Al Manar Health Food Tr.

protien supplements / fat loss / weight gain / vitamins we provide free delivery also..

we are the new organisation in sharjah,
we have all branded protein supplements , fat loss, weight gain, vitamins and fitness accesssories.

Timeline photos 03/03/2015


Now available in al manar health food tr.

This revamp of the original Muscle Juice 2544 formula features a mind-numbing 56 grams of protein from 8 milk and egg sources but with 70% less sugar (18 vs 60 grams)! Each 265-gram serving delivers a time-release complex carb blend, 4 healthy fatty acids, 3 types of glutamine, and a digestive enzyme mix. When taken as directed (with 18 ounces of 2% milk), two servings of this delicious and quick-mixing gainer will shuttle 2,600 high-quality calories and 148 grams of protein to put you on your way to bad mass gainer.

Time Release Complex Carbohydrate Blend

Carbohydrates are essential to packing on functional mass, and if you’re not fueling up with the proper types, the body will breakdown protein (read: muscle tissue) to compensate. This blend of three carbohydrate forms (corn maltodextrin, rice maltodextrin, and Karbo-lyn™) supplies your body with the much-needed fuel to restore muscle glycogen reserves depleted during mammoth training sessions, which in turn deters muscle breakdown and delays “hitting the wall.” Karbo-lyn in particular is new to the revamped MUSCLE JUICE formula. Its high molecular weight enables it to pass through the stomach faster than dextrose or sugar, transforming it into a pump that pulls along water and nutrients, providing superior and more rapid absorption.*

Fatty Acid Blend

Counterintuitive as it may sound, healthy fats are critical to maximize muscle growth. This healthy fats blend is comprised of canola oil, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), Omega-3 fish oil, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), all of which are vital to increasing energy and maximizing muscle tissue repair.*

Glutamine Blend

Glutamine accounts for over 20% of all circulating amino acids in humans, making it the most prevalent in the body. During exhaustive exercise and physical training, glutamine is highly utilized, and levels can become depleted by as much as 50%. Our dual-glutamine blend is integral to reducing soreness and repairing fatigued muscle tissue by reducing the “cannibalization” of existing glutamine reserves. Additionally, it enhances glycogen storage to support strength, endurance, and intensity.*

Enzyme Blend

Protein enzymes are critical for optimum protein digestion and ensuing amino acid absorption. However, when endogenous enzyme levels are overwhelmed by the sheer avalanche of the Octo-PRO Protein Blend, amino acids may not be absorbed and go to waste instead! The enzyme duo of protease and lactase counters that, optimizing digestion so that protein and nutrients can do their job: building back-slapping, hand-breaking rock hard mass!*

Revolution is Your Body’s Evolution

Hardgainers or anyone looking to quickly pack on mass should definitely be using MUSCLE JUICE REVOLUTION 2600. Remember, your body needs a constant supply of calories, proteins, and other key nutrients to be able to grow, and that’s precisely what MUSCLE JUICE provides. All you’ve got to do is have two servings of a day, and in no time you’ll pack on pounds of rock-hard mass.

Photos from Al Manar Health Food Tr.'s post 18/02/2015


NOW Available at Almanar health food tr ( Nutrition)

offer price -- 215.00 AED

PRO-ANTIUM™ is a multifaceted protein blend intended for complete recovery. This multifunctional blend contains a precise combination of fast, medium, and slow digesting proteins for optimal recovery providing you with a continuous stream of protein long after your workout is complete. * Each serving also contains 13.5g of Essential Amino Acids (EAA's) as well as 3.5g of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). *

PRO-ANTIUM™ doesn't just stop at the protein blend. We have also added 5g of creatine and 2.5g of betaine which have been scientifically proven to increase strength, power, and athletic performance. Betaine increases the efficiency rate at which the body absorbs protein, creatine, and amino acids into muscle cells by improving the body’s ability to break them down. *

The Perfect Combination

Betaine is highly synergistic when taken with creatine and protein. Betaine may lead to a higher concentration of creatine in the body as well as aiding in more efficient absorption and utilization of supplemental creatine. Betaine can also help the stomach to help break down proteins. New research supports that Betaine can directly enhance muscle power and strength.*

Photos from Al Manar Health Food Tr.'s post 16/12/2014



Now available at Al manar Health food Nutrition, sharjah.

