Thyme With Charlie

Sound Healing Academy & Shop

About me and Thyme With Charlie...

I started my love of movement as a dancer from 3 years old which turned into my profession and trade until I injured my lower back in my 20’s. A combination of Energy Healing, Yoga, Pilates and Calisthenics became essential for my recovery and have been a consistent part of my life for nearly 15 years.

I discovered Sound Healing whilst living in Dubai which ai


Heart bowls always sell out so fast so I brought some surplus stock back with me from Dubai and I added six new original handmade bowls to my website shop yesterday.

The Anahata/heart is the love energy centre. It corresponds to compassion, forgiveness, love, connecting, giving, receiving, peace, trust, self-love and this centre bridges earthly and spiritual aspirations.

When the heart energy is balanced/healthy it leads to deep and unconditional love, radiating positive energy outward, attracting love and promoting an overall sense of calm and acceptance.

Who wouldn’t want a healthy heart centre?

The stock you see on my website is what’s in the UK but we ship worldwide. Free UK delivery.

For Dubai stock, please DM me to book an appointment.

Have you seen something you like on my website? Would you like to hear it? I have a couple of hours available next week on Wednesday and Thursday. DM me for times.


Making plans for so much more of this looking like a superstar DJ of bowlssss.

I’m cool with that.


Every life is a symphony. Every symphony has highs and lows, lullabies and dissonance.

Music is the language of the soul. Every note contributes to the whole.

And even though we’re already on a spiritual path this lifetime, we can still go deeper.

Stay open and adaptable to its oscillating melodies. Because who knows, lightening could strike.

Happy 2024.



The only UK course I'm teaching in 2024 -

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 31/10/2023

You know I always want to be honest with you all…

Well. Let’s talk money.

My courses are worth their weight in gold. Of course they are, otherwise people wouldn’t steal my course content and sell it as “theirs”.

A lot of people say I’m really cheap for what I offer. I agree with them.

They’re value packed to the brim of generations (my personal family lineage of healers as well as my 3rd generation shamanic sound healing Nepalese teacher) worth of deep self-healing, energetic transformations and empowering realignment, whatever personal path you’re on.

But I’ve always wanted to make what I do accessible whilst still earning my living.

In the summer I had an 11% price increase on my courses. There were rising costs in the back end with new accreditations, website hosting stuff and other business subscriptions. (Let alone life costs!)

Whilst they remain the same, the energy of the numbers didn’t feel right.

I’m a sucker for numerology codes and the energy behind them is totally tangible.

So. I’m taking the 11% increase to a decrease. Back to what it was.

It won’t be like this forever because I know how much of a transformational impact my courses pack. There is so much more coming, in a way that you won’t even know what’s hit you.

But for now, this is what feels right.

That’s the beauty of being your own boss. I can feel and follow what is right for me and for my business and for you.

January is fast approaching, so are my next in person courses. And for reals this time, I’ll only be hosting one course in the UK in 2024.

January 2024 is it.

If you want to train with me in person, you’ll either have to wait till 2025, work one-to-one with me online, or to another location.

Once you pay the 20% non-refundable deposit, you can opt to pay in 1-6 monthly instalments. It’s all there for you in the checkout.

Spaces are limited. I can already feel the people who are coming.

Oh, and I’ve also changed the name. You’ll now be signing up to develop yourself as a Sound & Energy healer. Fully certified.

I cannie wait.

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 30/10/2023

HBD to me and my twin.

I’ve been spoiled with love, time and so many hugs. Feeling grateful and forever ageless.

All I could ever wish for.

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 10/10/2023

Do you realise how powerful you really are?

A question that was recently posed by the teacher during a yoga class.

Always a good reminder.

It’s also been coming up in conversation whilst teaching recently.

Do you realise that you have the power to create your own reality?

You have the choice in every single moment of how you want to react or not, to respond or not, to create or not, to feel or not, to think or not. Catch my drift?

You have the ability to change your story. Whatever that is.

It’s never too late to change your reality.

