Great People Skills

Experience the power of deeper connections with others & Master the art of communication with ease.

We imagine a world where more people experience success and fulfillment through sincere relationships that empower the community.


Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas! 🎄🌟🎁

May your day be filled with lots of love, laughter and delicious food! ❤️🍷❤️



Is tonight the night?! Look forward to seeing you!

Timeline photos 07/13/2020



Happy 4th Everyone!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
We may be celebrating a bit different this year but doesn’t stop us from blessing our GREAT COUNTRY!!

Timeline photos 06/22/2020

GPS Grads, join us on ZOOM!

Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times 06/10/2020

Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times

Hey friends,

Here is a great audio article read by our co-founder, Susan James. 7.20 mins

➡️ Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times

Lots of other great articles under 10 mins on Consciousness on our Self Discovery Life Mastery YouTube Channel. New Articles are posted weekly.

➡️ Click here:

Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times This article, by Rob James, is about Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times. For more information, visit

The Software of Human Consciousness 06/04/2020

The Software of Human Consciousness

Hey friends,

Here is a great audio article read by our co-founder, Susan James. 7.25 mins

➡️ The Software of Human Consciousness.

Lots of other great articles under 10 mins on Consciousness on our Self Discovery Life Mastery YouTube Channel. New Articles are posted weekly.

➡️ Click here:

The Software of Human Consciousness This article, by Rob James, is about The Software of Human Consciousness. For more information, visit



Hey GPS Grads!
Join us TONIGHT for your Complimentary Skills Training Workshop on Zoom!
Click link below for Quality of Attention article! ⬇️⬇️

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

6:30 -8:00 pm EST

Need the Zoom link?
Contact with Andrea, Karrie or your SD Trainer

ACHIEVE GREATNESS THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS We came to the realization that with our skills we could create a synergistic and dynamic partnership empowering other people with our expertise. What We Are Here To Do Our Vision:A World where more people experience success and fulfillment through sincere relationships that empower the community. O...


Hi friends!!

Happy Mon/Memorial Day as we remember and honor our American heroes! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

We hope you, your family and business are doing good and enjoying the holiday weekend even with all this rain.. especially if you’re in S FL!

➡️ We’re hosting our Skills Training practice TOMORROW/Tuesday at 1 and 630 PM on Zoom!

Intention: To connect with other GPS Grads, learn something new about ourself in how we connect, communicate and relate with others enjoying deeper connections with ourselves and others!

Goal: Pay Attention to become more aware of the location of our attention. Building the muscle of attention on ‘self or other’ to create an “in the Zone/Flow” conversation!

Aware conversations are the best!

We look forward to seeing you there!
Check your email for the Zoom links or contact us for them.
Have a great day! Talk with you soon!

Karrie, Andrea and the Self Discovery Team


Join TONIGHT at 6:30 with your fellow GPS!

Join us in aware conversations and learning something new about yourself in how are you connect, communicate and relate with others. 

Contact Andrea, myself or your Self Discovery Trainer.

Self Discovery Life Mastery 05/07/2020

Self Discovery Life Mastery

Hey friends!

Check out the Self Discovery Life Mastery Channel on YouTube!

Lots of great articles including our powerful attention exercise: Present Moment Awareness.

Articles on Consciousness.

Many articles are under 10 mins and being read by the founders.

- Will Power
- Attention Creates Reality
- The Power of Ambition
- The Power of Presence
- True Success is Self Referral

Consider subscribing as new articles are posted every week!

Share with others!

Self Discovery Life Mastery In the past few years a revolutionary strategy to realize human potential has been created. The Self Discovery Techniques and Life Mastery Process have taken...


Hello friends and GPS Grads!

We hope you, your family/friends and businesss are doing great as well as looking forward to businesses, stores, etc opening back up again soon!

Mother Nature has been really good to us for most of this lockdown/quarantine. Great time to enjoy with family/friends for walks, bicycle rides or other fun outdoor activities acknowledging the social distancing requirements!

Join us for Skills Training Practice on Zoom: TOMORROW/Tuesday at 1 and 630 PM EST.

The Intention is to have fun, connect and learn something new about ourself in how we connect, communicate and relate with others!

Aware conversations are the BEST!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Check your email for the Zoom links or contact Andrea or I for them.

We look forward to seeing you in person at our next event once we get the “all clear”!

Have a great week!

We believe in your Greatness!!

Karrie, Andrea and the Self Discovery Team

Present Moment Awareness Technique 04/16/2020

Present Moment Awareness Technique

Hi Friends!


