The Center For Optimal Living

Professional trainings and consultations also offered to individuals and organizations.

Personalized, holistic, compassionate and collaborative clinical services for addiction, trauma and mental health based on Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy. The Center for Optimal Living provides innovative, personalized treatment for adolescents, adults, and families with substance use issues, other problematic behaviors, and a wide range of mental health issues. We promote healing and po

Breaking Down the Harmful Myth of the "Strong Black Woman" and Addiction — Freedom Institute 09/03/2024

Breaking Down the Harmful Myth of the "Strong Black Woman" and Addiction - Virtual Event

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

In the kaleidoscopic tapestry of American culture, the myth of the "strong Black woman" emerges as both a beacon and a burden, intricately woven by Hollywood's lens. Films and television have long perpetuated an image of resilience synonymous with stoic endurance. Characters embodying this archetype often endure addiction battles, domestic violence turmoil, and mental health struggles without faltering. This portrayal is usually encapsulated within resilient characters who triumph over adversity with unyielding grace and inadvertently reinforces the "black woman schema," suggesting that strength is an inherent trait rather than a response to systemic burdens. As America now witnesses its first Black woman in the presidential race, a transformative wave ripples through generations of Black girls who once felt confined to narrow narratives dictated by outdated schemas.

Join Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, Dr. Evangelist Izetta Briggs-bolling, and Dr. Jeanette Aycock as they delve beneath this polished facade and start a much-needed conversation introducing harm reduction strategies tailored specifically for those grappling with societal pressures and personal demons—offering suggested pathways toward healing rather than mere survival.

Breaking Down the Harmful Myth of the "Strong Black Woman" and Addiction — Freedom Institute Join Dr. Andrew Tatartasy, Dr. Izetta Briggs-Bolling, and Dr.Jeanette Aycock as they delve beneath this polished facade and start a much-needed conversation introducing harm reduction strategies tailored specifically for those grappling with societal pressures and personal demons—offering suggeste...

The Challenge of Harm Reduction 08/27/2024

What is Harm Reduction-Informed Substance Use Treatment?

Many are hearing about harm reduction-informed substance use/addiction treatment but don't really know what it is.

I wrote a piece for the Psychotherapy Networker that discusses my approach to this. In it I really tried to bring the reader into the experience of this work for client and clinician.

The Challenge of Harm Reduction: Changing Attitudes Toward Addiction Treatment

I'd love you to take a look and let me know what you think!

The Challenge of Harm Reduction Until they’ve done the challenging and sometimes painful work in therapy, many people can’t even begin to imagine curtailing their drug use. For them, therapy is a before, not an after; and their engagement in therapy, rather than their abstinence, is the primary goal of treatment.

Harm Reduction International Conference - Harm Reduction International 08/19/2024

April 27-30, 2025 Harm Reduction International Conference in Bogota!

Harm reduction International's biennial conference is happening next April in Bogota and gives us an opportunity to have a strong presence at the conference, update the international community on our work and meet and learn from one another.

I am planning to be at the conference and wonder if any of you might attend also.

I think it would be great if we did a number of activities focused on harm reduction therapy/treatment, harm reduction-informed addiction treatment.

I have felt that this has been underrepresented in previous harm reduction conferences and this could be where treatment people have a big presence.

We might do individual proposals and propose a track focused on this.

Please let the group know of your interest and if you'd like to do something on your work in harm reduction addiction treatment.

I'd love to hear any ideas and suggestions.

I'll be meeting with the conference organizers in a few weeks and would like to be able to present some proposals.

Warmly, Andrew Tatarsky

Harm Reduction International Conference - Harm Reduction International We convene the Harm Reduction International Conference in a different city every two years. It attracts over 1,000 international delegates and has been held in almost every region of the world.


Vancouver Visit!

Dear harm reduction family, I'll be in Vancouver, CA August 20-24. I'd love to meet with some local harm reductionists, visit sites and could give a talk or workshop on my work, Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), and exchange ideas and experiences.

Will anyone be around and up for a get together?


Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A Case of Substance Use, Multiple Trauma, and Suicidality 08/09/2024

This is the paper that I laid it out. I'd love to hear your thoughts, feelings, questions, concerns, critiques... Let's dialogue. Let's play, as Ross Ellenhorn invites us to do...

Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A Case of Substance Use, Multiple Trauma, and Suicidality Integrative harm reduction psychotherapy (IHRP) is Tatarsky's application of harm reduction principles to therapy. The abandonment of the abstinence requirement enables the therapy to begin with whatever brings the patient for help. The form, focus, and timing of interventions emerges out of the the...


This is a discussion of the IHRP Essentials Training we did with Ellenhorn in February. We are giving this training next at Silver Hill Hospital in September 19-21. Find out about it at at the Events tab

Holistic Recovery Course – Holistic Recovery Course 07/27/2024

The Holistic Recovery Course

An Evidence-Based, Multidisciplinary Framework for Rehumanising, Assessing, and Healing Addiction at its Core.

Be at the forefront of the field in rehumanising addiction and its treatment methods with this revolutionary framework.

In this 3-part course, seven world-leading pioneers, INCLUDING ME, will equip you with the latest cutting-edge models, frameworks, and strategies for understanding, assessing, and treating addiction.

Explore the neurobiology, root causes, and the latest groundbreaking modalities for healing, including: Internal Family Systems, Polyvagal Theory, Harm Reduction, Schema Therapy, Social & Group Interventions, Meaning-Making, and the Learning Model.

Over the course of seven weeks, we’ll build a new model of treatment — “The Flexible Recovery Process”. A multidimensional framework which accounts for the whole person in recovery; mind, body, spirit, and social context.

Learn how to reduce the harmful effects of your clients’ addictive behaviours (immediately), while simultaneously addressing the root causes.

Holistic Recovery Course – Holistic Recovery Course This number doesn’t include the 35 million the World Health Organisation estimates to be currently suffering with a substance use disorder.

Parts Work, Neuroplasticity, and Compassion in Recovery — Marc Lewis & Andrew Tatarsky 07/23/2024

Parts Work, Neuroplasticity, and Compassion in Recovery — Mark Lewis & Andrew Tatarsky

Watch this facinating podcast interview with Dr. Marc Lewis and me by Niall McKeever from The Weekend University

"In this interview, I’m joined by Dr Andrew Tatarsky and Professor Marc Lewis — two individuals who have been reshaping the global conversation around addiction towards a more compassionate and scientific view.

Marc is a bestselling author, Developmental Psychologist, and the developer of The Learning Model of Addiction. Andrew is a Clinical Psychologist and the creator of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy.

In this conversation, we explore:

— The power of parts work, compassion, and harm reduction for healing addiction

— The limitations of the disease model and why it may be causing more harm than the drugs themselves

— Marc and Andrew’s views on the future of addiction treatment

Parts Work, Neuroplasticity, and Compassion in Recovery — Marc Lewis & Andrew Tatarsky In this interview, I’m joined by Dr Andrew Tatarsky and Professor Marc Lewis — two individuals who have been reshaping the global conversation around addicti...

Stop It - Bob Newhart 07/20/2024

Bob Newhart will be missed...

One or the greatest short term therapists of all time!

Stop It - Bob Newhart For more information visit: This simple sketch is both funny and informative. My coaching is a little more nuanced that this, ...

Freedom Institute: Partnering with Providers for Optimal Client Care   — Freedom Institute 07/05/2024

Thomas F* came to Freedom Institute for substance use treatment following several years of participation in other programs. Thomas arrived supported by his family and his outside psychiatrist and therapist. Everyone was dedicated to his long-term health and progress. There were just two issues…they disagreed on the best approach and Thomas’ goals.

Freedom Institute's staff worked collaboratively with Thomas and his clinical team to support a shift from and abstinence goal, which was not working, to a moderation goal. This shift was supported by all and led to a positive outcome for Thomas and his family.

