Darrell L. Cochran

Fighting for victims rights from abuses by government, big business and organizations


News: My team and I have reached an $18 million settlement with Washington State on behalf of two young sisters who suffered horrific child s*xual and physical abuse by their family, and a subsequent foster father the state knew was a s*xual abuser.

Once again the state child welfare system has failed in its fundamental duty to protect children and give them a shot at a decent life.

My colleagues Ian Bauer and Mike McNeil did a tremendous job in bringing this case to a resolution that provides much needed support to our clients, and once again holds the State to task for its negligence and disregard for children. It's appalling.

More at my blog and the video below.



After years of work, the state of Washington has agreed to pay a $10.5M settlement to our four clients who suffered unthinkable child s*xual abuse at the notorious Boys Village group homes in Ellensburg and Seattle.

It's just another in a litany of cases where child welfare workers at DSHS and DCYF knew of rampant abuse at group homes and did nothing, leaving young boys victim to predators.

We know there are countless others who suffered in silence at Boys Village. We encourage you to contact us. We can and will help.


Washington youth detention facility pays millions in s*x abuse settlements against staff 08/19/2024

Kudos to our Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC colleague Patrick Brown for his recent appearance on KING 5 news discussing his tireless work in reaching millions of dollars in previously undisclosed child abuse settlements against the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)

These cases for s*xual abuse at Green Hills School - a youth detention center in Chehalis - are just the tip of the iceberg, and we continue to work tirelessly on numerous other cases against DCYF for abuses at Green Hill and many others.

While the state tries to keep its failures quiet, we fight everyday to shine a spotlight on them.

Washington youth detention facility pays millions in s*x abuse settlements against staff KING 5 Investigators have found a state department has quietly paid millions of dollars to settle s*x abuse claims against Green Hill School staff members.


It is an exceptional honor to be chosen by my peers from across the legal profession as one of the top 100 lawyers in Washington State for the 24th straight year. Thank you.

Being recognized for this achievement underscores my continued dedication to fighting for my clients, one case at a time. And it is a testament to all of the exceptional professionals on our team Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC

We continue striving every day to be the best in the business on behalf of our clients battling wrongdoers, whether they be federal, state, or local agencies; school districts; corrupt religious organizations; unscrupulous and greedy insurers or big businesses; and anyone else who abuses their power.

Here's to 25!


New lawsuit: massive insurance company bad faith

We have filed a new lawsuit against a number of mega insurance companies who continue failing to pay on coverage in dozens of horrendous child s*x abuse cases.

The companies are contractually bound to pay for the abuses suffered by victims at the notorious KVH group home in SW Washington. But for over a decade they've continued stonewalling to keep growing the money paid by KVH and other premium holders in their own accounts.

This blatant misconduct violates Washington State law - and continues to deprive victims of the help they need and are owed.

We will continue fighting for our clients as long as it takes. Corporate greed will not win out on our watch.

Watch below and learn more at my website:


Congratulations to all of my esteemed colleagues and team members for being selected along with me as 2024 Super Lawyer honorees and rising stars.

This prestigious honor recognizes the top 5% of attorneys in the state or 2.5% of attorneys under 40 considered rising stars.

Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with independent research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis. The objective is to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource for attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel.

It is an honor and pleasure serving with the best in the business!


An important news update: the government's consumer watchdog agency has just ruled Amazon.com is responsible for hazardous products sold on its site.


This comes on the heels of a lawsuit we recently filed on behalf of two women badly burned by dangerous, defective infrared treatment lamps they bought on Amazon.


We have a right to expect Amazon stands behind the products it sells and is responsible for what they sell when things go wrong...not just make it easy to return the harmful products and wash their hands of the whole mess. Do you agree?


From $1 million to $28 million - fighting insurance companies for their repeated failures to pay premium holders is one of the most important parts of our work.

It took over a decade, but we have just reached a $28 million settlement on behalf of the Olympia Early Learning Center. The Center consistently paid thousands in premiums. But when a horrific incident with an employee occurred, the insurance company refused to do what it promised: protect and serve its policy holder.

Watch the video and learn more at my blog:


As if allowing child s*xual abuse isn't a complete failure by Child Protective Services here in Washington State...now officials have taken to blaming young victims for their abuse.

My colleague Ian Bauer recently filed a case involving some of the most egregious failures ever seen on the part of Child Protective Services in the State of Washington – a case in which his client, a developmentally delayed child, was subjected to years horrific s*xual abuse on DSHS’ watch.

The State’s response? It’s “her fault.” She “failed” to “protect herself.”

As Ian puts it, "these tactics are outrageous - despicable, in every sense of the word. "

The State and its attorneys should be ashamed of themselves.

This is why we fight tirelessly every day for our clients.


Gathering with our fellow legal professionals to share knowledge, insights and experiences is the only way for us to stay at the top of our games.