Timeline photos 16/11/2014



available in al manar health food tr.

Timeline photos 24/09/2014

al manar health food tr.

Timeline photos 17/07/2014

Available in al manar health food Tr


When MusclePharm®’s world-renowned scientists teamed up with legendary fitness icon Arnold Schwarzenegger, they looked at how to bring a superior muscle building product to market. Arnold famously described the pump as “the greatest feeling you can get in the gym”—a sure signal that the body is growing, fast. And let’s be honest, no feeling is greater than muscle pumps that last all day. Nothing is more motivating than looking in the gym mirrors and seeing veins you never knew you had. Iron Pump™ was formulated to be the perfect muscle building and pump pre-workout product precisely engineered to deliver massive pumps, muscle fullness, vascularity, explosive energy and enhanced size.*

Iron Pump utilizes “Super Nitric Oxide” ION-3 Nitrate Technology to open up blood pathways into the muscles, improving the effectiveness of the ordinary molecule. As the world’s first molecularly-modified arginine, L-Arginine Nitrate is a fusion of l-arginine and nitric acid that increases blood flow to enhance distribution of nutrients. (In general, nitrates open up blood vessels to help promote nutrient delivery and amplify athletic performance, leading to improved strength, recovery and muscle mass.) Arginine creates nitric oxide to support vascularity and strength while supporting healthy growth hormone levels. Highly absorbable nitrate, a derivative of nitric acid, enlarges muscles’ blood pathways, activates smooth muscle tissue and enlarges arteries, veins and capillaries. This maximizes blood flow to areas like your biceps, triceps and quads.

Iron Pump™ leaves you primed, ready to attack your workout and experience mind blowing-pumps, vascularity and explosive energy. This is the most advanced Nitric Oxide formulation in sports nutrition.*

Timeline photos 17/07/2014



Proteins are essential, one of the human body’s most important nutrients. As athletes exercise, their bodies require extra amino acids and protein—much more than people who are inactive. Therefore, athletes need to supplement with dietary protein.

A high-quality formula that delivers large amounts of naturally occurring amino acids the body needs daily. Regardless of age or physical activity level, whey protein is essential for every nutrition regimen because it is the body’s catalyst for muscle growth and protein synthesis. Trade up to a more pure, more superior protein supplement that will help fuel your workout performance while also maximizing recovery time.

When MusclePharm®’s world-renowned scientists teamed up with legendary fitness icon Arnold Schwarzenegger, they looked at how to bring a superior whey protein to market. And they knew the answer was “more.” Specifically, they needed a higher protein formula to enhance nitrogen retention because muscles can only grow if a body retains more nitrogen. One of the most effective nitrogen sources is whey protein. To fuel more lean muscle development, our ultra-microfiltered whey delivers naturally-occurring anabolic amino acids directly to your bloodstream. This spike in aminos creates the nitrogen-rich environment needed for muscle protein synthesis. This is the key to building lean muscle.

Timeline photos 17/04/2014


Iron Mass™ includes the cutting-edge Muscle Plasma Protein Technology. This potent combination of hydrolyzed beef protein and lactoferrin protein contains more bioactive protein and peptides with MORE THAN THREE TIMES the growth factor levels of whey protein. Its blend of EFA's (healthy fats), MCT's and saturated fats are essential for the body's hormone production. By increasing your healthy fat intake, you support testosterone production, which creates more lean muscle and, ultimately, gains in strength.