Freedom Institute: Partnering with Providers for Optimal Client Care   — Freedom Institute Freedom Institute is committed to including families and providers as part of our client’s treatment team and represents the strength and support that the collective group brings to treatment. Read more to learn frequently asked questions from our referring providers

Addressing Problematic Substance Use and Other Risky Behaviors in LGBTQIA+ Communities 06/14/2024

In Honor of Pride 2024

A Harm Reduction Approach to Problematic Substnace Use In the LGBTIA+ Communities

Unveiling the hidden motivators of risky substance use within LGBTQ+ communities

Co-hosted by FFreedom Institutea leader in substance use recovery, and the Institute for Human Identity (IHI) Therapy Center, the nation’s first and longest-running provider of LGBTQ+ affirming psychotherapy.

Dive deep into the root causes behind problematic substance use and other risky behaviors and explore the profound impacts of minority stress and stigmatization on people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Discover cutting-edge harm reduction approaches designed to empower individuals on their journey towards healthier relationships with substances, led by a panel of mental health experts including Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, pioneer of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), and esteemed clinicians from IHI Therapy Center, Freedom Institute and private practice. Mark your calendars for this essential LGBTQ+ Pride 2024 event.
Don't miss out on this transformative education, healing, and advocacy opportunity.

Addressing Problematic Substance Use and Other Risky Behaviors in LGBTQIA+ Communities Join us as we examine the hidden motivators of risky substance use within LGBTQ+ communities at our exclusive webinar. Co-hosted by Freedom Institute and the...


Join us TODAY at 2 EST In Honor of Pride 2024!

Unveiling the hidden motivators of risky substance use within LGBTQ+ communities

Co-hosted by Freedom Institute a leader in substance use recovery, and the Institute for Human Identity (IHI) Therapy Center, the nation’s first and longest-running provider of LGBTQ+ affirming psychotherapy.

Dive deep into the root causes behind problematic substance use and other risky behaviors and explore the profound impacts of minority stress and stigmatization on people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Discover cutting-edge harm reduction approaches designed to empower individuals on their journey towards healthier relationships with substances, led by a panel of mental health experts including Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, pioneer of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), and esteemed clinicians from IHI Therapy Center, Freedom Institute and private practice. Mark your calendars for this essential LGBTQ+ Pride 2024 event.
Don't miss out on this transformative education, healing, and advocacy opportunity.

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Unveiling the hidden motivators of risky substance use within LGBTQ+ communities

Co-hosted by FFreedom Institute a leader in substance use recovery, and the Institute for Human Identity (IHI) Therapy Center, the nation’s first and longest-running provider of LGBTQ+ affirming psychotherapy. Dive deep into the root causes behind problematic substance use and other risky behaviors and explore the profound impacts of minority stress and stigmatization on people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Discover cutting-edge harm reduction approaches designed to empower individuals on their journey towards healthier relationships with substances, led by a panel of mental health experts including Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, pioneer of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), and esteemed clinicians from IHI Therapy Center, Freedom Institute and private practice. Mark your calendars for this essential LGBTQ+ Pride 2024 event.

Don't miss out on this transformative education, healing, and advocacy opportunity.

Cultivating Joy | An AEDP and IHRP Informed Ketamine-assisted Retreat for Professionals 05/29/2024

Cultivating Joy | An AEDP and IHRP Informed Ketamine-assisted Retreat for Professionals

A retreat for professionals looking to explore healing the heart of addictions using Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP).

Addictions, and cravings and compulsions in general, impact us all - as healers, as clients and as humans trying to escape pain. Mindfulness, Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) and Accelerated Dynamic Experiential Psychotherapy (AEDP) help us slow down together, reach beneath the impulse, and go back to times where the avoidance of emotion had to happen so we could survive. Then, we can find or rediscover new ways into self-care, connection and flourishing. Ketamine can beautifully facilitate this process, reducing defenses and anxiety so we can feel into the stillness and love, so we might find new ways out of addictive behaviors.

Esteemed teachers and leaders Mark Green, MD, Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, and Jayne Gumpel LCSW will be lead faculty at this retreat.

