Eagle Heads Group

Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe.

Keen on having a strong workforce, drive, and ambition for innovation, our mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe. With our deep understanding of marketplace demands, we are confident in making the leap to an innovation inclined future.


Eagle Heads Group kerkon te punesoje Kamarier/e

Detyrat e pozicionit:

- Mirëpret klientët kur mbërrijnë në një restorant
- Prezanton klientët me menunë
- Kalon porositë e klientëve stafit të kuzhinës për t'u përgatitur
- Përgjigjet pyetjeve në lidhje me artikujt e menysë, përbërësit etj
- Përgatit faturat dhe merr pagesat ne para, kartë krediti etj
- Heq enët, gotat dhe sendet e përdorura nga tavolina

- Eksperiencë të mëparshme si kamarier/e
- Të jetë njohës/e e gjuhës angleze
- Aftësi të mira komunikimi
- Fleksibilitet në punën me turne

Ofrojme 4 jave leje kalendarike vjetore!

Ju lutem dergoni aplikimin tuaj duke telefonuar ne numrin +355697037770 .
Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen per fazat e metejshme te procesit te rekrutimit


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe. From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experiences.

Exciting opportunity for an INTERNSHIP in Digital Marketing within our company!

We are offering Digital Marketing Training for recent graduated students and we are seeking an energetic, responsible intern to join our growing organization.

In this position, you will be expected to learn and get trained for Digital Marketing including Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, SEO, YouTube, Email, Facebook Marketing, Content Writing, Analytics, Designing & More!

To qualify you need to be enrolled in a bachelor/master university degree in Marketing, Technology, Journalism and other related fields.

Required skills:
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English is Mandatory.
· Very good organizational skills
· Self-directed and able to work without supervision
· Energetic and eager to tackle new projects and ideas
· Proficient in computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) and Google Drive.

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of the recruitment process.


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe.
From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experiences.

We are looking to recruit for a Finance Specialist- Accountant

Job Responsibilities:
- Complying with all company, local, state, and federal accounting and financial regulations.
- Compiling, analyzing, and reporting financial data.
- Creating periodic reports, such as balance sheets, profit & loss statements, etc.
- Presenting data to managers
- Maintaining accurate financial records
Performing audits
- Assisting management in the decision-making process by preparing budgets and financial forecasts.
- Purchase order to the seller of particular products of food
- Enter order details (e.g. vendors, quantities, prices) into internal databases
- Maintain updated records of purchased products, delivery information and invoices
- Prepare reports on purchases, including cost analyses
- Monitor stock levels and place orders as needed
- Continuously monitoring market demand and supply for required products.
- Good in terms of quality, cost, availability and lead time

- Bachelor degree on Finance or Business Administration
- Fluent in English
- 5+ years of experience on similar position
- Proper Understanding of Market
- Good Communication Skills
- Good knowledge of food safety and handling procedures.

Benefits that we offer:
- A vibrant team and a friendly working atmosphere
- Four weeks of Holidays per year (plus Public Holidays)
- Quarterly Performance Bonus

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of recruitment process.


Eagle Heads Group është duke kërkuar të punësojë: Kuzhinier me Përvojë

Kriteret e kërkuara :

Eksperiencë te mëparshme në restorant/hotel me kuzhinë ndërkombëtare.
Njohuri të mira të HACCP standarteve të higjenës në kuzhinë.
Aftësi të mira komunikimi.
Aftësi të mira të punuarit në grup.
Te kete dëshirë të mësoj dhe të zhvillohet.

Qëllimi i pozicionit:

Kuzhinieri me Përvojë është përgjegjës për të gjithë anëtarët e seksionit ku bën pjesë. Mbikëqyr dhe drejton personelin në një seksion të caktuar të kuzhinës. Bashkëpunon me sektoret e tjerë të kuzhinës dhe seksione të tjera të sherbimit, sipas rastit. Mban përgjegjësi për të siguruar pastërtinë dhe standardet e higjienës.

