Law Offices of Kenneth A Stover

Law Offices of Kenneth A Stover


If anyone needs to come to Nevada for an abortion call my office and don't respond via Facebook. Social media is not your friend.
The Supreme Court has overruled Roe. v. Wade.

Many states have "trigger laws" that ban abortion now that Roe is overturned. If you live in Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma Alabama, West Virgina, Wisconsin, or Michigan, abortion is now illegal.

Fortunately, Nevada is not one of those states. Our law, passed by the people and not the legislature, protects the right to seek an abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. The decision of the SCOTUS does nothing to change the rights of women in Nevada.

It is a dark day for the rights of women in this country. It is up to the voters in those states to shine a new light on their politics if they desire, but for my fellow Nevadans, our light is not extinguished. Three bordering states now ban abortion. We need to keep the light on for them.
"So what do we do now?

Is it 1992? Did we just hear a jury tell us that the white cops that we watched on tape hundreds of times beating Rodney King weren’t guilty of their obvious crimes? Is it 2014, when Eric Garner was executed for selling ci******es by a white cop who strangled him as we watched? His words “I can’t breathe” forever etched into our minds? How many times have we seen people of color killed by police? Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald.

There is little doubt that George Floyd was murdered. We watched as he took his last breath at the hands of four police officers. Now we see another defiant reaction to the systemic cruel treatment of a portion of our citizens like we saw in 1968, 1992, and 2014. We don’t know when these protests will subside. We hope and pray that no one else will be killed. But we also know that very little will change.

As most of us wonder what we can do, I remember listening to Sarah Koenig, who spent a year just covering trials in a Cleveland courthouse, sum up her experience. She gives those of us who feel helpless a roadmap:

Let’s all accept that something’s gone wrong. Let’s make that our premise…We’ve all heard the stats—that we here in the United States imprison a vastly higher percentage of our population than any other country in the world. We are number one. The numbers are well-documented, wildly out of whack, and unprecedented in our history.

Also well-documented—inequity. Every joint in the skeleton of our criminal justice system is greased by racial discrimination. Compared to white people who’ve committed the same crime and who have similar criminal histories, black people and other people of color are arrested more often. They’re charged more harshly, given higher bails, offered worse plea deals. They’re handed longer prison sentences, and their probation is more often revoked.
These numbers aren’t floating above us in the sky. They’re alive all over the country.
We all know it’s true.

The anger and the frustration we see playing out once again in our streets is just a reminder of how little we’ve grown as a country from our original sin of slavery. The fact that we aren’t actually buying and selling other human beings anymore is not a badge of honor. We need systemic change in our law enforcement and in our criminal justice system. We need policymakers and politicians that reflect basic fairness to all of their citizens equally. Not leaders that stoke hatred and violence as if the idea of shooting looters could ever be anything less than a racial dog whistle. Bull Connor was more subtle.

This is our pandemic. It infects all of us, and in 400 years we’ve yet to find a vaccine. It seems we’ve stopped even looking for one and we just try to treat the wound on an individual basis. And we sure haven’t done a very good job of that. So this week, as we’re wondering what it’s going to take to fix these seemingly insurmountable problems, just remember we created these issues so we can fix them. And there is only one way in this country to bring lasting change:


George Clooney
"Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones."

Theodore Roosevelt
I have no advertising more important than the important messages...
The most important thing I can achieve on behalf of my client is a dismissal. Sometimes that's not possible. So there has to be a back-up plan. The back-up plan is to minimize damages.

I have sat through many apologies in the courtroom. Judges tell the defendants all-too-often that "of course you're sorry, you're sorry you don't control your fate anymore, I do." And that Judge is correct.

If you want to know what it takes to prevent a Judge from talking like that, here's a really good hint....
Reno is remaking itself one beautiful mile at a time. This will be an amazing transformation.
Why is it that the Treasury Secretary of the United States, Steve Mnuchin, declares the request for Trump's taxes a "Constitutional crisis?"

The law is clear--

"Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure."

26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)

Any Republican in government who refuses to follow the law is in contempt of Congress and that includes the Secretary of the Treasury.

Why do Republicans think they are above the law? When they get arrested, they still need counsel. Maybe instead of calling me, they should call their Republican Congressman and advise them that the law doesn't apply to them either.

We are a nation of laws. And there are rules to apply those laws. As a criminal defense attorney, I have never been more proud to shout--


That's why I'm here when you get out of jail.
Oral arguments will be held today in Nieves v. Bartlett. Sergeant Nieves arrested Mr. Bartlett for purportedly interfering with the identification of a suspected underage drinker...but video proved the Sergeant made the arrest because Mr. Bartlett refused to talk to him. Is this Constitutional?

The Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover was founded by a former prosecutor now dedicated to protecting t It is possible to make a bad situation better.