Cultivating Joy | An AEDP and IHRP Informed Ketamine-assisted Retreat for Professionals Read more about this Cultivating Joy Retreat hosted by Relationship Resources

Pioneers of Recovery Treatment. Andrew Tatarsky, PhD 05/18/2024

Pioneers of Recovery Treatment. Andrew Tatarsky, PhD.

I just rewatched this 39 minute video interview with me from 2019 from the C4 Recovery Foundation. Pioneers of Recovery Treatment is an oral history project featuring voices from the field of recovery.

I think it's pretty good, if I do say so myself. In it, I discuss by personal/professional journey toward Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (including my personal drug treatment trauma experience I had as a 15 year old), the new addiction model/paradigm, the relationship between 12-Step Recovery and harm reduction, the ubiquity on stigma and against addicted people, the anti-stigma essence of harm reduction therapy and hopeful changes happening in our field and more.

I'd love to hear what you think and if you can relate.

Pioneers of Recovery Treatment. Andrew Tatarsky, PhD From Luce Group, C4 Recovery Foundation and the Levenson Foundation, Pioneers of Recovery Treatment is an oral history project featuring voices from the fiel...


Abstinence Falls Under the Harm Reduction Umbrella?

Here are some of my thoughts about the relationship between harm reduction and abstinence.

I see the goal of harm reduction as helping people, and ourselves, develop their healthiest relationships to substances and other risky and addictive behaviors (to reduce harm to the greatest extent possible) and abstinence is the best harm reduction goal for many.

However, it is not the best goal for all who struggle with substances and we should not presume to know what is best for another person. The presumption that we know better disempowers the other and can derail an alliance thereby subverting any chance of being helpful.

Addiction is by definition, addiction treatment falls under the harm reduction umbrella. One thing that distinguishes harm reduction-informed addiction treatment is that we don't assume a priori that we know what the ideal goals and positive change pathway is for a given individual. Rather we strive to support each person in discovering what is true for them.

This is very much in line with the phrase, "Recovery is an inside job".


I am proud to be the Director of Clinical Programming at Freedom Institute/Silver Hill Hospital working with the clinical teams at both wonderful organizations to offer the highest quality individualized care for people struggling with the broad spectrum of substance use and mental health issues and their families.

Get in touch to learn about our programs and explore a collaborative relationship with us to work together to improve the care of the people we serve.

Developed for those with substance use disorders and underlying mental health issues, Freedom Institute’s Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) are renowned, evidence-based programs with a clinical foundation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Relational Family Therapy.

Freedom Institute is taking enrollment for our Abstinence Based IOP and Mixed Goals IOP (Harm-Reduction informed). An optimal first step toward recovery, as well as a proven next step for those who have completed inpatient or residential treatment.

Contact [email protected] to learn more about these programs

Harm Reduction Meet & Learn (Virtual) — Freedom Institute 04/16/2024

Harm Reduction-Informed Addiction Treatment and Professional Training at Freedom institute!

Join me virtually tomorrow!

"Freedom Institute invites you to the first installment of our Meet & Learn Series, introducing our new harm reduction clinical services and professional training center, led by esteemed pioneer, Dr. Andrew Tatarsky.

Learn about Freedom Institute’s 2024 calendar offering a range of innovative clinical services, professional workshops and trainings designed to revolutionize how we approach addiction treatment through harm reduction strategies.

""Consider a world where traditional methods join forces with innovative approaches prioritizing compassion and understanding. With Dr. Tatarsky at the helm, this clinical series will be a force for learning and growth for both seasoned professionals and newcomers. "

Harm Reduction Meet & Learn (Virtual) — Freedom Institute Freedom Institute invites you to the first installment of our Meet & Learn Series, introducing the new harm reduction treatment training center, led by esteemed pioneer, Dr. Andrew Tatarsky.

Harm Reduction in Alcohol Health with Expert Dr. Andrew Tatarsky 04/12/2024

I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Mike Hardenbrook about developing healthier relationships to substances using harm reduction and mindfulness techniques. Join us!
Sunnyside - Mindful Drinking Podcast
In this episode, we explore harm reduction with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, a visionary in addiction treatment with over 40 years of experience. As the architect of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), Dr. Tatarsky combines relational psychoanalysis, CBT, and mindfulness within a harm reduction framework. This approach meets individuals wherever they are in their journey to change, emphasizing personalized, compassionate care. Join us for an in-depth discussion as we explore how harm reduction supports people in discovering their paths to positive change. Don't miss this insightful conversation with one of the field's most influential figures!

