First Steps Recovery

Full Continuum Luxury Drug and Alcohol Treatment program First Steps Recovery is a Full Continuum treatment center located in the Central Valley California.

Our residential facilities are located on 5 acres of beautiful views located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This is the ideal location to find peace within yourself while receiving a medically assisted Detox before moving into a gender specific residential program. We serve a maximum of eight clients in residential treatment and six in Detox, so that we may provide individual attention to our cl

Returning Home After Addiction Rehab 01/22/2024

Embarking on the journey of recovery from addiction is a profound challenge that extends beyond the individual facing addiction to encompass their entire family. Returning home after addiction rehab marks a pivotal phase in the recovery process, demanding an acute understanding of family dynamics to create an environment conducive to support and healing. In this exploration, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of returning home after addiction rehab, illuminating the new roles the recovering individual and their family members might undertake, and underscoring the significance of establishing robust and healthy boundaries, alongside the imperative need for building trust.

Read more by Vanessa L. Gowett, CATC IV:

Returning Home After Addiction Rehab Embarking on the journey of recovery from addiction is a profound challenge that extends beyond the individual facing addiction to encompass their entire

How to help loved ones with addiction during the holidays 12/28/2023

Watch our own Ally Molina & Dr. Curl on Central Valley Today.

How to help loved ones with addiction during the holidays When families get together during the holidays, addictive patterns or substance abuse can become more apparent. First Steps Recovery can be the call that helps guide people hoping to help family me…

How Does Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Affect My Work Life? 12/18/2023

Read our latest blog about: How Does Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Affect My Work Life?

Mental health disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) frequently interfere with a person’s daily life. Areas affected can include one’s work life, home life, social life, and overall productivity during the day. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes similar disruptions. ADHD can detrimentally affect one’s productivity and concentration, and this can become frustrating. Seeking treatment and finding the right care to cope with ADHD is important in order to create a productive and fulfilling life without feeling limited by this disorder.

How Does Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Affect My Work Life? ADHD can negatively affect one's work performance and productivity. First Steps Recovery, at (844) 489-0836, provides tools for clients to overcome ADHD.


Watch our own Ally Molina on Central Valley Today.

Ally Molina is the Director of Admissions at First Steps, she joined the show to explain how the first phone call goes with most people seeking recovery or anyone seeking information about the process.


Did You Know:
Out of all the crises facing people in the United States today, the opioid epidemic may be the worst. The destruction that opioids cause to the lives of people is staggering and humbling. In the United States, drug overdoses are the number one injury-related death, and opioid overdoses comprise the majority of drug overdoses. Worse still, overdoses due to opioid use surged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!


Did You Know:
Treatment and recovery can lead clients to withdraw from others and live in a state of self-isolation. However, recovery is not meant to be an isolated journey. Having a support system inside and outside of the treatment facility is vital for long-term sobriety and recovery success. Having this support system helps clients remember that they are not alone. Group healing is an essential element for this success.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!


Did You Know:
When we are healing from mental illness and addiction, the process of rebuilding family relationships can bolster our healing process. While we are under the yoke of substance use disorder (SUD) or mental illness, our relationships with family and friends can become strained and even broken. Part of the process of our journey to recovery is rebuilding those relationships and reintegrating them into our lives.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Does First Steps Recovery Help Clients Through Recovery Fatigue? - First Step Recovery 09/11/2023

Did You Know:
Recovery can be a tiring process that can eventually result in a loss of motivation. This phenomenon, often called “recovery fatigue,” can lead clients to become stagnant. To avoid stagnation and relapse, clients should express these feelings of fatigue and stagnation. When clients discuss this fatigue openly, they can then better work through these feelings and keep progressing in their sobriety journey.