This weekend was a great opportunity for my partners Mike Pfau, , and others from to meet other leaders in the legal field at the annual conference in Nashville, along with .

Colleen has done an exceptional job as president of our state organization this past year and continues to blaze a path for all attorneys. Always onward!


Amazon.com should be responsible for the products it sells!

That's why we've filed suit on behalf of several women badly burned by a dangerous infrared treatment lamp sold by Amazon.

The company argues it's merely a platform for sellers so isn't liable or responsible. We and numerous others across the country strongly disagree, and we're taking them to task. If they sell a dangerous product, they should be responsible.

Read more about why Amazon is at fault, and why ours and countless other suits are critical to holding the company accountable.

WA suspends taking in sentenced youth at two detention centers 07/09/2024

We are encouraged to see that DCYF Secretary Ross Hunter has halted taking in dangerous, sentenced youth at two Washington state detention centers.

We have worked for years on behalf of young people who have suffered at the hands of what has been a broken system and seen the aftermath of these failings far too often.

Secretary Hunter is absolutely correct in determing conditions at both of these facilities has endangered the youth placed there for years. We've seen countless incidents of s*xual abuse and violence at both.

But it's also clear the public has to be protected from the criminal activity that landed many of these youths in these facilities. This is an opportunity to reboot the State's approach and create better environments for therapeutic rehabilitation.

We have advocated for a number of steps including paying reasonable wages to attract more quailified staff and creating more facilities if capacity is truly an issue.

Above all else, the State and the country needs to come to grips with and address the poverty, substance abuse, and other underlying issues that that lead to criminal behavior in the first place.

WA suspends taking in sentenced youth at two detention centers The state has stopped taking in sentenced juvenile offenders at its two youth detention centers in Snoqualmie and Lewis County while it figures out overcrowding issues.


Happy Independence Day from our family and the entire team Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC

We remain fiercely dedicated to fighting for liberty and justice for all every day.


The Archdiocese of Seattle continues to hide the identies of pe*****le priests who horribly abused alter boys and other children for decades.

We have now learned of new, previously undisclosed abusers who served at St. Anne parish on Queen Anne in Seattle.

We continue to call on the Archdiocese to release all of its records and the identities of all credibly accused priests as promised years ago. Despite its feigned remorse and contrition, church leaders continue to demonstrate total disregard for victims.

We will continue to fight for those who suffered at the hands of the church. If your or someone you know was abused, it's never too late to reach out and seek help and healing.



A Spokane County jury has ordered the Cheney school district to pay our client Sara $3 Million for the years of s*xual abuse she suffered at the hands of her longtime band teacher and known predator Michael Alstad.

Alstad groomed her for several years before he began molesting Sara. It lasted for years. Teachers and administrators knew and did nothing. Worse, when Alstad quietly left the district, he moved to Aberdeen and continued teaching. Cheney officials said NOTHING.

Unsuprisingly, he groomed and abused another student there. He ultimately lost his job and fled to Canada. He ultimately was found and out, fired, and disappeared.

Our client's strength and courage to come forward and speak out is an inspiration. She - and we - hope it comforts and inspires other s*xual abuse survivors to come forward. We can help with the healing and hold abusers accountable.

I encourage you to watch the video below and visit our website for far more from Sara and our outstanding partners Andrew Ulmer and Kevin Hastings, whose exceptional legal work led to this verdict.


On June 19, 1865, nearly two years after President Abraham Lincoln emancipated enslaved Africans in America, Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas with news of freedom. More than 250,000 African Americans embraced freedom by executive decree in what became known as Juneteenth or Freedom Day. With the principles of self-determination, citizenship, and democracy magnifying their hopes and dreams, those Texans held fast to the promise of true liberty for all.

We honor this important day and fight constantly for the rights of all.


"This poor child never had a chance..."

We have reached a $1.6M settlement with Washington State and the Department of Social and Health Services on behalf of our client - a young man born into a life of abuse at the hands of his family and then a horrendous foster home where he was subjected to s*xual abuse from the time he was 5 years old.

His supposed protectors knew Cobb Center/Children's Home Society in Seattle hired s*xual predators (some ultimately convicted) yet dumped him there anyway.

By the time he was removed, this little boy went from damaged to destroyed. May this settlement help his recovery, continue holding DSHS and care givers accountable, and prompt change to prevent future abuses across our child welfare system.

Great work by our Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC associate Patrick Brown on this and all of his other cases.

Family of 19-year-old Tacoma crash victim files wrongful death, negligence lawsuit 06/12/2024

BREAKING: Officials knew intersection where 6 killed was dangerous. They failed to take action.

We have filed a new wrongful death suit against the Washington State Department of Transportation, the City of Tacoma and Port of Tacoma on behalf of the family of one of the victims of the tragic crash that killed six young people last July.

Watch the KOMO News story below for more from me and details.

