My body, My life

I offer customized training in Yoga, Personal Training and Yoga for Tango. My goal is to help you get the most out of both your body and your life.

Currently based in Buenos Aires Argentina. I offer customized sessions. YOGA FOR TANGO

Please see my website for more details on packages, booking and my bio.

Photos from My body, My life's post 06/01/2018

I'm eternally grateful for remembering to explore my limits(however modest).. whatever the weather :)

Práctica DNI 11-02-2017 13/02/2017

Hola everyone,

Group classes and individual sessions are going really well here in Buenos Aires, and I feel very privileged to work with such committed and inspired students.

My own training has taken a bit of back seat due to a random wrist injury in December. So I have put kettle bells and handstand press aside for the time being....

But I guess this gives me time to work on other things.. Like backbends.
Much love to you all. Xx

Timeline photos 03/12/2016


Start and finish your week with Yoga classes (in English) with Stella
Monday's & Friday's 10-11.30 am
Cost $75 - 100
DNI tango
Bulnes 1011/13 (Bulnes y Lavalle)

The yoga practice in these classes will support both your dancing and also give you the benefits of yoga for your daily life.
The class is open to everyone and alternatives will be offered appropriate to your ability.
The following are some of the areas we will cover,

- Developing a strong and supple spine, for movement on all planes.
- Using your core and glutes for more stabilization, control and improved balance.
- Connecting to the earth through your legs and feet.
- Improving posture and awareness of your axis.
- Breathing effectively and moving with the breath.
- Relaxing and releasing unwanted tension
- Strengthening and expanding the upper body.
- Maintaining awareness whilst moving.

For information on your teacher and her background please visit

Timeline photos 29/11/2016

In English
Starting this week..
Good for your tango, good for your life :)

Monday's & Friday's 10-11.30am
1011/13 Bulnes


Filmed at DNI tango, dancing with Roman Tarnavsky


Now for something completely different...
Somebody out there requested some dancing..

I'm not one to record videos of myself dancing, let alone post them on the great FB!! However in an effort to do this I had to remind myself that I will never be perfect and every dance with each different partner will have its own unique value and expression.

So the plan is to accumulate, and post a selection of different dances with different leaders over time to give some impressions of this fascinating, improvised dance form.

Enjoy y besos

Filmed at DNI tango, dancing with Roman Tarnavsky


Thanks to the persistent vision of Sabrina and Maya yesterday I progressed from my reasonably confident Jerk with 16kgs to 1 with 20kgs.
Admittedly it's a bit messy and the coming down is mainly damage control.. However I did 3 with 19kgs just before...
So it just goes to demonstrate that the color purple obviously weighs more heavily (than just an extra kilo) on the mind than does the color yellow!! Ha ha ha!
It's such a head game !


Meanwhile I'm moving closer to the goal of a 1/2 body weight TGU.. (33kgs approx)
This is with the 28kg... And I managed the 29kg the following session.

My current weekly program entails
Kettlebell Jerk training from Jeronimo Milo's Kettlebell manual
1 set Heavy/1 set Med/2 sets light - reps increasing each week.
Handstand Press - 5x5 lift and hold(even if just a second)
TGU X 5 (increasing weight roughly each week by 1kilo)
Pistols 3/4sets of 3-5reps without holding my toe)
Pull/chin ups alt 3/4sets of 3-5reps with slow final negative

It's pretty demanding and I am fortunate to have the time to work on these various technical challenges.


Ok... Back again chipping away at the handstand press.
Thanks for all your encouragement :)

Here I'm using bags to solve the problem of pressing the first 15cms... And YES I can press it !!! Yaaahoooo!

The challenge is to keep the shoulders back, back, back and thighs pressing forwards, forward, forwards (instead of up) to bring the weight out of my feet and onto my hands... whilst avoiding planting my face into the ground :)

If anyone out there has any tips I'm all ears 👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻


Welcome to my page.. This is my first activity entry...more of a test run.

At present I am based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My current activities are
- studying Tango
- practicing yoga
- general strength/kettlebell related fun.

The intention of this page is to share with you as I work to develop my skills, knowledge and understanding in these three areas.

Encouragement, profound philosophical insight, and humorous reflection much appreciated.

Please enjoy

This is my current status with the goal of a handstand press... Better than it was, but those first 15 cms (i.e. just pressing without hopping up) from the floor are still eluding me!


My body, my life​ My body, my life​

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