TruStem Cell Therapy

Located in the US, TruStem Cell Therapy™ provides access to the nation's most advanced and safest stem cell therapy.

Our Values: Hope, Empowerment, Innovation, Integrity

Our mission is to provide quality, compassionate and innovative stem cell therapy to adults struggling with chronic or degenerative diseases and conditions. Through evidence-based and patient­-centric care we instill hope that long­-term recovery is possible. Our purpose and passion is to empower the individual, his/her family, and the communit

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 08/12/2024

"I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Wegeners Disease. It causes your body to attack the lining of your small and mid size vessels. The disease caused multiple issues to numerous to list. Once it was finally in remission I wanted to find some way to get back and improve functionality. Trustem provided that ability. The staff was amazing and very helpful. I was on the verge of drop foot from neuropathy. After.." says Kevin on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Wegeners Disease. It causes your body to attack the lining of your small and mid size vessels. The disease caused multiple issues to numerous to list. Once it was finally in remission I wanted to find some way to get back and improve ...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 07/26/2024

"I have dealt with knee problems for almost 10 years due to a couple of falls. I've tried laser, acupuncture and other natural treatments to no avail. I heard about Stem cell therapy through my cousin who sent me the website. Upon researching and reading the reviews I decided to give this a chance. I'm so very glad I did. It hasn't even been a week and I am already feeling results. I don't have any pain and my knee.." says Juanita on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I have dealt with knee problems for almost 10 years due to a couple of falls. I've tried laser, acupuncture and other natural treatments to no avail. I heard about Stem cell therapy through my cousin who sent me the website. Upon researching and reading the reviews I decided to give ...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 07/11/2024

"I have MS (it doesn't have me). I went to TruStem hoping to stop MS in its tracks. Physical improvements would also be great. I had the procedure and immediately noticed some little things on the physical side. Foot drop less, left leg working better, etc. Things that an ordinary person wouldn't notice, but I did. The biggest improvement for me though, was on the mental side. I had the procured on Fittest.." says Jim on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I have MS (it doesn't have me). I went to TruStem hoping to stop MS in its tracks. Physical improvements would also be great. I had the procedure and immediately noticed some little things on the physical side. Foot drop less, left leg working better, etc. Things that an ordinary per...


Please see our latest review from Charmaine..."I have been diagnosed with emphysema with 27% of my lung capacity. I was on oxygen therapy 24/7. Three weeks after having stem cell therapy, I am able to breathe without the oxygen, exercise at the gym 3 days per week, do water aerobics 3 days per week and walk through the grocery store without using the scooter. I am 5 weeks post procedure and still improving. I am very pleased."

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 06/18/2024

"I have been diagnosed with emphysema with 27% of my lung capacity. I was on oxygen therapy 24/7. Three weeks after having stem cell therapy, I am able to breathe without the oxygen, exercise at the gym 3 days per week, do water aerobics 3 days per week and walk through the grocery store without using the scooter. I am 5 weeks post procedure and still improving. I am very pleased.
Charmaine Garcia" says Charmaine on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I have been diagnosed with emphysema with 27% of my lung capacity. I was on oxygen therapy 24/7. Three weeks after having stem cell therapy, I am able to breathe without the oxygen, exercise at the gym 3 days per week, do water aerobics 3 days per week and walk through the grocery st...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 06/11/2024

"TruStem Cell Therapy is a team of compassionate professionals with a passion for improving peoples lives.

My wife Tamra is in her 5th year of early onset Alzheimer's Disease. The disease has destroyed most of her hippocampus and caused a significant loss of brain mass. Alzheimer's is a journey comprised of progressive loss; memory, function, reality and physical well being. There are no survivors. Along with the.." says Tamra on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ TruStem Cell Therapy is a team of compassionate professionals with a passion for improving peoples lives. My wife Tamra is in her 5th year of early onset Alzheimer's Disease. The disease has destroyed most of her hippocampus and caused a significant loss of brain mass. Alzheimer's is...