Healing from recovery fatigue can be done in a number of ways. At First Steps Recovery, we provide clients with an array of services to include in their treatment plans in order to keep the process exciting. Armed with a variety of options, clients can work through recovery fatigue in a productive way.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Does First Steps Recovery Help Clients Through Recovery Fatigue? - First Step Recovery Recovery can be a tiring process that can eventually result in a loss of motivation. This phenomenon, often called “recovery fatigue,” can lead clients to

Healing the Mind and Body: Dual Diagnosis in Addiction and Mental Health - First Step Recovery 09/11/2023

Did You Know:
Mental health is a complex and challenging issue in itself. What happens when we are affected by more than one mental health challenge? In the mental health community, we call this phenomenon a dual diagnosis (sometimes called a co-occurring disorder). Often, a dual diagnosis means that treatments for disorders should be aligned with each other. Let’s look at a scenario in which an individual might have a dual diagnosis.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Healing the Mind and Body: Dual Diagnosis in Addiction and Mental Health - First Step Recovery Mental health is a complex and challenging issue in itself. What happens when we are affected by more than one mental health challenge? In the mental health

Inclusivity in Treatment for Addiction: Ensuring LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces 08/08/2023

Did You Know:
As we continue in the twenty-first century, one of the biggest issues we face in addictions and mental health counseling is inclusivity in treatment. Today, we are grappling with a past that led to the marginalization of minority groups throughout the country.

Under the LGBTQ+ umbrella is a rainbow of terms that describe many different people. This includes people with different sexual orientations and gender identities. Many people in this diverse community are leery of opening up about themselves, fearing that they may be persecuted based on who they are. LGBTQ+ individuals can face an uphill battle in seeking treatment for mental illness and substance use disorder (SUD). Prejudice can keep them from getting the treatment they need.

Inclusivity in Treatment for Addiction: Ensuring LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community seeking addiction treatment, call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 and find a safe space for healing today.

What Does a Healthy Support System Look Like? 08/04/2023

Did You Know:
Whether you’re taking road trips in the summertime or embarking on the long road of recovery, every journey begins with a healthy support system. The people who surround you are an important part of the success you have in every endeavor. They are the ones who hold you up when you feel weak and congratulate you when you feel strong.

Like comrades on a quest to destroy a magical talisman in the fires of a strange land, your friends and family can be supporters on your journey to overcome mental health issues and substance use disorder (SUD). You must determine who will accompany you along this path. These chosen support people are those you can lean on the most, and you need to know that they are up to the challenge.

At First Steps Recovery, our mission is to ensure you have the healthy support system you need to find the peace in life you strive for. We know that having personalized support in a dedicated rehabilitation center is a must. That is why our treatment plans help you create and foster a healthy support system. This is done by offering you the support of compassionate staff members, comprehensive alumni support, and resources for families.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

What Does a Healthy Support System Look Like? A healthy support system can be the key to success in overcoming mental health and substance use disorder. Call First Steps Recovery today at (844) 489-0836.

How Does a Calm and Relaxing Environment Motivate Clients in Recovery? 08/02/2023

Did You Know:
Recovery can be a long and draining process. The feeling of being drained can be exacerbated when someone is not in a productive and peaceful environment. A person’s environment while recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) can have a significant impact on their recovery. If a person spends time in a relaxing environment, this can have a positive, long-lasting impact and contribute to overall success. A peaceful environment promotes inner reflection and self-growth while not being too overstimulating.

The facility at First Steps Recovery provides clients with a serene setting for their recovery. This environment allows clients to invite peace into their lives and promotes long-lasting recovery.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Does a Calm and Relaxing Environment Motivate Clients in Recovery? Relaxing environments promote inner reflection and self-healing. This encourages long-term sobriety. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 to learn more.

Recovery One Day at a Time With First Steps Recovery 07/31/2023

Did You Know:
You’ve heard the expression, “Take things one day at a time.” What does that mean exactly? Furthermore, how can you do that when every part of you yearns to reach the goal and see your hard work pay off? Undoubtedly, it can be difficult to have the patience to take things day by day.

However, whether you are struggling with mental health issues or facing a long road to recovery from addiction, you often do not have the luxury of rushing things. Instead, you have to take things as they come, sometimes living moment by moment.

At First Steps Recovery, our mission is to help you reach your goal of living a lifetime of sobriety. Sometimes it may mean facing one day at a time or even one moment at a time. No matter how long it takes, though, together we will reach the end of the road.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Recovery One Day at a Time With First Steps Recovery Learning to take things one day at a time can help you recover from substance abuse. Call First Steps Recovery today at (844) 489-0836 for more information.