Pergjegjesit kryesore:

- Mbikëqyr dhe merr pjesë në përgatitjen e të gjitha produkteve ushqimore në përputhje me metodat dhe recetat e përcaktuara.
- Kontrollon funksionin e turnit të ditës dhe menunë e përditshme për të siguruar nivelin e duhur të prodhimit.
- Kujdeset që të gjithë përbërësit ushqimor të jenë vendosur në mënyrë të rregullt dhe të sigurtë, për të evituar ndonjë incident
- Sigurohet që produktet e përdorura nga seksioni i tij janë të freskëta dhe janë ruajtur siç duhet.
- Sigurohet që rregullat e porcionit / servirjes të respektohen.
- Sigurohet që të gjitha produktet ushqimore të mbetura të ruhen sipas procedurave të përcaktuara.
- Kryen 'trajnim në punë ", sipas rastit.
- Sigurohet që të gjitha pajisjet në hapësirën e punës të përdoren në mënyrën e duhur dhe të mirëmbahen.
- Merr pjesë në planifikimin e menusë sipas rastit.
- Mbikëqyr personelin, krijon dhe mban marrëdhënie efektive me punonjës.
- Sigurohet që standartet higjeno-sanitare të kuzhines janë arritur.
- Përgatit dërgesat e përditshme sipas funksioneve, kontrollon rezervat ushqimore dhe ndjek në mënyrë të vazhdueshme cilësinë e shërbimit.
-I trajnon punonjësit e ekipit të tij sipas metodave të punës.
-Zotëron njohuri mbi sistemin e zjarrit, sigurinë, shëndetin dhe higjenën.
-Vepron sipas rregullave të brendshme dhe politikave të kompanise.

Ne ofrojme:
- Nje atmosfere miqesore dhe energjike pune.
- Kater jave kalendarike leje vjetore (plus pushimin per Festat Zyrtare)

Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen per fazat e metejshme te procesit te rekrutimit.


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe.
From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experience.

We are currently seeking for a young, dynamic, self- motivated Head Waiter/Waitress
As a Head waiter/waitress you'll be responsible to provide professional service to our guests, ensuring their restaurant visit will become a memorable dining experience.

Job Responsibilities:

- Process payments: Accept payments such as cash, credit cards and debit cards. - Handle reimbursement in case of returns or administer vouchers and marketing instruments such as bonus cards or membership cards.
- Execute opening and closing procedures: Apply standard opening and closing procedures for the restaurant.
- Schedule shifts: Plan staff time and shifts to reflect the demands of the business.
- Store kitchen supplies: Keep delivered kitchen supplies for future use safely and hygienically according to guidelines.
- Maximize sales revenues: Increase possible sales volumes and avoid losses through cross-selling, upselling or promotion of additional services.
- Greet guests Welcome guests in a friendly manner in a certain place.
- Handle customer complaints: Administer complaints and negative feedback from customers in order to address concerns and where applicable provide a quick service recovery.
- Monitor customer service: Ensure all employees are providing excellent customer service in accordance to company policy.

Job Qualifications:
- Fluent in English
- Previous experience in the same or related position.
- Excellent communications skills
- Excellent organizations skills
- Detail oriented
- Great teamwork skills

Benefits that we offer

- A vibrant team and a friendly working atmosphere
- Four weeks of Holidays per year

Please send your application by specifying the job title you are applying or you can call at +355697037770.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of recruitment process


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe. From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experiences.

We are looking to recruit Graphic Designer.

The successful applicant, in addition to meeting the qualifications below, must be passionate about startups and technology. We foster a fun and creative environment, but we are fast-paced and need an applicant that can deliver under demanding deadlines and has high level of Integrity, Energy & Intelligence.

