressing common postpartum issues like incontinence and pelvic pain.

4. Boost Confidence: Dealing with postpartum issues can be challenging emotionally. PFPT offers support and guidance, boosting your self-esteem and confidence while helping you redevelop a connected relationship to your body.

5. Enhance Your Well-being: A strong pelvic floor means better bladder control, bowel habits, s*xual function, global strength and overall well-being.

Let us help you prioritize your health and wellness during and after pregnancy!


We loved the article "The Case for 'Pleasure Hygiene': Sexual Health in Patients With Chronic Illness" by Dr. Kranz!

Shifting our mindset from "performance" to "pleasure" during s*xual activity is key for s*xual wellbeing and fulfilling partnership. Chronic illness can greatly impact our sense of self, self-esteem and even libido. This is where pleasure hygiene can be helpful--here are some tips:

*Encourage open communication with partner(s) and offer resources to develop communication skills.

*Consider needs for physical and emotional preparation for s*xual play: adequate rest, preparing the environment for body fluids, pillows for comfort or aides for positioning, and plenty of lubricant at hand.

*Allow adequate time for s*xual play and encourage the ability to adjust or stop and start over — with humor and self-compassion.

*Use s*xual aides to enhance pleasure.



Have you ever heard of biofeedback? It is an amazing tool we use in pelvic floor physical therapy.

What is Biofeedback?
Biofeedback is a technique that allows us to gain insight into our body's physiological processes, like muscle activity including how well our muscles can contract AND relax, through real-time data visualization. It's like a secret window into understanding how our bodies work!

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy & Biofeedback:
In pelvic floor physical therapy, biofeedback is a game-changer. It helps individuals, especially those struggling with pelvic floor issues, learn how to better control and strengthen or better relax their pelvic floor muscles.

How Does It Work?
During a session, sensors are placed in the pelvic area, and the biofeedback equipment provides immediate feedback on muscle activity. This visual feedback helps patients and therapists work together to train and strengthen pelvic floor muscles effectively.

Benefits of Biofeedback in Pelvic Floor Therapy:
1️⃣ Enhanced Muscle Awareness: Biofeedback helps you connect with your pelvic floor muscles and understand their functionality better.
2️⃣ Targeted Training: It enables precise, personalized exercises tailored to your individual needs.
3️⃣ Progress Tracking: You can visually monitor improvements over time, keeping you motivated on your journey to better pelvic health!

Have you ever tried biofeedback therapy or have questions about it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


The neck sets the stage for your jaw!
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the neck share muscles, nerves, and intricate structures that work in harmony. When one is out of sync, the other can follow suit, leading to discomfort, pain, and even limited mobility. But guess what? There's a superhero in this story – Physical Therapy!

The Link Explained: Poor posture, stress, teeth grinding – all these factors can disrupt the delicate balance between your TMJ and neck. Tension in one area can easily transfer to the other, creating a cycle of discomfort. That's where we come in!

How Physical Therapy Can Help: Whether you're experiencing jaw pain, headaches, or stiffness, a skilled physical therapist can be your ally. Through personalized exercises, stretches, and hands-on techniques, we'll help alleviate tension, restore mobility, and retrain your muscles for better alignment.

Benefits Beyond Relief: Engaging in targeted physical therapy not only eases your immediate discomfort but also empowers you with tools to maintain a healthy TMJ-neck relationship. You'll learn relaxation techniques, posture improvements, and self-care practices that contribute to your overall well-being.

Remember, taking care of your TMJ and neck isn't just about physical health – it's a holistic journey towards balance and harmony within your body. So, if you've been battling those pesky TMJ issues or persistent neck tension, don't hesitate to seek the guidance of one of our skilled physical therapists. Your future self will thank you!


What is Visceral Mobilization?
Visceral mobilization focuses on the health and movement of your internal organs (viscera) within the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Just like muscles and joints, these organs need to move freely and harmoniously to ensure optimal function and comfort. When restrictions or adhesions occur within the organs, it can lead to discomfort, pain, and even issues like digestive problems.

