ERAFILM is a company of films, tv series & documentary productions, based in Tirana, ALBANIA.

Europa - Marrakech International Film Festival 17/11/2023

EUROPA by Sudabeh Mortezai in Marrakech Film Festival.

Europa - Marrakech International Film Festival Born to Iranian parents in Ludwigsburg, Germany, in 1968, Sudabeh Mortezai grew up in Tehran and Vienna, and completed studies in theatre and film in Vienna and Los Angeles. Her feature-length directorial debut, Macondo (2014), had its premiere in the Competition at the Berlin International Film Fes...

Photos from ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS's post 15/11/2023

Exciting News!

"The Three of Us" by Suela Bako, cowriten by Doruntina Basha goes to Med Film Festival!

Last week, Sabina Kodra and Suela Bako had the incredible opportunity to showcase The three of us at MedPitch in Rome. A heartfelt thank you to the amazing MedPitch team for their warm welcome and support. Your enthusiasm for our project means the world to us!

Big thanks to all the participants for bringing such fantastic projects to the table. It's truly inspiring to be surrounded by a community of passionate individuals in the world of film.

We're thrilled about the journey ahead and can't wait to share "The Three of Us" with the world. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you all for being a part of this incredible adventure!

This project was supported by Creative Europe Media

Logline: After her uncle’s passing away, Soni has a few hours to find the money for his funeral, which her mother-in-law used to send her son, Soni’s husband, to Germany to find a job, leaving her struggling to secure the cash and keep the family together, while finding more shocking truths about her husband’s departure.

Photos from ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS's post 01/11/2023

Filmi EUROPA nga Sudabeh Mortezai fiton çmimin special të jurisë në VIENNALE

European Work in Progress Cologne and the International Distribution Summit announce their award winners 21/10/2023

Cineuropa për EWIP, ku PIKË UJI fitoi çmimin Film Press Award

European Work in Progress Cologne and the International Distribution Summit announce their award winners 19/10/2023 - Nine prizes worth over €61,500 have been handed out after 30 projects participated in the gathering

Europa | TAIFAS - Festival de film și cultură balcanică 20/10/2023

EUROPA by Sudabeh Mortezai in Taifas

Europa | TAIFAS - Festival de film și cultură balcanică Festival de film și cultură balcanică. 5-12 noiembrie 2023 Timișoara, Cinema Victoria

European Work In Progress Cologne selects 2023 award winners 20/10/2023

Screen Daily

European Work in Progress Cologne zgjedh fituesit për 2023


Një juri e përbërë nga Michael Stütz, drejtuesi i seksionit të Panoramës në Berlinale, redaktori i ZDF Holger Stern, drejtuesja e Magnolia Pictures’ agjent ndërkombëtar sh*tjesh Lorina Lee Torres, drejtuesja e programit dhe industrisë në Zurich Film Festival Reta Guetg, dhe producenti kinez Haixia “Hattie” Yu, ndanë çmimet me një shumë prej €61,500 në ceremoninë së martës në mbrëmje (Tetor 17).

Agjencia mm filmpresse, nga Berlini do të japë çmimin e saj prej €7,500 për publicitetin ndërkombëtar të filmit për festivalet projektit PIKË UJI nga skenaristi dhe regjisori Robert Budina, filmi debutues i të cilit Agon, përfaqsoi Shqipërinë më 2014.

European Work In Progress Cologne selects 2023 award winners


A jury comprising Michael Stütz, head of the Berlinale’s Panorama section, ZDF commissioning editor Holger Stern, Magnolia Pictures’ head of international sales Lorina Lee Torres, Zurich Film Festival head of programme and industry Reta Guetg, and Chinese film producer Haixia “Hattie” Yu, awarded in-kind prizes worth a total of €61,500 at an awards ceremony on Tuesday evening (October 17).

Berlin-based PR agency mm filmpresse will give €7,500 worth of international festival publicity work to Waterdrop by writer-director Robert Budina, whose debut Agon represented Albania at the Oscars in 2014.

European Work In Progress Cologne selects 2023 award winners Sixth edition of European Work in Progress in Cologne ran October 16-18.

Photos from ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS's post 18/10/2023

🏆 Thrilled to announce "Waterdrop" won the Film Press Award in European Work in Progress, in Cologne, Germany! 🎥✨ Thanks, EWIP for an amazing journey!

