Warm Sea Acupuncture

Providers of compassionate, individualized acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and energy therapies to the Tampa Bay Area

Photos from Warm Sea Acupuncture's post 11/03/2022

Although it doesn’t necessarily look it from the outside, the artisanship on the interior here was just incredible, especially since it had to be restored after WW2 bombing. (No interior pics allowed, but worth a look online for all you castle buffs!)
Ceilings were so 3-D combining artwork with plaster work, even making the plaster look like fabric!
Even John was impressed, and that is saying something since castles are not really his bag, lol.
We walked the German Markets and along the river banks on the way back to our ship.
All & all just a great Birthday for me today!

Timeline photos 05/30/2022

Let us remember those who courageously gave their lives. Thank you to the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. 🇺🇸

Together, let's remember and honor our heroes. Let us count our blessings and stand proud.

Please remember to honor your wellness and take care of yourself and your body! 💙❤️🤍

Happy Memorial Day!
- From all of us at Warm Sea Acupuncture

Timeline photos 05/27/2022

Some bad eating habits are common (too much food, too late at night, etc) but there are other ways you may be damaging your digestive system without even realizing it!

Take care of your digestive system and stop these 5 habits!

1. Drinking a cold smoothie in the morning. Yup - they say it's "healthy" - but in Chinese medicine, eating something COLD and RAW in the morning is extremely damaging to your energy and digestion. Think about it: the first thing you're giving your stomach after a nice restful sleep and cleaning (thanks liver!) is a huge ice cube that it has to first melt and then process all that harsh raw food (spinach, fruit). Try having something warming or neutral instead, like oatmeal, or at least have a warm cup of tea first if you must have your smoothie!

2. Eating when you're angry. Have you heard of Hangry? Ahh that's the absolute worst time to eat! When you're angry or irritated, your digestive system is "turned off". Stress (which you feel as emotions) means your body is in fight-or-flight mode, and it is not ready to eat - its ready to run away from the bear! Eating when you're irritated or stressed overwhelms your body. Try taking a few minutes after a heated conversation and breathe before you eat.

3. Not chewing your food. I know you're saying, "but of course I chew my food!" but do you chew it ENOUGH? Digestion starts in the mouth - the enzymes in your saliva break down sugar and carbs first before it gets to your stomach! Imagine how much less work your stomach needs to do when you chew your food and provide it with those enzymes. That could reduce bloating and even help with weight loss! My tip is to chew each bite of food at least 20 chews. Talk about mindful eating!

Want to know more tips that are specific for your body type?

Make an appointment with the button on our page.

Timeline photos 05/26/2022

How does acupuncture help with sleep? First of all, we have some questions about your sleep. Is it hard to fall asleep? Stay asleep? do you wake up to p*e and then can't fall back asleep? This all matters and helps us make a specific treatment for you!

✅Acupuncture realigns the energy meridians that run through your arms, legs, torso, back, and head.

✅It removes blockages which helps you feel better.

✅It calms your mind and body by balancing endorphins and hormones.

✅Acupuncture is relaxing and helps your body - mind - spirit take a breath and pause. It calms the spirit and can help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested and ready to go!

Do you want to feel relaxed and joyful like this pup in the photo (could this be Mara's golden retriever, Magnus?)

Make an appointment with the button on our page!

Timeline photos 05/25/2022

"How many treatments do I need to manage my anxiety?"
A very common question!

Most people leave their treatment visit feeling relaxed, refreshed, and energized and have relief from symptoms immediately after treatment.

However, acupuncture is a cumulative treatment which means each treatment builds upon the last and you'll feel better and better after multiple visits.

Lasting relief is achieved after multiple treatments and we gauge it upon how you are feeling in between each treatment.

🌸Treatment duration and frequency will really depend on your severity of anxiety.
🌸Most people need to come in 2x per week for 1-2 weeks
🌸Then 1x per week
🌸Then 1x every other week
🌸Then 1x per month and as needed for maintenance care (ex: before and after stressful events)

We discuss this during your initial consultation and make a plan for successful relief of your specific symptoms.

We adjust all further treatments based on your progress - it's individualized, specifically for your needs and financial needs too.

We are here to help.

Make an appointment via the link on our page.

Timeline photos 05/23/2022

Traditional Chinese Medicine theory states that when blockages and imbalances occur in the body, these blockages need removed by bringing the body back into balance. Its principal focus is to strengthen the body's natural defense system to enhance healing and maintain quality health.

Acupuncture helps:
✨Digestion, IBS, Crohn's
✨Pain and Arthritis
✨Anxiety, Depression
✨Women's Health (PMS, menopause)
✨Immunity, Energy, Sleep
✨Skin (psoriasis, eczema)
and so much more

We’re here to support you. Let us help you feel your best!

Make an appointment! Tap the button on our page or call 727-314-3259

Timeline photos 05/18/2022

How does acupuncture help anxiety?

Acupuncture helps you take that first step in re-aligning your energy. It realigns the energy meridians that run through your arms, legs, torso, back, and head.

