Gallery 70

Gallery 70

Est. 2017 to represent established and emerging artists
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Gallery70 presents a dynamic and international exhibition program, combining "brick and click" approach for solo and group exhibitions, as well as site specific installations. Established in 2017 and located in the heart � of Tirana, adjacent to the pedestrian area and to the major cultural institutions and Skenderbeg square, Gallery70 is developing a roster of established and emerging contempor


Enter into the Olympics spirits with BREATH IN - by Shpëtim Kërcova - currently on view in ARTSY
Contact for inquiries [email protected]

Spectaculum Norrköping 1962 - Studio 44 Stockholm 30/07/2024

The exhibition of Jon Kraja in Stockholm, now available in virtual tour format. Thank you Studio44

Spectaculum Norrköping 1962 - Studio 44 Stockholm Spectaculum Norrköping 1962 Exchange with the Albanian gallery 31 May

Photos from Gallery 70's post 16/07/2024

Meet . Happy that he joins us on ARTSY- gett ready to discover his solo Online Exclusive exhibition

Photos from Gallery 70's post 22/06/2024

Elisabeth Wedenig
Island Still Life, 2021
Oil, Acrylic and Charcoal on canvas, photo Peter Schflechner
74 4/5 × 55 1/10 in | 190 × 140 cm

We will be happy to answer your inquiries: DM or contact [email protected]

Photos from Gallery 70's post 16/06/2024

[...] Ndërsa pikturat e hershme të Elisabeth Wedenig ishin pikturuar më saktë, me kafshë, bimë dhe njerëz të ndarë qartë nga njëri-tjetri, gjithçka tani duket se shkrihet në një lëvizje dinamike. Motivet figurative gjithashtu nuk janë më të pikturuara në mënyrë realiste dhe plastike, por nganjëherë përkthehen në mënyrë abstrakte me penelata të gjera. Elisabeth Wedenig lidh me mjeshtëri subjektet individuale dhe fushat e ngjyrave, duke krijuar një realitet të ri brenda pikturës. Zonat e shtrembëruara shërbejnë gjithashtu për të sjellë njëkohësisht nivele të ndryshme narrative në kompozim. Gjithmonë ka diçka misterioze në pikturat e saj, që na çon në thellësitë e ndjenjave dhe kujtimeve të fshehura.

[…] While the early paintings of Elisabeth Wedenig were more precisely painted, with animals, plants, and people clearly separated from one another, everything now seems to merge in a dynamic movement. The figurative motifs are also no longer painted as realistically and plastically but sometimes rendered abstractly with broad brushstrokes. Elisabeth Wedenig skillfully connects the individual subjects and color fields, creating a new reality within the painting. The distorted areas also serve to simultaneously bring different narrative levels into the composition. There is always something mysterious about her paintings, leading us into the depths of hidden feelings and memories.

Elisabeth Wedenig
Blauer Elefant, 2023
Öl, Acryl und Farbstift auf Leinwand
51 1/5 × 66 9/10 in | 130 × 170 cm

Jon Kraja Spectaculum Norrkoping 1962 at Studio44, Stockholm 09/06/2024

Momente nga hapja e Spectaculum Norrkoping 1962 të Joni Kraja , javën e kaluar Studio44, Stockholm .

Me mbështetjen e :

Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit
Albana Dautllari, Ambasadore

Jon Kraja Spectaculum Norrkoping 1962 at Studio44, Stockholm VernissageSolo show 31.5-16.6.2024

Photos from Gallery 70's post 07/06/2024

On September 12, 1962, during a football match against Norrköping, my father scored the first Albanian goal in the history of the UEFA Champions League. While this event remains a statistic linked by fate to Sweden and Norrköping, it holds a deeper significance for me.
Memories belong to events and times that pass away, yet they remain alive as long as we breathe.
After the match, when he returned to Albania with the triumph of that goal, he brought back a ball signed by the players and an artistic book featuring black and white photos from Swedish life style.
To this day, I don’t fully understand why that book accompanied me throughout my childhood and youth. However, I can say that the design of its pages and the symbolic image of the ball unknowingly shaped the purpose of my life.
We are part of those moments when our parents chose to keep some things unspoken...”
This historic moment became the inspiration of this series of works - a ghostly and anxious vortex of life and fate

Exhibition in view until 16 June 2024.

Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit

Photos from Gallery 70's post 03/06/2024

Beautiful atmosphere tonight at the event hosted by the Albanian Ambassador in Sweden , for the exhibition Spectaculum Norrkoping 1962 by Jon Kraja . Thank you at all artists of Studio44 that joined the event


Två utställningar som gör utbyten med Studio 44:
Spectaculum Norrköping 1962
med Jon Kraja; Gallery70 från Tirana i Albanien och BELKA at Studio44 med
Martin Penev,
Valentina Sciarra,
Peta Sapundjiev,
Martian Tabakov och
Youlian Tabakov från Bulgarien.
Vernissage kl 17-22 den 31/5.
Extraöppet den 3/6 kl 17-21.
Övriga öppettider: torsdag-fredag kl 12-18 och lördag-söndag kl 12-17.
Utställningarna pågår tom 16/6.
Jon Krajas pappa var anfallare i det albanska fotbollslandslaget. 1962 spelade Albanien för första gången mot ett västlag i UEFA Champions League och Jons far Kolec Kraja gjorde det enda målet och blev den första albanen att göra mål i UEFA Champions League. Jon Kraja visar måleri på Studio 44.
BELKA STUDIO FÖR LJUD OCH FORM är en kollektiv konststudio baserad i Sofia sedan 2018 och skapad av konstnärerna: Martian Tabakov, Valentina
Sciarra, Mila Yaneva, Petar Sapundjiev och Martin Penev.
Det är ett multidisciplinärt utrymme för kreativ gemenskap tillägnad varje form av konstnärlig uttryck oavsett politisk tillhörighet, sexualitet, ras, kön, ålder eller tro; Dess huvudsakliga syfte är att utveckla sin konstnärliga praktik genom att dela med sig av idéer och samarbete.
Varje år anordnar Belka en öppen studio (långhelgsevenemang), under vilken varje medlem, tillsammans med några gästförfattare, deltar i en samlad utställning
följt av konserter, uppträdanden och stunder av kollektiv diskussion.
Under året är Belka öppet för allmänheten för studiobesök. I samarbete med andra konstnärer och gallerier deltar de också i workshops som bokbindning och keramikverkstäder, samt teaterföreställningar som fyller hela utrymmet. Nu fyller de större delen av Studio 44 med sin konst med olika uttryck och tekniker.


Our second Off-Site exhibition this year takes place in Stockholm. Studio44 is hosting a solo show by artist Jon Kraja. This is part of our international artist exchange program.

Photos from Gallery 70's post 15/05/2024

[…] The birds (in Petra Rintelen’s painting) that have not even taken possession of the room and its objects, but rather manage everything like a very own kingdom...that may still offer them surprises. We see a kind of inner truth, as if behind the scenes. And it’s just amazing that someone can not only find that, but also show it to others in paintings. And the more deeply we become familiar with some of these works, the more we are moved by the idea that we ourselves and what surrounds us today remains unnoticed behind the backdrop, whereas the images present the celebration of the real. This artistic capture isn’t based on sophisticated cleverness, here a soul disbosoms itself in its own way. We like to collect the benefit from this with our eyes, because it is love and it is kindness.” Text by the painter Martin Stommel)

We are happy to move from abstract to figuration presenting these two beautiful paintings by .

For inquiries : [email protected]


Barbara Fragogna | Exoplanets / Portrait of a Pupil
Gallery70 is delighted to present an Online Exclusive solo show of the Italian artist Barbara Fragogna.
With a special focus on Cosmology, the artist brings a series of works entitled “Exoplanets - Portraits of a Pupil”. A rational-surreal representation of possible worlds to be discovered outside the solar system which, paradoxically, however, are composed of symbolic and organic elements of the human body such as eyes or skulls/skeletons as if to say (oversimplifying the much richer concept) that the solution to many of the social environmental and political issues are both within reach as extensions of our will (the Socratic ‘know yourself’) and slippery and slimy because of the entirely pragmatic difficulty of changing our own habits (i.e. How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil).