🙏 Grateful to the jury for this honor. Our heartfelt appreciation for the opportunity to shine amidst incredible projects.

👏 Special thanks to the hardworking EWIP team for making this event happen.

Stay tuned for more updates on "Waterdrop"! 🌊✨

Redibis Film Avanpost IliriaFilm Kosovë Manufaktura Production Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë Qendra Kinematografike e Kosoves North Macedonia Film Agency Creative Europe Creative Europe Desk - MEDIA Sabina Kodra Carmen Rizac Robert Budina Daniele Segre Luan Kryeziu Sasho Pavlovski

Torsten Frehse • CEO, European Work in Progress Cologne 12/10/2023

What's EWIP Cologne, where WATERDORP was selected for work in progress.

Torsten Frehse the EWIP's, CEO explain it's prospective.

Torsten Frehse • CEO, European Work in Progress Cologne 11/10/2023 - In Cologne, 32 feature-length projects will be presented as works in progress to a wide network of industry professionals

European Work in Progress Cologne unveils line up of 32 titles 06/10/2023

PIKË UJI nga Robert Budina në Work in Progress në Këln Gjermani.

WATERDROP by Robert Budina part of Work in Progress in Cologne, Germany

IliriaFilm Kosovë Redibis Film Avanpost Manufaktura Production Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë Qendra Kinematografike e Kosoves North Macedonia Film Agency

European Work in Progress Cologne unveils line up of 32 titles 2023 festival titles including Amat Escalante's Lost In The Night and Faouzi Bensaidi's Deserts previously showcased at EWIP.

Timeline photos 01/10/2023

EUROPA by Sudabeh Mortezai in Festival do Rio, Brasil

Europa 17/09/2023

Another amazing festival for EUROPA by Sudabeh Mortezai

Haifa International Film Festival

Europa Beate is an ambitious executive working at EUROPA, a mysterious corporation looking to expand into the Balkans region. Seemingly promoting philanthropy and investment in underdeveloped areas, Europa actually needs to buy off lands from locals in a remote valley in Southern Albania, using Beate as th...


Me bashkëproducentin e Kosovës, Luan Kryeziu të ILIRIA FILM, për PIKË UJI nga Robert Budina

PriFilmFest pikë takimi për projekte artistike mes bashkëkombasish


Nji Prej Nesh nga Ergys Meta u shfaq në Buzãu International Film Festival në Rumani


Producing films is a privilege worth fighting for every day.

Të prodhosh filma është një privilegj, për të cilin ia vlen të luftosh përditë.

Timeline photos 01/09/2023

WATERDROP by Robert Budina, produced by ERAFILM, Avanpost , co-produced by Redibis Film IliriaFilm Kosovë Manufaktura Production is supported by North Macedonian Film Agency for minority coprodduction.


Timeline photos 31/08/2023

Good morning with another amazing news. EUROPA by Sudabeh Mortezai is part of Viennale this year.

Timeline photos 30/08/2023

Great news: the BFI London Film Festival has unveiled its competition line-up and EUROPA is one of the 11 titles in the main competition.

The director Sudabeh Mortezai won the top award in 2018 with JOY.

Timeline photos 28/08/2023

WATERDROP by Robert Budina, is financed by North Macedonian Film Agency.


Erafilm Albania 28/08/2023

Check out our website company ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS

Erafilm Albania Erafilm is a film and series production company that encourages filmmakers to showcase their talent through engaging, thought-provoking, daring, and emotionally resonant stories through mesmerizing cinematic language.

EUROPA - Trailer (English Subtitles) 25/08/2023

Trailer i filmit Europa nga Sudabeh Mortezai.

Së shpejti në kinematë europiane dhe ato shqiptare.

Filmi është përzgjedhur pjesmarrës në shumë festivale të rëndësishëm ndërkombëtarë.

