Japanese American United Church (JAUC)

Christian Church: RCA & UMC joint congregation Welcome to JAUC! Welcome! We have a variety of group activities conducted in either one or both languages.

JAUC is a Christian community seeking to reach out, especially to Japanese and those who are interested in Japan in the greater New York City area, with the purpose of sharing faith in Christ and growing together in Christian discipleship through worship, fellowship, study, evangelism and mission. For over 100 years, JAUC has been faithfully serving a diversity of people with Japanese backgrounds


☺A White Pastor Raised in Post-war Kobe Talks About Japan and America 【戦後の神戸で育った白人牧師が語る日本とアメリカ シリーズ No. 1】

”I still remember vividly my mother handing an apple to a grateful woman in a cave....” 「母が洞窟の中で女性を見つけ、リンゴ🍎を授けた様子を今でも鮮明に覚えています…。」


Address: 255 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001
[email protected]





A:1946年、マッカーサー将軍は、昭和天皇の「人間宣言」によって「神」を喪失し精神的な支えを失った日本人の霊的なサポートの必要性を考慮し、キリスト教宣教師を歓迎する方針を発表しました。宣教師たちは富よりも純粋に神のメッセージの普及を求め、アメリカから貧しい日本にやって来ました。私の両親もその若い宣教師の一人で、母は21歳で日本に到着しました。戦後直後、当時は人々が飢えている状況だったため、GHQは食糧を輸入し配布しましたが不足している場所もありました。そこで両親はボランティアを募り、飢えた人々に食料を提供しました。私が幼い頃、両親が何日も食料を集め、周囲の丘に登り、洞窟にいる飢えた日本人を見つけ出して食料を配っていたことを覚えています。中でも、母が洞窟の中で女性を見つけ、その女性が母からリンゴを感謝しながら受け取っていた様子を今でも鮮明に覚えています。両親はマッカーサーの占領下で早々に別府に教会の建設を試みました。アメリカの故郷からお金を集め、人々に服を送ってもらうよう頼みました。こうして自国から集めた安価なジーンズやシャツを売るために大規模な廃品市を開催すると、それを買い求めに何百人もの人々がやって来ました。2、3年後、父はその教会を新しい活気ある宗派の一つに属する日本人の牧師に引き渡し、新たな使命のため神戸に向かいました。このような宣教活動と奉仕活動は多くのアメリカ人宣教師たちによって繰り返され、戦後の日本教会に熱意と活力を与えました。同時に、それは日本の復興と再生に貢献したと考えています。(次回はシリーズ No. 2です。)

【Series No. 1: A White Pastor Raised in Post-war Kobe Talks About Japan and America】

Pastor Wayne is the pastor of the Japanese American United Church. As a white American who grew up in Japan, he speaks about post-war Japan.

Q: Pastor Wayne, your Japanese is fluent. When did you first visit Japan? What were your impressions?

A. Although I was born in Australia, soon after birth I was taken to Japan. That was a few years after the war ended. Japanese was my first language although I learned English at the same time. My parents were among the first missionaries to enter Japan after the war. They were very busy during the day and I spent most of my time with the “otetsudaisan” who lived with us. In those days they were called “Jochu-san”. My first memories when I was 2 or 3 were with her walking in the countryside in Kyushu. She would ride me on the front of her bike to go shopping or take me to the river where people would wash clothes (things were very basic after the war). All the conversation was in Japanese. If my parents were gone she would put me to bed in her futon on the tatami.

Later we moved to Kobe where most of my school years were spent. Japan was very different then. Parts of Kobe were still rubble from the bombings. We as kids would find bombs that had landed in the soft dirt in the mountains surrounding Kobe but had not detonated. People cook by burning wood and sumi in hibachis on the street every evening. We would smell the smoke of the hibachi and the delicious fish and rice being cooked as we played on the dirt streets. We played with things like ramune and menko. It was an age that has passed and will never come back.

