Harbour Place Dental

General Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Mukileo, WA Welcome to Harbour Place Dental. We are preferred providers with most insurance agencies.

We are a general dental practice located in the Harbour Pointe area of Mukilteo, Washington. We provide a wide range of dental services for all ages and are dedicated to restoring your health and beautiful smile! Our experienced and caring team will work with you and closely address your needs and concerns. It is our goal to provide excellent care in a warm and relaxing environment. Many of our pa


The first narrow-spectrum antibiotic successfully eliminates Fusobacterium nucleatum, a gum disease pathogen.

In a study published in the Journal of Oral Microbiology, ADA Forsyth scientists found that FP 100 (Hygromycin A), a first-in-class, small molecule, narrow-spectrum antibiotic, successfully eradicates Fusobacterium nucleatum without harming the oral or gut microbiomes.

Fusobacterium is a key pathogen triggering the onset of periodontitis (gum disease), and its progression has been linked with many serious systemic diseases. The researchers' recent discovery could help in the fight against severe gum disease and related systemic conditions. Read more:



From cavities to sleep apnea: Dentists can assume a new role in saving lives.

A patient dozes off in a dental chair despite the anxiety of an impending procedure. A seemingly unremarkable act, but—for dentists versed in the latest sleep research—this red flag hints at a life-threatening condition.

In a research review published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, Rutgers Health researchers identified dentists as an unexpected player in the battle against life-threatening sleep disorders.

Dental professionals have unique opportunities to screen for conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder that affects millions of Americans and is linked to serious health risks, including cardiovascular disease and neurodegeneration. It also challenges dentists to look beyond teeth and gums to the broader landscape of patient health. Learn more here:



Do Hormones Affect Oral Health?

The hormones estrogen and progesterone play important roles in health in women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB).

They’re responsible for the development of secondary s*x characteristics, like breasts. They ebb and flow to regulate your menstrual cycle. And when they wane, you enter perimenopause and, eventually, menopause.

But along the way, those hormones can affect your body in other ways. Ones that have seemingly nothing to do with s*xual or reproductive health.

For instance, estrogen supports a healthy heart, helps keep bones strong, and boosts brain health.

What’s more, Hormones affect your oral health — and they can make you more susceptible to oral health issues like gum disease (periodontitis) and others.

Why? And what can you do about it? Learn all about it here:



🛠️ **Happy Labor Day from Harbour Place Dental!** 🦷

Today, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of every individual who helps keep our communities strong, healthy, and thriving. Whether you're on the frontlines, in an office, or working behind the scenes, your efforts make a difference, and we honor you!

As we take a moment to relax and recharge, let's not forget to smile and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and joyful Labor Day! 🇺🇸


🌟 The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums 🌟
Hey there, Facebook friends! 😄

Did you know that what you eat can have a major impact on the health of your teeth and gums? 🍏🦷 Let's dive into the fascinating world of oral nutrition:
1️⃣ **Calcium and Phosphorus:** These minerals are the building blocks of strong teeth. Load up on dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds for a healthy smile!
2️⃣ **Vitamin D:** This sunshine vitamin is essential for calcium absorption and strong teeth. Soak up some sun and enjoy foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products.
3️⃣ **Vitamin C:** Vitamin C keeps your gums in tip-top shape. Citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers are your best friends for gum health!
4️⃣ **Vitamin A:** Protect those mucous membranes in your mouth with vitamin A from foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.
5️⃣ **Phytonutrients and Antioxidants:** Colorful fruits and veggies are loaded with these oral health superheroes, guarding against inflammation and bacteria.
6️⃣ **Fiber:** Nature's toothbrush! High-fiber foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains help clean your teeth by removing plaque and food particles.
7️⃣ **Hydration:** Keep the water flowing to produce saliva, your mouth's natural defense against tooth decay.
8️⃣ **Limit Sugars and Acidic Foods:** Be mindful of sugary and acidic foods—they can be your teeth's worst enemies.
Remember, your diet isn't just about your waistline but your smile! 😁 Make smart food choices, practice good oral hygiene, and enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Here's to a radiant smile and lifelong oral health! 🌟🦷💪

Learn more in the article "Foods to Eat for Healthy Teeth and Gums.":


Should CBD be used in pain management?