Please see our latest Google review from Debra...My son, Kyle, has a chronic underlying condition of autism, but in addition to that he also developed PANDAS (an autoimmune disorder stemming from untreated strep, which I wasn't aware he had), which turned into autoimmune encephalitis from his body attacking his brain. He was a mess. He went from winning the Pinnacle Award at his school the prior year to not being able to attend school at all, or any of his other normal activities. He couldn't speak (normally he can speak although he doesn't yet have great conversational skills), became extremely agitated when others tried talking to him, and basically couldn't handle much sensory-wise at all. To say he was suffering is a major understatement. He became very aggressive, causing major damage inside our home, and I was attacked several times either by him directly or by him hurling objects in my direction. After his being refused treatment at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (yes... that hospital, like many children's hospitals in the country, are refusing to treat the disorder, leaving families to watch their children, both neurotypical and autistic, suffer immensely), I went into full mommy mode, turning over every stone that could lead to an end to his suffering....

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 05/20/2024

"I experienced good efficient care at there center. My results were truly amazing in treating my osteoarthritis. My knees felt like God had given me new ones after about 2 weeks. They gave me some of my stem cells via an IV that actually helped my generalized osteoarthritis. The treatment is absolutely worth every penny." says Stephen on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I experienced good efficient care at there center. My results were truly amazing in treating my osteoarthritis. My knees felt like God had given me new ones after about 2 weeks. They gave me some of my stem cells via an IV that actually helped my generalized osteoarthritis. The treat...


Please see our latest BBB review from Stephen..." Outstanding results!! I am 2 yrs post treatment and it’s like God gave me new knees. I was told about 6 months prior to treatment that I needed both knees “replaced”. Within less than 3 weeks I was having much less pain. I would highly recommend this care."


Please see our latest review from Sherri..." I had the procedure done in April of last year. So so happy I did it. If I didn’t tell people I had MS they would never know. No more drop foot or walking weird. I still have numbness on my left side but nothing that I can’t deal with. I don’t know where I would be today if I didn’t get this done and personally I don’t want to know. I thank you from the bottom of my heart TruStem Cell Therapy. Not a single pharmaceutical med for me !!!!!"


Please see our latest review from Ivy..."I was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis in 2000. I am currently a full time wheelchair user due to spasticity in my leg s that don’t allow my knees to straighten out.
I also have bladder urgency which causes anxiety. I have heat/ cold intolerance as well.
I did my research and decided that TruStem Cell was a good fit for me due to their clear and quick response to the most simple questions, their reputation and ease to navigate the world of stem cells. Every single detail of my trip was clarified and made me feel at ease.
My procedure was done on 3/5/24. Today is 3/9/24 and I am already reaping the benefits from the procedure. I have more energy, I’ve increased my exercise time, my range of motion is much better. I can wiggle toes that previously could barely move, I can transfer from my chair to bed/ car with ease, my sense of smell has returned and my therapist confirmed that he had a much harder time manipulating my legs. He’s now going to incorporate stretches that he thought I was not ready for prior to the stem cell procedure. TruStem Cell will continue to answer questions and support after one is home.
I am so grateful for the entire staff, especially Joe Perricone for making himself available at ALL times."

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 02/12/2024

"I want to say my experience with TruStem was and has been fantastic. When I started the process of looking for a clinic I chose TruStem because its close to my home. Also cause I have MS and they treat MS as one of their top treatments. But I didnt realize how caring and professional *** was and helped make the process easy for me. He was also available the whole time I was in town. Dr ****** was amazing. Again was caring.." says Matthew on BBB

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I want to say my experience with TruStem was and has been fantastic. When I started the process of looking for a clinic I chose TruStem because its close to my home. Also cause I have MS and they treat MS as one of their top treatments. But I didnt realize how caring and professional...