Job Description

- Responsible for the overall creative design aspects of company materials. - Creates, edits and revises written text, essays, editorials and reviews for marketing publications.
- Responsible for creating and delivering marketing tactics and advertising campaigns.
- Support specific ad campaigns to ensure that banners and links are optimized and that responses to ad campaigns are monitored.
- Analyzes customer requirements, develops messaging architecture and competitive positioning, secures resources, communicates project development and drives creative development processes.
- Responsible for the development, implementation and analysis of interactive advertising and e-commerce programs.
- Manages the marketing and implementation of programs and analyzes their effectiveness.
- May be responsible for processing and/or scheduling web-based advertising.
- Develops models for vertical markets, campaigns and ad models and conducts research studies.
- Responsible for planning and market research activities designed to increase sales growth and expand market share.
- Evaluates and adjusts strategies to respond to changing and/or competitive markets.
- Develops and implements direct mail programs; develops, conducts and maintains consumer marketing and customer profiling practices and directs list management and analysis.
- Develops marketing strategies for new and existing products and services. Researches trends and technologies to meet customer needs.

Job Qualifications and Educational Requirements
- Education: Degree in Graphic Design or Marketing Preferred
- Experience: 3-4 years of Graphic Design or Marketing experience

- Ability to think creativity and innovatively
- Outstanding creative design skills
- Familiar with the latest trends, technologies and methodology in graphic design
- Detail-Oriented and able to meet deadlines in a fast work environment
- Excellent communication skill
- Ability to follow direction receive constructive criticism and execute accordingly
- A team player who works well in a team environment.

Benefits that we offer:
- A vibrant team and a friendly working atmosphere
- Ability to significantly influence the direction of our startup
- Four weeks of Holidays per year (plus Public Holidays)

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of recruitment process.


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe.
From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design an amazing customer experiences.
Eagle Heads Group është duke kërkuar të punësojë: Sushi Chef

Kriteret e kërkuara :
Eksperiencë te mëparshme në restorant në pergatitjen e Sush*t.
Njohuri të mira të HACCP standarteve të higjenës në kuzhinë.
Aftësi të mira komunikimi.
Aftësi të mira të punuarit në grup.
Te kete dëshirë të mësoj dhe të zhvillohet.

Ne ofrojme:

Nje atmosfere miqesore dhe energjike pune.
Kater jave kalendarike leje vjetore

Ju lutem dergoni aplikimin tuaj duke telefonuar ne +355697037770 .
Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen per fazat e metejshme te procesit te rekrutimit.


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe.
From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experience.

We are looking for a recently graduated HR Intern to perform tasks and support our HR department’s daily activities.


Update our internal databases with new employee information, including contact details and employment forms
Gather payroll data like leaves, working hours and bank accounts
Screen resumes and application forms
Schedule and confirm interviews with candidates
Post, update and remove job ads from job boards, careers pages and social networks
Address employee queries about benefits (like number of remaining vacation days)
Participate in organizing company events and careers days


Experience as an Assistant or similar junior HR role is a plus
Fluent in English
Experience with MS Office, Google Drive etc.
Good understanding of full-cycle recruiting
Excellent Organizational skills

Benefits that we offer:

A vibrant team and a friendly working atmosphere
Ability to significantly influence the direction of our startup
Two days off per working week (plus Public Holidays)

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of recruitment process.


Eagle Heads Group është duke kërkuar të punësojë: Ndihmës Kuzhinier

Kriteret e kërkuara :

Eksperiencë te mëparshme në restorant/hotel me kuzhinë ndërkombëtare.
Njohuri të mira të HACCP standarteve të higjenës në kuzhinë.
Aftësi të mira komunikimi.
Aftësi të mira të punuarit në grup.
Te kete dëshirë të mësoj dhe të zhvillohet.