Stover is a premier Reno criminal defense firm founded by former prosecutor Ken Stover. Not only has Attorney Stover earned numerous industry notices for his work, but he has now successfully defended his clients is 70 different courts all over the state. His unparalleled insight into how Nevada tries and prosecutes the accused has time and time again allowed him to not only have his clients’ voic


If anyone needs to come to Nevada for an abortion call my office and don't respond via Facebook. Social media is not your friend.


The Supreme Court has overruled Roe. v. Wade.

Many states have "trigger laws" that ban abortion now that Roe is overturned. If you live in Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma Alabama, West Virgina, Wisconsin, or Michigan, abortion is now illegal.

Fortunately, Nevada is not one of those states. Our law, passed by the people and not the legislature, protects the right to seek an abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. The decision of the SCOTUS does nothing to change the rights of women in Nevada.

It is a dark day for the rights of women in this country. It is up to the voters in those states to shine a new light on their politics if they desire, but for my fellow Nevadans, our light is not extinguished. Three bordering states now ban abortion. We need to keep the light on for them.

Birdy - People Help The People [Official Music Video] 04/11/2022

Birdy - People Help The People [Official Music Video] "People Help The People" by Cherry Ghost performed by Birdy from her self titled debut album.Birdy – Young Heart. The new album, out now: https://Birdy.lnk.t...


"So what do we do now?

Is it 1992? Did we just hear a jury tell us that the white cops that we watched on tape hundreds of times beating Rodney King weren’t guilty of their obvious crimes? Is it 2014, when Eric Garner was executed for selling ci******es by a white cop who strangled him as we watched? His words “I can’t breathe” forever etched into our minds? How many times have we seen people of color killed by police? Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald.

There is little doubt that George Floyd was murdered. We watched as he took his last breath at the hands of four police officers. Now we see another defiant reaction to the systemic cruel treatment of a portion of our citizens like we saw in 1968, 1992, and 2014. We don’t know when these protests will subside. We hope and pray that no one else will be killed. But we also know that very little will change.

As most of us wonder what we can do, I remember listening to Sarah Koenig, who spent a year just covering trials in a Cleveland courthouse, sum up her experience. She gives those of us who feel helpless a roadmap:

Let’s all accept that something’s gone wrong. Let’s make that our premise…We’ve all heard the stats—that we here in the United States imprison a vastly higher percentage of our population than any other country in the world. We are number one. The numbers are well-documented, wildly out of whack, and unprecedented in our history.

Also well-documented—inequity. Every joint in the skeleton of our criminal justice system is greased by racial discrimination. Compared to white people who’ve committed the same crime and who have similar criminal histories, black people and other people of color are arrested more often. They’re charged more harshly, given higher bails, offered worse plea deals. They’re handed longer prison sentences, and their probation is more often revoked.
These numbers aren’t floating above us in the sky. They’re alive all over the country.
We all know it’s true.

The anger and the frustration we see playing out once again in our streets is just a reminder of how little we’ve grown as a country from our original sin of slavery. The fact that we aren’t actually buying and selling other human beings anymore is not a badge of honor. We need systemic change in our law enforcement and in our criminal justice system. We need policymakers and politicians that reflect basic fairness to all of their citizens equally. Not leaders that stoke hatred and violence as if the idea of shooting looters could ever be anything less than a racial dog whistle. Bull Connor was more subtle.

This is our pandemic. It infects all of us, and in 400 years we’ve yet to find a vaccine. It seems we’ve stopped even looking for one and we just try to treat the wound on an individual basis. And we sure haven’t done a very good job of that. So this week, as we’re wondering what it’s going to take to fix these seemingly insurmountable problems, just remember we created these issues so we can fix them. And there is only one way in this country to bring lasting change:


George Clooney


"Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones."

Theodore Roosevelt

Macklemore - Wednesday Morning 05/24/2019

I have no advertising more important than the important messages...

Macklemore - Wednesday Morning iTunes: Spotify: Apple Music: Macklemore Wednesday Morning Performed by Macklem...

Timeline photos 05/02/2019

The most important thing I can achieve on behalf of my client is a dismissal. Sometimes that's not possible. So there has to be a back-up plan. The back-up plan is to minimize damages.

I have sat through many apologies in the courtroom. Judges tell the defendants all-too-often that "of course you're sorry, you're sorry you don't control your fate anymore, I do." And that Judge is correct.

If you want to know what it takes to prevent a Judge from talking like that, here's a really good hint....

The four step :

1. Apologize.
2. Take responsibility.
3. How will you resolve this?
4. Ask for forgiveness.

Midtown Reno road construction: Business, travel challenges a necessary reality as second phase nears 05/02/2019

Reno is remaking itself one beautiful mile at a time. This will be an amazing transformation.

