Thyme With Charlie, Dubai Videos

Videos by Thyme With Charlie in Dubai. Sound Healing Academy & Shop

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This time next week I’ll be on UK soil and it’s all I can think about. It’s been an epically awesome few months since I was home in January. I’ve been able to share my life with you all from afar, now I get to share it with you all in real life too. I’m particularly excited to come home this trip as I’ve missed the grounding that can only come from being with the people who know you best. I LOVE where I live. Every single day I’m grateful to wake up metres away from the ocean and know that the sun is always shining. But I love my family and friends and they’re always what I miss the most. The last few months, I’ve experienced deep loneliness. Not only was the experience of being plagiarised highlighting that I was fighting this battle alone as the only employee of my business, it also highlighted that I was lonely. Ooof...wasn’t expecting to go there! Please, no sympathy - it’s not a cry for help. I’m very good at self-therapising/self-healing. I’m also very good at reaching out to the people I go to for healing to help and asking for help too. And also because of this... Going back to Nepal in May was one of the most spiritually healing pilgrimages for me. Every new person I met wanted to help me/gift me with tokens of love in some way with the smallest of things without knowing my story. A usually very stubborn me not wanting to put people out, I surrendered and accepted their gifts of heart. With every acceptance of their love, their hearts were inspiring my heart to open and let go. Then a Nepalese friend of mine wrote down and explained very simply, “Loneliness leads to depression. Solitude leads to peace”. Ah, the Buddhist mindset. The perfect mental reset in one breath. The power of the mind never fails to amaze me. By lifting your head up and opening your whole self to the love that flows all around us, magic can happen when we’re willing to receive it. I comfortably and lovingly embrace my solitude, my peace, my fre

Cleaning your bowls/instruments = bonding with them. Bonding with your instruments = getting to know them, and them getting to know you. Getting to know each other = experiencing truth. Experiencing truth = high quality healing sessions. High quality healing sessions = healing core issues to solve limitations instead of masking over them. Bond with your bowls and you will both become an instrument of healing. You will experience true change. It’s true. Your sessions are different when you get to know your instruments. Your orchestra. When you know your orchestra, you know how to conduct them to get the best sound and harmonies out of them. Which of course creates the true healing frequencies and so the true healing benefits. Charlie tips: 1. Don’t use any abrasive, chemical or acidic cleaning products. Lemon juice is enough for these beautiful bowls. 2. Use old cloths and towels that you don’t mind being marked. 3. Clean all residue off of your bowls when drying them. 4. Use warm water. Metal is a conductor for heat so if the water is too hot, the bowls will be too hot to handle. Cold water also doesn’t get the same results, in my opinion. Keep adding warm water throughout as the bowls cool the water down. 5. Clean your bowls as often as you feel they need it. If you bond with them effectively, you’ll know when they need it. Whilst this is a physical cleanse, it’s also energetic. However, it’s not easy/realistic to clean your bowls like this after each session. I recommend you cleanse them between every session too. I will record how I cleanse the bowls energetically to share at the next full moon. Oh and, major sneak peak of my new bowls, some of which might be entering the shop soon. Try it for yourself! And I’ll share the reel I made a few years ago to my stories with step by step guide for cleaning your bowls. Happy bowl bathing! #cleanyourbowlswithcharlie #healingwithcharlie #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #cleanse #bond

The world today is leaving people feeling drained, disconnected and searching for a more meaningful existence. What if I told you that that’s all in your control, that you have the power to reprogram and heal not only yourself, but others too? My courses have gone through a major upgrade to help you upgrade your life. They’re evolving all the time just as humans do and the world does. And this upgrade is particularly epic. Content, accreditation and maturation of healing skills. We need this more now than ever before. These courses are literally life-changing. Not my words, but the words of many of my 150+ students from all over the world. And I’ve got to witness their lives changing. It’s never just about the sound or healing. It’s about finding a connection with yourself, allowing yourself to heal, evolve and grow in ways you never thought possible. Sound is the gift of a portal, a portal that takes you on a journey from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s a path of transformation, of living and breathing in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. These sound and healing courses are the gateway to unlocking your greatest potential and channeling that energy into changing the world. Join the Thyme With Charlie revolution on this transformative journey and discover the power of sound in unlocking your true soul and human potential. Allowing these courses to help you to evolve with the ever changing world is not only important, it’s essential. For all courses starting from the 1st June 2023, my prices are increasing by 11%. Take advantage of the current prices by booking onto the online courses before the increase takes effect. The summer 2023 in person schedule with myself and my course instructor, the marvellous Her Peaceful Place are ready to apply and book. We can’t wait to work with you. #evolvewithcharlie #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #soundhealingacademy #soundhealingtraining #soundhealingcertif

