Bioscience Clinic

We are a regenerative medicine centre that deals with cryopreservation and the expansion of cells.


Unlock your inner vitality with Exosomes IV Therapy at Bioscience Institute in Dubai! Enhance your body’s power and embrace healthier, longer living. Our cutting-edge treatment supports cellular health and speeds up recovery.

Start your transformation today!

✨ Benefits:

- Improved physical performance and energy
- Accelerated tissue repair and regeneration
- Reduced signs of aging

أطلق العنان لحيويتك الداخلية مع العلاج الوريدي باستخدام الإكسوسومات ! عزز قوة جسمك واستمتع بحياة أكثر صحة وأطول. يدعم علاجنا المتطور الصحة الخلوية، ويسرع عملية الشفاء.
ابدأ التحول الخاص بك اليوم!
✨ الفوائد:
• تحسين الأداء البدني والطاقة
• تسريع إصلاح الأنسجة وتجديدها
• تقليل علامات الشيخوخة

Photos from Bioscience Clinic's post 31/08/2024

At Bioscience Institute, we pride ourselves on upholding the highest standards with globally certified procedures, technologies, and facilities.

في Bioscience Institute،نحن نفتخر بأنفسنا لحفاظنا على أعلى المعايير وذلك من خلال إجراءات وتقنيات ومرافق معتمدة عالميًا.

Photos from Bioscience Clinic's post 28/08/2024

Excited to be featured on L’Officiel to share insights from the world of regenerative beauty!

Stem cell treatments are revolutionizing skincare, offering cutting-edge solutions for sun damage, wrinkles, and overall skin rejuvenation.

Read the full article diving into Giuseppe Mucci, CEO and Founder of Bioscience Institute, the Middle East’s pioneer in autologous cell therapies. Giuseppe shares his wealth of expertise and commitment to innovation, having been a driving force in the Stem Cell industry since 2005.

Discover how his groundbreaking approach is redefining beauty and anti-aging in the Middle East.

نحن نشعر بالحماس للظهور على مجلة (لا أوفيشال) ومشاركة آرائكم من عالم العلاجات التجديدية

إن علاجات الخلايا الجذعية تحدث ثورة في عالم العناية بالبشرة، مقدمة حلولاً متطورة لمعالجة أضرار الشمس، التجاعيد، وتجديد البشرة بشكل عام.

اقرأوا المقال الكامل الذي يتناول عمل جوسيبي موتشي الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس لمؤسسة بايوساينس الرائدة في الشرق الأوسط في علاجات الخلايا الذاتية

يشارك جوسيبي قائلاً إن خبرته الواسعة والتزامه بابتكار العلاجات كانت قوةً دافعة في صناعة الخلايا الجذعية منذ عام 2005.

اكتشفوا كيف يعيد نهجه الرائد تعريف الجمال ومكافحة الشيخوخة في الشرق الأوسط


Are mesenchymal stem cells present in blood?

No, Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are typically not found in significant numbers in the bloodstream.

Discover the complexities and variations in stem cell densities across different tissues with our experts, and why adipose tissue is our preferred source for superior regenerative treatments.

At Bioscience Institute, we harness the power of your own fat-derived stem cells for treatments that offer unmatched quality and effectiveness:

- Skin rejuvenation
- Hair loss
- Orthopedics
- IV therapy
- Men’s Health
- Female Rejuvenation

Interested in learning more? Contact us today—link in bio! 💬

هل توجد الخلايا الجذعية الميزنشيمية في الدم؟

لا، عادةً لا توجد الخلايا الجذعية الميزنشيمية بأعداد كبيرة في مجرى الدم.

اكتشف مع خبرائنا تعقيدات وتباين كثافة الخلايا الجذعية في الأنسجة المختلفة، ولماذا يعتبر النسيج الدهني مصدرنا المفضل للعلاجات التجددية المتفوقة.