Please see our latest review from Matt..."I want to say my experience with TruStem was and has been fantastic. When I started the process of looking for a clinic I chose TruStem because it’s close to my home. Also cause I have MS and they treat MS as one of their top treatments. But I didn’t realize how caring and professional Joe was and helped make the process easy for me. He was also available the whole time I was in town. Dr Rachel was amazing. Again was caring and took time to explain and answer any questions I had. That night after the procedure I was wiggling my toes for the first time in 7 years! That was my sign that the procedure was working. Thank you TruStem."

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 02/01/2024

"My name is Dr. Logan. I am a neurologist. I have a 39-year history of relapsing progressive multiple sclerosis and have incurred significant gait ataxia. I have taken multiple medications to only slow disease progression. Yet, it was not until I received an autologous stem cell transplant this past spring at TruStem Cell Therapy that for the first time I noticed my walking to substantially improve!.." says Kent on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ My name is Dr. Kent Logan. I am a neurologist in Hampton, NH. I have a 39-year history of relapsing progressive multiple sclerosis and have incurred significant gait ataxia. I have taken multiple medications to only slow disease progression. Yet, it was not until I received an autolo...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 01/26/2024

"The results from the TruStem cell treatment reached beyond my expectations. My headaches go away on their own almost every time. My shoulder feels better, my knee, my neck. Not perfect, but the difference is huge. Side note, it seems to be fixing my toenails too. And reduced the discoloration on my neck." says Dawn on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ The results from the TruStem cell treatment reached beyond my expectations. My headaches go away on their own almost every time. My shoulder feels better, my knee, my neck. Not perfect, but the difference is huge. Side note, it seems to be fixing my toenails too. And reduced the disc...


"TruStem Cell Therapy helped me so much. I received this treatment for aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis. I got 10 injections that went into various joints. A few of my joints completely healed and have never bothered me again. I will definitely be getting stem cells again and I tell all of my friends with RA about TruStem Cell Therapy. The location is nice and the facility is clean. Staff are professional and friendly. Doctor was amazing and gentle. Can't wait to go back.
.." says Elizabeth on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 12/07/2023

"Trustem Cell Therapy is an exceptional medical professional company that stands out for its groundbreaking advancements in regenerative medicine. I got stem cell injections for ALS. I have felt and seen some positive results after a few weeks. I truly know that it most likely won’t heal my ALS, but just wanted to help slow the progression. Trustem Cell Therapies commitment to cutting-edge research and innovation.." says Christopher on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ Trustem Cell Therapy is an exceptional medical professional company that stands out for its groundbreaking advancements in regenerative medicine. I got stem cell injections for ALS. I have felt and seen some positive results after a few weeks. I truly know that it most likely won’t...


Please see our latest review from Tracy for his pulmonary issues and neuropathy...

Joe Perricone is a very helpful and caring person who made arrangements for my stem cell therapy easy and stress free. Joe and TruStem Cell Therapy’s surgeon, Dr. Rachel and his staff are second to none. The first time I received their help I presented with a diagnosis of Vasculitis that was at that point localized to my feet. I had read enough about Vasculitis to believe I wouldn’t be alive much longer. I hoped that TruStem Cell Therapy could remodulate my immune system and save me from an awful ending. Also, my cardiologist had recently informed me that I had an irregular heartbeat and would need a pacemaker. Very scary times indeed. We did the stem cell therapy on 10/25/2021. When I saw my cardiologist a couple months later my irregular heartbeat was cured. No pacemaker for me! When I was finally able to see a Rheumatologist I received a lesser diagnosis of non-diabetic neuropathy. What a relief! And my feet felt better every day for three weeks. Unfortunately I then got my feet too warm on a heating pad causing a fungal bloom that spread from my toenails to the skin of both feet. It took eleven long painful months to finally clear that fungal infection. I was spending 80% of my time with my feet elevated to make up for the 20% of the time I was on my feet.... View the rest at