If you have stress, acupuncture calms your mind and body by balancing endorphins and hormones.

Acupuncture is relaxing and helps your body - mind - spirit take a breath and pause. It calms the spirit and can relieve anxiety and stress.

Acupuncture helps strengthen and balance your organ functions, too.

Do you want to feel calm, relaxed, energetic and focused?

Make an appointment today - Tap the button on our page or call 727-314-3259 for a free phone consult.

Timeline photos 05/16/2022

We encourage you to take time for your healing. Do you let yourself accept your pain, instead of taking care of it? Do you give yourself the same care you give others?

It takes courage to reach out and ask for help, whether for a nagging pain thats been there for years or something new.

It takes courage to make time for you.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine taps into your body’s natural healing resources so you can feel like yourself again!

Do you want to move, eat, and sleep freely? without pain or discomfort?

Take the steps your body and mind need and make an acupuncture appointment today.

Schedule a free phone consult with the button on our page or call 727-314-3259

My First Impression of Acupuncture 05/12/2022

Jane Myers, AP, is a Five Element practitioner, at Warm Sea Acupuncture, in Safety Harbor.

My First Impression of Acupuncture Written by Liana Simon The first time I received Acupuncture, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. My knowledge was limited and I didn’t know of anyone personally who received treatments. I was aware that I would be pricked by needles and that the energy I


How does acupuncture help, you ask? Your body's energy is supposed to flow like water through a garden hose. Uh oh - what if someone is stepping on the garden hose? What happens?

The flow is blocked.⚡️

This happens to your body's energy, too. Blockage creates pain, bloating, constipation, etc.

How does the flow become restricted?

✅External influences:
- too much of certain kinds of food
- too much food/overeating
- eating at the wrong time of day
- the weather, medications, injury, and more
✅Internal influences:
- emotions
- anxiety
- frustration
- worry
- overthinking... stress!

How does acupuncture help?

It "removes the foot" from stepping on the hose, allowing the flow to be normal. It harmonizes the body, calms stress, and educates you about better eating habits for your specific constitution.

Then, the body feels better - no more bloating, pain, irritibility... constipation!

How many treatments does it take?

Most people feel relief within 1-3 treatments. Generally, lasting effects stay with you when you receive treatment 2x per week for 2-3 weeks, then 1 treatment per week for 1 month. Then, we get to a happy monthly-maintenence plan, and you're able to stay balanced as you live life! 😃

Questions...? Just ask!

Make an appointment - call/text 727-314-3259

Timeline photos 05/08/2022

We are truly grateful for you, no matter if you're a new mom or have been mom-ing for over 30 years, you have shaped the course of the world!

From all of us at Warm Sea Acupuncture in Safety Harbor FL


How will acupuncture help you feel better? 🤔

First of all, take a second to pause and be with your body. Acknowledge how amazing it is! It is there for you to walk, digest, breathe... beat your heart! 💜 All without really thinking much about it.

Acupuncture helps your body take that first step in re-aligning your energy. It realigns the "meridians" that run through your arms, legs, torso, back, and head. So if you have pain, it helps you feel better by clearing blockages.

Acupuncture is relaxing and helps your body - mind - spirit. It "calms your spirit" and relieves anxiety and stress.👌

Acupuncture helps strengthen and balance your organ functions, too. If you feel bloated or tired? Have a residual cough lasting over 2 weeks? That's how we can realign your energy too. 🌷

Questions about if acupuncture is for you? Give us a call or make an appointment at Warm Sea Acupuncture - aka "The Sea"?
Call/text 727-314-3259 😊

Timeline photos 05/06/2022

People often have relief from symptoms immediately after treatment, and most people leave their treatment visit feeling relaxed, refreshed, and energized.

"How many treatments until I'm better?"

🌸Treatment duration and frequency will really depend on your individual condition.
🌸Most people need to come in 2x per week for 2-3 weeks
🌸Then 1x per week for 2-4 weeks
🌸Then 1x every other week
🌸Then 1x per month for maintenance care.

We discuss this during your initial consultation and make a plan for successful relief of your symptoms.

Appointments following the first treatment will take 60 minutes and include a brief intake, assessment of your progress, and a full treatment. We adjust all further treatments based on your progress - it's individualized, specifically for your needs and financial needs too.

We are here to help.

Make an appointment by tapping the link on our page or call 727-314-3259

Timeline photos 05/04/2022

Acupuncture stimulates the body's natural healing resources, such as the immune system and sympathetic nervous system, so that it can perform at its optimal potential.

Research shows that the needle insertion triggers signals to the brain.
✅These signals have potential to relieve pain or reroute the wiring that suggests pain.
✅These signals promote balance of hormones and other chemical balances influenced by internal organs and the brain.

Acupuncture helps:
✨Digestion, IBS, Crohn's
✨Pain and Arthritis
✨Stress, Anxiety, Depression
✨Women's Health (PMS, menopause)
✨Immunity, Energy, and Sleep
✨Skin (psoriasis, excema)
and so much more

There are millions of documented case studies of relief from the use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

We are here to help.