THE ELITE CARBOHYDRATE PERFORMANCE AND GLYCOGEN-LOADING SYSTEM DELIVERS HIGH-ENERGY COMPLEX CARBS. Working with the advanced fat blend, it allows for quicker recovery and muscle building while also ensuring your glycogen levels don't spill out into body fat. This Elite blend of complex carbs also helps "pull" water into muscles to support fullness, pump and hardness to give your muscles that round, substantial, skin splitting look. Our performance blend of creatine and BCAA nitrates assists with promoting muscular strength, size, and endurance. Lastly, our special dietary fiber blend aids with the digestion of the added protein, carbs and fat needed for getting big—and staying big!

MUSCLE PLASMA PROTEIN TECHNOLOGY (MPPT) IS A CUTTING-EDGE COMBINATION OF HYDROLYZED BEEF PROTEIN AND LACTOFERRIN PROTEIN ENGINEERED FOR ELITE ATHLETES AND HARDCORE LIFTERS. Muscle Plasma Protein contains a superior amount of protein subfractions—more than any other protein. It is the superior choice for building lean muscle and getting the desired anabolic effect. By consuming this blend as your protein source, you experience rapid gains in muscle and weight. The technological breakthrough contains more bioactive proteins and peptides and THREE TIMES the level of anabolic growth factors as whey.


The bioactivity of the proteins benefits the athlete beyond its delivery of an excellent amino acid profile. With increased anabolic potential, it helps you absorb amino acids more efficiently and increase your nitrogen balance. Iron Mass was formulated to support the recycling of aminos back into the muscle building pathways to support nitrogen retention and the promotion of muscle growth and performance. MPPT helps users gain lean muscle mass through the breaking of the catabolic cycle using immunoglobulin and mitogenic growth factors such as IGF-1 and immunomodulatory cytokines.*


Some researchers postulate that this technology can help the gastrointestinal lining and allow for greater absorption of amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates.

A healthy gut means a healthier athlete. The body's innate ability to ward off infection allows for you, the athlete, to continually compete at a high level. In turn, the immune system is allowed to fight and ward off illness, keeping you in the game longer. Studies have shown that lactoferrin also promotes vascular endothelial cell production. This contributes to revascularization in response to ischemia. What does that mean for you? Where there is muscle breakdown, it yields increased blood flow and increased muscle growth.

Photos from Al Manar Health Food Tr.'s post 02/04/2014


Sugar’s Reputation

Sugar and spice and everything … not so nice? Sugar is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about substances that are bad for you and cause disease. Sugar has long been touted as “natural” and the least of your worries when thinking about health and weight loss.

However, a lot of damage can be done when you consume sugar on a regular and excessive basis. And, besides the fact that sugar calories really do add up, sugar also causes a cascade of additional problems in your body from immune system suppression to aging.

Sugar “only” has 15 calories per teaspoon. That doesn’t really sound like much of a problem until you realize that hardly anything has just one teaspoon of sugar in it.

Sugar is in practically everything we eat. Although some sources do occur naturally, like the sugars found in milk products and potatoes or fruit, it’s still a good practice to limit your sugar intake and seek out the hidden sugars in your diet.



Is sugar really “natural”? If you really want natural, you’d have to break off a piece of sugar cane and eat that for the true natural version of sugar.

The white, granular, powdery stuff that comes out of huge factories, after it’s been processed and manipulated by man with various chemicals and additives, is not a natural substance. And the effects of sugar on your body, health, and well-being are far from “natural”.


Big Business

Sugar is big business and big business means big money. The website advocates bringing the family together by baking with sugar. They say, “Family means everything and baking is an easy way to show just how much you care.”

It’s kind of like the scenario where your grandmother cooks all kinds of delicious foods for you and you “have” to eat them to show your love and appreciation for her. Although, truth be told, if you truly cared for each other, you’d find ways to eradicate sugar from your baking and your lives.

The website goes on to say that “Sugar is more than a “fun” food ingredient, it’s an essential one as well. Because it’s all-natural, you can consume it with confidence.” Well, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. And, don’t believe everything you grew up believing. When you start to research sugar, and it’s real effects on your body and your health, you will uncover some shocking facts.