You didn’t grow up in a home that encouraged looking at life symbolically? Teach yourself to see the signs within, all around & in nature now.

You were raised with the thinking that everything deemed a “coincidence” was indeed only that & not your intuitive abilities shining a light? Use the gift of of hindsight to see where life was speaking to you intuitively, learn to read your own energy now.

Your parents/care givers said the only way to heal was by going to the doctors & taking medicine? Your body has a wisdom that only you can tap into that will show you what you need to do to truly heal. Out of love for yourself, start creating & nurturing an internal listening presence now.

You currently aren’t happy in your situation? Don’t blame others. Change it. Now.

All roads lead to you & your power to create.

With anything in life, this moment right now starts with you.

As you commit yourself to changing & creating your reality to evolving your presence, you’ll see the difference between the you today & the you yesterday, a month ago, a year ago.

Witnessing these moments of your own evolution only empowers you more.

Without you & your unique creation there is no passion, no purpose & your mission doesn’t exist.

Do you understand the you that you are right now?

How will you open to becoming more conscious of the reality you’re creating in every moment?

Take time to connect or reconnect to your mind, body & spirit.

This is how we begin level 1. From there we heal, grow, create & life becomes limitless.

New dates & locations added. Swipe to see which course aligns with you.

Her Peaceful Place


I'm closing my online courses until next year -


Frequency of thought (intention) amplifies frequency of sound.

Sound acts as a guide for you to reach your place of healing.

Your place of healing is like sifting through sand for the gold nuggets. They come in all shapes and sizes and when you least expect them, but knowing you have found something great when you find them. The things that are shown to you at exactly the right time that you are ready to heal from it. Your healing is unique to you. You may feel out of control during your times of processing deep healing, but don’t resist the process. Liberation meets you on the other side, I promise*

*if you’re truly ready to heal ;)

Have faith.

Take responsibility for your healing.

Trust in an unfolding higher plan.

And create your reality for you.

Can you see how that then links back into intention and sound? That’s why circles are round.

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 20/09/2023

Summer in the UK was an incredibly nurturing time for me. Time I knew I needed but didn’t know how much until I was there.

There was so much I wanted to do and so much I felt I needed to do. I had plans to travel into Europe to see friends. But none of it happened.

I had to be home. I had to be in one place, to slow down, to not always be doing something and just simply be.

Be with myself, my family and my friends. Prioritising me and them. It was worth its weight in gold. I left feeling fully recharged and ready to come back home again.

I have always been open with you that I quite often need a break from what I do. That can be a few days, weeks or months to recalibrate and I intuitively listen to when I’m ready to go again. And with a very intense 8 months behind me, I needed the kind of nurturing only home and the people who knew me best could provide.

And I felt the opening to receive that from them, from being on that soil, coming back home to myself in the process.

These are my stand out simple yet very meaningful moments of peace, hugs and filling up my cup that were truly what my soul needed this summer.

1. Nature & fresh air - View video here:
2. Sacred offerings for teaching my newly upgraded courses.
3. Being a kid with my bestest friends awesome kiddos - View video here:
4. Bowls I chose in Nepal in May restocked in the UK.
5. Catch ups with my only TWC mentor and utterly wonderful woman
6. Bowls choosing their people, always a fav to witness.
7. Receiving from the heart of Genevra
8. Every spare moment in a hazmat suit helping to redecorate my sisters new pad with the whole famalam.
9. Real life hugs with and her wee dude for the first time since we met online 3 years ago.
10. Bike park with my nephew the day before I flew home - View video here:


I recently got asked a great question:

“What is the motivation to receive certification or to not?”

This was my answer:

“…In terms of motivation, I’m not here to give you a sales pitch. If it aligns or not, either way that makes me happy for both of us. In my experience (and maybe, upon reflection, yours too) professional qualifications give you a chance to learn new skills that you can use to make your work more effective. By completing a professional qualification you also develop your knowledge and confidence significantly more so than relying on experience alone.

What has been your motivation to receive any certifications you’ve received so far in your life?