Andrea & I have received so much training for times like these, that we are sharing the BEST gift that we ever gave ourselves/received with YOU!

In 2011, we started this training along with a group of committed and dedicated souls are without words one of the best investments we’ve made!

We received a set of life changing TOOLS and STRATEGIES to manage our internal world.

For those of you who are truly struggling with the current chaotic environment, both internal and external, or having a difficult time handling the changes whether in work, home, or financial, you have the power and the ability to rise above any adversity.

Here's a life changing tool/6 min powerful attention exercise to free yourself from the thinking/scattered/distracted mind.

🌿 BENEFITS: more relaxed, peace of mind, calm, increased clarity, self-awareness resulting in being more deliberate and self-expressed.

⭐️ Best to practice 2-3 a day.
Whether you’re washing dishes, conversations with your loved ones, Zoom calls, etc.
There’s NO limit to how present you can be. The more you practice, the more you’ll start to notice results just like in sports or exercising.

Being PRESENT is the answer to everything!


If you or anyone you know is looking for a highly effective strategy to deal with these times, please message/contact us! We are standing by to support you and others!

We all need each other and resources like these in times like these! 🙏💚🌿

With love and faith, 🙏❤️
Karrie | 954-629-4945
[email protected]

Andrea | 954-812-8281
[email protected]

All credit to the Self Discovery Life Mastery group.

Present Moment Awareness Technique This Self Discovery Technique provides you with a very simple strategy to manage and quiet the mind and to become more present and aware. For more informatio...


Hey friends!

We are wishing you a colorful and delightful Easter!


All opportunities and possibilities are available to us when we are open with an explorer attitude as we enjoy all the different colors inside and around us!

Magic and miracles await us! 🐰🌸💗🐰

Karrie & Andrea

Present Moment Awareness Technique 04/08/2020

Present Moment Awareness Technique

Hi Friends!


Andrea and I have received so much training for times like these, that we are sharing the BEST gift that we ever gave ourselves/received with YOU!

In 2011, we both started this training along with a group of committed and dedicated souls are without words one of the best investments we've made!

We received a set of life changing TOOLS and STRATEGIES to manage our internal world. We dont know where we would be without these tools today.

For those of you who are truly struggling with the current chaotic environment, both internal and external, or having a difficult time handling the changes whether in work, home, or financial, you have the power and the ability to rise above any adversity.

Here's a life changing tool that you can utilize to free yourself from the thinking mind. All credit to the Self Discovery Life Mastery group.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a strategy to deal with these times, please message/contact us! We are standing by to support you and others!

We all need each other and resources like these in times like these! 🙏💚🌿

With love and appreciation,
Karrie | 954-629-4945
[email protected]

Andrea | 954-812-8281
[email protected]

Present Moment Awareness Technique This Self Discovery Technique provides you with a very simple strategy to manage and quiet the mind and to become more present and aware. For more informatio...



Yes.. We are ON! 🎖💪🏻

Join us TONIGHT for Skills Training practice and the BEST networking event!!

One of the greatest benefits of attending Skills Training evenings, is that you will be developing a network of quality relationships within the community, since each week is a unique experience with new and fascinating participants.

❇️ Continue building your confidence with the GPS skill set along with making GREAT connections with other GPS graduates from 6:30-8:30 pm.

❇️ The most critical thing for you to remember is that there is NO limitation to the results of practicing these skills regularly. The real value comes from consistent practice, by regularly attending the Skills Training evenings you will see more and more amazing results in your personal and professional relationships! There is nothing more valuable than your own continued expansion in joy and success - so join us as often as you can.

We look forward to hearing your successes, what you’re taking on to improve upon that will support you in creating more joy, happiness and fulfillment in your life!

See you tonight!

Karrie & Andrea


“Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. It's as simple as that.” -Richard Branson

Are you an Executive, Manager, Team Leader or a member of a team interested in supporting others to improve their business communication skills and “soft skills” to build better relationships within the team, with clients and personal life to create more WIN-WINS for everyone??

If so, we would love to connect with you!

What we offer is a simple and highly effective strategy to training in experiential connection, communication and listening skills as there is no official “how to” for that.

And our training is exactly that... training individuals in skills so they can be more present and aware in their day-to-day communications.

Our foundational technique is the simplest form of meditation that exists. The more a person is present in their daily life, the more they can manage the stresses of every day life.

If this interests you/like to learn more, we would be happy to meet with you and give you an overview of what we have to offer.

Contact us at [email protected].

We look forward to connecting with you!