Decode the Code

Most labels list sugar in “grams”. This can make it very confusing for most of us. A teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4 grams.

Therefore, take the grams of sugar listed in the food item and divide by 4 to get an approximate number of teaspoons. For example, a bottle of innocent-looking Snapple “All Natural” Lemon Tea has nine teaspoons of sugar in it.

One of my old favorites, a Starbucks Venti Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato, has 44 grams of sugar in it, which translates to about 11 teaspoons of sugar.

That’s a whole lot of sugar for something we think of as a benign and healthy low fat or fat free drink.

Sugar Aliases

Sugar is everywhere. It’s in places that you’d least expect to find it, like ketchup and other condiments, peanut butter, sauces, yogurts, deli meats, soups, juices, cereals and more.

Many foods also have a high natural sugar content and these should also be avoided for the most part.

Just because something is labeled “fat-free” or “low fat”, doesn’t mean that it’s healthy or sugar free. A lot of “diet” foods are actually sugar-laden health traps. Things that are fat-free are generally over-loaded with sugar to give you extra “taste” because the fat has been removed.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is another fancy name for sugar and something that should be avoided at all costs. This substance is found in almost everything.

Some other hidden sources of sugar are items like yogurts, milks, and other various dairy products. They contain milk sugars (lactose). While you wouldn’t expect a glass of milk to have any negative side effects, the sugars found in dairy products still count as sugar to your body.

Alcohol, a particularly sneaky culprit, has 7 empty calories per gram. And, another reason not to go overboard with alcohol is that it’s converted to sugar in your body when you drink it.

Some other, lesser known aliases for sugar include: malt, fructose, glucose, dextrose, lactose, maltodextrin, sorbitol, sorghum, sucrose, mannitol, and many others.


The Bad and the Ugly

Sugar does nothing good for you. In fact, it weakens your immune system. When you’re fighting illness or trying to avoid sickness, sugar is not going to aid you in any way. It has no nutritional value at all. All it is is “empty” calories; calories that don’t provide your body with any benefits whatsoever.

It’s also very addictive and one of the main causes of obesity. You get de- sensitized to the sweetness of foods when you consume too much sugar. Then, predictably, you need more and more sugar over time to have the same sensation of sweetness that you used to get from a smaller amount of sugar.

Worse, when you consume sugar, it is easily converted into glucose (sugar in your blood). When your blood glucose levels are high, your body releases insulin to deal with it. Why is this important? There are several reasons that it’s significant, but the main reason, for our purposes, is that fat burning comes to a complete halt in the presence of insulin.

When you’re trying to lose weight, you may think you’re doing yourself a favor by eating low fat or non-fat foods. But, in reality, if those same foods are sugar-laden, then you won’t be burning fat at all. So, it makes sense that if you want to rid your body of fat, then eating sugar is going to undermine your goal. You shouldn’t be afraid of healthy fats, but you should be afraid of the long term and short term negative effects of sugar.



Believe it or not, sugar ages your skin and causes wrinkles. According to Elle magazine, researchers say sugar molecules in your body become part of an aging process known as glycation. Glycation occurs when sugar attacks collagen and elastin structures in your skin.

These structures are what keep your skin firm and youthful. Advanced glycation products (called “AGEs”) are produced when sugar molecules inundate collagen and elastin, causing it to become brittle and break down. This also causes inflammation.

And the effects of glycation don’t stop at skin destruction. The persistent inflammation caused by sugar can also increase your risks of developing a host of diseases, including, but not limited to, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, pancreas and liver problems, and cataracts.



Luckily, there are some sweet alternatives to sugar. While there have been, and continue to be, many artificial sweeteners on the market, there are some choices that are better than others.

First and foremost, satisfying your sweet tooth with the goodness of fruits and berries is a good option. But again, too much of a good thing is still too much. You don’t want to consistently fill your diet with high glycemic foods, even healthy choices like fruits. Your goal should be to keep your blood sugar low and stable.