At the end of the day you have your own free will to decide what you wish to do. Either way will be the right way.”

My mission is to help people evolve. I’m not a sales woman. My passion is to see people upgrade and transform old limitations into empowered freedom to live a more fulfilled life.

I’ve been through it, the corporate jobs, the formal qualifications the societal stereotype that wants us to “fit in”.

I’m so grateful I went through all of that. It was my motivation to create a more meaningful existence and live life heart first outside of the box. A life of freedom and fully empowered by my own spirit, human needs, wants and desires.

I’ve never regretted a training course I’ve ever taken. And I’m booked onto a couple more because I love evolving myself. It always evolves my teaching from which we all benefit.

It’s a win win win.

All of the courses I’ve created are from 20+ years of experience working with healing modalities with incredible healing masters worldwide. It was important for me to have them internationally recognised (so you can be free to work from anywhere) and also recognised as professional qualifications with formal accreditations. I want to give you the best so you can be the best.

What will you do next?


G I V E A W A Y - closed.

Once in a blue moon I do giveaways.

Todays new moon made me do it.

And August happens to be a blue moon month. This happens when there is a second full moon in a calendar month.

So many moons. Are you still with me?

In honour of this months lunar cycles, I’m excited to give away this gorgeous full moon 8” third eye singing bowl and two mallets (they both create a different sound). This is the first full moon bowl giveaway I’ve ever done.

The full moon bowls I stock are my suppliers creation. They’re made once a month with only two lights. The light of the fire and the silver disc in the sky, the full moon. If it’s a cloudy night, they don’t make the bowls. 100% pure grade alloy metal composition, the quality of the sound is unparalleled.

Earlier this year, his Holiness the Dali Lama who knew of my supplier being one of two original bowl artisan families left in Nepal, personally requested to attain some of his full moon singing bowls.

He knows a real deal quality bowl when he sees/hears one.

How badly do you want this bowl?

Here’s how to enter:
1. Like this post and follow Thyme With Charlie
2. Tag as many of your peoples in the comments that you would like to win as much as you. Each tag counts as an entry.
3. Post this post to your story.

All three steps are required for successful entry.

Winner will be announced on the blue moon.

Worldwide entries. Entries accepted until 23:59 GMT 2023-08-30. No purchase necessary. Winner will be announced here and contacted via DM by me directly.

p.s. head over to my Thyme With Charlie Instagram page: to hear the sound of the bowl I’m giving away and watch a blooper cause who doesn’t love a blooper.

Good luck 🤍

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 10/08/2023

Some of you know who this stunningly beautiful (inside and out) woman is. Some of you don’t.

She’s my Mumma.

My first friend, my forever best friend in the whole wide world. My first hair, make up, fashion and spiritual teacher too.

She is my biggest inspiration and has been the most amazing role model growing up. She’s also a huge part of the reason why I needed up working with healing.

Mum took me to my first yoga class when I was 13 and taught me reiki when I was 15. She channels archangel Michael through automatic writing, tarot and reiki and has always been the biggest advocate for natural medicine and healing.

When anyone in the family falls ill, she is guided how to help them through natural means. My Dad was once told by doctors he had fibromyalgia-rheumatica and that he was going to go blind in approximately 10 weeks. My Mum through her research was shown how to help him. She reversed the diagnosis and his eye sight and my Dad still doesn’t wear glasses to this day.

She has saved lives. But will never takes credit cause she knows it was divinely guided and she was here to channel the information and healing.

She is a pure channel of divine grace and wisdom.

When people meet her they tell her she’s like an angel. Because she is. She died twice when she was a baby. Only people who have experienced real death and rebirth know truth of love and the creators essence and grace. Gods angel through and through.

She’s my angel.

The most utterly special person I know.

The purest of the pure hearts with an abundance of love for all living things.

Her embodiment of love and healing is a lifestyle that has always been my lifestyle and I’m honoured to share what I’ve learnt through her through my courses with you.

Today is her birthday.

I celebrate her every single day and I’m so grateful I get to be here with her in the flesh today.

