Dr. Valerie Bonnett MD

Dr. Valerie Bonnett MD

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Helping women achieve hormonal balance- for a happier, healthier life. ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN AGES 40-65!

Many women suffer from loss or imbalance of natural hormones. Hormone loss or imbalance can cause major symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood symptoms, and even memory issues. Hormone loss and imbalance is also associated with major medical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and even increased cancer risk. In many patients, these problems can be reduced or ev


Collagen can't work well if your hormones levels are in the toilet.

Hormones should be fixed first.

What’s the big deal about progesterone? 08/22/2024

Progesterone is so awesome.

What’s the big deal about progesterone? Progesterone is vitally important for optimal health in women. Progesterone is important for all areas of the body, but especially for the brain, bones, and breast tissue. Women need progesterone in all stages of life.

Escaping the Hell of Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome 08/15/2024

This poor guy lost 6 years of his life from being prescribed an SSRI for shyness, otherwise known as social anxiety. He's actually lucky that he was able to get off meds before acting on his thoughts of self-harm.

Brain altering meds are not magic. They can cause severe harm, even long term disability or death.

It is always better to start with natural lifestyle improvements such as moving the body, eating nutritious food, being exposed to sunlight in the morning and darkness at bedtime, spending time with supportive people, avoiding too much screen time (especially in kids), and when necessary, supplements. And especially for women- achieving and maintaining hormonal balance.

Escaping the Hell of Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome I painfully and gradually learned to function with my dysfunctions. Over time, I noticed genuine improvement. I painfully and gradually learned to function with my dysfunctions. Over time, I noticed genuine improvement.

The Miseducation of America’s Nurse Practitioners 08/14/2024

Can you imagine seeing a nurse practitioner who has only 500 hours of direct patient care before seeing patients in a clinical setting? This is frankly terrifying. I probably have 500 hours of direct patient care in my first two months of residency, preceded by thousands of hours of education in medical school, and followed by thousands of hours of direct patient care in residency.

During that training, I had access to experienced, well-trained medical doctors with decades of experience.

There are no shortcuts when it comes to learning the information that you need when seeing a living human being in front of you in the office or hospital setting. If your provider doesn’t have that training, then I pray for your health and safety.

There are good nurse practitioners. They’re good because they had thousands of hours of nursing care at the bedside before they went on to become a nurse practitioner. And they’re also good because they know what they don’t know, and when they’re in over their heads. 

And it takes seeing hundreds of patients to know that 

The Miseducation of America’s Nurse Practitioners They don’t merely support doctors—NPs increasingly treat patients independently, including in specialty practices and emergency rooms. When they aren’t well trained, the results can be tragic.

Our Medical System Protects Wrongdoers and Punishes Whistleblowers: An Interview with Carl Elliott 08/08/2024

This is truly disturbing. You might want to read and think about this article before putting mind altering meds into your or your child’s body.

Are these medications safe and effective?

How in the world can we know that if drug companies are the ones doing the research?

At this point in my life, I believe that if it isn’t found in nature, it probably shouldn’t be going in our bodies.

Our Medical System Protects Wrongdoers and Punishes Whistleblowers: An Interview with Carl Elliott MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Carl Elliott about scandals in psychiatry and the challenges faced by whistleblowers.

Link Found Between an Altered Vaginal Microbiota and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections 08/07/2024

This is important research. Could probiotics decrease the chances of developing urinary tract infections, by crowding out pathogens?

It certainly makes sense.

Also important is having optimal hormone levels to prevent harmful atrophy and pH changes that can occur after menopause.

Link Found Between an Altered Vaginal Microbiota and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Researchers have identified a link between altered vaginal microbiota and recurring UTIs in post-menopausal women.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Whistleblower Peter Buxtun Has Died at Age 86 08/06/2024

Thankful for Peter Buxton raising awareness of this appalling lack of compassion to the victims of this "study". The "researchers" should have been punished but never were.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Whistleblower Peter Buxtun Has Died at Age 86 Buxtun is revered as a hero to public health scholars and ethicists for his role in bringing to light the most notorious medical research scandal in U.S. history.


It’s probably actually worse than the stats show.

More than 1 million Americans lose their doctors to su***de each year. (& that’s an underestimate) https://www.idealmedicalcare.org/ripple-effect-of-one-doctor-su***de/

Valerie Bonnett MD Products & Services 08/01/2024

Did you know that having ideal estrogen levels is important for your entire body? It is-from the top if your head to the tips of your toes!