“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.”~ Carl Sagan, Cosmos. Exploring new and unfamiliar places beckons an indescribable sense of curiosity and awe that fuels my creativity, enhances my understanding of the world around me and welcomes a whole new realm of fresh inspiration. #travelwithcharlie #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #explorationisinournature #webeganaswanderers #wearewanderersstill

Feeling the true self-love. The intensity of the last few months has taken its toll. I didn’t realise how much until April. My body couldn’t keep up with my mental and emotional state. It’s like driving 100mph with no petrol. Eventually you come to a halt. Anger, betrayal and stress have been handicapping my healing process. There is great power in having a will to heal and without that internal power, illness usually has its way with the physical body. I had a feeling something was wrong but dismissed that feeling and went into auto pilot. A significant moment for me, someone who’s so aware, because my intuitive guidance alerted me to a loss of power in my body. This trip was about getting a grip of myself. Turning inwards to review my mental and emotional data. I began the process of becoming mentally and emotionally aligned again. More conscious of the distance between what I think and what I feel. Healing requires unity of mind and heart. It tends to be the mind that needs to be adjusted to the feelings. Which, more often than not, we don’t honour in our choices. Strangers were sensing this and offering healing help. A surprisingly easy yes. My last days in Pokhara, I had a full body massage every day to reconnect. The first one was medicinal. Ayurvedic. I was stripped bare. Even my hair tie came off. Liberated from anything I identified with. Liberated beyond the physical body that anchors me to earth. No limitations. The second was detoxing. Thai. I couldn’t run and hide from the deep releasing. Peacefully activating the source fire power. Deep in trance. Third was letting go, detachment. Nepali. Feeling an ocean of energy. The plagiarism being merely a drop of energy in my life. What they teach of mine is not pure. They will never be me, my heart or my teachings that they try to emulate. Then, an abundance of pure creative power rushing through me. I cried after each one, integrating the rebirth. I knew I was on the edge of somethi

Life is about finding your passion and pursuing it with all your heart. As I sort through these bowls, I’m reminded that working hard for something we love is never a burden. It’s a joy. So take a moment to reflect and find what sets your soul on fire. Pursue it relentlessly, and let your passion guide you to success. New bowls and some other exciting things arriving to the shop soon. #passion #motivation #ilovewhatido #ilovemyjob #whatlightsyouup #tibetansingingbowls #soundhealing #soundhealingtraining #soundhealingacademy #spendthymewithcharlie #shopwithcharlie #thymewithcharlie

When boat life means spending time with your best friend doing all the fun witchy things, all whilst soaking up the summer sun in a bikini. Little did we know last summer when I set the camera to record this moment, that this year we’d be doing it all again but this time welcoming you onboard to join us on our witchy adventures too. I’m already craving the adventure and magic. The waves gently rocking me to sleep. The stars brightly shining above. The wind carrying the scent of the ocean and the promise of a new day. The true magic of boat life lies in the people it brings together. Imagine a holiday where you’re laughing, dancing, meditating and creating life with your partner or best friend, surrounded by crystal clear blue hues and nature at its finest. Picture yourself sharing your passions, your dreams and your fears with like minded people, forming connections that are as diverse as they are unified by the love for the sea and the mystical world. It’s not a dream. This is our kind of boat life. And it’s calling our name. Time to dream awake. We sail the 7th of August. Tickets go on sale on the 30th April. #sailawaywithme #croatia #boatlife #catamaran #boathome #witchesofinstagram #magical #mystical #soulful #community #connections #adventure #seaadventures #retreat #laughing #dancing #meditating #itsnotadream #timetodreamawake #heartled #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #retreatswithcharlie #travelwithcharlie Diandra Harrigan

“Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the Earth.”~ Rumi. Find beauty in the world around you and connect with it in your own unique way. Every single day I appreciate…The sounds of the ocean that guides me to my Charlie trance, my spiritual connection. The air I breathe that grounds me where my feet are. The water I drink that nourishes me from the inside out. The food I eat that heals me, refuels me and fulfils my human body. It all comes from this same earth. Even man-made creations like my beautiful bowls trace their origin back to the earth. The earth shows us love in the beauty it surrounds us with. Each element of its creation has its own unique process that stems from the earths core. May we always remember to cherish our Mother today and everyday and pledge to preserve its wonderment for generations to come. Sustain the earth to sustain us all. #earthdayeveryday #earthday #gratefulfortheearth #naturelover #spiritualconnection #spiritualmindfulness #protecttheplanet #everylivingthing #gratefulheart #gratefulsoul #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #tibetansingingbowls #soundhealingbowls

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched? Forever obsessed with my courses. My teachings. My students. My bowls. And, of course, always obsessed with feeding people too. #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #soundhealingtraining #soundhealingacademy #teaching #passion #purpose #obsessed #iloveyouso

For you. For us. We are not limited to our bodies. A spiritual life is not a journey for the mind or intellect. It is a path of deep contemplation, prayer, and mystical reflection that draws you away from your mental world. It motions you to explore the true nature of what is meaningful and real in your life. And what is of true value. Your mind echoes the values and beliefs you’ve programmed it to tell you. Leaving little room for fresh insights and connection to the mystical realms. It’s challenging for the mind to grasp the profound and abstract concepts of spirituality. Embrace the boundless and curious spirit within you on your spiritual path. Stop looking for distractions. Stop desperately trying to stay connected. Stop the incessant desperation for involvement. Disconnect from distractions. From business, phone calls, computers and sounds to fill the silence and space. Once you reach your place of disconnection. Embark on the journey of rediscovering your inner knowing. If the transition seems daunting and sacrificing, that’s when you know you’re doing the right thing. On the other side is your liberation. Your peace. Your silence. Return to your peace. Return to your silence. #foryouforus #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #healingwithcharlie #evolvewithcharlie #soundhealing #soundhealingacademy #soundhealingtraining #spirituality #prayer #contemplation #mysticalrealms #peace #silence #liberation

“Learning never exhausts the mind”~ Leonardo da VinciI love this quote and resonate with it so much. Especially as an adult where I have chosen the knowledge that I consume to create my own path.And that doesn’t just go for my practise, but for my day to day life too.Curiosity frees up the energy, passion and creativity that leads to greater understanding and discovery of life and oneself.Even on the days that things feel off in life, I aim to observe these moments with a sense of curiosity. In my curiosity I find expansion instead of contraction. There’s always something new to explore and to learn. There’s always something yet to be discovered internally, consciously or unconsciously. It’s a simple notion that leads to many captivating pathways.I received a message this week during a Charlie trance from a female voice that said:“It doesn’t matter what’s happening around you. It’s OK, you’ve been doing this for 1000 years”1000 years of being curious enough to keep learning. And counting.How cool is that?!It’s my karmic soul purpose to be teaching in a heart led, empowered way connection, sound, healing, spirituality and ascension. Making it more relevant, modern and accessible for each life time so we can do more of it.These courses are the heart and soul of my previous life’s and this life’s experience. They have been given to me to give to you. Guided to channel these courses to amplify the learning and growth we’re all going through already.And yet every course, every student, I’m still leaning into curiosity, open to learning what I need to through the experiences with the people I’m with in that moment.Together, we all lean into our own curiosity to open the mind to learning.Here’s to the next 1000 years.Upcoming courses:Levels 1 & 2 Practitioner TrainingSingapore 🇸🇬March 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd@yicsingapore Online we work one-to-one. They’re the same world class courses. Different way of learning.Sign up onli

My bowls and my boy Bo. Both are blessings that keep on giving. Both keep me healthy in equal measure. Do you think he missed me and my bowls much?! He hasn’t left my side since I got home, always a tail or paw in contact with me and I’m all in here for it. #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #healingwithcharlie #gratefuleveryday #gratefulaf #bobowls

