Safura School

Safura School envisions creating happiness and fulfillment to the lives of children in Afghanistan. Safura School is to open in 2022-2023 in Kabul.

If you are someone dedicated to education and believe in our values, get in touch with us.


Ramin is 12 years old. He can’t go to school because of poverty. To support his family, he sells ice-cream on the streets. He takes his ice-cream cart out at 6 in the morning and comes back home at 8 at night.

He is worried about his security and safety in Kabul especially when taking out his cart. His dream is to go to school and become a police officer.


Fatima (right) and Arezo (left) are two sisters living in Kabul. Fatima is in 4th grade but her younger sister, Arezo, has not started school yet. Despite all the challenges and hardships they have endured and still face, they are still luckier than a lot of Afghan girls; many families are opposed to girls' education in areas where they come from.
Arezo is excited to go to school once she reaches age 7, just like her sister.


The walk to school (Kabul, May 2021)

Aziza (pseudonym), a 16 years old girl living in Kabul, is a symbol of bravery and determination. She wants to walk tens of miles everyday to just have a book to read and a teacher to learn from; she is determined to pass the national exam to enter a university, to have a chance of getting out of poverty.

She is in 11th grade at Shahrak High School and wants to change her school to another, better equipped public school, named Asef School. She says at her current school for the 18 subjects, there are only 3 teachers, teaching only 3 of the subjects. Even the 3 teachers who show up do not want to teach but attend the class for the sake of their salaries. According to Aziza, the teachers scold and curse them because they are so poor that even the ministry of education does not recruit teachers for their school.

She has painful memories of her school days and imagines all schools are places of scolding and beating up students. But she has some hope as she had heard another public school, though miles away, is better. She says when she went to one of the offices of the ministry of education in Kabul to change her school, the staff asked her which school she is from.

She says she responded, “from Shahrak High School”.

After searching through his papers, the staff responded, bewildered, “Does this school even exist, or are you trying to fool me?”

Aziza remembers, “I panicked, and doubtedly thought to myself that what if they imprison me for claiming to get my paper from a school that does not really exist? What if the school I went to for over 10 years is not a school after all?”

After calling the number which she gave to the staff, he was convinced that Shahrak High School actually existed. She went on to the new school, Asef School, to get her paperwork done.

“After walking hours to Asef School, my whole body was shaking. I didn't know the exact address and my feet were swollen,” she adds, “but I was determined to find the school and get a better education.”

When she reached Asef School, it was too late. She begged the school staff to let her in to process her paperworks but the staff told her, “Get lost; we are not your servant!”.

“I was feeling helpless, but I went back home and told myself I will come earlier the next day.” Aziza continues, “I left my house early the next day trying to get my paperworks done at Asef School; but as soon as I entered their office, my to-be teacher started insulting me that people like us who are from rural areas are making the classrooms dirty and know nothing. I begged and followed him for several hours to accept me in this school. Maybe it was normal for their students, but I was envying them so much; their classrooms had boards and chairs. They even had teachers.”

“The school’s deputy headmaster looking down on me was asking me if I came from the small Dubai. I smiled and said no, but noticed he was just making fun of me. I was about to burst into tears.After hours of insisting and begging, they finally let me in to become a student of their school.”

Aziza says the deputy was telling her “I don't get it; these poor people! What are you even gaining from going to school? Go live in your village. If I don't like you, I will put a red card around your neck and take you around the school so that everyone sees what a failure you are. Do you understand me?”

Aziza responded, “Yes, dear teacher.”

She continues, “I live at the end of the Barchi area so I wake up before the sunrise everyday and walk over four hours to go to Asef School everyday. I want to study harder to get a good job one day and get my family out of poverty.”


You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.
Safura School


Educating girls result in building better families and thus better communities and countries.

However, a significant 2/3 of Afghan children who are out of school (3.7 million) are girls.


Schools in Kabul: a diary 04/02/2021

Can you imagine how transforming the schools would be for millions of children if they had someone like a kind and elder brother or sister, and if they were heard, valued and believed in by their teachers?

Schools in Kabul: a diary It has been around 15 years since I enrolled at an elementary school in Kabul. There are some of the memories that I vividly remember …


Every child has a dream; and as a teacher, a parent or simply as an adult, we are bound to make their environment and learning space such that they can follow their dreams.


اطفال نیز به مانند بزرگان آرزو دارند. ما متعهد هستیم که با فراهم آوری فضای مناسب تحصیلی رویای آنان را به واقعیت مبدل سازیم.