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 11/01/2023

"Joe Perricone is a very helpful and caring person who made arrangements for my stem cell therapy easy and stress free. Joe and TruStem Cell Therapy’s surgeon, Dr. Rachel and his staff are second to none. The first time I received their help I presented with a diagnosis of Vasculitis that was at that point localized to my feet. I had read enough about Vasculitis to believe I wouldn’t be alive much longer. I hoped.." says Trace on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ Joe Perricone is a very helpful and caring person who made arrangements for my stem cell therapy easy and stress free. Joe and TruStem Cell Therapy’s surgeon, Dr. Rachel and his staff are second to none. The first time I received their help I presented with a diagnosis of Vasculiti...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 10/12/2023

"I had a bleeding stroke in Nov of 2022, at 44 and with no risk factors. I suffered left sided paralysis and began the hard work of rehab. I've been an athlete my entire life but this was different, so slow. I was progressing, walking without anything except a foot brace, but since the stem cell treatment in late August of 2023, the pace of my recovery is picking up. I can now control my left knee which is important for.." says Heather on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I had a bleeding stroke in Nov of 2022, at 44 and with no risk factors. I suffered left sided paralysis and began the hard work of rehab. I've been an athlete my entire life but this was different, so slow. I was progressing, walking without anything except a foot brace, but since th...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 09/10/2023

"TrueStem worked for my friend. After having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for 5yrs, trying to control glucose levels was becoming impossible even with a variety of meds including max dose of tirzepatide, metformin, diet, exercise.
My friend, a 63yr old male, was unable to get his hbA1C under 8 and it was 8.7 at the time of his truestem treatment. His Dr warned that his long term outlook was unfavorable with these.." says Janet on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ TrueStem worked for my friend. After having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for 5yrs, trying to control glucose levels was becoming impossible even with a variety of meds including max dose of tirzepatide, metformin, diet, exercise. My friend, a 63yr old male, was unable to get h...


Please see our latest review from Andrew Wilkins for his stroke recovery...
I had three strokes. A significant stroke in 2014, a TIA in June 2017 and a major stroke in August 2017. With a lot of physical therapy I got to the point were could walk with a cane.
I got the TruStem Cell Therapy program in April of this year. It improved my balance, stamina and energy. I can stand on my own without holding anything to support me. I can walk short distances without my cane, and whereas for medium distances I would need my cane and to hold someone's arm, now I can walk medium distances by myself.
I was writing a check and my handwriting was much more legible.


Please see our latest review from Scott Bentz for his MS ...
I'm primary progressive MS 24 years... I have a very aggressive type.. Previously I was incontinent.. My bladder is much improved.. I've stopped having accidents....Previously I was manically depressed... most of my depression has lifted.. Previously my feet swelled i couldn't get shoes on... My feet look almost normal now.. My energy level is up... I'm only 9 days post op.. Everyone says I look great.... The future looks brighter... The crew at true stem I give five stars.... Out of 5 stars. People that know me are signing up.. I'm a very difficult patient. They did a great job... Do yourself a favor... You'll be amazed too.

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 07/17/2023

"I suffer from MS since 2011, which became worse after surgery in 2021. Before I received stem cell therapy I had balance issue, nerve issues in my legs and walking problems. After I received my stem cell therapy I noticed my balance had improved I was even able to walk thru airport security instead of being pushed in the walker. Joe is amazing and answered any questions you had. Dr. Rachel kept you informed during the.." says Kristen on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I suffer from MS since 2011, which became worse after surgery in 2021. Before I received stem cell therapy I had balance issue, nerve issues in my legs and walking problems. After I received my stem cell therapy I noticed my balance had improved I was even able to walk thru airport s...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 07/16/2023

"I have had MS since 2011, Let me start by saying wonderful, I looked into other places but didnt feel comfortable until I found TruStem cell, they were wonderful. *** explained everything to me and answers all the questions I had. Dr ****** explained everything as he did it. I will defiantly recommend them to anyone looking for stem cell therapy. I noticed small results right away, looking forward to whats to come." says Kristen on BBB

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I have had MS since 2011, Let me start by saying wonderful, I looked into other places but didnt feel comfortable until I found TruStem cell, they were wonderful. *** explained everything to me and answers all the questions I had. Dr ****** explained everything as he did it. I will d...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 06/05/2023