Midtown Reno road construction: Business, travel challenges a necessary reality as second phase nears RENO, Nev. — No matter how you slice it, it’s going to be a tough summer for Midtown businesses and their patrons.The second half of the Regional Transportation Commission’s


Why is it that the Treasury Secretary of the United States, Steve Mnuchin, declares the request for Trump's taxes a "Constitutional crisis?"

The law is clear--

"Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure."

26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)

Any Republican in government who refuses to follow the law is in contempt of Congress and that includes the Secretary of the Treasury.

Why do Republicans think they are above the law? When they get arrested, they still need counsel. Maybe instead of calling me, they should call their Republican Congressman and advise them that the law doesn't apply to them either.

We are a nation of laws. And there are rules to apply those laws. As a criminal defense attorney, I have never been more proud to shout--


That's why I'm here when you get out of jail.

Can Police Retaliate Against Loudmouths? 11/26/2018

Oral arguments will be held today in Nieves v. Bartlett. Sergeant Nieves arrested Mr. Bartlett for purportedly interfering with the identification of a suspected underage drinker...but video proved the Sergeant made the arrest because Mr. Bartlett refused to talk to him. Is this Constitutional?

Can Police Retaliate Against Loudmouths? The Supreme Court will rule on whether citizens can talk back to law enforcement without fear of consequences.

Meet Attorney Ken Stover | Reno Criminal Defense Attorney 09/11/2018

Meet attorney Ken Stover! Ken has been practicing law for over 20 years and represented client in over 70 courts throughout Nevada. If you want experienced representation, look no further than Ken Stover!

Meet Attorney Ken Stover | Reno Criminal Defense Attorney Learn more about our Reno criminal defense lawyer, Kenneth A. Stover. Attorney Stover is backed by 20+ years of experience and a track record of success. Learn how he can help you with your arrest or accusation. Call today to get started.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney will no longer accept cases from 28 officers 08/31/2018

No lawyer may call a witness he or she reasonably believes will commit perjury. When a prosecutor experiences a law enforcement officer who testifies falsely, what is that prosecutor expected to do in future cases if that same officer is a necessary witness?

If twenty-eight police officers have suborned perjury to the degree that a prosecutor cannot rely on their testimony in prosecuting a case, something is rotten in St. Louis and it isn't the prosecutor. I salute the Circuit Attorney for calling out a corrupt department.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney will no longer accept cases from 28 officers ST. LOUIS - Fox2/News 11 confirmed Thursday that St. Louis’s top prosecutor, Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, has a so-called “exclusion list” of 28 police officers and will refuse to prosecute suspected criminals if any of those officers are deemed critical to such prosecutions. Gardner has yet ...

Hire a Former Prosecutor as Your Criminal Defense Lawyer 08/15/2018

If you have been charged with a crime, having a former prosecutor as your criminal defense attorney on your side can help you obtain the best outcome possible.

Hire a Former Prosecutor as Your Criminal Defense Lawyer Criminal defense blog post entitled Hire a Former Prosecutor as Your Criminal Defense Lawyer. Contact Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover to speak to a Criminal Attorney in Reno today!


Congratulations to the WCSO for an amazing performance...lip-synching at it's funniest.

Can I Get a NV DUI While Under the Influence of Cannabis? 07/10/2018

While the recreational use of ma*****na is legal for adults 21 years of age or older in Nevada, driving under the influence of cannabis is still considered a crime.

Can I Get a NV DUI While Under the Influence of Cannabis? Contact a Reno Criminal Lawyer - Can I Get a NV DUI While Under the Influence of Cannabis?

The Border Patrol Was Monstrous Under Obama. Imagine How Bad It Is Under Trump. 07/04/2018

It is obvious that current immigration policies are destructive not just to the families torn apart at the border, but to justice. What isn't always obvious is the truth. Main stream media isn't based on journalism, it's based on editorialism. The truth is lost to opinion. Here's a truth--no matter who is President, the treatment of refugees and immigrants by our law enforcement agencies is abysmal. As an American, I am more than a lawyer, I am vested with the power to fight and fix a system that is broken.

The Border Patrol Was Monstrous Under Obama. Imagine How Bad It Is Under Trump. UPDATE: On May 23, CBP issued a statement calling our report unfounded. Our point-by-point rebuttal is here.

A Lynching Memorial Is Opening. The Country Has Never Seen Anything Like It. 04/27/2018

History isn't always pleasant. America is long for that truth. Today, there is a place where we can reflect and respect the worst our history offers. WE all owe our respect.

A Lynching Memorial Is Opening. The Country Has Never Seen Anything Like It. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, opening Thursday in Montgomery, Ala., is dedicated to victims of white supremacy.