Managing patient pain while limiting opioid prescriptions poses challenges for oral healthcare providers, but cannabidiol (CBD) oil might serve as an alternative treatment, according to a commentary published on September 26, 2023, in the Journal of the American Dental Association. Learn more here:



🦷 **Quote of the Week** 🦷

"Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life." — Marilu Henner.

At Harbour Place Dental, we believe in the importance of a balanced life. Just like maintaining good oral health, managing stress is essential for overall well-being. Today, reflect on how you can better manage your day-to-day challenges and embrace a healthier, happier life. 🌟


What Common Drinks Can Be Harmful to Your Oral Health?

Maintaining good oral health is essential for overall well-being. While most people know the importance of brushing and flossing, many overlook the impact of their beverage choices.

Certain drinks can significantly harm your teeth and gums, leading to issues such as tooth decay, enamel erosion, and gum disease. Here is a closer look at common drinks that can harm oral health.



Choosing The Right Toothbrush

Choosing the perfect toothbrush can greatly impact your oral health routine. Here are some tips to help you find the right one:

1. **Bristle Type**: Opt for a toothbrush with soft bristles. Soft bristles are gentle on your gums and effective at removing plaque and debris without causing damage.

2. **Toothbrush Head Size**: Choose a toothbrush with a small head. A smaller head can reach all areas of your mouth, including hard-to-reach back teeth.

3. **Manual vs. Electric**: Both manual and electric toothbrushes can be effective. Electric toothbrushes might be more beneficial if you have limited dexterity or tend to brush too vigorously. They often come with timers to ensure you brush for the recommended two minutes.

4. **ADA Seal of Acceptance**: Look for the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. This seal ensures the toothbrush has been tested for safety and effectiveness.

5. **Handle Comfort**: Make sure the handle is comfortable to hold. Some toothbrushes have non-slip grips or flexible necks, which can make brushing easier and more comfortable.

6. **Special Features**: Consider any additional features that might be useful for you, such as a tongue cleaner or a particular type of handle.

Remember to replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles are frayed. Do you have any specific preferences or needs regarding toothbrushes? Learn more:

https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/selecting-dental-products/choosing-the-right-toothbrush #


What’s the Best Way to Floss Your Teeth?

To floss correctly, gently glide the floss up and down against both sides of each tooth. As the floss reaches your gums, curve the floss at the base of the tooth to form a C shape.

Flossing is an important oral hygiene habit. It cleans and dislodges food stuck between teeth, reducing the amount of bacteria and plaque in the mouth. Plaque is a sticky film that builds on teeth and contributes to cavities and gum disease. Learn more:



TikTok craze 'extra hard' gum won't chisel your jawline—it might even hurt you.

Social media is touting "Extra-hard" chewing gum as a means of developing a chiseled jawline. This gum is promoted as a gym for "facial fitness," toning and tightening the muscles around the jaw.

But experts say there's little evidence to back these claims. In fact, hard chewing gum can actually damage a person's mouth. Learn more:



🦷 **Sunday Dental Trivia Fun!** 🦷

**Question:** What did one tooth say to the other tooth? 🤔
**Answer:** "Do you want to brace yourself? I'm feeling a bit sensitive today!" 😅

Even teeth need a little support sometimes! Remember to keep your smile bright and healthy with regular check-ups. Schedule your next appointment with us at Harbour Place Dental! 📅✨


4 Technologies Transforming the Field of Dentistry

Modern tools such as teledentistry, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing are changing how dentists deliver care. Learn more:



Why should back-to-school preparation include a dental checkup?

As kids head back to school this fall, there is probably one item many parents haven't thought to put on the to-do list: dental checkups.

But they should ensure their children's teeth are in good shape, said Dr. Natasha Flake, president of the American Association of Endodontists. Learn more:



Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Signs of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and occur dozens of times each night, leading to serious health repercussions.

Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea is often overlooked as a cause of potential health problems. Ignoring this condition can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health.

Here are several critical reasons why you shouldn’t ignore sleep apnea and how your dentist can play a vital role in screening for this condition:




Sugar-free lozenges may cause dental problems.

