Las Sendas Dental Health

"Las Sendas" means "The Paths" and we have taken the significance of our name to heart.

We are here to create smiles that will brighten the path in your journey of life. Las Sendas Dental Health provides the Mesa and Apache Junction, AZ area with superior family dentistry. Whether you’re coming in for general dentistry, oral surgery, or cosmetic dentistry, you’ll receive the best in dental care. Las Sendas Dental Health even does whole dental restorations with either porcelain veneer

Cracked tooth: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment 03/07/2023

"Any part of a tooth can be cracked. The crack may be visible, though this is not always the case. If a person experiences pain when chewing food, or if teeth suddenly become sensitive to hot and cold, one tooth may be a cracked."

Cracked tooth: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment Cracks in teeth vary in severity. Some are mild and invisible, while others are significant and cause a lot of pain. Dentists judge the extent of damage by inspecting the tooth and taking X-rays. Here, we describe how to tell if a tooth is cracked and when one needs removing. We also explore other t...

Remedies for Canker Sores 03/06/2023

"Canker sores are painful ulcers on the soft tissues of the mouth. They can develop on the tongue or gums, but are most commonly found inside the lips. They are usually red with a white or yellow center and can cause considerable discomfort while eating, drinking, and talking. Additionally, these sores cannot be spread to other people, and it is possible to have more than one at a time."

Remedies for Canker Sores Learn home remedies and medical treatments to help ease your canker sore symptoms and speed up your recovery.

What Is Mewing? 03/03/2023

"The basic idea behind mewing is that you can change the shape of your jawline if you think about the placement of your tongue in your mouth. People also claim it can help with sleep apnea, sinusitis, and other conditions."

What Is Mewing? Mewing is an internet craze that promises to change the shape of your jawline and fix other problems by changing the placement of your tongue in your mouth. Learn about the possible benefits and risks of mewing.

The Ins and Outs of Gum Surgery 03/03/2023

"Gum surgery is primarily performed to prevent complications that occur as a result of advanced gum disease (periodontitis), such as tooth loss and bone damage. Surgery may also be performed to treat severe gum recession that is not directly caused by periodontitis—for example, trauma/injury or forceful tooth brushing. Removing excess gum tissue in order to improve the appearance of your smile is another potential reason for surgery."

The Ins and Outs of Gum Surgery Gum surgery is used to restore the health and function of the gums. Read about the types of this surgery. Reviewed by our board-certified doctors.

10 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity 03/02/2023

"Does drinking an ice cold beverage cause dental discomfort? Or do you find yourself wincing when you brush or floss? You could have what’s known as tooth sensitivity. You don’t have to put up with the pain, however. There are things you can do to lessen tooth sensitivity and improve your oral health, says Leslie Seldin, DDS, a dentist in New York City and an associate professor of dentistry at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine."

10 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity Many people have sensitive front teeth when they eat or brush. Learn the common causes of this oral health woe and how to lessen your discomfort.

CEREC Crown Benefits, Cons, Costs, Procedure, and Alternatives 03/01/2023

"If one of your teeth is damaged, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to address the situation. A crown is a small, tooth-shaped cap that fits over your tooth. It can hide a discolored or misshapen tooth or even a tooth implant. A crown can also protect or restore a broken, worn-down, or damaged tooth. A crown can hold a dental bridge in place, too. You have options when it comes to choosing the type of crown you receive."

CEREC Crown Benefits, Cons, Costs, Procedure, and Alternatives CEREC crowns may be a good option for you if you’re looking for a durable, natural-looking crown, and you don’t want to wait for a couple of weeks to get it.

Swollen gum around one tooth: Causes and treatment 02/28/2023

"Swollen gums are common, but occasionally a person may experience swelling around one specific tooth. Some reasons for this type of gum inflammation include poor dental hygiene and an abscess. Localized swelling around one tooth could be due to something as simple as food stuck in the gums due to improper brushing or flossing. This food debris can cause inflammation and tooth decay over time."

Swollen gum around one tooth: Causes and treatment Many different issues can cause a swollen gum around one tooth. Learn more about the causes and treatments in this article.

Myths and Facts About Cavities 02/27/2023

"We’ve heard about cavities since we were kids. Yet our understanding of what they are, how we get them, and what we can do about them is often somewhere back in the third grade."

Myths and Facts About Cavities The fear of cavities has been with us since we were kids. Still, we sometimes get confused about the facts and myths that surround these "holey" terrors.

How to Fix a Chipped or Broken Tooth: Options and Costs 02/24/2023

"Chipped or broken teeth are not just unsightly, they're potentially dangerous. A jagged tooth can cut the inside of your mouth or tongue. It can also become infected easily, and should be considered a dental emergency."