في Bioscience Institute، نستفيد من قوة الخلايا الجذعية المستخلصة من الدهون الخاصة بك في علاجات ذات جودة وفعالية لا تضاهى:

تجديد البشرة
تساقط الشعر
الطب العظمي
العلاج عن طريق الوريد
صحة الرجال
ضعف المبايض المبكر
تجديد شباب الأنثى
هل أنت مهتم بمعرفة المزيد؟ اتصل بنا اليوم—رابط في السيرة الذاتية


Did you know? For face shaping, combining mesenchymal STEM CELLS with autologous fat grafting offers a natural alternative to traditional methods.

At Bioscience Institute Middle East, the treatment LIPOSKILL PLUS not only fills volume but also enhances skin texture and boosts blood flow, promoting long-lasting regeneration. The results? Completely natural and enduring over time.


Disappearance of fine & deep wrinkles
Reduction of spots & scars
Brighter, firmer skin
Stable, natural results
Experience the holistic power of stem cells for a rejuvenated you. 💫

Photos from Bioscience Clinic's post 12/08/2024

What is Anti-Aging iV Therapy?

Discover a cutting-edge procedure to combat aging using your own stem cells. As we age, the number of cells that regenerate our organs and tissues decreases.

Anti-Aging iV Therapy leverages the power of your stem cells to fight the decline in regenerative functions, addressing visible signs like wrinkles and joint problems, as well as silent health threats like chronic low-grade inflammation.

This innovative treatment by Bioscience Institute involves the intravenous transfusion (IV) of mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) extracted from your adipose tissue and expanded in our Lab. Stem cells can regenerate various tissues, produce essential molecules like collagen and elastin, and modify the immune system activity.

Rejuvenate from within with Anti-Aging stem cells iV Therapy!

ما هو العلاج الوريدي باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية؟

اكتشف إجراءً مبتكرًا لمكافحة الشيخوخة باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية الخاصة بك. مع تقدمنا في العمر، يقل عدد الخلايا التي تجدد أعضائنا وأنسجتنا لكن العلاج الوريدي يزيد من قوة الخلايا الجذعية التي تكافح تراجع الوظائف التجديدية، مما يعالج العلامات الظاهرة مثل التجاعيد ومشاكل المفاصل، وكذلك التهديدات الصحية الصامتة مثل الالتهاب المزمن منخفض الدرجة.

أحد العلاجات التي ابتكرها مركز بايوساينس هو العلاج الوريدي لنقل الخلايا الجذعية الميزنشيمية المستخرجة من الأنسجة الدهنية الخاصة بك والتي تتم معالجتها في مختبرنا. يمكن للخلايا الجذعية تجديد مختلف أنواع الأنسجة وإنتاج الجزيئات الأساسية مثل الكولاجين والإيلاستين، وتعديل نشاط الجهاز المناعي.

جدد جسمك من داخله باستخدام العلاج الوريدي المكافح للشيخوخة.


Looking for a non-surgical way to tackle signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss? MSC-DERIVED EXOSOME treatment is a powerful alternative! These exosomes,directly sourced from our Lab in Dubai, when injected into the skin, offer revitalizing effects thousands of times stronger than PRP.

Why Our Patients Choose Exosomes:

• Natural and biocompatible, unlike synthetic fillers

• Longer-lasting results compared to traditional hyaluronic acid fillers

• Effective rejuvenation and repair of age-related volume loss in the face and hands

• Enhanced skin texture

Experience the difference: contact us to learn more

هل تبحثين عن إجراء غير جراحي لعلاج علامات الشيخوخة مثل التجاعيد والخطوط الرفيعة وفقدان الحجم؟ إن علاج الإكسوسومات المشتقة من الخلايا الجذعية هو بديل قوي! فهذه الإكسوسومات المستخرجة مباشرة من مختبرنا في دبي توفر عند حقنها في الجلد تأثيرات تجديدية أقوى بآلاف المرات من علاجات البلازما

لماذا يختار مرضانا الإكسوسومات:

• طبيعية وقابلة للتوافق البيولوجي، على عكس الفيلرز الاصطناعية
• نتائج تدوم لفترة أطول مقارنة بالفيلرز التقليدية المصنوعة من حمض الهيالورونيك
• تجديد فعال وإصلاح لفقدان الحجم المرتبط بالشيخوخة في الوجه واليدين
• تحسين ملمس البشرة

اختبر الفرق: اتصل بنا لمعرفة المزيد!