Barbara Fragogna, born in Venice 1975, is a multidisciplinary artist, art director and publisher.
“My artistic research investigates the themes of productive failure such as irony, anxiety, the sense of ridicule, nausea, individualism, non-democratic confrontation, obsession, patriarchy, the defeat of memory, the re-dimension of the ego, the absurd and the paradox through the artistic and curatorial practice as a useless but necessary action.”
She has exhibited in galleries and institutions in Italy and abroad, she worked as art director of KH Tacheles from 2008 to 2012, in 2013 she founded the Independent publishing house Edizioni Inaudite. From 2015 to 2019 she has been the director of the Fusion Art Gallery / Inaudita project in Turin. In 2020 she moved part of her projects to Inauditaland, Padova.
Currently based in Padua Italy.
For interviews and high definition images, please contact [email protected]
Inquiries at [email protected]

Photos from Gallery 70's post 06/05/2024

Petra Rintelen ka lindur në vitin 1969 në Bon. Në vitin 1993 ajo hyri në Akademinë e Arteve të Bukura Enschede në Holandë, ku u diplomua në vitin 1997. Gjatë 20 viteve të fundit Rintelen krijoi një botë shprehjeje mjaft individuale të bazuar në hapësira pikture shumë të kufizuara, ku ajo krijon skena mjaft të fshehta, në dukje simbolike. Artistja ndërton natyra te qeta si një skenografi për kafshë të ndryshme.

Kontaktoni për veprat e Petra Rintelen nl [email protected]

Petra Rintelen was born 1969 at Bonn. In 1993 she entered the Academy of Fine Arts Enschede in the Netherlands, where she graduated in 1997. From the late 90‘s on Rintelen turned to surrealistic motifs and the „circus“-theme, worked on artistic scenes and began to paint portraits and objects after nature. Over the last 20 years Rintelen created a quite individual world of expression based on a paintingspace that is strongly restricted, where she deals with rather cryptic, apparently symbolical scenes. The artist often applies still-life as a stage for various animals of sometimes traditionally meaningful character.

Photos from Gallery 70's post 05/05/2024

Millie Benson is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Her paintings and photographs have been shown throughout the United States and internationally. Coming out of the Midwest experimental noise scene, she has played and written music in numerous bands. Benson moves fluidly between mediums and methods of making, from writing songs, to composing photographs, to an embodied painting practice.

Gallery70 is happy to present the latest series of collage on ARTSY

Millie Benson
My Bed, The Sky and The Moon, 2024

Collaged Paper and Painting on Paper

Please feel free to contact for inquiries


American artist Millie Benson joins Gallery70 on Artsy - New works


Spectaculum II by Jon Kraja
Visit by appointment


Our unique ONLINE EXCLUSIVE EXHIBITION PROGRAM ON ARTSY presents currently oil paintings by Petra Rintelen.
[…] The birds that have not even taken possession of the room and its objects, but rather manage everything like a very own kingdom...that may still offer them surprises. We see a kind of inner truth, as if behind the scenes. And it’s just amazing that someone can not only find that, but also show it to others in paintings. And the more deeply we become familiar with some of these works, the more we are moved by the idea that we ourselves and what surrounds us today remains unnoticed behind the backdrop, whereas the images present the celebration of the real.. text by Martin Stommel to be continued

Petea Rintelen
Die Kraniche, 2024
Oil on canvas
59 1/10 × 39 2/5 in | 150 × 100 cm

Jon Kraja Spectaculum II April 25, 2024 29/04/2024

Kënaqësi të ndajmë me ju disa momente nga hapja e ekspozitës Spectaculum II nga Jon Kraja. Faleminderit miqve dhe artdashësve që ishin të pranishëm. Ekspozita është e hapur deri më 24 maj . Na kontaktoni për takim [email protected]

Mbështur nga Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit

Happy to share with you some moments from the opening of Spectaculum II by Jon Kraja (Joni Kraja) . Thank you to friends, followers and artlovers that joined us last Thursday. The exhibition is running through May 24, 2024. Visit by appointment contacting [email protected].

Supported by
Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit

Jon Kraja Spectaculum II April 25, 2024 Opening event at Gallery70photo credit supported by Ministria e Ekonomise Kultures Inovacionit

Photos from Gallery 70's post 24/04/2024

Jeni të ftuar në hapjen e ekspozitës Spectaculum II nga Jon Kraja
📍Gallery70 te Qendra Toptani

Mbështetur nga Ministria e Ekonomise Kultures Inovacionit

Join us tomorrow 25.4.2024 at 19:00 for the opening of SPECTACULUM II by Jon Kraja


Kënaqësi të prezantojmë një ekspozitë të re ekskluzive në internet nga artistja gjermane Petra Rintelen. "Wings Within", një seri magjepse që shfaq botën imagjinative të Petra Rintelen . Ajo ndërthur bukurinë eterike të jetës së shpendëve me mjediset intime të brendshme.
…Për t'u ndjekur