How to Fix a Chipped or Broken Tooth: Options and Costs A broken or chipped tooth is not just unsightly, it's potentially dangerous. Learn what to do if you damage a tooth and what treatment options are available.

Managing Sensitive Teeth After Whitening | Colgate® 02/23/2023

"If you're thinking of whitening your teeth or are having some side-effects after the treatment, you might be considering your options. It turns out tooth sensitivity is sometimes related to whitening treatment. Why does that happen, and will that happen to you?"

Managing Sensitive Teeth After Whitening | Colgate® Tooth whitening is a great option for the removal of surface stains and discoloration. However, many people experience sensitive teeth after whitening.

Receding Gums: Causes, Treatment, Surgery, and Prevention 02/22/2023

"Most people don't know they have gum recession because it occurs gradually. The first sign of gum recession is usually tooth sensitivity, or you may notice a tooth looks longer than normal."

Receding Gums: Causes, Treatment, Surgery, and Prevention Why do gums recede? WebMD explains the causes of gum recession, how it is treated, and how to prevent the condition.

Antibiotics for Tooth Infection: What You Should Know 02/21/2023

"Tooth infections don’t always require antibiotics. In many cases, they may clear up on their own."

Antibiotics for Tooth Infection: What You Should Know Antibiotics are often used to prevent a tooth infection from spreading. Learn more about antibiotics for tooth infections and how fast they work.

How to Keep Your Braces Clean | Orthodontists in New York and New Jersey 02/20/2023

"When cared for properly, braces should not cause tooth decay or other oral issues. However, those with this orthodontic treatment need to put a little more effort into making sure they stay free of food particles and another buildup."

How to Keep Your Braces Clean | Orthodontists in New York and New Jersey Here’s what you need to know when it comes to keeping your braces clean.

Here Are the Basics of Dental Extraction 02/17/2023

"Dental extraction is the removal of adult teeth to take on issues like tooth decay, infection, or crowding. The dentist or oral surgeon’s goal is to take out the entirety of the tooth—including its root—from its socket in the gums. This procedure is usually performed while you’re under localized or generalized anesthesia at a dentist’s office or clinic, and it’s generally painless and well-tolerated."

Here Are the Basics of Dental Extraction Dental extractions may be performed in adulthood if somebody is suffering from decay, infection, or tooth crowding. It is a fairly simple procedure.

Does Invisalign Really Work? 02/16/2023

"How effective is Invisalign? Do clear aligners really work as well as the traditional braces we’ve known for decades? We researched the latest in orthodontic medicine and pored over user reviews to answer the question: Does Invisalign really work? We break down the treatment process, describe the ideal Invisalign user, outline what prospective users should consider, and investigate the orthodontic issues Invisalign is best fit to tackle."

Does Invisalign Really Work? Is Invisalign worth the hype? Will it work for your teeth-straightening needs? Learn more about the treatment plan, cost, pros, and cons of Invisalign, as well as common misconceptions and how the clear aligners hold up against traditional braces.

Tooth Restoration: 7 Different Types 02/15/2023

"If you have crooked, worn, discolored, damaged, or unhealthy teeth, your dentist may recommend tooth or dental restoration. There are several different types of tooth restoration you may wish to consider. Tooth restoration can restore the natural function of your teeth, plus prevent additional damage from decay. These procedures can also restore the look of your teeth and can be beneficial for cosmetic reasons. In many instances, a dental restoration procedure may restore tooth function and appearance at the same time."

Tooth Restoration: 7 Different Types There are several different types of tooth restoration, and your individual needs will determine which is best.

Dental prophylaxis: Procedure and benefits 02/14/2023

"Dental prophylaxis involves a dentist cleaning the teeth and inspecting the mouth for signs of any dental issues. Prophylaxis means preventive medical treatment. It is a crucial part of looking after the teeth to prevent dental disease and oral health issues."

Dental prophylaxis: Procedure and benefits Dental prophylaxis is a regular checkup of the mouth to preempt oral conditions and cleaning of the teeth.

How Teeth Change With Age 02/13/2023

"Your teeth are crazy strong. Still, they can be worn down. All that chewing, grinding, and biting wears away the enamel -- that hard, outer layer of your teeth. It also flattens the parts you use when you bite and chew. You can't erase a lifetime of wear and tear, without having it restored by a dentist, but you can keep it from getting worse. Don't chew ice or other hard foods. That can cause chips in your enamel and even broken teeth."

How Teeth Change With Age Everyday wear and tear, along with a poor bite and grinding, can take a toll on your teeth and gums. WebMD explains how to prevent oral problems as you age.