Try stevia for a great sugar substitute. Stevia comes from a leaf and does not affect blood glucose levels. It is a great sugar alternative, especially for those with diabetes. Stevia comes in various forms like liquid drops or powders. You can purchase it in packets as well. Some of the brand names for stevia are Truvia, Sweet Leaf, Stevia In The Raw, and PureVia.

Splenda, also known as Sucralose, is another popular sweetener. Although it doesn’t share the healthy reputation of stevia, splenda has been used for years. It’s not a natural sweetener. It’s a chlorinated artificial sweetener, so user beware.

Xylitol is yet another sweetening option. It is a “sugar alcohol”. Sugar alcohols often cause diarrhea and bloating, so test your tolerance first with xylitol before consuming large amounts of it.


Break the Addiction

How do you free yourself from your addiction to sugar? It’s not as hard as you think. According to Jackie Warner, Celebrity Trainer, you can break your sugar habit in five short days.

She says stop eating refined sugar and also foods that contain refined carbohydrates as well. Refined carbohydrates quickly turn to sugar once they enter your blood. Again, this causes your insulin levels to spike in a sugar-like manner.

Therefore, it’s best to limit or avoid refined foods. As part of your “recovery” from your sugar addiction, Jackie also recommends limiting your sugar intake to less than 5 grams per serving. She says your body doesn’t even register that amount of sugar.

Again, beware of refined carbs. They are found in most packaged and prepared foods. Breads, cereals, granola bars, and other processed foods contain refined carbs and can derail your progress toward a sugar-free lifestyle.

Jackie says to start by adding healthy foods to your diet, such as apples, berries, and citrus. These will incorporate the sweet flavors you’re looking for, while helping you get over the hump of learning to feed yourself without sugar. She also recommends getting plenty of healthy vegetables and proteins.

Including these good foods in your diet will help your body naturally cleanse and balance itself.

Once you’ve included healthy choices in your diet, you can really start to ditch the sugar filled foods of your past. Replacing the sugar with tasty healthful alternatives will become easier as you adjust to new levels of sweetness. And, when you start to notice how good you feel and how great you look, you’ll think again before reaching for the sugar.


To conclude, the best thing to do, if you’ve been on a sugar binge for most of your life, is to start phasing sugar out of your life. You don’t have to go cold turkey.

If you don’t believe sugar is all that bad for you, just eliminate it from your life for a while and see how you feel, watch your energy levels soar, your immune system come to life, and your skin glow. Then, decide for yourself.

The bottom line is, try to wean yourself from sugar. And, learn to enjoy the truly natural sweetness of fruits and berries. And, if you must use sweeteners to make your food more interesting, there are many alternatives from which to choose. However, if your goal is to be as healthy as you can, your best choice is stevia. Moderation is key. Make the best choices you can most of the time, and your life can be pretty sweet.

Timeline photos 02/04/2014


Available in Al manar Health Food Tr.


* Competitive strength & power athletes.

Those looking to support improved gym performance.*
Athletes looking to prolong pump.*

Off-season bodybuilders looking for mass & strength support.*
Creatine non-responders.


To optimize the “pump” use one pack 30 minutes before your workout. Do not consume any whole foods or protein shakes between your daily dose of Animal Pump and your training session. In order to maximize results, be sure to stay hydrated and prioritize the uptake of fluids before and during training.

Animal Pump can be taken any time to enhance your pump.* To facilitate the most intense workouts characterized by seam-tearing pumps and extreme focus and energy support, stack Animal Pump with Animal Rage and Animal Pak.*

Photos from Al Manar Health Food Tr.'s post 10/03/2014

C4 Extreme

Available in Al Manar Health Food Tr.