We’re having a hot chocolate at our favourite garden centre and family dinner later. All the things she loves most.

I love you Mumma, happy birthday 🤍


I limited you by limiting myself -

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 03/08/2023

A few days after grounding in and down from teaching the first of my updated courses, of which contains a much higher consciousness, I had a major download which was only going to be given to me once I opened the gates in my teachings.

I have been wanting to change, update and add to my courses for over a year now. But something was telling me that students weren’t ready for the upgrade.

Then the message - who am I to decide what others are ready for? Was it me that wasn’t ready?

This wasn’t a question of divine timing. I realised just yesterday that my procrastination was blocking the future coming to me. All that time procrastinating I was only allowing time to be stolen from my evolution and yours.

I’ve been holding back sharing and teaching what I’ve learnt and developed since I was a little girl through family and the grace of a cosmic power.

I limited you by limiting myself.

I was being protective because I was a people pleaser and had weak boundaries. Because I had an idea of how life should be.

Another message from a human source, “just let go. Embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness”.

When I taught the first of the updated courses a month ago, it flowed in cosmic glory. We embodied each other in a way that reaffirmed why I’m here. A message that’s been channeled to me with the support of ascended masters and mystics since I was a child, “you are here to heal”.

I spent 3 months working non-stop to bring these new updates to you. New levels of connection to source and self. New levels of healing. New sequences. New expansion of consciousness. New energy centres. New science. New techniques. New mission. New heart.

I want you to walk out of the room more empowered in your unique strengths and abilities as a human, let alone a healing practitioner, than when you walked in.

Healing is a mystical process, not a mental one. A process of returning to life.

One thing I have been told is this…we are all at a time that we have a deep need for change. A deeper need for truth.

Last UK course of the year:
30th Aug-3rd Sept.
DM me to book.


My hypnotic-sacred-geometric-Merkaba bowl art.

Art created and picture taken in lockdown by yours truly.

Intention of the ancient traditions and communication with higher forms of consciousness - light:body:spirit - remains the same.

A connection of you to you. A way of connecting with light, body and spirit through the means of this symbol.

I’m currently nurturing my spirit with some much needed time with family and friends with so much love and respect for my grounding time and nervous system reset.

Will share the updates to my shop very soon - It was an incredibly special delivery. Instruments and healing frequencies like never before, powerful beyond words.

Share your bowl art, tag me and I’ll share.


I should come with a disclaimer:

“I take no responsibility for how many instruments you’ll end up with.” Haha.

I’m addicted to them so if you want to shop with a good bad influence by your side, I’m your girl 😉

Never fear, the bowls choose you more than you choose them, I watch this happening within myself and when people come to play the bowls. It’s fascinating and my favourite part of the process.

When I’m picking the stock to show you, they talk to me and tell me who they want to go to. There could be a bowl at the back, middle, bottom that will say “take me, I want to go home with them.” And out of a sea of bowls, that ends up being the bowl the person chooses. But I’ll never tell you which bowl is for you because it’s not my decision to make. You will know. You will feel it in your body, your emotions and your soul.

I will guide you through to support the connection. It’s like a ceremonial act. So sacred. So special 🙏🏼

So if you come and play every single bowl I have in stock and you walk away with none, that makes me just as happy as when you and your bowls find each other. Why? Because when you’re using them for healing purposes, it’s important that you resonate with each other to derive the true healing benefits from your instruments.

Also, when choosing your instruments, know that they’re not the only bowls in the world. So when you’re choosing them, give yourself the grace to take the pressure off yourself and have no expectations. The right bowls will find always find you.

And they always do.


August Practitioner Certification - You asked, I made it happen -

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 04/07/2023

This is truth.

I’m so done talking about this. I’m especially done thinking about this. It’s part of my story but it’s not my story now. It’s already had too much of my attention and energy.

But as soon as I landed in the UK on Saturday and connected into the energy of what has been happening since last year, I got major clarity and I’ve finally been able to express in these slides what I’ve been trying to since it all started.