Service company in Albania, ERAFILM

EUROPA - Trailer (English Subtitles) a film by Sudabeh Mortezai Austria 2023, 98 min., English/Albanian/German with: Lilith Stangenberg, Jetnor Gorezi, Steljona Kadillari, Mirando Sylari director…


By Sabina Kodra

🌟 Embracing "Europa": The Ultimate Gratitude 🌍
These were the words of Sudabeh Mortezai during the press conference for the film Europa.
In a world overflowing with stories, there are rare moments when a film becomes more than just a visual experience. "Europa," is a transcends mere entertainment. It is an immersive journey that has profoundly touched my heart and soul.
As the credits rolled after watching "Europa," I found myself contemplating the depths of gratitude. It's not just a simple "thank you" but an intricate tapestry of emotions. It's the recognition of a creation that not only resonates with my personal journey but also celebrates the cultural heritage of a nation - Albania.
This film encapsulates the very essence of "the ultimate gratitude." It's an ode to the art of storytelling that goes beyond words. It's a portrayal of a land, its people, and their indomitable spirit, woven intricately with the threads of kindness, resilience, and authenticity. Through "Europa," Sudabeh gifted us an opportunity to see our homeland from a fresh perspective, reminding us of the beauty that's often concealed beneath the surface.
"The ultimate gratitude" extends beyond the silver screen. It's a heartfelt acknowledgment of the hours, the dedication, and the creative genius invested in this cinematic gem. It's an expression of appreciation for revealing the human experience in all its rawness, vulnerability, and splendor.
So, here's to "Europa," to the boundless landscapes it painted before our eyes and to the characters who became our companions. Here's to Sudabeh and Mehrdad for their creative brilliance, their ability to capture the intangible, and for their audacity to tell a story that was waiting to be told. Here's to "the ultimate gratitude," an emotion that now threads my heart and thoughts whenever I reflect on the transformative power of art.


Tre nga protagonistët absolutë të filmit EUROPA nga Sudabeh Mortezai, jo vetëm për nga rëndësia e personazheve që intepretonin, por edhe cilësia e realizimit të roleve të tyre: Steljona Gjika studente, Mirando Sylari nënpunës dhe Jetnor Gorezi bari nga Bargullasi të cilët me lojën e tyre shtangën publikun e Sarajevës dhe kritikët e filmit. Freski, spontanitet, dramaticitet, humor në film, humanizëm dhe korrektësi në marrdhëniet me njerzit. Ata u përzgjodhën për rolet e tyre nga rruga. Lista e aktorëve shqiptarë është shtuar edhe me tre talente të tjera. Shqipëria vendi i talenteve në çdo fushë. 🤗🤗🤗

Pak çasteve para premierës së filmit, përkrah regjisores, Sudabeh Mortezai, producentit Mehrdad Mortezai dhe një prej aktoreve më të mira aktualisht në Gjermani Lilith Stangenberg.

Steljona Gjika Sylari Shkendi Jetnor Gorezi
Nder që ishin pjesë e këtij filmi që respekton figurën e shqiptarit të thjeshtë.

‘Europa’: Sarajevo Review 19/08/2023

Një kritikë e veçantë nga Screen Daily për filmin EUROPA nga Sudabeh Mortezai

Një film që trajton me shumë dashuri, sidomos personazhet që personifikojnë njerzit e thjeshtë shqiptarë.

(Teksti në shqip është një përshtatje shumë e thjeshtë e një pjese të kritikës në anglisht)

Një rrëfim kinematografik i qëndisur me mjeshtëri, në qëndër të të cilit vorbulla imponuese i intepretimit të një figure komplekse nga Lilith Stangenberg të përthith... Edhe një herë tjetër mjeshtëria e Mortezait për të ndërthurur personazhe të vërtetë nga jeta si Gorezi dhe Kadillari, në mënyrë kaq organike me ngjarjet, trajtimi i të cilave arrin në mënyrë intriguese dhe efektive deri në thriller... Një humor fin përshkruan situatat paradoksale kur Beate (Lilith Stangeberg) me "humanizmin" e saj dekonspiron qëllimet e vërteta të karakterit të saj...

Kritika e plotë në anglisht në linkun e mëposhtëm.


A slow-burn affair built around a compellingly ambiguous lead performance by Lilith Stangenberg ... Once again showing considerable flair in the handling of non-professional newcomers such as Gorezi and Kadillari, Mortezai allies the believably organic evocations of backwater Albania with plot developments that veer intriguingly and effectively into thriller territory in the latter stages. ... A cumulative mood of murky nefariousness emerges, with the silkily persuasive, slow-talking Beate’s fundamental moral turpitude by no means diluted by the various humanising touches deployed to flesh out her characterisation.