Harnessing unmatched NO3 technology and premium ingredients such as Creatine Nitrate, C4 Extreme is our advanced pre-workout supplement, possessing the power to ignite your mind, muscles, and workout regiment, workout after workout after workout.*

What is NO3? NO3 is Nitrate, an advanced compound that promotes unbelievable muscle pumps and amplifies the effectiveness of C4 Extreme.* Cellucor is utilizing a new compound where NO3 has been fused to create Creatine Nitrate.* Increased water solubility promotes better absorption and reduces the chance of the traditional side effects of Creatine supplementation.*

You will have more energy.* You will have help getting that extra rep, completing that last set--promoting strength, endurance, and physique personal bests.*

C4 Extreme has received the highest honors in the supplement industry, including this year’s Pre-Workout Supplement of the Year and Best Product Innovation from the top retailers in the world, including and GNC


Amplified Energy
Intense Focus
Unbelievable Muscle Pumps
Mouthwatering Flavors
Award Winning Formula

Photos from Al Manar Health Food Tr.'s post 09/02/2014


Available in Al manar Health Food Tr

Q: What is Xtend?
A: Xtend is the ultimate, sugar-free, BCAA-containing drink mix to be consumed during exercise (intra-workout). Whether you're a physique athlete, strongman, powerlifter, traditional athlete (e.g., football, basketball, baseball, soccer, etc), endurance competitor, or just looking to significantly change your body composition through resistance training and nutrition, Xtend is ideally formulated to maximize training intensity and support your goals.* Xtend was the first and has become the most well-recognized and used intra-workout catalyst product because it not only works... but it tastes great too! Xtend contains an incredible:

7000 mg of BCAAs in an ideal 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine:Isoleucine:Valine
3500 mg of Leucine
2500 mg of Glutamine
1000 mg of Citrulline Malate
1171 mg of Electrolytes
640 mcg of Vitamin B6
And, ZERO Carbohydrates or Sugar
Xtend was recently reformulated to dramatically improve taste and ingredient solubility - Xtend is now spoon-mixible - and to provide added functionality for workouts or events under the most grueling of conditions. Xtend is available in 6 mouth-watering, refreshing fruit flavors to make every workout an incredible one.

Q: Who should use Xtend?
A: Xtend was designed to be used effectively by anyone, male or female, who want to perform at their best - from serious athletes to anyone that's just serious about performance or changing their physique. Though ideal for strength or bodybuilding training, or for persons on a reduced carbohydrate diet, Xtend can also be used very effectively in a "bulking phase" or by endurance athletes during training and competition. That is, Xtend works whether it's used as formulated and indicated, or whether you choose to combine Xtend with supplemental carbohydrates based upon performance needs and duration.

Q: When's the best time to consume Xtend?
A: Two university studies suggest that Xtend is significantly effective at increasing muscle mass and strength, and reducing body fat when consumed during exercise or immediately prior to and after training.* It's recommended that you begin consuming Xtend immediately prior to, and continue sipping on Xtend throughout your training or competition. Many users also report significantly improved gains when Xtend is consumed immediately upon waking-up in the morning and/or sipping on Xtend throughout the day.

Q: How much Xtend should I consume for it to be most effective?
A: For best mixing results and taste, pour 8 fluid ounces of filtered water into a shaker cup. Add 1 scoop of Xtend. Cover or close the shaker cup. Swirl the shaker to create a vortex effect and draw the Xtend powder into solution. Then, once the Xtend powder has fallen into solution, shake vigorously for about 25 shakes. Enjoy! For endurance athletes that may add Xtend to their hydration pack, it is recommended that Xtend be mixed in a shaker cup or pitcher and then poured into the hydration pack (as opposed to mixing directly within the hydration pack, as doing so may cause the hydration tubing to become blocked). NOTE: If you find that some of the BCAA material settles at the bottom of the shaker cup, you may not have used the correct dilution ratio of 1 scoop of Xtend per 8 fluid ounce of water.