Karrie & Andrea
Self Discovery Life Mastery Coaches and Great People Skills Communication Workshop Trainers



Join us TONIGHT for Skills Training practice and the BEST networking event!!

One of the greatest benefits of attending Skills Training evenings, is that you will be developing a network of quality relationships within the community, since each week is a unique experience with new and fascinating participants.

❇️ Continue building your confidence with the GPS skill set along with making GREAT connections with other GPS graduates from 6:30-8:30 pm.

❇️ The most critical thing for you to remember is that there is NO limitation to the results of practicing these skills regularly. The real value comes from consistent practice, by regularly attending the Skills Training evenings you will see more and more amazing results in your personal and professional relationships! There is nothing more valuable than your own continued expansion in joy and success - so join us as often as you can.

We look forward to hearing your successes, what you’re taking on to improve upon that will support you in creating more joy, happiness and fulfillment in your life!

See you tonight!

Karrie & Andrea

Great People Skills Workshop Testimonials 02/03/2020

Great People Skills Workshop Testimonials

We SINCERELY appreciate the 15 amazing and courageous people committed and inspired to learn SIMPLE and revolutionary skills to connect, communicate and listen/relate more effectively! (Included 2 young adults: 13 & 16 year old)

They gave themselves the BEST GIFT at our GPS Workshop yesterday! They will be building better, more fulfilling relationships in every area of their life!

They don't stop there! Our graduates continue to build their CONFIDENCE & CONNECTIONS with the GPS skill set at our Skills Training Practice Evenings with other GPS Graduates.


Commit to developing your “People Skills” to be more focused, calm and present and watch as the magic unfolds in your daily interactions!

Make your way to our website and claim your seat for our next powerful 1-Day Workshop on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 from 9-5:30 in Ft Lauderdale.


Our Workshop gives you “tools” you can use everyday to live a better and happier life!

We guarantee this will be a powerful, fun and life changing experience... or your money back!

Explore the kinds of results you would like to create for yourself as these participants have done in their personal and business relationships.

We look forward to hearing your results and wins as you THRIVE with Great People Skills!

Karrie & Andrea
Self Discovery Life Mastery Coaches and Great People Skills workshop trainers 

Great People Skills Workshop Testimonials Simple & Applicable. Learn and practice the a skill set that less than 1% of the population is using to master the mechanics of intercommunication. Understan...

Photos from Great People Skills's post 01/30/2020

We sincerely appreciate the 83 amazing friends who joined us at our Networking and Connecting/Open House event last night! 

Making connections and building relationships are very important in our personal and professional life!

Much appreciation for the delicious appetizers and display from our best caterer, Anya Weinberg and our fabulous photographer, Penny Polokoff.

Join us for our next one on Wednesday, May 27 from 5 to 8 PM and invite your friends to join us!  Everyone is welcomed!

We look forward to connecting with you then! 

It’s time to tune in: why listening is the real key to communication 01/29/2020

It’s time to tune in: why listening is the real key to communication

It’s rare that people don’t interrupt and shift conversation to themselves. Bad listeners are not necessarily bad or boorish people. You’re likely to have a dear friend, family member, or maybe a romantic partner who is a bad listener. Perhaps YOU, yourself, are not the best listener. And you could be forgiven. In many ways, we have been conditioned not to listen.

It is by listening that we connect, comprehend, co-operate, empathise and develop as human beings. It’s FUNDAMENTAL to any meaningful relationship – personal, professional or political.

But today people RESIST listening to one another. They find face-to-face encounters trying and phone calls intrusive, preferring text and wordless emojis. Many people refuse to listen to opposing views, shouting down or walking out on speakers who challenge their thinking. If people are listening to anything, it’s probably through earbuds, safe inside their own curated sound bubbles.

HOW do you connect with people once you’re “out there” and “face-to-face”? Truly listening to someone is a SKILL many seem to have forgotten or perhaps never learned in the first place.

I learned that listening goes beyond just hearing what people say. It’s also paying attention to how they say it and what they do while they are saying it, in what context, and how what they say resonates within you.

Listening is NOT about simply holding your peace while someone else holds forth. Quite the opposite. A lot of listening has to do with how you respond – the degree to which you elicit clear expression of another’s thoughts and, in the process, crystallise your own. It starts with an openness and willingness to truly follow another person’s story without presumption or getting sidetracked by what’s going on in your own head.

Good listeners ASK GOOD questions. One of the most valuable lessons I learned as a journalist is that EVERYONE IS INTERESTING if you ask the right questions. If someone seems dull or uninteresting, IT’S ON YOU. Good questions don’t have a hidden agenda of fixing, saving, advising, convincing or correcting.