Happy to host a new online exclusive exhibition by the German women artist Petra Rintelen. “Wings Within,” a captivating series showcasing the imaginative world of Petra Rintelen who intertwine the ethereal beauty of avian life with the intimate settings of interior.
…To be followed

Petra Rintelen
Kolibri (sketch), 2023
Oil on canvas
9 4/5 × 11 4/5 in | 25 × 30 cm


Photos from Gallery 70's post 17/04/2024

Fatmir Juka
The heavenly greatness, 2020
Acrylic on paper
7 9/10 × 11 4/5 in | 20 × 30 cm


Second part […] After their performances, be it on the battlefield or the stage, they receive applause from an appreciative audience. It’s this convergence of ex*****on and acclaim that intertwines their narratives.
The irony deepens when I envision them merged into one entity. Imagine stun guns replaced by trumpets, flutes replacing rifles, and accordions substituting for contrabasses. The transition amplifies the absurdity of their spectacle. What was once solemn pomp and circumstance now morphs into a farcical display, akin to harlequin theatrics. The very figures who paraded as guardians of peace through the might of arms are now transformed into whimsical jesters, proudly flaunting glory with feathered caps and blaring brass.
This dichotomy embodies the essence of human nature – the pursuit of glory amidst the fallen. It’s a melody of ego and satisfaction, akin to music and glass, fragile yet resonant with triumph. However, it’s a fleeting joy, leaving us pondering the expressions on the faces of those depicted in these scenes. Perhaps, echoing the sentiment of the good soldier Švejk, Mr. Colonel, I report to you with dedication, because I’m an idiot! “ Fatmir Juka

For inquiries on artworks included in the Fanfare online exclusive show on ARTSY by Fatmir Juka, contact [email protected]

Mir Juka | the Fanfare - Online Exclusive 02/04/2024

the fantastical Fanfare , navigating between army and orchestra -

Mir Juka | the Fanfare - Online Exclusive Gallery70 is happy to host a new exhibition presenting recent acrylic paintings by the artist Fatmir Juka. Follow the exhibition on ARTSY and feel free to contact [email protected]

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in art, we trust...

Hapur në mars 2017 në zemër të Tiranës, pranë zonës pedonale dhe institucioneve kombetare të artit si Galeria Kombëtare, Muzeu Historik Kombëtar, Bibliotika Kombëtare apo Teatri i Operas dhe Baletit, Gallery70 përfaqëson një grup artistësh të afirmuar dhe te rinj bashkëkohorë , duke u fokusuar në artin e krijuar pas viteve 70. Programi i galerisë përfshin ekspozita individuale dhe në grup , si dhe instalacione të dedikuara për hapësirën. Gallery70 është komunikuese, ndërkombëtare, shumëdisiplinore dhe zhvillon një network në mbështetje të fuqizimit të artistëve.

Gallery70 është konceptuar jo vetëm si një galeri tradicionale ku vizitorët mund të zbulojnë artistët dhe veprat e artit në një hapësirë personale dhe intime por është trajtuar si një instalacion arti në vetvete, ku artdashësi apo kalimtari i rastësishëm mund ta shohë artin e ekspozuar nga jashtë, dhe ta perceptojë të gjithë galerinë si një instalacion arti. Gallery 70 shndërrohet në këtë mënyrë në një hapësire komunikuese me publikun duke e bërë përballjen dhe njohjen e artistëve dhe artit bashkëkohor, pjesë të jetës së përditshme të qytetarit .

Një galeri me hapësirë fizike dhe online , dinamike dhe tërheqëse, që fton qytetarët dhe koleksionistët e artit të zbulojnë, përballen, blejnë ose thjesht ta duan artin !

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Vanitas by Martin Ziegler (detail)
Works on Paper “Adam”
“Adam” series by Martin Stommel
#gallery70 #tirana
Thankful 🙏to all friends ❤️of Gallery70 that attended the premiere of ArtMagnifier 🎥If you missed the premiere and recep...
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Join us tonight for the opening of the personal exhibition of the British Artist Morag Caister MONDAY, 16/05/2922 at 19:...




Rruga Abdi Toptani At Toptani Center, Ground Floor

Opening Hours

Thursday 17:00 - 19:00
Friday 17:00 - 19:00
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