Up to 200 lbs Over 200 lbs Up to 125 lbs Over 125 lbs
2-3 Scoops per day 3-4 Scoops per day 1-2 Scoops per day 1-3 Scoops per day

Other results you can expect from using Xtend include:

Increased Exercise Training Volume (More Volume/More Total Work = Greater Adaptation or More Muscle)*
Increased Muscle Protein Synthesis*
Reduced Muscle Protein Breakdown*
Increased Muscular Endurance*
Increased Energy & Endurance Capacity*
Improved Blood Glucose Disposal & Insulin Response*
Increased Power Output*
Increased ATP Synthesis/Resynthesis*
Increased Nitric Oxide (NO)*
Delayed Onset of Muscle Fatigue/Increased Time to Exhaustion*
Improved Neuromuscular Responsiveness & Recovery*
Improved Hydration*
Q: How fast will I see results from using Xtend?
A: Most Xtend users report an immediate, acute response during training. Variables such as training volume, reduced fatigue, and increased muscular endurance and power output are common to first-time Xtend users.* For body composition and strength changes, Xtend studies support significant improvements in as little as 8 weeks.*

Q: Is Xtend safe?
A: Not only do each of the individual ingredients used in Xtend have an incredibly high dosing threshold of safety and many years of validated clinical trials to support safety across a wide range of consumers, but Xtend did not adversely affect any measures of safety in either of the two clinical studies in which it was used chronically and at high doses for up to 10 weeks. Additionally, each batch of Xtend undergoes rigorous quality assurance and analytical testing to validate ingredient purity and potency, and is blended and packaged in an NSF for Sport® certified facility to ensure no banned substances are inadvertently introduced into the manufacturing process while producing Xtend.

Q: How does Xtend work?
A: Xtend is formulated with a precise PentActive blend of key ingredients, synergistically involved in cellular processes to optimize muscle performance and response*:

Stage 1: 7000 mg of BCAAs, in a 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine:Isoleucine:Valine is used to provide metabolic energy while you train, as well as to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.*
Stage 2: 2500 mg of Glutamine is used to increase extracellular concentrations of Glutamine, which helps to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.*
Stage 3: 640 mcg of Vitamin B6 serves as the rate-limiting cofactor involved in optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.*
Stage 4: 1000 mg of Citrulline Malate can help support rapid ATP turnover and lactate reabsorption to support higher training volumes at a given exercise intensity.* Citrulline also serves as a secondary signal to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, most likely arising from its ability to promote increased blood flow via increase nitric oxide (NO) and/or improving the energy state of a cell by promoting lactate reabsorption.*
Stage 5: 1171 mg of an extensively studied Electrolyte blend, consisting of Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate, Potassium Chloride, and Sodium Chloride, help to optimize muscle contractile function and promote cell hydration under the most brutal of conditions.*
Q: How does Xtend compare to other products?
A: In both 8-week & 10-week clinical trials, under no or weight-reducing calorie restricted diets, respectively, Xtend has significantly outperformed Whey Protein, Carbohydrates and a 4:1 (Carb-to-Protein) sports beverage on measures of lean body mass, body fat, upper- and lower-body muscular endurance, and upper- and lower-body strength.* Within the physique and anaerobic sports nutrition industry, competitive products are either under-dosed, contain irrelevant ingredients included more for a label effect than a physiological one, or are so ignorantly formulated as to wonder what species' metabolism the company's R&D personnel believes to be their core audience. During exercise beverages for the endurance world, on the other hand, still depend too heavily on simple carbohydrates or, when amino acids are included, generally use low doses of a whey protein concentrate that yield only a fraction of the key amino acids and introduce unnecessary lactose and fat into a high-performance environment.

Q: Are there any other products that will help improve the results I achieve when using Xtend?
A: Xtend was formulated, and then recently reformulated to remove the need for additional ingredients while you train or compete. However, Xtend was explicitly formulated to contain no carbohydrates or sugar so that you could dictate how you may want to manipulate your carbohydrate needs based upon your training cycle or duration. Therefore, when carbohydrates are desired, combine Xtend with up to 0.45 g of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight, per hour of exercise. When carbohydrates are added, increase the amount of water used per serving so that the finished formula concentration is easily digestible during exercise.

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Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 23:00
Thursday 10:00 - 23:00
Saturday 10:00 - 23:00
Sunday 10:00 - 23:00

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