“Education is necessary to unlearn privilege, unlearn exclusion, unlearn discrimination, unlearn prejudice, unlearn war.”
— Alfred-Maurice

" 特権をなくし、排除をなくし、差別をなくし、戦争をなくすために、教育は必要不可欠である。"
-- アルフレッド=モーリス・デ・ゼイヤス

“علم ضرورتی است برای رفع برتری خواهی، محروم سازی، تبعیض، تعصب و جنگ.”
الفرید مارایس


«من از میان شش فرزندم صرف یک آن را به مکتب میفرستم.

گرچه وی مکتب میرود اما چیزی یاد نگرفته است. ظاهراً تفاوتِ چندانی بین آنان که مکتب میرود و آنان که نمیروند، وجود ندارد.

مکتب فرزندم به اندازه کافی معلم ندارد و سایر معلمین نیز توانایی لازم را برای تدریس ندارند.

اگر مکتبِ وجود داشته باشد که فرزندانم دانش لازم را فرا گیرند و هزینه آن را نیز فراهم ساخته بتوانم، همه فرزندانم را به مکتب خواهم فرستاد.»

“I sent only 1 out of my 6 kids to school. Although he went to school, he could not learn anything so there was no difference between the ones who went to school and the ones who didn’t. His school didn’t not have enough teachers, and he wasn’t able to learn anything.
… if there is a school that my children can truly learn something and I can afford, of course I will send them there.”



ماه گذشته احمدشاه یکی از بنیانگذاران مکتب‌ صفورا ورکشاپِ را
در کابل برگزار کرد. در این ورکشاپ اطفال رویا‌های‌شان را به تصویر کشیدند.
نقاشی کمک میکند تا اطفال رویاهای‌شان را بیشتر تعقیب کرده و آن را به شکل حقیقی احساس کنند.

Last month, Safura School founding president, Ahmad Shah, had organized a workshop in Kabul where children were putting their desired imaginations into paper.

Drawing helps children to have a more active imagination and put abstract ideas into tangible outputs.



اکثریت جمعیت افغانستان را اطفال و نوجوانان تشکیل میدهند.
بخش اعظم اطفال به دلایل فقر، ناامنی و کمبود مکاتب به تعلیم و تربیه دسترسی نداشته و کارهای شاقه انجام میدهند. طبق اعلامیه کمیسیون مستقل حقوق بشر در حدود ۵۶٪ اطفال به دلیل کارهای شاقه از تعلیم بازمانده اند.

مکتب صفورا متعهد است تا زمینه تعلیم را برای اطفال که به دلیل فقر از تعلیم بازمانده اند، فراهم نموده و به آنان بورسیه تحصیلی دهد.

The majority of Afghans are children and youth. Most children do not have access to a basic education because of poverty, insecurity and lack of proper schools.

Based on the Afghanistan Human Rights Commission Survey, 56% of Afghan children are subject to child labor and cannot go to school because they are working.

Safura School strives to provide a quality education to children who haven’t been able to go school due to child labor or poverty.



サフラスクール は児童労働や貧困のために学校に行けない子供たちに質の高い教育を提供します。



Bamiyan Province
Winter 2020

サフラスクール設立プロジェクト 03/06/2020

Despite all the current uncertainties, a good education remains vital. We will be very thankful if you check it out and share it with your friends and acquaintances.

サフラスクール設立プロジェクト 紛争と内戦が続く国、アフガニスタン。多くの国民が巻き込まれ、命を落とすこどもたち。そこで最も重要とされるべき「教育」。しかし教育を受けたい、学校に行きたいと願う子供たちの願いとは裏腹に、アフガニスタン...


Most Afghan parents do not realize the significance of education in the lives of their children. Even if parents know the education’s importance, they are not able to support their children because they don't know how to read or write. Most children do not get the support related to their education in their homes.

Female literacy Rate (15 years or older): 17%
Male literacy Rate (15 years or older): 45%

15歳以上の女性の識字率: 17%
15歳以上の男性の識字率: 45%


اکثریت خانواده های افغانستان به اهمیت تعلیم و تربیه به زندگی اطفال شان پی نبرده اند. حتی خانواده های به این مهم پی برده باشند، باز هم نمیتوانند اطفال شان را به دلیل نداشتن سواد خواند و نوشتن کمک کنند. بیشتر از اطفال حمایت لازم را در بخش تعلیم و تربیه از نزد خانواده شان دریافت نمیکنند.

نرخ سواد زنان (بزرگتر از ۱۵ سال): ۱۷٪
نرخ سواد مردان (بزرگتر از ۱۵ سال): ۴۵٪


About 41 percent of schools in Afghanistan have no buildings, and many lack boundary walls, water, and toilets which makes it very difficult for students, especially girls, to focus on their learning.