Gum Grafting Cost and Financing Options - CareCredit 02/10/2023

"If you have receding gums, you might be worried about your oral health. But there's a dental procedure that can restore a healthy smile. Gum tissue grafting helps correct the effects of moderate to severe gum recession."

Gum Grafting Cost and Financing Options - CareCredit Gum grafting costs can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. See which factors impact the cost and explore financing options to help you pay.

Do I Need a Night Guard for Teeth Clenching | Colgate® 02/09/2023

"If you frequently wake up with a headache, tooth, or jaw pain, you may want to ask your dental hygienist if you have bruxism. According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine, teeth grinding is common among children and adults at times."

Do I Need a Night Guard for Teeth Clenching | Colgate® Regardless of where a night guard is purchased, its main function is to prevent the surfaces of your teeth from grinding together.

Cavities and stains are both common, but have different treatments. 02/08/2023

"Cavities and discoloration, or staining, are two common teeth problems. While they can have similar appearances, including brown spots between teeth, there are ways to distinguish a cavity from a stain."

Cavities and stains are both common, but have different treatments. A tiny hole in your tooth is probably a cavity, while discoloration that’s more widespread is probably staining. This is how cavities vs. stains differ.

Dental Insurance Plans: What’s Covered, What’s Not 02/07/2023

"Many Americans -- 77% -- have dental benefits, the National Association of Dental Plans says. Most people have private coverage, usually from an employer or group program."

Dental Insurance Plans: What’s Covered, What’s Not Do you understand the fine print of your dental insurance plan? Here’s a primer on what it may cover and what it probably doesn’t.


"Even though they are temporary, your child's baby teeth are important, and are still susceptible to cavities."

Bruxism in Children: What to Look for and How to Treat It | Colgate® 02/03/2023

"Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can be a severe dental concern if the clenching and gnashing wear down tooth enamel and cause persistent pain in the teeth or face. Bruxism in children, believe it or not, is relatively common. Read on to learn about bruxism and what you can do for your child."

Bruxism in Children: What to Look for and How to Treat It | Colgate® Bruxism in children - believe it or not, is rather common. Here's what you need to know about bruxism and what you can do for your child.

Itchy Gums: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment 02/02/2023

"Your gums contribute to the health of your teeth, mouth, and whole body. When they become damaged, your nerves send signals to your brain to report a problem. Signals in the brain for pain and itching work so closely together that they can become hard to distinguish from one another."

Itchy Gums: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Itchy gums can be caused by a range of conditions. Find out why you may be experiencing itchy gums and learn more about treatment options.

Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention 02/01/2023

"After eating, do you brush your teeth right away? If not, you might notice a thin, sticky film that begins coating your teeth. It’s called plaque, and if it’s not removed through brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar, also called calculus. It can coat multiple teeth, forming a calculus bridge. You’ll need to visit your dentist’s office to have that hardened calculus removed so it doesn’t affect the health of your teeth and gums."

Calculus Bridge: Side Effects, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention Prevention of tartar or calculus buildup on your teeth is the number one strategy for protecting your teeth. Here's why.

Pain after root canal: What is normal, when to get help, and causes 01/31/2023

"Most people associate having a root canal with a lot of pain and discomfort. However, while most people can expect some discomfort during and after a root canal procedure, excessive pain is not normal."

Pain after root canal: What is normal, when to get help, and causes A look at pain after a root canal, a common complaint that can last for some time. Included is detail on when to get help and managing root canal pain.

The Benefits of Dental Implants 01/30/2023

"Dental implants are a safe, practical option for missing teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth and can improve your overall quality of life.The procedure is easy and effective. Dental implant surgery is a standard procedure that trained experts do regularly. Most of the time, you’ll be able to stay awake for the whole thing. While you may have some discomfort right after the surgery, you probably won’t have much pain at all."

The Benefits of Dental Implants Learn about the many benefits of dental implants, including more self-confidence and improved ability to talk and chew.

What Causes Mouth Sores? 01/26/2023

“Mouth sores can form on the cheeks, gums, tongue, floor and roof of the mouth; and lips.”

What Causes Mouth Sores? Mouth sores can be minor irritations and can be caused by a variety of health conditions. Learn more.

Exposed Tooth Root: Causes And Symptoms | Colgate® 01/25/2023

"If your teeth suddenly feel sensitive and you’re experiencing pain or discomfort while eating something hot or cold, you might not associate that with exposed tooth roots. But tooth sensitivity can be an early sign of a tooth root being exposed."

Exposed Tooth Root: Causes And Symptoms | Colgate® An exposed tooth root may be the cause of your tooth pain. Learn more about these causes, symptoms and treatment of an exposed tooth root here.

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Do you floss everyday?
Do you floss everyday? :)
This is how we brush our teeth  :)
How to Floss
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