You might not agree with them, but you gain understanding about their background and influences, which is essential to reaching compromise, or, at the very least, maintaining a peaceful coexistence. Moreover, listening to others makes it more likely that they will listen to you. This is in part because it’s human nature to return courtesies, but also because you learn people’s values and motivations. With this you’ll be better able to craft a message that resonates.

Listening is a SKILL and, like any skill, it degrades if you don’t do it enough. It takes AWARENESS, MOTIVATION and PRACTICE. While some may have more natural ability and others may have to try harder, everyone will benefit from the effort. The more people you listen to, the more aspects of humanity you will recognise and the better your judgements, instincts and intuitions. We are, each of us, what we attend to in life. To listen poorly, selectively, or not at all, is to limit your understanding of the world and deprive yourself of becoming the BEST YOU can be.


The Great People Skills training is a simple and profound highly effective strategy to develop the skills to manage your attention, communicate and connect with others and to be more at ease with yourself.

If you’re finding listening/pay attention is a skill you would like more awareness motivation and practice on, attend our NEXT Great People Skills Workshop THIS Sat Feb 1 from 9-5:30 in Ft Lauderdale at the Self Discovery Center.
Register at
Connect with us at [email protected]

We look forward to connecting with you in developing /mastering your listening skills, personally and professionally. 

Karrie & Andrea
SD Life Mastery Coaches &
Great People Skills Workshop Trainers

It’s time to tune in: why listening is the real key to communication Whether at work or at home, success depends on how good a listener you are

Photos from Great People Skills's post 01/27/2020


Your child may be a very good student, even good in sports, but besides their academic credentials, they will also need ‘people’ skills in order to succeed in a very competitive world.

Our training provides the skills and confidence that young men and women will need to successfully handle social situations personally and professionally by being more of their True Self.

An investment that will benefit them their entire life! 🏅

Contact us to explore a unique, simple and new way to be more focused, calm and present in day to day conversations and experiences in order to connect, communicate and relate better with others. Ages 13+.

Explore the kind of results you would like to create for yourself as these participants have done in their personal and business relationships. Consider sharing with a friend who could also benefit by being more present, focused and at ease in their daily interactions/experiences.

5 Minute Testimonial Video:

[email protected]

We look forward to connecting with you!

Karrie & Andrea,
SD Life Mastery Coaches and
Great People Skills Professional Trainers

How can we create a workforce full of lifelong learners? 01/21/2020

How can we create a workforce full of lifelong learners?

We all agree that the world we work in today is so different from the world that was when our current learning systems were designed. Everything around us—our workplaces, our workforce, and entire industries. And learning—continuous, lifelong learning—is a bare essential for us to keep up.

The people who will flourish in this new world are those who can a) learn to learn, b) learn to unlearn, and c) learn to relearn. Yet, in a recent global survey of 1,000 business leaders, conducted by Infosys Knowledge Institute, these skills received short shrift. Respondents were far more likely to list TEAMWORK, LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION when asked which skills they considered to be IMPORTANT NOW. While this thinking limits the tremendous potential in the talent market, the finding itself points to the huge latent competitive advantage for companies that actually nurture learnability and embrace lifelong learning.

But, what goals do we want lifelong learning to achieve?

Most managers concur that their workforces must be well-versed in the hard skills they need to get the job done. Soft skills have become just as important, with business leaders ranking creativity and critical thinking near the top of their list of the most-desired skills. This makes perfect sense, given that solving problems will get easier and easier as technology gets smarter. The rigor and discipline for forward-thinking companies must instead be steered into problem-finding.

The business of framing a problem, solving it, then going back to see if it can be reframed in a better way, and re-solving it until the solution can no longer be improved remains a human endeavor. And we need to get our people to get better at this. The process is often well-supported by on-demand learning to guide the ex*****on of the new task. Just-in-time training augments the just-in-case learning, from our schooling, that sought to prepare us with sundry skills just in case we needed them at work. But is that enough to motivate and truly prepare the legions of problem-finders we now need to nurture?

Here are three points to ponder as we try to help the workforce learn better.

1. There’s value in negative expertise

2. Feedback—done the right way—can be motivating

3. It’s smart to doubt your idea

How can we create a workforce full of lifelong learners? The future belongs to those who can learn to learn, learn to unlearn, and learn to relearn, says Infosys executive Ravi Kumar.

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1700 NW 64 Street, Suite 500
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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