‘Europa’: Sarajevo Review Slow-burn rural thriller starring Lilith Stangenberg is set in an Albania grappling with modernisation


In a minut the premiere of EUROPA a film by Sudabeh Mortezai in Sarajevo film festival.

The best of team ♥️


Happening now. Press conference of Europa by Sudabeh Mortezai in Sarajevo Film Festival. With her Lilith Stangeberg in the role of Beate and the producer Mehrdad Mortezai.

Sudabeh Mortezai on her Sarajevo world premiere ‘Europa’: “There is this arrogant, Eurocentric view of the world” 17/08/2023

Sudabeh Mortezai regjisorja austriake e filmit Europa që u xhirua vjet në Poliçan dhe Berat flet për eksperiencën e xhirimeve në Shqipëri, në Screen Daily.

Kur lindi ideja e parë për historinë, unë nuk dija pothuajse asgjë për Shqipërinë, si shumica e njerëzve që jetojnë në Evropën Perëndimore. Pas udhëtimit tonë të parë kërkimor në Shqipëri, u magjepsa nga vendi, kultura dhe njerëzit e tij, veçanërisht nga mikpritja e tyre tepër e ngrohtë dhe e përzemërt. E kam vizituar Shqipërinë shumë herë gjatë tre viteve para xhirimeve, duke u njohur me kulturën e saj dhe duke krijuar marrëdhënie me njerzit. Kuptova se për shumicën e njerëzve jashtë rajonit të Ballkanit, Shqipëria është një tokë e panjohur, e mbushur me stereotipe dhe imazhe shumë specifike, ekzotike si gjakmarrja dhe virgjëreshat e betuara, ndërsa mua më interesonin gjëra krejtësisht të ndryshme

Sudabeh Mortezai for the experience of filming in Albania

When the first idea for the story came up, I knew next to nothing about Albania, like most people living in Western Europe. After our first research trip to Albania, I was fascinated by the country, its culture and people, especially their incredibly warm and heartfelt hospitality. I visited Albania many times over the course of three years before the actual shoot, getting to know the culture and building relationships. I realized that for most people outside the Balkans region, Albania is a terra incognita, saddled with stereotypes and very specific, exotic images like blood feud and sworn virgins, whereas I was interested in entirely different things. For my story, Albania seemed the perfect place, a country torn between its history and the efforts to be a full part of Europe.

Sudabeh Mortezai on her Sarajevo world premiere ‘Europa’: “There is this arrogant, Eurocentric view of the world” Iranian-Austrian director returns to competition in Sarajevo with her third feature.

Photos from ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS's post 04/08/2023

It's the end of editing for WATERDROP by Robert Budina script by Ajola Daja, Doruntina Basha, producer Sabina Kodra, co producers Daniele Segre, Daniele De Cicco of Redibis Film Italy, Luan Kryeziu of Iliria Film Kosovo, Carmen Rizac of Avanpost Romania, editor Enrico Giovannone.

Thanks to Redibis Film, Daniele Segre, Daniele De Cicco, editor Enrico Giovannone for this amazing phase of work.

WATEDROP was supported by

Sarajevo Film Festival unveils competition programme with 10 world premieres including ‘Europa’ 20/07/2023

Happy to announce that EUROPA a film by Sudabeh Mortezai (ERAFILM last service production), will have the world premiere in SARAJEVO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, in the official selection.

Sarajevo Film Festival unveils competition programme with 10 world premieres including ‘Europa’ Submissions to the competition sections up 23% for this year's festival.


We are delighted to announce that ONE OF US by Ergys Meta, a coproduction with ILIRIA FILM and DMF Digital Media & Film , financed by ANNC Albania, KNC Kosova and NMFA North Macedonia has been selected for the official lineup of the Cobb International Film Festival, in Georgia USA.

A big congratulations to the director Ergys Meta and the dedicated team, whose hard work made this remarkable opportunity a reality.

Kemi kënaqësinë t’ju njoftojmë se NJI PREJ NESH nga Ergys Meta, një bashkëprodhim me ILIRIA FILM dhe DMF Digital Media & Film, financuar nga QKK Shqipëri, QKK KOSOVA dhe NMFA Maqedoni e Veriut është përzgjedhur në Cobb International Film Festival, Georgia, SHBA

Një përgëzim i madh shkon për regjisorin Ergys Meta dhe ekipin e përkushtuar, puna e palodhur e të cilëve e bëri realitet këtë mundësi të jashtëzakonshme.