Being open and sharing my experience with you all, I have heard so many other stories from people that have experienced or are experiencing the same thing.

It’s become too easy for people to copy other peoples work. I’ve never found it to be a compliment. It’s rude and annoying and it needs to be shut down.

I have a lot of compassion the people who’ve been copying me and my work and for anyone who feels they need to copy someone or something else because they don’t know who they are or how to be in their unique creation.

Whilst it’s been a sh*t time, it’s also been a very positive time and I’ve made changes to my business that I’ve wanted to for over a year.

Not to mention the priceless self-development work that comes from meeting challenges like these.

I’ve used this whole experience to channel energy into expanding my consciousness for the good of myself first, my business and the world around me.

And as my Nepalese friend and bowl supplier (who’s also been dealing with plagiarism for five years) said with a very Buddhist outlook, “anything built on lies and deceit won’t last long. Anything that comes from the heart will live forever. For that reason, I can smile and send them love on their way.”

So for those who continue to copy and emulate someone else’s work. The truth always comes out. So keep on keeping on. I love you. And you’re inspiring some epic sh*t.

Take a read on the swipe >>


This time next week I’ll be on UK soil and it’s all I can think about.

It’s been an epically awesome few months since I was home in January. I’ve been able to share my life with you all from afar, now I get to share it with you all in real life too.

I’m particularly excited to come home this trip as I’ve missed the grounding that can only come from being with the people who know you best.

I LOVE where I live. Every single day I’m grateful to wake up metres away from the ocean and know that the sun is always shining. But I love my family and friends and they’re always what I miss the most.

The last few months, I’ve experienced deep loneliness. Not only was the experience of being plagiarised highlighting that I was fighting this battle alone as the only employee of my business, it also highlighted that I was lonely.

Ooof...wasn’t expecting to go there!

Please, no sympathy - it’s not a cry for help. I’m very good at self-therapising/self-healing. I’m also very good at reaching out to the people I go to for healing to help and asking for help too. And also because of this...

Going back to Nepal in May was one of the most spiritually healing pilgrimages for me. Every new person I met wanted to help me/gift me with tokens of love in some way with the smallest of things without knowing my story. A usually very stubborn me not wanting to put people out, I surrendered and accepted their gifts of heart. With every acceptance of their love, their hearts were inspiring my heart to open and let go.

Then a Nepalese friend of mine wrote down and explained very simply, “Loneliness leads to depression. Solitude leads to peace”. Ah, the Buddhist mindset. The perfect mental reset in one breath.

The power of the mind never fails to amaze me. By lifting your head up and opening your whole self to the love that flows all around us, magic can happen when we’re willing to receive it.

I comfortably and lovingly embrace my solitude, my peace, my freedom. Absorbing the love that’s always been around me flowing in abundance.

I can’t wait to share my love with you all in July.

UK group sessions are ready to book.


July UK Sessions & a Vulnerable Share -

Photos from Thyme With Charlie's post 21/06/2023

I remember when I first brought my bowls over to the UK in 2017. Out of everyone who came to my sessions, no one had experienced sound healing before. Hardly anyone had experienced meditation and barely anyone knew what the chakras were.

We’ve come a long way in six years. Who here has been with me since then?

I kept getting the same request - to teach this sacred healing modality.

I didn’t teach straight away. I was told by my guides to wait till it aligned with my experience so I could give the best of the truth to share with you all.

That experience and knowledge has only grown since then.

And not just in me, in all of you too.

The world is always changing. There is no stagnation. Nothing stays the same forever, including you.

Just as you must breathe to live, you must grow to thrive.

This is why I was called to upgrade the consciousness of my courses. Because the world needs more than just the sound and healing elements.

We need ascension and truth.

Deeper connection with a higher awareness of being for the healing work we are here to do, without the new age bullsh*t that has been diluted to a low frequency with no room to honour our expansion as we level up as humans and healers.

As you commit yourself to evolve, you’ll see the difference between the you today and the you yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago.

Witnessing these moments of your evolution only empower you more.