Detyrat dhe Përgjegjësit:

Garanton higjenën dhe sigurinë në standartet më të larta;
Pergjegjes per zbatimin e kodit te punes ne Kuzhine si dhe sjelljes me koleget.
Koordinohet me shefin e kuzhinës në lidhje me përmbajtjen e ushqimeve (plan menuje, kontroll I kualitetit);
Bashkëpunon me të gjithë stafin gjatë procesit të punës;
Ndjek me perpikmeri gjithe etapat e paracaktuar ne Kuzhine duke bashkepunuar me koleget.

Ne ofrojme:

Nje atmosfere miqesore dhe energjike pune.
Kater jave kalendarike leje vjetore

Ju lutem dergoni aplikimin tuaj duke specifikuar pozicionin per te cilin aplikoni ose duke telefonuar ne +355697037770 .
Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen per fazat e metejshme te procesit te rekrutimit.


Eagle Heads Group kërkon të punësojë: Motorrist (Food Delivery)

Qellimi I pozicionit:Motorristi (Food Delivery) do të jetë pergjëgjes për marrjen dhe dërgimin e porosive tek klientet të cilët kanë porositur nëpermjet telefonit, aplikacionit, website etj.

Detyrat e pozicionit:

- Ngarkimi, marrja dhe dërgesa e porosive te ushqimit tek klientët në kohën e duhur.
- Ndërveprimi profesional me klientët për marrjen e porosive, regjistrimin e porosive dhe ndihmën në përgatitjen dhe planifikimin e ushqimit nëse është e nevojshme.
- Mirëmbajtja e motorrit dhe kutisë së shpërndarjes së ushqimit
- Përgjegjës për mbledhjen e shumës së duhur të pagesës nga klienti.
- Përgjegjës që artikujt e saktë ushqimorë t'i dorëzohen klientit të duhur në kohë


- Eksperiencë të mëparshme në Restorante Delivery
- Te ketë diplomen e gjimnazit- Aftësi shumë të mira komunikimi
- Te komunikoj ne Anglisht
- Te ketë patente te tipit A/B
- Te ketë njohuri shumë të mira të hartës së Tiranës

Ju lutem dergoni aplikimin tuaj duke telefonuar ne numrin +355697037770 .
Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen per fazat e metejshme te procesit te rekrutimit.


Eagle Heads Group’s mission is to create vertically integrated consumer brands that deliver happiness across the globe. From our headquarters in Tirana, our multi-disciplinary international team of innovators leverages technology and behavioral science to design amazing customer experiences.

We are looking to recruit Blog Writer.

The successful applicant, in addition to meeting the qualifications below, must be passionate about startups and technology. We foster a fun and creative environment, but we are fast-paced and need an applicant that can deliver under demanding deadlines and has high level of Integrity, Energy & Intelligence. The candidate will have a do-what-it-takes attitude and be a self-starter.

Position Purpose
A copywriter is responsible for consistently bringing smart and original thinking to any project paired with an understanding of what makes creative work good or great. It’s vital for a copywriter to effectively process information and feedback from clients and colleagues. Clear and persuasive articulation of ideas, creative choices and strategic direction is expected.
A copywriter should be accomplished in the areas of collaboration, communication, management, technical knowledge and – most importantly – creative thinking.

The blog writer will:

Actively participate in group discussions and meetings.
Eagerly volunteer for any targeted need or opportunity.
Collaborate well with colleagues – both in and out of the creative discipline – in a positive and inclusive manner.
Effectively work independently or as part of a team.
Effectively manage the time to meet responsibilities and deadlines.
Help create, organize and present effective presentations and help other team members do the same.
Use the appropriate tools to be efficient and effective in the work.
Pay attention to details.
Understand differences in digital platforms and confidently write for them.
Understand video and broadcast production and confidently write for them.
Maintain a solid working relationship with readers.
Be able to explore multiple solutions to any given problem and edit the own work.

Benefits that we offer:

A vibrant team and a friendly working atmosphere
Ability to significantly influence the direction of our startup
Four weeks of Holidays per year (plus Public Holidays)

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next phases of recruitment process.

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Rruga Tish Daija

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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