"I truly thought I was at the end of my rope. Nothing was helping. Stem cell therapy was a game changer. Many thanks to Joe, Dr Rachel and staff at TruStem Cell Therapy for an incredibly positive experience and for giving me hope. Joe was very supportive through the entire process; his knowledge, kindness and attentiveness were exceptional. Dr Rachel and the clinical staff made the procedure easy and with very little.." says Lara on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ I truly thought I was at the end of my rope. Nothing was helping. Stem cell therapy was a game changer. Many thanks to Joe, Dr Rachel and staff at TruStem Cell Therapy for an incredibly positive experience and for giving me hope. Joe was very supportive through the entire process; hi...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 06/01/2023

"Thank you to Joe, Dr. Rachel, and the entire team at TruStem Cell Therapy. They are wonderful, from the initial consultation, through the entire treatment process, and then through the follow up care. They are attentive, caring, kind, and they want this treatment to work for you as much as you do.

In January 2022, I was diagnosed with distal ulcerative colitis. In February of 2023, my UC progressed upwards leading to.." says Nicole on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ Thank you to Joe, Dr. Rachel, and the entire team at TruStem Cell Therapy. They are wonderful, from the initial consultation, through the entire treatment process, and then through the follow up care. They are attentive, caring, kind, and they want this treatment to work for you as m...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 05/06/2023

"Quick answers for all my questiond from Joseph
th # # # a lot" says Mohamed on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★☆ Quick answers for all my questiond from Joseph th # # # a lot

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 05/02/2023

"Hello Joe ,
This is Louie writing to you. My Father Vassilios is absolutely doing great , our family our employees are shocked on how much better he is he is a complete different person. My mother was very sceptical about Stem cell after speaking to all the Dr in Australia. But they couldn’t convince me that somewhere in this world there is some type of therapy. So here we are Stem Cell what a miracle.
Prior symptoms.." says Louie on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ Hello Joe , This is Louie writing to you. My Father Vassilios is absolutely doing great , our family our employees are shocked on how much better he is he is a complete different person. My mother was very sceptical about Stem cell after speaking to all the Dr in Australia. But they ...

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL 04/15/2023

"My name is Andrew Wilkins. I had a stroke in 2014, a minor stroke(TIA) in June 2017 and a major stroke in August 2017. I was hopeful but also a little skeptical of my treatment at TruStem Cell.

Along with my friend Karen we were picked up at the Chicago O'Hare Airport by a Lincoln Navigator SUV and taken to the Sheraton in Northbrook. Accommodations at the hotel were very good with an excellent breakfast buffet.." says akwilks on Google

TruStem Cell Therapy | Lake Forest, IL ★★★★★ My name is Andrew Wilkins. I had a stroke in 2014, a minor stroke(TIA) in June 2017 and a major stroke in August 2017. I was hopeful but also a little skeptical of my treatment at TruStem Cell. Along with my friend Karen we were picked up at the Chicago O'Hare Airport by a Lincoln Na...

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Our Story

Our Values

We believe hope is a powerful tool to help patients find new options that can help improve their quality of life.

We provide access to care which allows patients to actively take part in fighting their disease/condition.

Patients receive access to treatment modalities currently at the forefront of adult stem cell therapy.

We will never make outlandish promises of cures or inaccurate claims related to improvement rates.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality, compassionate and innovative care to adults struggling with chronic or degenerative diseases and conditions.

Through evidence-based and patient­-centric care we instill hope that long­-term recovery is possible. Our purpose and passion is to empower the individual, his/her family, and the community to find new, safe and effective treatment options utilizing adult stem cell therapy. Our goal is to one day find a cure to diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Osteoarthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Diabetes, COPD and more. We pride ourselves on providing truth to patients inquiring about receiving adult stem cell therapy through us — a therapy that may help completely change their lives today.




100 S Saunders Road Suite 150
Lake Forest, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Sunday 10am - 2pm

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