Having enough estrogen on board is important for fundamental biological functions like the production of collagen-necessary for healthy skin, joints, tendons, and nails; for blood pressure control and healthy blood flow; for mitochondrial health and energy production, and for brain size and function.

This Saturday August 3rd, at 10am, we will be discussing many of the benefits of estrogen and what happens when we lose it. Next Saturday we will discuss how we can replace estrogen in the best method possible, without overdosing and increasing the risk of cancer and other adverse effects.

After that, we will discuss ways to get progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol into ideal range.

Valerie Bonnett MD Products & Services


🌈 Science thrives on diverse opinions and robust debate. Without the freedom to question and discuss openly, we lose the essence of true scientific inquiry. Stand up for scientific diversity and free discourse at

Which is better? FDA approved or bio-identical hormone replacement? 07/24/2024


Which is better? FDA approved or bio-identical hormone replacement? In this video, I review a discussion between a famous podcaster and a board certified OBGyn as they talk about hormone replacement.


Trees can save the planet.

Nature's own air purifier! 🌳✨ We owe so much to these silent heroes. 🌿


The person who cares more about their money
than their health,
will end up with neither.

Hormonal Harmony: 12 Weeks to Balanced Hormones 07/20/2024

If you are a woman in your 40's or beyond, or if you have had a hysterectomy, you need this information to preserve your health.

Hormonal Harmony: 12 Weeks to Balanced Hormones Balance your hormones through this 12 week course/group coaching program.


What if the best reason to optimize your hormones is so you can be healthy for your loved ones?

Antidepressants During Pregnancy Linked to Risk of Fetal Death 07/18/2024

Antidepressants During Pregnancy Linked to Risk of Fetal Death The researchers found an increased risk of fetal death with SSRI use at any stage of pregnancy.

Navigating Your Hormones-Ebook Download 07/18/2024

Before allowing someone to put a hormone pellet under your skin, injecting yourself with testosterone that you don't need, or overdosing yourself with topical creams in super high doses, you should really protect yourself by reading this book.

Navigating Your Hormones-Ebook Download For optimal health, a woman must have available and balanced hormones. But a cloud of confusion surrounds this important topic. This ebook was written to help you understand how hormones impact your general health, the different methods of hormone replacement available, and the different testing opt...

As a baby bust hits rural areas, hospital labor and delivery wards are closing down 07/17/2024

You get what you pay for, right?

Another big reason that rural hospitals can't keep delivery centers open is that there are not enough doctors available who are trained to do OB.

And here is why:

Our government has not funded the residency programs needed to train doctors following medical school. The state of Iowa, with 3 million people, has only one training program in obstetrics. It's at the U of I, and I believe only 6 specialists graduate from that program every year. And not all of them are going to practice OB when they finish residency.

In the past, most babies in rural areas were delivered by family docs, but that has changed, because now most family docs don't deliver babies. In the early 80's, over 40% of FPs delivered babies. In 2018, it was only 14%, and by now it's probably significantly less.

In Iowa, only 48 Family Medicine residents graduate yearly. If 10% of them decide to provided OB care (and they will need to work harder and longer than their peers to get the extra deliveries to be competent), that is only 4 more doctors in the entire state providing OB care-and that's if they stay in Iowa.

So what has happened is that midwifery is filling some of the void, but still must be backed up by medical doctors with vastly more intense and longer training.

And at the root, residency training spots are funded by our short-sighted, feckless representatives in Congress. So blame them if you can't find a doctor.

As a baby bust hits rural areas, hospital labor and delivery wards are closing down In some rural areas, births have dropped by three-quarters since the late 1950s, and hospitals are shuttering labor and delivery units, leaving mothers little access to care when they need it.

Infant Leukemia Induced by Maternal Exposures 07/17/2024

If it’s not natural, it probably shouldn’t go in your body, especially if you’re pregnant, or want to be pregnant in the future

Infant Leukemia Induced by Maternal Exposures If maternal exposures lead to infant leukemia, is infant leukemia preventable?


Having a healthy pelvic floor is not possible if hormone levels are not in ideal range.

Why YOU Must Be Your Own Hormone Expert 07/15/2024

Why YOU Must Be Your Own Hormone Expert Hormones are complex. You have to learn the basics to prevent being harmed by unscrupulous wellness and hormone clinics.

Alzheimer's Slowed by Intensive Lifestyle Changes 07/14/2024

This is a very important article showing that intense lifestyle changes can slow down the ravages of brain loss in dementia.

You know what also helps?

Achieving hormonal balance through low dose bio-identical hormone therapy followed by the use of saliva testing to determine tissue hormone levels.

The reason hormones are important is because s*x hormones are actually also neurosteroids which are necessary for brain health.