Harm Reduction in Alcohol Health with Expert Dr. Andrew Tatarsky In this episode, we explore harm reduction with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, a visionary in addiction treatment with over 40 years of experience. As the architect of...

Sunnyside | #1 Mindful Drinking App | Start for Free 04/12/2024

I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Mike Hardenbrook about developing healthier relationships to substances using harm reduction and mindfulness techniques. Join us!

Sunnyside - Mindful Drinking Podcast

In this episode, we explore harm reduction with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, a visionary in addiction treatment with over 40 years of experience. As the architect of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), Dr. Tatarsky combines relational psychoanalysis, CBT, and mindfulness within a harm reduction framework. This approach meets individuals wherever they are in their journey to change, emphasizing personalized, compassionate care. Join us for an in-depth discussion as we explore how harm reduction supports people in discovering their paths to positive change. Don't miss this insightful conversation with one of the field's most influential figures!

Want to drink less with no pressure to quit? Go to for a free 15-day trial.

Sunnyside | #1 Mindful Drinking App | Start for Free Take the 3-minute quiz to start. No pressure to quit. Sleep better, save money, and gain more energy with proven techniques that build healthier drinking habits. It’s 100% personalized to you.

Monthly Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Consultation Group (virtual) — Freedom Institute 03/16/2024

Monthly Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Consultation Group (virtual)
Friday, April 5, 2024, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM

Join me in my fifth annual online Consultation Group on a transformative journey through Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP). Over ten months, mental health and addiction treatment professionals will have the opportunity to delve deeply into the intricacies of harm reduction techniques and how to integrate them into your practices.

Monthly Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Consultation Group (virtual) — Freedom Institute Join renowned psychologist Dr. Andrew Tatarsky in his groundbreaking online Consultation Group on a transformative journey through Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP).

Photos from The Center For Optimal Living's post 03/13/2024

Today I met with Kady Duhon, the founder and director of Acadiana Harm Reduction in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Kady is our amazing harm reduction point person in Lafayette bringing hope, love, courage, optimism, empowerment, Narcan, fentanyl test strips and syringes to the community out of the bake of her car. She has bake sales to raise money to buy these life-saving supplies. Kady's incredible work left me feeling deeply inspired and hopeful.

Say hi to Kady, and send her love, support and supplies, y'all!


Online Consultation Group on Integrative harm Reduction Psychotherapy

I will lead an online 10-month, 90-minute Consultation Group for mental health and addiction treatment professionals who want to learn more about Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) and how to incorporate it into their practices.

The group will consist of didactics, case presentations and a review of selected readings. Group members will also have an opportunity to share their current cases.


2024 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium

Therapy For When the Client is Still Using

Many clinicians and treatment programs still require abstinence as a pre-requisite for addiction services. This approach can cause untold harm to the people who need help the most. As many clinicians move away from the disease model of addiction, harm reduction approaches provide a rationale for accepting clients who are still engaging in substance use and risky behaviors. However, to do this, we must have the capacity to sit with a client’s risky behavior, which often means learning to navigate our own intense feelings of fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, and sadness. In this workshop, you’ll learn techniques for creating safety, identifying and addressing the suffering that drives problematic drug use, and helping clients develop their healthiest relationships to drugs. You’ll explore how to:

Create collaborative alliances with clients who engage in problematic drug use
Use specific techniques to interrupt addictive behavior, explore and clarify the suffering that often drives risky drug use, and motivate positive behavior change
Contain, clarify, and make use of the intense feelings that patients who engage in high-risk behavior often bring up in therapists
Engage in self-care techniques to avoid vicarious traumatization and burnout

Q&A with Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Pioneer, Andrew Tatarsky, PhD — Freedom Institute 02/11/2024

Q&A with Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Pioneer, Andrew Tatarsky, PhD

A month ago, Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, joined the Freedom Institute/ Silver Hill Hospital team to introduce Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) and the harm reduction model alongside Freedom’s existing abstinence-based model.