How do Physical Therapists Use It? Physical therapists are like body detectives – they use their expertise to identify restrictions and imbalances within your body's systems. With visceral mobilization, they employ gentle and precise manual techniques to release adhesions, improve mobility, and restore proper organ function. By facilitating better movement in your internal organs, they can address a wide range of issues including gastrointestinal discomfort, post-surgical complications, and even pelvic pain.

Benefits You Can Reap: ✅ Pain Relief: Visceral mobilization can alleviate discomfort by addressing the root causes of pain within your body. ✅ Improved Digestion: By restoring organ mobility, digestive issues can be minimized, leading to better nutrient absorption and overall gut health. ✅ Enhanced Circulation: Unrestricted organ movement can improve blood flow, promoting better oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body. ✅ Post-Surgery Recovery: For those recovering from surgeries, this technique can aid in reducing scar tissue and optimizing organ function.


What is Pudendal Neuralgia (PN)? It's a condition where the pudendal nerve, located in the pelvic region, becomes irritated or damaged, causing chronic pain and discomfort in the ge***al, perineal, and re**al areas. This condition can seriously affect a person's quality of life, leading to pain during sitting, s*xual activity, or even just daily movements. It's more common than we think, affecting both men and women.

This is where Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy comes to the rescue! Here's how:

Targeted Approach: PFPT is designed to specifically address pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, which can contribute to pudendal nerve irritation. By identifying and treating these imbalances, it helps alleviate pressure on the nerve and reduces pain.

Non-Invasive & Drug-Free: Unlike some medical interventions, PFPT is non-invasive and avoids the use of medication, focusing on natural methods to promote healing and recovery.

Tailored Treatment Plans: Each individual's PN experience is unique. That's why PFPT creates personalized treatment plans based on the patient's symptoms, lifestyle, and needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Education & Empowerment: PFPT empowers patients by educating them about their condition and teaching exercises they can perform at home. This active participation is crucial for long-term success!

Holistic Approach: PFPT not only addresses physical aspects but also considers the emotional impact of PN. This comprehensive approach fosters overall well-being and mental health.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Pudendal Neuralgia, reach out to us and we can help!


Attention parents of potty training children! Did you know constipation can commonly occur during potty training?

Several factors could contribute to this. Firstly, kiddos might feel a bit anxious or stressed about the whole potty training process, which can lead to holding back their bowel movements. Secondly, they may not fully understand the urge to go or how to relax their muscles to let it all out. Here is a tool to help!

Introducing the Bristol Stool Scale:
This is like a map for your child's p**p journey. This scale classifies stool into different types, ranging from type 1 (hard lumps) to type 7 (watery diarrhea). Knowing which type your child's p**p falls under can provide valuable insights into their digestive health.

How to use the Bristol Stool Scale:
Type 1-2: Hard and lumpy stools? Your little one might be constipated. Focus on adding more water and fiber-rich foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains to their diet to soften things up!
Type 3-4: These are the ideal p**ps! Soft, easy to pass, and well-formed. Keep up the good work by maintaining a balanced diet and encouraging regular bathroom breaks.
Type 5-7: Uh-oh, loose stools? It's time to watch what your child is eating and ensure they stay hydrated. Avoid excessive sugary or greasy foods.

Tips to beat constipation:
-Keep a consistent potty schedule to encourage regular bowel movements.
-Praise and positive reinforcement go a long way! Celebrate every potty victory, no matter how small.
-Hydration is vital! Offer plenty of water throughout the day.
-Talk openly with your child about their feelings and experiences. A supportive environment makes all the difference.

Remember, each child is unique, and the potty training journey may have its ups and downs. Stay patient, stay positive, and let's cheer on our little champs!

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Playing video games with your pelvic floor? Sign us up.We love having biofeedback machines in our clinic to help both ou...
We received our plaque today!  Thanks for all who voted for us again this year!  ❤️😀



3989 E Arapahoe Road, Suite 120
Centennial, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm

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