A 58-year-old healthy man with stellar oral hygiene and dietary habits developed carious lesions on almost every posterior tooth adjacent to where he habitually held a sugar-free ni****ne lozenge. The case report was published in Case Reports in Dentistry. Read more:



Dental Care Tips to Avoid Winter Teeth Pain

Preparing your dental care routine before winter can help you avoid common cold-weather dental issues like sensitivity and dry mouth. Here are some tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy as the temperatures drop:

1. **Brush with a toothpaste for sensitive teeth**: Cold air can exacerbate tooth sensitivity. Using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help protect your enamel¹.
2. **Floss daily**: This helps remove plaque and prevent decay between your teeth, which is crucial during the winter when we tend to consume more sugary treats¹.
3. **Use fluoride mouthwash**: Fluoride strengthens your enamel and can reduce sensitivity¹.
4. **Stay hydrated**: Dry indoor air can lead to dry mouth, which increases the risk of cavities. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist³.
5. **Limit acidic and sugary foods**: These can erode enamel and increase sensitivity. Try to reduce your intake of carbonated drinks and sweets¹.
6. **Protect your lips and mouth**: Use lip balm with sunscreen to prevent cold sores and keep your lips moisturized².
7. **Warm beverages**: Sipping on warm drinks can help prevent your teeth from contracting and expanding due to cold temperatures¹.
8. **Increase vitamin D intake**: Vitamin D is essential for strong teeth and bones. Consider supplements or foods rich in vitamin D¹.
9. **Regular dental check-ups**: Schedule a visit to your dentist to catch any potential issues early and get personalized advice¹.

Following these tips can maintain a healthy smile throughout the winter season. Do you have any specific concerns about your dental health as winter approaches?



What is jaw-popping?

Jaw popping is a clicking or cracking sound when you speak, chew, or yawn. It’s a common symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, or TMD.

Discover the causes behind jaw-popping, it's care and treatment here:



🦷 **Dental Trivia Fun!** 🦷

**Question:** Why was the mummy so tense?

**Answer:** Because it couldn't unwind its dental floss! 😄

Even mummies know the importance of good oral hygiene! Keep those teeth flossed and fresh to avoid turning into a dental disaster!

Stay tuned for more fun facts and dental tips from your friends at Harbour Place Dental! 🦷✨


What’s the Most Effective Way to Clean Your Tongue

Cleaning your tongue can help you stay fresh-breathed and lower your chances of getting cavities. You can use a tongue scraper, a toothbrush, or an oral rinse to get the job done. Learn more:



Gargling away the 'bad' bacteria in type 2 diabetes

Researchers have found that gargling with an antiseptic mouthwash can reduce so-called 'bad' bacteria in the mouths of patients with type 2 diabetes. Notably, this reduction in bacteria was accompanied by improved blood-sugar control in some patients. Given that the oral diseases caused by these bacteria have been linked to many other serious inflammation-associated diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease, this simple treatment may have widespread effects. Read more:



Mouth and dental care for people with dementia is often overlooked.

An England-wide study has found home care services often overlook the health of people's mouths and teeth. Learn more:



Future dental health needs among the elderly

As the proportion of elderly individuals in the population continues to grow, the demand for various medical treatments may also increase. This includes the need for dental health services. But what kind of dental care will the elderly population require in the future? Read it all here:



Can Poor Oral Health Increase the Risk of Dementia?

The connection between oral health and dementia runs deep. If oral health is poor, your mouth is prone to housing disease-causing oral microbes. These microbes travel via blood and reach the brain. Once there, they can disrupt the nerve connections, destroy the nerve cells, and cause brain tissue damage. Gum diseases also raise certain inflammatory markers in the blood that damage brain cells. These are among the most studied mechanisms linking oral health and dementia. Read more here:



Dental veneers: Everything you need to know. Are you looking for a brand-new smile?

Many people with chipped, worn, or indelibly stained teeth may ponder the possibility of veneers. They're wholly cosmetic, typically aren't covered by dental insurance, and can cost thousands of dollars, so it's best to understand veneers well before you get them.

Experts at the Cleveland Clinic define a veneer as a covering "over the front surfaces of your teeth." They're typically made of tooth-colored composite material or porcelain and are meant to be permanent.

Veneers are different from crowns because a crown covers the whole tooth area. A crown's purpose is to repair a damaged tooth, giving it strength and protection. Veneers are only cosmetic. Learn all about it here:



Common Dental Concerns for Older Adults!

As people age, they often face several common dental issues. Here are some of the most prevalent ones:

1. **Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)**: This condition is often caused by medications or other health conditions and can lead to difficulties in chewing, swallowing, and speaking¹².