Ergys Meta IliriaFilm Kosovë Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë Qendra Kinematografike e Kosoves North Macedonia Film Agency


ERAFILM is thrilled to announce that its latest co-production "FIRES" has been financed by Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë. This film will be directed by the talented Nicola Ljuca, featuring the captivating screenplay of Jovana Bojovic.

This beautiful and challenging coproduction brings together a diverse and talented team, including Code Blue Production led by the esteemed Bojana Radulovic, Slingshot Filmsfrom Italy as a co-producer, Agent Double - Dame Blanche Studios from Belgium, Terminal 3 from Croatia, and Biberche from Serbia.

We extend sincere thanks to Bojana and Nikola for their trust in this collaboration. Gratitude to Marjorie Bendeck from Conneting Cottbus for her proposal and connection contribution. We greatly thank the Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë for recognizing this unique story. We are grateful to the Project Evaluation Committee for their diligent assessment. Their trust gives this project the necessary boost to further shine.

PRODUCTION: Robert Budina in Postproduction with Albanian/Italian/Romanian/Kosovar Coproduction Waterdrop - 13/06/2023

WATERDROP a film by Robert Budina, cowritten by Doruntina Basha and Ajola Daja, producer Sabina Kodra a coproduction between Albania, Kosovo, Italy, Romania in post-production.

PRODUCTION: Robert Budina in Postproduction with Albanian/Italian/Romanian/Kosovar Coproduction Waterdrop - BUCHAREST: Albanian director Robert Budina is currently in postproduction with his third feature film Waterdrop, which is a coproduction between Albania, Italy, Romania and Kosovo. The story follows Aida, the director of urban planning at the town hall in a small Albanian town, who is running a succ...


Sabina Kodra producer of ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS, meeting in Cannes with Avanpost producers Carmen Rizac and Vlad Radulescu

New projects in the way to come


Regjisori i PIKË UJI, Robert Budina në intervistë me Saimira Dako në Parfume për sfidat e realizimit të filmit, ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS dhe punën e saj në vite dhe kinemanë shqiptare.

Creative Europe


New excited film project, in the way of developpement for ERAFILM.

THE THREE OF US first feature film by Suela Bako financed by Creative Europe was presented to many potential coproducers in Cannes Film Festival.

Soon a new successful film production, with successful producers, will start the financing phase, in order to give birth to this beautiful project.

Photos from ERAFILM PRODUCTIONS's post 22/05/2023

Regjisori i PIKË UJI Robert Budina dhe montazhieri Enrico Giovannone në sfidat e fazës së parë të montazhit. Dhe të mendosh që sfidat e vërteta ende nuk kanë filluar 😁

PIKË UJI prodhimi më i fundit I ERAFILM në fazën e fillimit të postproduksionit.

Creative Europe
Redibis Film
IliriaFilm Kosovë

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Videos (show all)

Tre nga protagonistët absolutë të filmit EUROPA nga Sudabeh Mortezai, jo vetëm për nga rëndësia e personazheve që intepr...
Regjisori i PIKË UJI, Robert Budina në intervistë me Saimira Dako në Parfume për sfidat e realizimit të filmit, ERAFILM ...
Waiting for ... drops of tears
Megjithëse me një ndjekje të qëndrueshme këtë javë në të gjitha kinematë, sot është dita e fundit për NJI PREJ NESH nga ...
Sot është një ditë me shi, fiks nga ato ditë që kinemaja të shijon më shumëShko të shohësh Sulën të intepretuar mjeshtër...
Tek Jo vetem Mode  në Tvklan me Orinda Huta jemi me Alban Ukaj Ergys Meta Sebina Matlija dhe Shpëtim Baça Nxitoni në Kin...
It's a wrap "treshlus" for EUROPA a film by Sudabeh Mortezai. Honored to have been the production service of this amazin...
Ia mbërritëm në fund të një projekti që nuk ishte thjesht një film, por një rrëfim i shpirtit të drobitur të shumë probl...
Dita erdhi. Të dielën më datë 9 Janar ora 20.00, fillon shfaqja e KATRORIT TË PUSHTETIT në Televizionin Kombëtar KLAN.Pë...
Sabina Kodra producer
17 vjet ERAFILM