در حدود 41 درصد مکاتب افغانستان ساختمان ندارند، بعضی از آنها دیوار احاطه، آب آشامیدنی و تشناب ندارند که باعث مشکلات برای متعلمین و بخصوص برای دختران شده است که نمیتوانند به درس هایشان توجه کنند.

Photos from Safura School's post 31/01/2020

چهار دهه جنگ سیستم تعلیم و تربیه را در افغانستان از بین برد. طالبان تعلیم و تربیه را برای دختران منع بودند، حتی بعد از شکست آنان در سال ۱۳۸۰، کیفیت تعلیم و تربیه بسیار پایان است. تخمین زده میشود که در حدود ۳.۷ میلیون اطفال واجد شرایط به مکتب، از رفتن به مکتب محروم اند. از سوی دیگر آنان که به مکتب میروند، آموزش های لازم که نیاز دارند، دریافت نمیکنند


Afghanistan’s education system has been devastated by 4 decades of war and conflict. The Taliban had banned education for all girls, but even after their collapse in 2001, the quality of education suffers badly. An estimated 3.7 million children, at the age of school, do not go to school. On the other hand, the lucky ones who go to school do not get the adequate educational support they need.

Photos from Safura School's post 17/01/2020

今、この逆境の中にあるアフガニスタンで最も重要な問題である「教育」しかし、重要とされるべき教育、そしてその教育システムはほぼ機能していません アフガニスタンとアメリカの両政府が、タリバンとの和平交渉に臨んできましたが、 教育に関わる問題は未だ触れられていないという厳しい現状にあります。📄📄 Education is the most crucial problem in Afghanistan at the moment, but its importance has been ignored. The Afghan and US governments have been talking over a peace deal with the Taliban, but children and their education have received the least attention.

Timeline photos 07/01/2020


Population: 35,670,000
GDP per Capita: USD 585 (Japan’s: USD 38,428)
Female literacy Rate (15 years or older): 17%
Male literacy Rate (15 years or older): 45%
人口: 3567万人
1人あたりのGDP 国内総生産: 585 USD (日本の約 66分の1)
15歳以上の女性の識字率: 17%
15歳以上の男性の識字率: 45%



The only thing any Afghan younger than 40 remembers is the wars. Only since 2001 there have been more than 120,000 Afghans killed because of the war. Worst of all, the war has brought despair and hopelessness, it has destroyed the morale of Afghans. International community is also losing their confidence that the war could end any time soon. Many people are unfortunately losing their hope for peace.

تنها چیزی که مردم افغانستان به یاد دارند، چهل سال جنگ است. تنها بعد از سال 1390 بیشتر از 120000 در اثر جنگ کشته شدند. بدتر از همه، جنگ؛ ناامیدی و یاس را در پی دارد، روحیه افغان ها را از بین میبرد. جامعه بین الملل نیز اطمینان چندان به پایان یافتن جنگ به زودی ها ندارد. بسیاری از مردم متاسفانه امید شان را برای بدست آوردن صلح از دست میدهند.

Photos from Safura School's post 09/12/2019

کثریت جمعیت افغانستان جوانان می باشند، در حدود 64 % جمعیت افغانستان زیر سن 24 سال و در چاپان 23% جمیعت آنان زیر سن 24 سال میباشند. بهبود امنیت و اقتصاد کشورها، به میزان تحصیلات جوانان بستگی دارد. اینکه ما ترفی کنیم یا به عقب برگردیم، بستگی به این دارد که جوانان ما چگونه توانمند شوند. (سمت چپ گراف مربوط به افغانستان و سمت راست آن مربوط به چاپان میباشند)

Photos from Safura School's post 06/12/2019

(English bellow) 24歳以下の若者の比率ですが、日本は23%であるのに対し、アフガニスタンは64%にも及びます。 これからのアフガニスタンの安全と経済の発展を担うのは子供たちであり、どれだけ教育を受けたかによってこの国の未来が大きく左右されるのは間違いありません。そのためには、子供たちに教育の機会を与える事が最も重要であり、私たちが彼らに教育を受ける事を支援できるかかにかかっています。

The major population of Afghanistan is youths: 64% under the age of 24. In Japan, 23% are under 24 years old. Whether the security and economy of the country improve hugely depend on how well educated these youths will become. Whether we rise or fall depends on how empowered our youths will become.
(The pyramids-- left: Afghanistan, Right: Japan)

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