About Nevada's Zero Tolerance Law 02/09/2018

The following is an overview of zero tolerance laws in Nevada. For more information, contact our Reno criminal defense attorney at the Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover today.

About Nevada's Zero Tolerance Law Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover criminal defense blog - About Nevada's Zero Tolerance Law.

Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress 10/17/2017

Far too many are prescribed far too much by an industry that cares far too little. Only Congress cares less.

Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress Whistleblower Joe Rannazzisi says drug distributors pumped opioids into U.S. communities -- knowing that people were dying -- and says industry lobbyists and Congress derailed the DEA's efforts to stop it


Under Nevada Revised Statute 202.4415(1)(a) an act of terrorism is any act that involves the use of violence intended to cause great bodily harm or death to the general population.

There is no definition of a "lone wolf" in the law.

Stephen Paddock was a terrorist.

Ginsburg Slaps Gorsuch 10/03/2017

Justice Ginsburg is back and ready to handle the new kid on the block.

Ginsburg Slaps Gorsuch The newest Justice tried to give a lecture about the Constitution. His colleague had other ideas.


Law enforcement cannot order medical staff to conduct medical procedures. This nurse was unlawfully arrested. Why? Because the cops didn't want to seek a warrant as required by the 4th Amendment. They just expect anyone, including medical personnel, to acquiesce to their demands. Exigency allows a warrantless blood draw but it does not allow the arrest of medical personnel who refuse police demands. THIS IS AMERICA!


"There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or 'fighting' words those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality."

Justice Frank Murphy
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire 1942
Unanimous Decision

This is the seminal case on what is called "the fighting words doctrine."

This is America. We have Freedom of Speech. But our right to speak comes with limits. Limits based on decency. If you think your words can be expressed to instill fear, or intimidate others, you are not protected by the Constitution. You're just an as***le that can get punched in the face.

I am Ken Stover and the United States Supreme Court approves this message.

Criminal Defense Attorney in Reno | Case Results 08/05/2017

Attorney Kenneth A. Stover works tirelessly to secure favorable results on behalf of his clients. Arrested? Contact our firm today

Criminal Defense Attorney in Reno | Case Results Case Results - Contact a Reno Criminal Defense Lawyer from Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover today. We serve clients throughout Reno and surrounding areas.

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt 08/04/2017

No man is above the law. Sheriff Arpaio always thought he was the exception. Justice has finally paid him a visit.

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt The former sheriff for Maricopa County, Ariz., was found guilty Monday of willfully ignoring a federal judge's order. The case stemmed from his campaign against illegal immigration.


Advocacy is the belief that your thoughts matter and that your thoughts must be shared to overcome something inadequate in society. Advocacy is not exclusively the job of a lawyer. This voice, this compassionate soul, is as good, if not better, an advocate for change than any person with a law degree.

What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know 05/08/2017

The finest prosecutor of the 20th century...Ben Ferencz.

What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know At 97, Ben Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive and he has a far-reaching message for today’s world

Timeline photos 05/02/2017

The body cameras will either confirm this statement or the video will challenge the truthfulness of law enforcement. Either way, a young unarmed boy is dead and a cop is responsible. The officer's actions may be justified, but the citizenry of Balch Springs has a right to ask questions. Anyone who wishes to defend either side, is, at this point, making decisions without evidence. Our country needs to stop deciding cases based on bias--evidence dictates the facts. Ask questions...demand answers.

Officer Involved Shooting

How DEA Agents Took Down Mexico's Most Vicious Drug Cartel 04/26/2017

If you ever wonder what drug enforcement is really like from the perspective of law would learn that the policy of the politicians takes precedence over the reality of front-line soldiers who risk their lives every day promoting the policies those politicians insist are important to our country.

For those who want a front-line view of failure of government, a failure of policy, and a view of how soldiers are expendable for no good reason...

How DEA Agents Took Down Mexico's Most Vicious Drug Cartel … and how this gave rise to the criminal empire of El Chapo Guzmán

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will vacate 21,587 drug conviction cases 04/21/2017

It is significant that the laboratory tests conducted by Annie Dookhan have been so discredited that it required the reversal of 21,587 convictions. When one's blood is seized and sent to a crime lab for analysis, a defense attorney must remain vigilant to the possibility of tampering. A second test by an independent lab verifies the trustworthiness of the forensic analyst, or, presents proof that something is rotten in Denmark.

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will vacate 21,587 drug conviction cases This is the largest dismissal of wrongful convictions in U.S. history. in response to a massive drug-testing scandal involving lab chemist Annie Dookhan.

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Reno, NV

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Thursday 9am - 5pm
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Reno, 89502

Marine Corps Recruiting Reno 294 Moana Lane STE. 16 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 829-8911

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7287 Lakeside Drive
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We have represented employees in employment related disputes for over two decades. We focus primaril