Unfortunately, this information is not likely available at your doctors office and many people aren’t willing to invest in their own health to determine their hormone levels or work with a hormone expert to get hormones into ideal range. Watching people suffer and decline because they are hormone depleted is tragic.

If you are a woman in early menopause, who have people around you that you care about, you owe it to them to get your hormones in balance now and forever so it could potentially help them from having to watch your decline into dementia later on in life.

Alzheimer's Slowed by Intensive Lifestyle Changes Small trial led by Dean Ornish, MD, shows cognitive improvement

Brain Health Is Rooted in State of Mind, Finds Study 07/12/2024

Our mitochondria are necessary for brain health and the health of every single cell in your body. Stress can affect mitochondrial health through elevated stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can be damaging long-term. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA are important for brain health by being direct neurosteroids, improving brain cell growth. Estrogen (and probably the others) also improves mitochondrial health by improving the health of mitochondrial walls.

Brain Health Is Rooted in State of Mind, Finds Study New research shows positive experiences may boost the brain’s energy transformation, possibly building resilience against brain disorders in later life.


He is 100% correct. The government has prostituted itself out to big business.

Hormone testing-why you can't do blood testing with topical hormone creams. 07/10/2024

Blood tests are pretty much worthless when looking at s*x hormone levels. Only unbound, active hormones matter. Chasing blood levels can cause women to overdose or end up on expensive pellets or injections because they think they are not absorbing hormones.

Hormone testing-why you can't do blood testing with topical hormone creams. If you are using topical hormones, blood testing isn't accurate. Here's why.

Why Your Brain Needs Other People 07/09/2024

This is a profoundly important article.
Our brains are filled with special brain cells called mirror neurons. These neurons are designed to reflect back what we see from other people you can see them in action when babies are interacting with their moms and other adults. So our brains are literally wired for relationships.

Why Your Brain Needs Other People Developmental psychology has long recognised the social element in thinking. The emergence of individual thought can be understood as the internalisation of interpersonal dialogue, as the Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky observed almost a hundred years ago.

“If you have hot flashes, it just means you need more estrogen!” 07/08/2024

No it doesn't.

“If you have hot flashes, it just means you need more estrogen!” "If you have hot flashes, it just means you need more estrogen." Nope. No way. This is dangerous and short sighted. Here's why.

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Improving your hormonal balance might be easier than you think!

Many women suffer from loss or imbalance of natural hormones. Hormone loss or imbalance can cause major symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and other sleep problems, depression, anxiety, PMS, and even memory issues. Hormone loss and imbalance is also associated with major medical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, bone loss, and even an increased risk of breast and uterine cancer. Some women lose most of their hormones around the time of menopause, but many women have hormonal imbalance much earlier....even going back to their teens. Hormonal imbalance causes emotional imbalance...and vice versa. Many women get placed on meds for depression and anxiety....when they would feel so much better getting their hormones back to normal!

In most women, the use of bio-identical hormones (hormones that are the same exact shape as those made by humans) in physiological doses (the amounts made by younger, healthy people) can be used to help the body return to a more normal state and optimize performance. Many younger women don’t even need hormones or other medications, they just need to work on reducing stress levels, sleeping better, moving more, and eating more nutrient dense food.

For over 25 years, I have worked with patients in the office or the hospital, mostly working with women. For over a decade, I have incorporated a functional medicine ideology with my clients, using more natural therapies especially bio-identical hormone replacement to help women optimize function and well-being. My favorite part of being a doctor has been being able to bridge the gap between cutting-edge science and applying that science to help real people regain health.

Have a happy and healthy weekend!


Videos (show all)

Sometimes external problems can be the sign of much worse deeper issues.
Vaginal dryness can be the sign of a much bigger problem.
Melatonin and immune system function
Hormonal factors that may affect breast cancer cell growth
Sleep helps your immune system kill bad things.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  But what about prevention? There are many lifestyle choices that impact the l...
Have you ever wondered what Bio-Identical Hormone replacement is? Have you wondered if BHRT is right for you? This week ...
Have you ever wondered what Bio-Identical Hormone replacement is? Have you wondered if BHRT is right for you? This week ...
Hair loss can be from many different causes.  Many of them are correctable, if you are doing the right testing and optim...
Racial differences in heart failure.  Stay to the end for an action step that has the potential to save lives.
Happy World Water Day! Good health requires clean air, water, nutritious food, adequate movement, healthy relationships,...
Happy St. Patrick's Day and happy Friday!  Have a wonderful day, everyone!




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Pella, 50219

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