Discover the future of skincare with Bioscience Institute. By harnessing the regenerative capabilities of mesenchymal STEM CELLS derived from your adipose tissue, LIPOSKILL rejuvenates your skin from within.

Enjoy these benefits:

- Boost collagen
- Enhance firmness
- Smooth wrinkles
- long Lasting results
- Improved overall skin texture


Harnessing the regenerative capabilities of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-derived Exosomes, XOLINE’s formulas stimulate natural healing processes within the skin, promoting firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

XFILL: the 3D- EXO serum for eyes and lips:

• Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles: The powerful blend of MSC-derived
exosomes and active ingredients works synergistically to minimise the appearance
of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and lips, restoring a smoother,
more youthful look
• Boost Collagen Production: The exosomes in XFILL stimulate collagen synthesis,
resulting in increased skin firmness and elasticity
• Improve Skin Tone and Texture: The nourishing ingredients in XFILL work
together to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin
• Deeply Hydrates and Moisturizes: XFILL is formulated with hydrating
and moisturising ingredients that pe*****te deeply into the skin,
providing lasting hydration
• Antioxidant Protection: XFILL is rich in antioxidants that protect the skin
from environmental stressors and free radicals

Discover XOLINE for anti-aging: the exclusive cosmetic line created by Bioscience Institute, leader in regenerative medicine service.

Learn more: link in bio


Honored to be featured on .

Discover how stem cells and exosomes are advancing treatments at the forefront of regenerative medicine.

At Bioscience Institute, we provide exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells, directly sourced from our laboratories in Dubai

Stem Cells and Exosomes have regenerative, anti-inflammatory, angiogenic, and immunomodulatory properties for treating various ageing-related conditions.

Watch the full interview here to learn more: link in bio


Body ageing is a physiological process that can be accelerated due to environmental and behavioral factors that negatively affect all human tissues.

Treatments utilizing adipose-derived stem cells are the gold standard of regenerative medicine because they are tailor-made, non-toxic and free of side effects, producing natural and stable results.

Bioscience Institute uses STEM CELLS extracted from fat tissue, and each person can use their own cells.

From our Bioscience Lab to Clinic:

- Sampling: Collecting 20cc of fat from the patient
- Extraction: The Stem Cells are extracted and expanded in 3-4 weeks in our Lab and ready to use
- Treatment: The vials containing mesenchymal stem cells can either be used to perform an immediate treatment or can be stored for future treatments
- Banking: The remaining vials are frozen and cryopreserved for years
- Thawing:The cryopreserved vials can be used for additional treatments

Experience the gold standard in regenerative medicine with personalized care at every step using mesenchymal stem cells directly from our Lab.


Discover the remarkable benefits of stem cell treatments at Bioscience Institute for orthopedic conditions like cartilage lesions, bone injuries, tendon or muscle injuries, and osteoarthritis.

Benefits of ORTHOSKILL:

- Pain Relief: Many patients report significant relief from pain following treatment
- Improved Mobility: improving joint function and increased range of motion
- Tissue Regeneration: The stem cells aid in regenerating damaged cartilage and other joint tissues
- Repair damaged cartilage and bones resulting from trauma or ageing
- Reduces inflammation in the joint, particularly beneficial in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis


Rym Saidi, TV presenter and actress, visited Dr. Roberto at Bioscience Institute in Dubai. With MSC-derived exosome treatment for the face, skin rebuilds itself in a natural, healthy way from the inside out, increasing skin collagen in the treated areas improving skin elasticity, firmness and texture. EXOSKIN, exosomes directly sourced from our lab in Dubai, is the new frontier of exosome skin rejuvenation in regenerative medicine.