For you. For us 🤍 A longer one today. Because I can. (Feat. Me remembering I wanted to turn the ceiling fan off and severe concentration/trance pouty face) No words. Just being. In stillness, have a moment for yourself and together. Two minutes can make all the difference. My reason for offering these videos is simple. We have so much noise and words going on how often do we really give ourselves time to listen and just be? I don’t guide you, you guide yourself. My work has always been about making a difference through empowerment. I am not and never will be your guru. So many people come to me for answers. I’ll never give you an answer. I will however, facilitate a space to guide you to answer your own questions. As a result, you will make a difference to your own life by being shifting your awareness in honesty, truth and taking inspired action to heal. I can’t do that for you. No one can, but you. Empower yourself to reach your own place of healing. No one else can do that for you. Empower yourself to teach your own realisation of self. No one else can do that for you. And if a healer or therapist claims they can do that for you, they don’t know the true essence of what it means to be a healer. Consciously empower yourself to take control of your reality and how you react to life. Everyone has the ability to do this. This is what makes a difference. This is what works. #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #foryouforus #fridays #empowerment #healthyself #youareyourownguru #youareyourownhealer #rantover

F R I D A Y For you. For us 🤍 (Feat. A less stiff neck, Bo the cat-off camera, crows and the a ceiling fan) #foryouforus #fridays #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #bothecat #offcamera #thecrickinmyneckisgettingbetter #ceilingfan #listenwithyourbody #tuningthemind #healingthebody

F R I D A Y For you. For us 🤍 (Feat. A stiff neck, birdsong and a ceiling fan) #foryouforus #fridays #spendthymewithcharlie #thymewithcharlie #birdsong #gotacrickinmyneck #ceilingfan #listenwithyourbody #tuningthemind #healingthebody

E V O L V E W I T H C H A R L I E I’ll be giving my sound healing practitioner trainings in person well & good and online with me in January. These courses are for those who’d like to master delivering one-to-one and group sessions with both sound and healing elements. You will learn to develop your intuitive abilities and how to take your clients or yourself to a space of healing in memories of past lives, inner child, ancestral connections, and more through the use of hypnotherapy techniques combined with connecting to source and sound. Clearing blocks with vibrations and frequencies to enable liberation of mind, body and spirit. Level 1 is a four day training full of practical, and theory techniques designed to get all Thyme With Charlie practitioners qualified to a professional level in giving effective sound therapy sessions, and how to work with clients from initial contact to maintaining your loyal customer base. When you’re fully qualified, where do you go from there? These courses will prepare you with business tools to take your healing practice into the world with clarity, direction and support from me and our community as you do. Taking these courses will give you everything you need to feel confident delivering sessions and starting or expanding your healing business. The pre-requisite for level 2 is level 1 with Thyme With Charlie. For those who are interested in doing the advanced training in level 2 to take this professionally or go through deeper healing and reprogramming, you need to complete level 1. There’s never been a better time to take charge of your life and live your unique gifts into reality. You are here for a reason, the world needs your light, your unique odyssey. We have been waiting for you. Over half of the course in the UK in January has been reserved. DM me for if you’re ready to change your life. Because these courses will do just that. #evolvewithc

Listening to a podcast recently, the interviewer asked his guest, can you tell your story from the moment you were born till now in 30 seconds? 30 seconds. Because that puts your brain into talking about the major points of your life so far. Not long to cover a few decades. But everyone can do it. 30 seconds of talking. But what the mouth doesn’t say, the inner eye sees. Your brain shows you in your minds eye a flash of your whole life. Which can be unexpectedly very humbling and grounding. Your story is something that can resonate with many people for many different reasons. What a gift. And we all have one to share. I set my timer and gave it a go. Here’s what my brain picked out in 30 seconds… I’m the youngest of a family of five. We moved houses, schools and countries multiple times. My Mum was always into natural/alternative medicine. She would rather us take natural before antibiotics. She took me to my first yoga class at 13. Taught me reiki at 15. My dad was a professional opera singer. I was a professional dancer. Music has always held a strong presence and importance in my life. I got injured in my early 20’s and stopped dancing. I then worked multiple corporate jobs in different industries as well as starting a few side hustles to fill the void dancing left of doing something I was passionate about. This took me out to the Middle East where I discovered sound healing. I attended 3-5 sessions a week and felt the benefits instantly. It impacted every aspect of my life so much that I knew I wanted to study it to help people the way it helped me. I’ve been working with healing for over 20 years and sound has been in my life for almost 10 years. It’s something I practice and teach all over the world both in person and online. And it fulfils a passion I felt when I was dancing and is my purpose of why I’m here. That’s as far as I got. This video is from when I received my new alchemies. They moved through me. From the moment I