Make an appointment by tapping the link in our bio or call 727-314-3259

Timeline photos 05/03/2022

It might be your BODY - not your food. It's time to stop wondering what is causing your IBS.

Your IBS is likely a "branch" symptom, and there is a "root" problem that acupuncture and herbs can help!

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs awaken your body’s natural healing resources so you can feel like yourself again.

It might be the foods you're eating... but - it might be your body's stress response. Acupuncture realigns your body's energy to release stress.

We are here to help.

Make an appointment by tapping the button on our page or call 727-314-3259!


At Warm Sea Acupuncture.. we help you feel comfortable in your body again. If you're tired, bloated, constipated... we can help!🦋

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine taps into your body’s natural healing resources so you can feel like yourself again - or BETTER!🌟

Are you ready to move, eat, and sleep freely? without pain or discomfort?

Try acupuncture at Warm Sea Acupuncture aka "The Sea" in Safety Harbor! Call us 727-314-3259


It’s time to stop fighting. No more fear of eating certain foods or wondering if that heartburn episode is going to happen again! No more terrible night's sleep and feeling exhausted.💤

Bloating, constipation, anxiety, and pain… ⚡️ It's time to say goodbye!

Say hello to feeling refreshed, rested, and comfortable in your body again.🌷
We’ll help you be comfortable in your body again - the natural way.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine awaken your body’s natural healing resources so you can feel like yourself again.😄☀️ Call us to schedule an appointment! 727-726-1676


Feel comfortable in your body again ☀️ If you feel tired, bloated, constipated... we can help!

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine taps into your body’s natural healing resources so you can feel like yourself again - or BETTER!

Are you ready to move, eat, and sleep freely? without pain or discomfort?

Warm tea 🍵 helps your body digest by boosting the Spleen qi which helps with keeping things moving in the body. Green tea helps even calm the Liver qi which is involved in stress and frustration.

Dairy creates "dampness" in the body, and makes bloating happen. Other foods can do this too. We can help you with a plan to discover what foods bother you - it might be what you're eating or WHEN you're eating... so many things can be involved! We are here to help you in that journey. 🌺

Big meals are too much on your delicate digestive system! Try smaller meals for optimal digestion 👍🏻

Gentle exercise keeps your energy or "qi" flowing properly! 🏃🏻‍♀️

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs 🌿 help your body the natural way. Sometimes you need a little guidance or a "gentle push" in the right direction. Acupuncture and herbs promote your body to move stuck energy and harmonize your digestive organs.

We are here to help your body find balance the natural way!

Try acupuncture at Warm Sea Acupuncture in Safety Harbor!

Go to www.warmseaacupuncture.com to make an appointment!



How does acupuncture help digestion, you ask? Your body's energy is supposed to flow like water through a garden hose. Uh oh - what if someone is stepping on the garden hose? What happens?

The flow is restricted.

This happens to your body's energy, too. And that creates pain, bloating, constipation, etc.

How does the flow become restricted?

✅External influences:
- too much of certain kinds of food
- too much food/overeating
- eating at the wrong time of day
- the weather, medications, injury, and more
✅Internal influences:
- emotions
- anxiety
- frustration
- worry
- overthinking... stress!

How does acupuncture help?

It "removes the foot" from stepping on the garden hose, allowing the flow to become normal again. It harmonizes the body, calms stress, and educates you about better eating habits for your specific constitution.

Then, the body feels better - no more fatigue, bloating or constipation!

How many treatments does it take?

Most people feel relief within 1-3 treatments. Generally, lasting effects stay with you when you receive treatment 2x per week for 2-3 weeks, then 1 treatment per week for 1 month. Then, we get to a happy monthly-maintenence plan, and you're able to stay balanced as you live life! 😃

Questions...? Just ask!

Make an appointment www.warmseaacupuncture.com


What do you wear to acupuncture?

best answer: pajamas! 😂

The best clothing for acupuncture is free-flowing, loose, soft and comfortable clothes.

We need access to: knees, elbows, and sometimes your back.

😍 Flowwy skirts
😍 Stretchy T shirts or tanks
😍 PJ-like pants

❌ Leggings
❌ Skinny Jeans
❌ Long Sleeves that dont move up your wrist

If you forgot or are coming from work, no worries!! We will make it work 😊

Even if you're here for wrist pain, we still may do points along the arm to treat the whole acupuncture channel, or energy meridian that runs up and down your arms. These points are sometimes located around the knees and elbows.

Just to be comfy though.. feel free to bring your pjs 🙃

Questions? Just ask!

Schedule an appointment online www.warmseaacupuncture.com


Please, join us in welcoming an additional practitioner to Warm Sea Acupuncture. Mara Carlini AP, LAc, MSAOM, brings her healing skills to Safety Harbor. Accomplished and accredited in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), and herbal formulas, Mara is very compassionate in providing the best of healthcare. Appointments are available by calling 412-419-1565 for Mara, email her at [email protected] or leave a message at ‘The Sea’ at 727-726-1676.


Woof! Where is point K9?

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Dr ML King Jr Street N
Safety Harbor, FL

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