How Do I Know if Inpatient Treatment Is Right for Me? 07/28/2023

Did You Know:
Recovery is a personal and unique journey for each client. While one client may benefit from certain treatments and therapies, another client may find that those services are not right for them. This is normal and expected in recovery. Every client has different needs and different services that fit best with their lifestyle, particular addiction, and individual traits. Some clients may wonder, for instance, if inpatient treatment is the right step for them.

At First Steps Recovery, the staff learns about each client and works to create a unique treatment plan to best fit each client’s needs. Whether the best next step is inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment, First Steps Recovery works to provide the type of care that will be most effective.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Do I Know if Inpatient Treatment Is Right for Me? Inpatient treatment at First Steps Recovery provides clients with more intensive recovery care and treatment. To learn more, please call (844) 489-0836.

The Benefits of Individual Therapy for Addiction Recovery 07/26/2023

Did You Know:
Some individuals have never experienced the benefits of individual therapy. For them, the idea of going to therapy can be a little scary. Not knowing what to expect can be a frightening proposition. Most of that is fear of the unknown. Fortunately, the culture in the U.S. is changing, and people are beginning to embrace therapy, That is a great thing. There are so many benefits everyone can glean from talk therapy with an experienced and knowledgeable professional.

In the field of substance abuse treatment and recovery, individual therapy plays a key role in helping clients to reach their goals of cessation. There are numerous benefits clients can receive when they partake in individual psychotherapy.

Many of the problems someone might face can be overcome in a counseling relationship. The same is true in the field of addiction recovery. Whether they are in treatment right now, or living sobriety in recovery, they still experience the benefits of individual therapy.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

The Benefits of Individual Therapy for Addiction Recovery You can experience the benefits of individual therapy with our care team when you call First Steps Recovery. Contact us at (844) 489-0836 for more information.

Why Is Aftercare for Recovery Important? 07/24/2023

Did You Know:
The recovery process is a lifelong journey. After treatment, the recovery journey does not end. Rather, it takes continuous and consistent effort to maintain long-term sobriety. Dedication to the recovery journey is vital to recovery success. Many clients may struggle after treatment, which is why it is important to take advantage of aftercare for recovery.

At First Steps Recovery, a dedicated team helps clients during and after treatment in order to ensure they maintain abstinence. First Steps Recovery does this by offering aftercare for recovery. Aftercare helps clients continue their sober path in life while receiving support from their treatment team.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Why Is Aftercare for Recovery Important? Aftercare provides clients with skills and tools to sustain sobriety after initial treatment. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 to learn more.

Does Medication-Assisted Treatment Affect Breastfeeding? 07/21/2023

Did You Know:
One of the first things a new mother who enters treatment for substance abuse might wonder is whether treatment may affect breastfeeding. After all, many women rely on this method to supply their newborns with the nutrition they need. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breastfeeding provides newborns with the ideal nutrition to support them early in life. Breastfeeding also helps to protect both mother and child from illness and disease.

Deciding whether to pursue treatment for substance abuse during breastfeeding can be difficult. Addiction treatment often involves medical interventions combined with psychotherapy and behavioral modification. It is common to be concerned about what effects any treatments may have on newborn children.

When developing interventions, the care team at First Steps Recovery will consider every aspect of a client’s life. That includes whether or not a new mother is breastfeeding her baby. We factor in all considerations including the importance of breastfeeding for both the mom and the child. Ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the baby and taking proactive approaches to keep them both safe is of utmost concern to us.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Does Medication-Assisted Treatment Affect Breastfeeding? We can help you find a balance between addiction treatment and the concerns of caring for your newborn. Call us today at (844) 489-0836 for more information.

How Does First Steps Recovery Implement Women-Specific Treatment? 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
Recovering from substance use disorders (SUDs) can be very tasking. It is important to figure out the root causes of one's addiction in order to fully heal. Getting to these underlying factors and feeling comfortable opening up about them can be challenging. Many times, women have an easier time uncovering trauma and being honest about their feelings than men. However, even women often need to be in a certain type of environment in order to be comfortable fully revealing their thoughts and feelings. This environment is available at facilities that offer women-specific treatment.