The intent is to maintain the current model and continue to serve those for whom it works and is successful; as well as expand and enhance the model to include the principles of harm reduction for individuals who will progress and thrive in this approach.

Freedom Institute and Dr. Tatarsky are proceeding deliberately, with the harm reduction spirit being introduced appropriately, and new programs slated for the spring.

Q&A with Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Pioneer, Andrew Tatarsky, PhD — Freedom Institute Dr. Andrew Tatarsky dives into the progress of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), the harm reduction model at Freedom Institute, alongside Freedom’s existing abstinence-based model.

Freedom Institute Welcomes Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, Pioneer and Founder of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy 01/12/2024

Freedom Institute Welcomes Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, Pioneer and Founder of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Freedom Institute names Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, as Director of Clinical Programming.


Learn effective treatment of active addiction in your practice or organization!

Join me for the first in person training in NYC on Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) in four years!

IHRP can improve the effectiveness of treatment across the entire continuum of care.

Registration is now open for Ellenhorn's Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) Essentials Training!

Join Ellenhorn and Dr. Andrew Tatarsky in the heart of New York City from February 23rd to 25th for this transformative training. Acquire cutting-edge skills and gain fresh perspectives on harm reduction care. Plus, earn 15 continuing education credits upon completion of the training!

This comprehensive training offers a re-humanized perspective on individuals dealing with substance use and problematic drug use. Dive into the intricacies of IHRP, explore its seven therapeutic tasks, and gain insight into the clinical rationale and supporting theory. This program will equip participants with practical skills and strategies applicable in diverse clinical settings, using a dynamic mix of lectures, role-plays, case examples, and discussions.

Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your expertise! Register today and take advantage of our early bird special (ends on Dec. 31).

Learn more and secure your spot by clicking the link below: #

Ibogaine Uncovered • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters 05/19/2023

Ibogaine Uncovered • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters Can the psychedelic ibogaine really get to the root of trauma? In Ibogaine Uncovered, author and journalist Amanda Siebert explores the impact of this powerful medicine including what prompts people to seek it out and how their lives are often transformed through the teachings they receive. Guests t...

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Our Story

The Center for Optimal Living provides innovative, personalized treatment for adolescents, adults, and families with substance use issues, other problematic behaviors, and a wide range of mental health issues. We promote healing and positive change through the principles of compassion, collaboration and empowerment. Our approach is based on Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP), developed by our founder and director, Dr. Andrew Tatarsky. The cornerstone of IHRP is a collaborative therapeutic relationship that “starts where the person is.” This relationship supports the development of practical skills and strategies to manage urges, cravings and difficult emotions, based on mindfulness and other empowering self-management strategies. IHRP also focuses on increasing clients’ insight and capacity to reflect on the meanings and functions of problematic behaviors and the development of alternative, healthier solutions. Our approach provides a safe, supportive space for people to explore whether moderate, less harmful substance use, or abstinence is best suited to them and we work collaboratively to help people achieve their goals.

We offer individual and group psychotherapy, family and couples therapy, acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, and yoga in addition to rotating special workshops.

Videos (show all)

Optimal Live Talk Featuring Kevin Braga, LCSW
Optimal Live Talk Featuring Kevin Braga, LCSW
Upcoming Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Trainings
Upcoming Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Trainings
Optimal Live Talk: (Pt 2) Andrew Tatarsky & Ross Ellenhorn on Changing the Addiction Paradigm
Optimal Live Talk: (Pt 1) Andrew Tatarsky & Ross Ellenhorn on Changing the Addiction Paradigm
Optimal Live Talk: Decarcerating America, From Mass Punishment to Public Health
Families Needs, Recommendations and Resources During the Opioid Crisis.
Psychedelic Education and Continuing Care Program
Optimal Live Talk: Responding to The Opioid Overdose Crisis
Optimal Live Talk: Responding to The Opioid Overdose Crisis


370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 500
New York, NY

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