As with everything, this moment, this life, starts with you. Without you, there is no passion, no purpose and your mission does not exist.

So we start here. With you.

And I’m here as a mentor to guide you to your truth. To help you understand the you that you are now.

To help you become more conscious of the reality you’re creating in every moment of your truth.

We go deep. To the deepest depths encouraging raw honesty within yourself, even if it feels uncomfortable to acknowledge.

All so you can serve as a pure channel to yourself, your life and to all who seek healing with you through living your passion and purpose bringing your mission to life.

Join us in July in Surrey.

DM me to book.

Swipe for the UK 2017 .


SOUND: Amplifying Healing Energy

Delve into the depths of this ancient practice and discover how sound can serve as a powerful transmitter and amplifier of healing energy. Throughout the course, we will guide you in harnessing the transformative potential of sound. It all starts with you and your healing journey, as you learn self-healing techniques to balance your own energy and enhance your well-being. Gain the skills to facilitate one-to-one and group healing sessions, utilising the vibrational power of sound to bring harmony and wellness to others. Additionally, we will explore the fascinating realm of distance healing, enabling you to extend your healing capabilities beyond physical boundaries.

HEALING: Harmonising Body, Mind and Spirit

In our upgraded program, we place a significant focus on the profound process of harmonising the body, mind and spirit. Through specialised techniques and practices, you will deepen your understanding of the transformative benefits of sound therapy, massage and meditation. Explore how sound can guide the body and mind into a meditative state or trance, creating a gateway to profound relaxation, self-discovery and holistic healing. Unlock your potential as a healing practitioner and tap into the sacredness of the practice of sound to promote health, well-being, and personal growth.

ASCENSION: Elevating Consciousness and Expansion

Our courses now offer expanded teachings on the profound concept of ascension. Ascension refers to the process of elevating consciousness and expanding your awareness to higher states of being. Throughout the courses, you will receive guidance on connecting with higher frequencies and dimensions, accessing deeper levels of spiritual insight and wisdom. Explore the realms of energy and consciousness, aligning with your highest self and expanding your spiritual journey. By integrating sound, healing and ascension principles, you will unlock your true potential and embrace a transformative path of personal growth and self-realisation.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

My Story

I started my love of movement as a dancer from 3 years old, which turned into my profession and trade until I injured my lower back in my 20’s. A combination of Energy Healing, Yoga, Pilates and Calisthenics became essential for my recovery and has been a consistent part of my life for over 15 years.

After many years of working in Operations Management in corporate environments and running a couple of independent businesses, I decided it was time to give my life a little more meaning. ​

I was exposed to the holistic healing world from birth and as a child I was always fascinated by what the human eye couldn’t see. When I was old enough to start to understand the potential power healing has for good, to be able to help people and seeing it work its magic, I learnt Reiki at 15 years old and practised on anyone whom I was drawn to help, including the family pets.

Thanks to my travels and places I have lived, I have been fortunate enough to meet, work with, be treated by and learn from wise and beautiful healing mentors from the land of karma and spirituality of how to channel these gifts. I discovered Sound Healing whilst living in Dubai and immediately connected with it. The practice aided the healing of both physical and emotional ailments and after seeing and feeling the results, I was hooked on this ancient healing modality.

Videos (show all)

This time next week I’ll be on UK soil and it’s all I can think about.It’s been an epically awesome few months since I w...
Cleaning your bowls/instruments = bonding with them.Bonding with your instruments = getting to know them, and them getti...
The world today is leaving people feeling drained, disconnected and searching for a more meaningful existence.What if I ...
“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the sho...
Feeling the true self-love.The intensity of the last few months has taken its toll. I didn’t realise how much until Apri...
Life is about finding your passion and pursuing it with all your heart. As I sort through these bowls, I’m reminded that...
When boat life means spending time with your best friend doing all the fun witchy things, all whilst soaking up the summ...
“Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the Earth.”~ Rumi. Find beauty in t...
Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?Forever obsessed with my courses. My teachings. My students. My bowls.A...


Umm Suqeim

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