At First Steps Recovery, the staff works to create a safe space for women to heal and discuss their feelings. The team recognizes that women have different needs than men. For that reason, First Steps Recovery works to provide the necessary accommodations for women.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Does First Steps Recovery Implement Women-Specific Treatment? Women-specific treatment is important for long-lasting sobriety in recovery. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 to learn more about our services.

Seeking Help at Individualized Drug Rehab Treatment Facilities Near Me 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
Depending upon your needs, it is possible to find various levels of treatment at rehab treatment facilities in your area. Although virtual options are available, First Steps Recovery has a residential program in Fresno, California. At our conveniently located treatment center, you or your loved one will have access to a wide range of empowering resources for your healing.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Seeking Help at Individualized Drug Rehab Treatment Facilities Near Me Individualized care is a hallmark of successful addiction treatment. The ideal treatment facility develops a partnership with each client to meet their needs.


Did You Know:
In recovery, often clients are only treated for their substance use or mental health disorders in a clinical manner. Clinical care often focuses more on the symptoms of addiction or mental health without targeting the root cause. However, it is important in the recovery process to engage with holistic care alongside clinical care. Holistic care helps clients understand themselves better, regain control over their feelings and thoughts, and heal entirely rather than just eradicate their symptoms.

At First Steps Recovery, clients always have holistic care services available to them.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Finding Help at a Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
A luxury drug and alcohol rehab center can be the perfect place to dedicate yourself to healing and recovery. Luxury rehab facilities generally go above and beyond to offer their clients high-end and high-quality care to encourage true healing.

First Steps Recovery is a luxury rehab center in Fresno, California, dedicated to helping our clients overcome mental health challenges, addiction, and co-occurring disorders. We offer affordable treatment options, making high-quality care accessible to clients and families who truly need it. Increased insurance funding for high-quality addiction treatment makes our services more accessible to everyone who needs it.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

Finding Help at a Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center First Steps Recovery is a unique luxury drug and rehab center with locations in Clovis and Fresno, CA. Contact us for support on your healing journey today.

What Are the Dangers of Alcohol Consumption for Women? 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
Alcohol addiction can damage women's health to a different degree than men's. Because of this, it is important to understand the dangers of alcohol consumption for women. These dangers apply to pregnant women as well as those at all life stages. All women can face long-term health risks because of overconsumption or long-term use of alcohol.

It is important for women to understand the risks of alcohol addiction and start their recovery journey. At First Steps Recovery, the staff works to help women heal from alcohol addiction through detox programs and individualized recovery plans.

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

What Are the Dangers of Alcohol Consumption for Women? Women with alcohol addiction face mental and physical health risks. First Steps Recovery offers recovery programs for women. Call (844) 489-0836 for more.

How Can Yoga Therapy Support Recovery? 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
The recovery process can be challenging. When clients are involved solely in clinical forms of treatment and therapy, they often feel disconnected from themselves. It can be hard to find joy or peace. However, when clients participate in non-traditional forms of therapy in addition to standard clinical methods, it can improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Nontraditional therapies help clients find peace within themselves and express themselves through more creative means. What's more, they can be used outside of recovery to maintain a peaceful balance within themselves. Some of these forms of treatment include yoga therapy, art therapy, and music therapy. At First Steps Recovery, we provide a variety of holistic options including. yoga therapy.

What Is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is a form of healing that uses traditional yoga postures to treat physical and mental health conditions. It is typically used to reduce structural, physiological, emotional, and spiritual limitations by increasing strength, flexibility, relaxation, and awareness. Yoga therapy also has other benefits as well, including:

A decrease in stress and anxiety
A reduction in chronic pain
Better digestion
Fewer feelings of depression
Improved sleep patterns
Greater quality of life
Greater self-confidence
Improved coordination and concentration
Improved respiratory and cardiovascular function
Enhanced ability to abstain from addictions

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If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

How Can Yoga Therapy Support Recovery? Yoga therapy helps clients regain control over themselves to support their recovery process. To learn more, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

The First Steps: Supporting Mental Health During Pregnancy 07/17/2023

Did You Know:
In the first trimester of pregnancy, moms start to prioritize the needs of their babies. This is important, but when you're a mother, often your own needs are overlooked. Learning how to balance caring for another with your own health and well-being takes time and practice. While your physical health is closely monitored throughout pregnancy, sometimes mental health is ignored. However, your mental health will also shape your and your child's experience during pregnancy and beyond.