Q: Post-war Japan faced challenging circumstances. We've heard that Christian missionaries provided various forms of support to the Japanese people after the war. Could you please tell us about the situation at that time and the influence of Christianity?

A. In 1946, General MacArthur announced a policy of welcoming Christian missionaries, recognizing the need for spiritual support for the Japanese people who had lost their spiritual foundation due to the "Humanity Declaration" by Emperor Showa, which renounced "God" and left them without spiritual guidance. Missionaries did come in large numbers and because they were not soldiers or businessmen and showed a desire to forsake wealth for the sake of spreading a message they were looked at as friendly but strange people. My parents were among these young missionaries - my mother was 21 years old when she arrived in Japan. Immediately after the war some people were actually starving. The GHQ was busy importing food supplies to distribute but there were places where there was no food. As a tiny child I remember my parents gathering food for days and getting volunteers to go up into the hills surrounding where they were and finding people in caves who were hungry and distributing food. I still remember vividly my mother handing an apple to a grateful woman in a cave.

My parents, like many others, quickly built a church in Beppu during the Macarthur occupation. They gathered money from home and asked people from home to send barrels of clothes. They would then have huge rummage sales at the house and church while the construction was going on. Hundreds of people would come to buy inexpensive blue jeans or shirts that my parents had gathered from their home country. With that money my parents built a church in Beppu. After two or three years my father handed the church over to a Japanese pastor who belonged to one of the new vibrant denominations and then they moved on to their next task in Kobe. This was repeated by many, many missionaries who infused the post war churches with enthusiasm and vitality and encouragement. At the same time, we believe it contributed to Japan's recovery and regeneration. (Next time will be Series No. 2.)



🎻WORSHIP VIOLIN CONCERT by a Juilliard violinist on SUNDAY, MAY 5 @ 2 PM at ♰Japanese American United Church♰

マンハッタン⽇⽶合同教会♰のメンバーでジュリアードのヴァイオリニスト🎻松本茉依がコンサートを開催します。Please join Mai Matsumoto, a Juilliard violinist and member of the Japanese American United Church, for a joyful, spiritual experience through music written to glorify God.

JAPANESE AMERICAN UNITED CHURCH Japanese American United Church (JAUC) ⽇⽶合同教会
255 7TH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10001

⽇⽶合同教会のメンバーでジュリアードのヴァイオリニスト松本茉依がコンサートを開催します。相⽥尚⼦と藤浪ジョセフと共に、バッハやメンデルスゾーンの作曲によるヴァイオリンの曲や讃美歌を演奏します。⼊場料は無料で、どなたでも歓迎です。 神様に捧げる美しい⾳楽をお楽しみください。もしご興味があれば、同⽇の午前11時からの礼拝と昼⻝にもご参加ください。
- スタンレー・ウェイン牧師

Please join Mai Matsumoto, a Juilliard violinist and member of the Japanese American United Church, for a joyful, spiritual experience through music written to glorify God. She will perform
pieces by Bach and Mendelssohn, as well as worship music, accompanied by Naoko Aita and Joseph Fujinami. This event is free of charge, and everyone is welcome to attend. Please also
consider joining the Sunday service at 11 am and lunch prior to the concert.
- Rev. Stanley Wayne

Learn more about the church at jauc.org and the violinist at maimatsumoto.com. For inquiries, please contact [email protected] or call (212) 242-9444.
“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.” - J.S. Bach

『⾳楽とは、神の栄光を讃える⼼地よいハーモニーであり、魂の喜びである。』 - バッハ

Japanese American United Church (JAUC) Christian Church: RCA & UMC joint congregation


🐰Hop on over and join us this Easter Sunday🐰


日時: M A R C H 3 1, 1 1 A M - 2 P M

場所: J A P A N E S E A M E R I C A N U N I T E D C H U R C H 日米 合 同 教 会
2 5 5 7 A V E N U E ( B E T 2 4 & 2 5 S T )
N E W Y O R K , N Y 1 0 0 0 1
W W W . J A U C . O R G