Our suit finds officials documented over 100 crashes in a period of several years and discussed changes, but had not taken any action before a man ran a red light and plowed into the car carrying the six people from Arizona.

Officials knew of the potential dangers. They could have taken action to make the intersection safer. Now, six young people are dead, and families are destroyed.

Family of 19-year-old Tacoma crash victim files wrongful death, negligence lawsuit They claim the city and state did not do enough to prevent this tragedy.


While hard work, resilience, dedication and perserverance were keys to our success, my wife Wendy J. Cochran and I recognize the invaluable role our mentors and schools had in getting us where we are today.

It's imperative to us we create the same opportunities for the next generation. That's why we created the Cochran/Allen Family Scholarship. We are honored to select outstanding high school seniors as recipients to help propel them to greatness.

Photos from Darrell L. Cochran's post 06/02/2024

Lem Howell, one of my true idols in the legal world, helped found the Loren Miller Bar Association to confront institutionalized racism and disparities affecting the African-American community through the legal system. Spending time last night with everyone attending the scholarship awards ceremony was truly inspiring for my wife Wendy and I.

Colleen Durkin-Peterson, Ian Bauer and I spent the night scouting the immense talent in the room, always looking for hard working trial lawyers to join us in the fight to do good things.

Lem, an NYU Law grad, got a chance to give our new NYU kid, Skylar, the advice of the night - be a history major - and touted “you heard it here first”.


News Alert:

Washington State has agreed to pay a $6.5 Million settlement to six more of our clients horribly abused at the Kiwanis Vocational Home in Centralia.

Akin to "Lord of The Flies", dozens of young boys were sent to the home under the auspices of care and rehabilition. Instead they were routinely s*xually assaulted by staff and older boys.

This settlement is just the latest in our ongoing work to help all of the victims of KVH find healing and support, and to hold all of the perpetrators accountable - especially state caregivers who turned a blind eye or were complicit in perpetuating the years of abuse that took place at KVH.

Our work continues on behalf of other survivors. And we know there are far more who haven't come forward. We are here to help and encourage you to reach out.


It might sound trite or tired, but from the bottom of hearts:

Thank you for your service and sacrifice to those we've lost, and the families that give so much! We are eternally grateful.


It might sound trite or tired, but from the bottom of hearts:

Thank you for your service and sacrifice to those we've lost, and the families that give so much! We are eternally grateful.


The State of Washington has agreed to pay $2.85M for the latest settlement we've negotiated on behalf of clients who were horriby abused at J Bar D Ranch north of Spokane.

It's another in our long battle to help our clients on their healing journey, and to hold state social workers accountable for their role in perpetuating some of the most horrendous torture in state child welfare history.

Special shout out to my colleagues and partners Ian Bauer and ulmer for their stellar legal work in bringing this case to conclusion. But there are far more ahead, and the three of us have just filed a new lawsuit against the state on behalf of other victims.

It's never too late for victims to seek help. We encourage you to reach out if you or someone you love was placed at J Bar D. We can get you the relief you deserve.


Thank you to the Washington State Attorney General's Office for taking new legal action against the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Church leaders continue to stonewall efforts to reveal the identities of all priests and other leaders who abused children for decades.

We all urge the church to turn over all documents, release all names, and fulfill the promise of transparency and accountability.
There are countless survivors still suffering in silence. We encourage you to reach out. We can help with your healing journey. Email me at [email protected] or call 253-777-0798


It seems like just yesterday I graduated from University of Michigan Law School

I offer my sincerest congratulations to all of the dedicated students across the country who have devoted their lives to the law.

Every one of us at Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC is dedicated to nurturing young legal talent and are constantly on the lookout for the best and brightest to join our esteemed firm. Regardless of where you went to school, we encourage you to get to know us and get in touch if you think you've got what it takes to succeed in our firm. If you like fighting the big guys, we could be just the firm for you.


It can never be enough...but it's well deserved:

The Justice Department has agreed to pay approximately $100 million to 100 victims of former USA gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, over the FBI’s failures to take seriously reports brought to it of his potential abuse of star athletes. They're among hundreds abused by Nassar.


So many institutions failed these brave young women. We stand with them. And we'll continue to fight like hell for all survivors.

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Videos (show all)

$18M Child Sex Abuse Settlement
$10.5M settlement for Boys Village abuses
Supers Lawyers honors
KVH Insurance Bad Faith
PCVA attorneys selected as Super Lawyers
DC Amazon CPSC
From $1 million to $28 million - fighting insurance companies for their repeated failures to pay premium holders is one ...
State blames child abuse victim
Amazon.com should be responsible for the products it sells!That's why we've filed suit on behalf of several women badly ...
New accustions of child sex abuse in Seattle Archdiocese
Preventing child sexual abuse in schools:In the aftermath of our recent $3 Million suit against the Cheney School Distri...
cheney SD verdict



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