The sooner you start finding a balance in meeting your own needs, the more prepared you'll be for motherhood. On the other hand, if you are already well into your role as a mother, there are ways to strive for improved balance and harmony among all of your priorities. You and your family deserve it.

First Steps Recovery is here to support you and your family in every stage of motherhood. Your healing is our priority. Together, we can create a treatment plan to help you bring out your best self with each step forward.

If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

The First Steps: Supporting Mental Health During Pregnancy First Steps Recovery is committed to supporting mothers and their loved ones in overcoming their unique mental health and addiction challenges. You matter too.

What Is the Relapse Prevention Program at First Steps Recovery? 07/10/2023

After ending treatment, clients are often overwhelmed by the idea of relapsing. It is important to remember that recovery is non-linear and every person’s recovery path is unique. Even in the event of a relapse, clients can reach out to a support system or team members from a treatment center to get back on the path to sobriety. However, before a relapse happens, there are steps a person can take to prevent it. There are many strategies involved in a comprehensive relapse prevention program.

If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

What Is the Relapse Prevention Program at First Steps Recovery? Relapse prevention programs teach clients that recovery is not linear and that relapse is not a failure. To learn how we can help, please call (844) 489-0836.


It's ok if all you did today was survive. If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step to recovery, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!


Struggling with addiction? First Steps Recovery can help. Sean Charters-Macchesney discusses how their work helps the Central Valley by having a team of trained professionals who insert themselves in the community to support and educate with clinical and medical care. Call First Steps Recovery at 844-244-7837


Taking the time to love yourself leads to the next step in recovery. If you or someone you know needs help taking that first step, Call Us @ (559) 550-6560. We want to help!

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Our Story

First Steps Recovery is a residential treatment center and specializes in addiction treatment, located in Clovis, CA (Fresno County). Since our founding in 2011, we have been committed to the safety, comfort, and success of every resident that comes to us seeking treatment. As such, we provide clients with all of the resources they need to begin treatment from drug and alcohol addiction, recover from that addiction, as well as provide the tools to help them learn how to enjoy life again.

Located on 5 acres of Beautiful land, with amazing views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This is the ideal location to find peace within yourself. We are located among the mountains with beautiful scenery, that said finding peace within is almost natural. We encourage our clients to enjoy the grounds as well as our many on-site amenities. With a maximum of only eight clients in residential treatment and six in a separate detox facility, we are able to provide individual attention so that our clients receive the most extensive treatment possible while staying with us.

First Steps Recovery is a place for individuals to engage with a consistent recovery treatment program through the full continuum of care. We understand that true sobriety goes beyond abstaining from abusing substances, it involves healing the soul. A true confrontation of addiction involves addressing the underlying emotional issues and possible mental health complications that are common in those who abuse substances. Because we have multiple treatment options, we are able to care for the many aspects of healing including, causes, conditions of behaviors, family issues, and more.

Videos (show all)

Addiction recovery can be easy with the right team to help you. Let us show you the First Steps to Recovery. #addictiont...
👀 WATCH NOW: Ally Molina, First Step Recovery admissions director, shares 3 actionable tips you can use to successfully ...
This holiday season, put safety FIRST. Do not drive while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It puts every...
Today we are excited you are sober, healing, and striving for a better way of life. If you are struggling, call us. We c...
Happy Monday!-Dont let fear hold you back from living your #bestlife! -Don't allow addiction hold you back from apprecia...
Our Business Development team are ecstatic to open in person Tours of our Treatment facilities. Thank you to the followi...
Statistics show that opioid use is on the rise since the shelter place orders took affect a last year. If you feel unsta...
First Steps Recovery would like to recognize all Aministrative Professionals today. --Holding down all the details big a...
If you are finding it difficult to fulfill your daily responsibilities without painkillers, drugs or alcohol then you ma...



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