2. **Tooth Decay and Cavities**: Older adults are more prone to root and coronal caries due to receding gums and exposed tooth roots¹².

3. **Gum Disease (Periodontitis)**: This is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth¹².

4. **Tooth Wear and Sensitivity**: Years of chewing, grinding, and exposure to acidic foods can wear down the enamel, leading to increased tooth sensitivity²³.

5. **Oral Cancer**: The risk of oral cancer increases with age. Regular dental check-ups can help in early detection⁴.

6. **Difficulty with Oral Hygiene**: Physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments can make it challenging for older adults to maintain proper oral hygiene¹.

Maintaining good oral health through regular dental visits, proper brushing and flossing, and a healthy diet can help mitigate these issues. Feel free to ask if you have any specific concerns or need advice tailored to your situation! Read more here:



The 3 C medications causing gingival hyperplasia

Some conditions can make people reluctant to show their smiles, such as tooth discoloration, missing teeth, gingival hyperplasia, and an overgrowth of the gums. Gingival hyperplasia affects not only aesthetics but also causes discomfort, alters one's speech, and hinders chewing. Certain medications, commonly referred to as the "three C's," are known to induce gingival hyperplasia: calcium channel blockers, cyclosporine, and anticonvulsants. Read all the details here:



8 Secrets to a Successful Back-to-School Dental Checkup

Regular dental visits are important year-round, but a back-to-school checkup is key in fighting the most common chronic disease found in school-age children: cavities. In fact, dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year. Scheduling your child's back-to-school appointment is important. Read more here:



8 Secrets to a Successful Back-to-School Dental Checkup

Backpack? Check. Booster shots? Check. Teeth cleaning? Check!

Regular dental visits are important year-round, but a back-to-school checkup is key in fighting the most common chronic disease found in school-age children: cavities. In fact, dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year. Scheduling your child's back-to-school appointment is important. Read more here:



**🦷📚 Back-to-School Dental Checkup: A Healthy Smile for a Fresh Start! 📚🦷**

As summer comes to an end and the school year approaches, now is the perfect time to schedule your child's dental checkup! 😁

A healthy smile is key to a confident, successful school year. Regular dental visits help catch any potential issues early, ensuring your child starts the new school year with the best oral health possible. 🦷✨

Here’s why a pre-school dental visit is essential:
🔹 **Preventative Care:** Early detection of cavities or other dental problems can save your child from discomfort and future complications.
🔹 **Oral Hygiene Tips:** Our friendly team can provide personalized advice to keep your child’s teeth sparkling clean every day!
🔹 **Boost Confidence:** A bright smile can help your child feel more confident as they walk through those school doors!

Let’s set them up for success with a healthy, happy smile. Book your appointment today! 📅
(425) 493-8111

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🌟 Celebrate Juneteenth with Harbour Place Dental! 🌟Today, we honor Juneteenth, a pivotal day in American history commemo...
🌍🦷 Happy Earth Day! 🦷🌍At Harbour Place Dental, we believe in caring, not only for your smile but also for our planet! 🌿🌎...
Sunday Witty Quote!You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake!Bob HopeHave a Fun Sunday!
"Good morning, everyone! 😄 Rise and shine on this beautiful Sunday! Remember, a healthy smile is a happy smile. Remember...
Senior Citizen Special: 5% CASH DISCOUNT!Call us @ (425) 493-8111🦷✨ Smile Brighter with Our Special Offer for Seniors! ✨...
🎉✨ Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. ✨🎉On this special day, we reflect on the inspiring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. a...
🎃👻 Happy Halloween from  Harbour Place Dental! 👻🎃Don't let the sweets play tricks on your teeth this Halloween! 🍭🦷 Remem...
From all of us at Harbour Place Dental, we wish you a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!
Juneteenth – June 19, 2023The freedom of African Americans from slavery in the U.S. in 1865 is celebrated on the holiday...
Senior Citizen Special: 5% CASH DISCOUNT!Call us @ (425) 493-8111
Happy New Year to all our friends, patients, and clients. Harbor Place Dental wishes you, your friends, and your family ...
Wishing you all a happy and safe Halloween! Be careful with your candies and take care of your teeth! Find tips here:htt...



9800 Harbour Place Ste 203
Mukilteo, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30am
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 8am - 1pm

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