Japanese American United Church | 255 7 Avenue New York, NY 10001 Homepage 12/01/2023

This Sunday is Communion Sunday. Acts 6: 8-15
"They were not able to resist the wisdom and Spirit by which he spoke"

使徒の働き 6章8-15節

Japanese American United Church | 255 7 Avenue New York, NY 10001 Homepage WELCOME TO JAUC! For over 100 years, JAUC has been faithfully serving a diversity of people with Japanese backgrounds living in the New York City area. We are a caring family of Christ and invite you to join us through Sunday services and other ministries of the church. We are a bilingual congreg


Bible Study every Thursday Eve at 7pm on Genesis


Join us on Sunday Dec. 3 for Fujinkai/Ladies fellowship at 1:30 pm after lunch. Guest speaker Diane Miyoko Nomoto-Finizio (Eng) with Tomo Kimura (translating into Japanese).


Special Thanksgiving Message for Nov. 26, 2023 at 11AM: Acts 6: 1-8 “And the Word of God Spread”
使徒の働き 6章1-8節


HAPPY THANKSGIVING! From the JAUC family to yours


Thursday Evening Bible Study Cancelled this week


This coming Sunday, the JAUC Choir and volunteers will sing Amazing Grace, accompanied by soloist, violinist and guitar. Come join if you are able!


Join Us to celebrate Thanksving at JAUC on Sunday, November 26. Join us for a potluck lunch celebration. RSVP at [email protected] and let us know what you plan to bring. Invite your friends, family!


SAVE THE DATE: Celebrate Thanksving at JAUC on Sunday, November 26 from 11AM


Bilingual Worship 11/5 at 11AM - Acts 4: 13-35

“And the realized they had been with Jesus”

使徒の働き 4章13- 35節



Bilingual Bible Study every Thursday Evening at 7pm

Timeline photos 10/20/2023

Join us this Sunday, Oct 22 at 11AM
Acts 使徒の働き 3: 1-15 (NKJV/口語訳)‬
SERMON “You Killed the Prince of Life”
Rev. Stanley Wayne
説教 「いのちの君を殺しました」
スタンリー・ウェイン牧 🙏

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Videos (show all)

Breathe on my Breath of God
「イエスは、彼を見つけ出し...」  ヨハネによる福音書 9:1-7, 24-41及び10: 1-6 (口語訳)   スタンリー・ウェイン牧師
“Jesus Found Him...” John 9:1-7, 24-41 & 10:1-6 (NKJV)   Rev. Stanley Wayne
“Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall”  Matthew 26:47-56 (NKJV)   Rev. Megumi Enomoto
「冬から数える季節がある」 マタイによる福音書 26:47-56 (口語訳) 榎本 恵牧師
「命のパン イエスは、彼らをためしてこう言われたのであった」  ヨハネによる福音書 6章2-3, 5-11, 14, 26, 28-30, 34-35, 41-42節 (口語訳)    スタンリー・ウェイン 牧師
“Jesus the Bread of Life-Said This to Test Them”  John 6:2-3, 5-11, 14, 26, 28-30, 34-35, 41-42 (NKJV)  Rev. Stanley Way...
「完全な愛の子となるために」 マタイによる福音書 5章 43-48節 (口語訳)  岡田 圭牧師
“To Be a Child of the Perfect Love” Matthew 5: 43-48 (NKJV)  Rev. Kei Okada
「しかし、サマリヤを通って行かなければならなかった」  ヨハネによる福音書 4: 1-26 (口語訳) スタンリー・ウェイン牧師
“He Needed to Go through Samaria”  John 4: 1-26 (NASB)  Rev. Stanley Wayne
「主の顕現」  マタイ による福音書 2:1-12 (口語訳)  岡田 圭牧師




255 7th Avenue
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 9:30am - 3pm

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