Benefits of EXOSKIN:
- most effective Exosome treatment in the market
- the only Exosome treatment that can be injected
- improves skin texture
- promotes collagen synthesis
- improves skin elasticity and quality
- promotes tissue repair and regeneration


Ageing is a complex process associated with reducing the number of stem cells committed to organ and tissue regeneration. LIFESKILL, the Anti-Aging IV treatment, increases the quantity of these cells in the body treating aging in a totally natural way, taking advantage of regenerative capabilities of mesenchymal stem cells.

You will experience:
- Better physical performance and vitality
- Neuroprotective effects, potentially improving cognitive function
- Tissue repair and regeneration
- More energised and experiencing improved well-being
- Impact certain inflammation-related biomarkers, tissue regeneration, or ageing.
- Reduction of signs of age-related decline


At Bioscience Institute we offer treatments for joints, knee osteoarthritis, cartilage, and bone degeneration through Stem Cells technology. This is one of the successful stories of a patient after receiving his 1st session of Stem cells treatment at Bioscience Institute, got major improvement allowing him to resume his favorite sports and life activities.

For more information about Stem Cells treatmentsfor Orthopedics, contact us on 043757220 or visit our website at

من أهم العلاجات التي تقدمها مراكز بايوساينس عن طريق تقنية الخلايا الجذعية, هي علاج خشونة الركبة والمفاصل, هذه قصه إحدى الحالات لشاب أول جلسة له في عيادة بايوساينس وهو في تحسن مستمر مما ساعده للعودة لهواياته المفضلة أنشطته الرياضية وممارسة حياته اليومية بكامل عافيته, للمزيد من المعلومات حول العلاجات عن طريق الخلايا الجذعية اتصل بنا على 043757220 أو زوروا موقعنا


XLIFT face and neck serum, combines the remarkable potential of stem cell technology with a potent blend of active ingredients to create a powerful facial lifting treatment. Exosomes contain essential proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids that stimulate the natural healing processes within the skin, promoting firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

• Provides instant Lifting and Firming Effect
• Stimulates collagen and Elastin Production for skin’s firmness and elasticity
• Enhances Skin Regeneration
• Delivers long-lasting hydration.
• Protects the skin from environmental stressors and free radicals, which can contribute to premature ageing.


Transform your menopause journey with Stem Cells IV Therapy: harness the power of regenerative adipose-derived stem cells to enhance vitality, sharpen cognitive function, and rejuvenate your body from the inside out. Naturally replenish and revitalize your body for a renewed sense of well-being.

Photos from Bioscience Clinic's post 14/07/2024

ANDROSKILL is an innovative technique for the treatment of moderate and severe erectile dysfunction using autologous adipose stem cells. This safe and effective treatment doesn’t just eliminate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction; rather, it acts on its causes.

Photos from Bioscience Clinic's post 02/07/2024

Revive your hair's natural beauty with HairSkill! Our treatment harnesses the regenerative potential of stem cells to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Reclaim your confidence and shine with our advanced regenerative solution.


Discover the truth about stem cells 🧬 Watch our latest video where we debunk common myths and answer all your questions about stem cell research and its potential. Get informed and join the conversation!


Protocollo HELIXAFE: un modello di prevenzione innovativa.

Il cancro è una malattia genetica. Ogni giorno, il nostro DNA viene danneggiato migliaia di volte da cause naturali e fattori esterni (come alcol, droghe, inquinamento, ormoni, fumo, cibo spazzatura, radiazioni, …). Il nostro organismo ripara questi danni preservando l'integrità del DNA.
Nel caso in cui questo sistema smetta di funzionare, e senza avere sintomi, i danni si accumulano progressivamente dando origine a mutazioni somatiche: questo rappresenta la fase iniziale dello sviluppo di tumori

Oggi, con il protocollo è possibile analizzare il rischio sulla base di parametri oggettivi, analizzabili grazie a moderne tecniche di sequenziamento del DNA.

🔍Per maggiori informazioni visita il nostro sito: link in bio
Numero Verde: 800 690 914


نتمنى لكم ولأحبائكم عيد أضحى مبارك مليئ بالفرح والسلام والرخاء

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Eid ul Adha filled with joy, peace, and prosperity.


OVOSKILL is a treatment for premature menopause based on the use of adipose-derived stem cells and is indicated for infertility and interruption of the menstrual cycle.

OVOSKILL treatment is recommended in case of:

🔵 Infertility
🔵 Amenorrhea
🔵 Osteoporosis
🔵 Depression or anxiety
🔵 Heart disease


Thinning hair during menopause? Hairskill treatment at Bioscience Institute is here to help. This stem cell treatment revitalizes hair follicles, promoting thicker and stronger hair. Embrace your menopause makeover and enjoy the benefits of advanced regenerative medicine for a more confident you.


Honoured to be featured on Sky News Arabia سكاي نيوز عربية to delve more into the process of Stem Cell extraction, expansion and banking.

Watch the full interview:

نتشرف بالظهور على قناة سكاي نيوز عربية لنتعمق أكثر في عملية استخلاص الخلايا الجذعية وزيادة عددها وتخزينها.

شاهد المقابلة كاملة:


Good gut health is essential for overall well-being, and understanding your body's unique needs is the first step. At Bioscience Institute, our advanced Microbalance Test offers a comprehensive analysis of your gut microbiome, providing valuable insights into your digestive health.

Optimize Your Gut Health with the Microbalance Test at Bioscience Institute!


Discover the potential of 3D-exosomes derived from stem cells. Sourced directly from our lab, they can be used to target hair loss, orthopedic issues, or skin aging, providing cutting-edge treatments designed to restore your vitality. Experience the benefits of regenerative medicine at Bioscience Institute.

اكتشف إمكانات 3D-exosomes المستخلصة من الخلايا الجذعية. يتم إنتاجها مباشرة من مختبرنا، ويمكن استخدامها لعلاج تساقط الشعر أو آلام العظام أو تجاعيد البشرة، حيث توفر علاجات متطورة مصممة خصيصا لاستعادة حيويتك وشبابك. اختبر فوائد الطب التجديدي في معهد بايوساينس.


Reclaim your vitality and confidence with our specialized treatments for men. Our innovative therapies offer personalized solutions to enhance your performance, restore function, and rejuvenate your intimate relationships.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Dubai?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Unlock your inner vitality with Exosomes IV Therapy at Bioscience Institute in Dubai!  Enhance your body’s power and emb...
Are mesenchymal stem cells present in blood? No, Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are typically not found in significant nu...
Did you know? For face shaping, combining mesenchymal STEM CELLS with autologous fat grafting offers a natural alternati...
Unlock the power of exosomes from the Bioscience Institute! These small extracellular vesicles, released by adipose-deri...
Looking for a non-surgical way to tackle signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss? MSC-DERIVED EXOSOME ...
Honored to be featured on @skynewsarabia. Discover how stem cells and exosomes are advancing treatments at the forefront...
Body ageing is a physiological process that can be accelerated due to environmental and behavioral factors that negative...
Rym Saidi, TV presenter and actress, visited Dr. Roberto at Bioscience Institute in Dubai. With MSC-derived exosome trea...
At Bioscience Institute we offer treatments for joints, knee osteoarthritis, cartilage, and bone degeneration through St...
Transform your menopause journey with Stem Cells IV Therapy: harness the power of regenerative adipose-derived stem cell...
Catch a glimpse of the event hosted by Bioscience Institute at Roberto's Dubai. The event's highlight was our XOLINE, st...
Discover the truth about stem cells 🧬 Watch our latest video where we debunk common myths and answer all your questions ...




Al Razi Building 64, Block B, Ground Floor

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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